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In this document you can expect to read about the following:
1 Consolidation
2 Different phases of the lesson
3 Giving Instructions 2

1 Consolidation
1 Classroom management
2 Classroom interaction
3 The language used in class
6 Grading
7 Giving instructions
8 Questions and questioning techniques

2 Different phases of the lesson

Hughes’ A Handbook of Classroom English. Beginning of the lesson. p67.
Hughes’ A Handbook of Classroom English. End of the lesson. p78.
Fill in the gaps using appropriate words and phrases.
Hughes’ A Handbook of Classroom English. Set phrases. p92.

→ To test your Classroom English You can go on to tasks III and IV on p93.
3 Giving Instructions 2
From Scrivener’s Classroom Management Techniques, Contents, page vi

- Set up a list of valid criteria for giving instructions in class.

Instructions must be…
- What are the elements of instructions?
Instructions must/might contain…
- How do you use materials, examples and demonstration while giving instructions?
- How can you involve learners into giving instructions?

4 Questions for reflection (a little bit of consolidation)

At what level(s) do you teach?
Do you normally grade your language in different classes?
What difficulties have you experienced in grading your classroom English? Please explain.
Have you now discovered any new vocabulary?
Check Hughes A Handbook of Classroom English and find tasks at the end of Units 3, 4 and 5 you think will
prove to be beneficial for you. Use the book as a diagnostic tool to review your own Classroom English.
Complete the tasks, check your answers and take notes about your experience. Add any relevant items to
your Glossary.

Hughes, G.S. (1981). A Handbook of Classroom English. Oxford: OUP.
Scrivener, J. (2012). Classroom Management Techniques. CUP: Cambridge.

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