The Evening Sun Titanic

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Emotional tragedy of all time

By aiza

The RMS Titanic was built at the Harland and Wollf shipyard in
Belfast, Ireland in between 1909 and 1911.The Titanic cost
$75,000,000 to be built! It was almost as long as three football
fields and about 93 ft at its widest point. It had four elevators as
well as a heated swimming pool, a gym, two libraries and two
barber shops. Too elegant for a ship, right!
Captain Edward J. Smith was the captain of
the ship. Its first voyage was from England
to New York on April 10,1912. The Titanic Captain
hit a massive iceberg on April 14, 1912. Edward
John Smith

The Titanic sank two hours and

forty mins later. The iceberg
damaged the Titanic’s hull
which is the bottom of the
ship. Out of 2000 passengers
about1,500 died.

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