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Online Shopping

The critique pertains three online sources to determine consumer behavior in online shopping. First is a
video containing consumer behavior in online shopping. Second source is an article titled as ‘Online
shopping is amazing. Or is it?’ by Shira Ovide. Third source is a video clip by Angela Wang, titled as
“How China is changing the future of shopping”. The Main purpose of these sources is to assess the
dynamics of marketing in today’s world where the technology has made its way all along the potential
markets. The difference between the traditional marketing and E-Marketing has been elaborated in pretext
of consumer behavior. The way in which the E-Marketing has changed the consumer behavior drastically
is astonishing that is why it is dominating today’s world
In contrast to the traditional marketing, Online marketing has changed the way of thinking of a
traditional consumer. In contrast to traditional marketing, online marketing has provided the consumers a
vast variety of products with flexible and affordable prices because of its global network. A consumer
sitting in east can enjoy the products and services being offered in west because of E-Marketing. The
sellers also have a benefit of selling their products globally by using E-marketing networks. This
approach has converted the world into a global village. It has also reduced the efforts of buyers and
sellers. The consumers can now receive the commodities at their door steps without going through the
hectic routine of traditional purchase and the sellers are no more worried about marketing expenses that
they had to bear in traditional marketing. In short, online marketing has brought about a swift change in
Two sources in description are about the effects of online marketing on consumer behavior. The author
and creators go into the depth to assess the benefits of online shopping and how they are changing the
consumer behavior. Today’s modern consumers i quicker, more quality oriented and more price
conscious than the consumer of old ages. They want quick and efficient services and do not bother to wait
and engage in hectic routine of buying in traditional markets. Factors that lead to increasing trend of
online purchasing are keenly discussed in the sources.
Managers may use the sources to learn about the qualities that must be incorporated in their products and
services, such as product and service quality, method of delivery, payment gateway, security,
trustworthiness, and pricing strategy. Managers should select a social media platform for advertising. Due
of the limited availability of online credit card payment methods, managers must maintain a cash-on-
delivery program in order to gain consumer confidence. To address the customer's worry about touch and
feel, managers can provide other items for them to pick from and pay for once they've decided on one. If
the management take these elements into account, they may be able to get a competitive edge in the
People nowadays are immersed in the digital world. Previously, the internet was used to share
information, but nowadays, life would be impossible without it. The World Wide Web connects
everything, whether it's business, social contact, or commerce. Furthermore, as people's lifestyles have
evolved, their methods of doing things have altered from conventional to digital, and purchasing has
migrated to online shopping. The current study is focused on the variables that may cause customers to be
hesitant to buy from e-retailers. This information can help online merchants build consumer-driven
strategies, provide more value to their products and services, and modify how they promote and advertise
their products, as well as improve customer support.
Third source is a video demonstration by Angela Wang, titled as “How China is changing the future of
shopping” in which she starts her conversation by quoting the example of her nephew who wanted to
purchase spiderman mask. She went on to discuss the difference between new generation’s style of
shopping with which her generation was not familiar. She explained the trend of online marketing and
how it has evolved in China. She said that Only ten percent of Chinese Internet users made frequent
online purchases in 2005. On November 11, 2013, the Chinese internet customers set a new global record
for online sales in a single day. Over the next three years, this distribution channel is anticipated to
increase at a 30% annual pace. While the security of consumer credit card information, purchased items
that fulfil expectations, dependable delivery, and privacy events are all important, the participants believe
the likelihood of a negative occurrence is minimal. As a result, they are enthusiastic about the online
shopping distribution channel. The efficiency of comparing costs and looking for a broad selection of
items in less time than shopping in a typical store is highly valued by the participants. Chinese internet
shoppers utilise third-party payment systems like AliPay and rely on seller feedback to reduce the dangers
associated with online purchasing. They are afraid of hackers and dislike receiving many seller auto-
generated mass-emails, but they consider these emails to be a cost of doing business online. Customer
views and experiences in China are comparable to those in the United States, implying that the Internet is
producing a "universal consumer" in the global economy.


Consumer Behavior in Online Shopping: What they think before they buy.
Online Shopping Is Amazing. Or Is It? 

 How China is changing the future of shopping 

Angela Wang: How China is changing the future of shopping | TED Talk

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