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Name: Balantidium coli

2. Habitat: large intestine of man, pigs, and monkeys.

3. Marphology: cyst stage and a trophozoite stage

4. Life Cycle: Contracted by consumption of material contaminated with feces of some

farm animals. Cyst is the infective stage Trophozoites reside in the lumen of
large intestine where they divide by transverse binary fission. Encystation is
triggered by dehydration of intestinal content, it may also occur outside of the host.

5. Pathogenesis :

 Acute and Chronic

 Balantidium coli infects the large intestine in humans and produces infective
microscopic cysts that are passed in the feces, potentially leading to re-infection or
infection of others. People who are immune-compromised are the most likely to
experience more severe signs and symptoms.
6. Clinical feature:
 Bloody diarrhea
 Inter-mitent periods of diarrhea and constipation
 Ulceration of large intestine
 Tender colon
 Cachexia
 Gangrenous lesions could occur
7. Diagnosis:
 Stool Examination
 Biopsy
 Culture
8. Transmission:

 Eating meat, fruits, and vegetables that have been contaminated by an infected person or
contaminated by fecal matter from an infected animal,
 Drinking and washing food with contaminated water, or
 Having poor hygiene habits.
9. Distribution and Prevalence:

Balantidium coli occurs worldwide but it is most prevalent in tropical and

subtropical regions and developing countries.
 overall estimated prevalence of 1%
10. Treatment:
 metronidazole 750 mg three times daily for 5 days.
 Tetracycline’s 500 mg four times daily for 10 days.
 Iodoquinol 640 mg three times daily for 20 days


 good hygiene practices.

 Wash your hands with soap and warm water after using the toilet, changing diapers, and
before handling food.
 Teach children the importance of washing hands to prevent infection.
 Wash all fruits and vegetables with clean water when preparing or eating them, even if
they have a removable skin.

12. Control :
 Avoid ingestion of material contaminated with animal feces

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