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(a) Process

How to buy personal computer.

There are many necessary factors to think about once getting a private pc. First, you need

to think about cost. Usually, this is a result of what you want to do and how much you

have to spend. For example, if you wanted to edit video you would probably want to

spend more on the video card, hard drive and power. However, if you

were merely aiming to use the pc for the web and email then you may pay quite bit less.

Second, you want to think about who you are going to purchase your computer from.

Here you want to think about what warranties and what will you do if it needs to be

returned for some reason. Also, you may want to buy from a online store because of

better prices. Third, you will want to decide if you prefer a laptop or desktop computer.

Laptops are nice but they are often stolen, are difficult to repair and generally have to be

mailed out. Also, if your monitor goes, it isn't easy to replace. Desktops on the other hand

are cheaper, easier to fix and aren't so easy to steal. So, although buying a computer can

be difficult, keeping these three steps in mind will save you time and money.

(b) Compare/contrast

Although my sister Collette and I are very different, there are many things that are

the same about us.

I am 55 years old, but Collette is five years younger than me. She is only 40. I am

married with three children. She, on the other hand, is single but has lived with her

boyfriend for 12 years. My job is very difficult than Collette’s. I am a teacher, whereas

she drives a truck for a construction company. While we both have hobbies, the thing that

we enjoy doing are very different. She loves horses and trains them in her free time. I, in

contrast am terrified of horses. I like smaller animals like dogs. We both love to be in

outdoors. We enjoy taking hikes in the woods and camping. We also both enjoy cooking.

We spend some afternoons together cooking big meals for our family. Although my sister

and I are very different and spend our time doing different things, we do love to be

together. We grew up together and share a lifetime of memories.

(c) Cause/effect.

How using social media can harm people in the long time period?

Social media is the modern communicational method, but using it for a long time can

depress people and cause sadness. There are some important reasons to explain it; the

first reason is social isolation. When people are dealing with social media channels like

Instagram or twitter, they completely isolate from the real life, so they have no

communication with others and this cause depression. The second reason is virtual world

effect, which creates a fantastic reality and people lose the meaning of many social

relationships like friendship, respect, humanity and love. Thus, in a long time, social

media makes people sad and depressed along social isolation and virtual world effect

which are both unreal. To stay away from these problems, I strongly recommend you
meet people and spend more time communicating with others rather than suffering in a

fantastic world of internet and social media.

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