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Define a distributed system

2. Explain the significant consequences of a distributed system.
3. Discuss several examples of distributed systems
4. Based on the discussed trends in distributed systems , explain each in your own perspectives
5. What comes in your mind when talk about “resource sharing in distributed systems”?
6. Discuss several challenges highlighted in a distributed system.

1. Discuss difficulties and threats for distributed systems.

2. Discuss three generations of distributed systems.
3. Define and explain Architectural models of a distributed system.
4. Describe Communicating entities and Communication paradigms of a distributed system.
5. Define Key techniques for indirect communication in Communication paradigms of distributed
6. Using a diagram, discuss two architectural styles that stem from the role of individual processes.
7. Explain 4 placement strategies to alter the characteristics of a given design in the distributed
8. Discuss  the Architectural patterns in the DS and the task given to middleware .
9. Explain two significant factors affecting interacting processes in a distributed system.
10. Discuss different failure model types.
11. Discuss the main techniques introduced to secure distributed systems

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