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Climate change: Four things you

can do about your carbon footprint


4 November

Improving insulation in our walls, ceilings and windows can reduce the loss of
heat from our homes and the amount of energy needed to heat them.
Draught-proofing is one of the cheapest and most effective forms of
insulation, according to the Energy Saving Trust (EST). This involves
blocking up unwanted gaps that let cold air in and warm air out, such as
around windows, doors or skirting boards.
The EST estimates that draught-proofing could save £125 a year on average
household bills.
 How can better insulation cut energy bills?
Switching to a green energy provider or a green tariff can significantly reduce
your household's carbon footprint. But a recent increase in wholesale energy
prices, exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, means many providers have
withdrawn their offers.
 How to save energy at home and help the planet
2. Cut out food waste and cut down on red meat
Livestock creates 14% of all greenhouse gases globally, with cattle being by
far the largest contributor.
The simplest and most effective way to limit your impact is to reduce meat
and dairy in your diet, particularly red meat such as lamb and beef.
Good news for vegans, obviously - but there are other considerations to take
into account.
3. Drive less, fly less
Transport is responsible for almost a quarter of carbon dioxide global
Living car-free might be "the most impactful thing we can do to reduce our
transport emissions," according to Dr Jennings.
However, ditching the car is not possible for everyone, particularly if you live
in an area without good public transport or are disabled.
Small steps still have an impact, like walking and cycling to the local shops or
sharing car journeys with friends or neighbours.
Electric cars are becoming more widespread, but they are still prohibitively
expensive for some people and charging infrastructure is limited in places.

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