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The following three points will highlight the three main types of seed germination.

The three main types are: (1) Hypogeal Germination (2) Epigeal Germination and

(3) Vivipary (Viviparous Germination).
Type # 1. Hypogeal Germination:
In this kind of germination, the cotyledons do not come out of the soil surface. In such seeds
the epicotyl (i.e., part of embryonic axis between plumule and cotyledons) elongates pushing
the plumule out of the soil. All monocotyledons show hypogeal germination (Fig. 4.3, 4.4,
4.5). Among dicotyledons, gram, pea (Fig. 4.2), groundnut are some common examples of
hypogeal germination.

In monocotyledons (e.g., wheat, maize, rice, coconut) radicle and plumule come out by
piercing the coleorrhiza and coleoptile respectively. The plumule grows upward and the first
leaf comes out of the coleoptile. The radicle forms the primary root which is soon replaced by
many fibrous roots.

(i) Germination of Pea Seed:

The seed imbibes water and swells. The radicle comes out and first penetrates the soil and
forms root system by giving out secondary branches. It is the epicotyls which grows first. It
arches out and carries the plumule above ground. The plumule soon forms the aerial shoot.
The cotyledons remain under the soil throughout (Fig. 4.2).

(ii) Germination of Maize Grain:
The grain imbibes water from moist soil. The coleorhiza pierces the base of caryopsis (fruit)
and appears as a shining knob. After sometimes, the coleorhiza gets ruptured due to growth
of radicle. After sometime coleoptile comes out.

Three seminal roots develop from above the radicle (but variation in number). The radicle
and seminal roots with two branches persist throughout the life of the plant. Adventitious
roots are formed from the lowermost nodes above the mesocotyl (Fig. 4.3).

(iii) Germination of Wheat Grain:
Details of wheat grain germination (Fig. 4.4) are similar to those of maize grain germination.
Wheat grain shows hypogeal germination.

(iv) Germination of Coconut (Cocos nucifera):

During germination the lower end of the embryo forms the cotyledon which begins to grow
as a spongy structure inside the endosperm. This spongy cotyledon increases in size as it
absorbs food material stored in the endosperm. The upper end of the embryo develops
through the ‘eye’ carrying the radicle and the plumule.

The plumule pierces the fibrous pericarp and emerges like a horn. This develops the aerial
shoot even before the roots have come in contact with the soil. The radicle fails to develop
any further but several adventitious roots grow from the base of the plumule. The seedling
becomes established where the adventitious roots penetrate the soil (Fig. 4.5).

Type # 2. Epigeal Germination:
In seeds with epigeal germination, the cotyledons are brought above the soil due to
elongation of the hypocotyl. In castor, cotton, papay, onion (Figs. 4.7., 4.8), flat green leaf
like cotyledons can be seen in the young seedlings. Here the cotyledons, besides food storage,
also perform photosynthesis till the seedling becomes independent. In some other plants like
bean, the cotyledons being thick, do not become leaf-like; they shrival and fall off after their
food reserves are consumed by the seedling.

(i) Germination of Gourd (Cucurbita maxima):

The straight radicle comes out of the seed and fixes the seed to the soil with the secondary
roots developing from the radicle. Next, the hypocotyl grows so quickly that it forms a loop
which comes out of the soil and pulls out the rest of the seed. The seed coat is cast off and the
cotyledons open out like two leaves, become green, large and thin so that they look and
behave like ordinary leaves. The plumule within the cotyledons becomes exposed and soon
grows into the aerial shoot (Fig. 4.6).

(ii) Germination of Castor (Ricinus communis):

The seed imbibes water and the testa bursts near the caruncle and the radicle grows out. After
this hypocotyl grows due to which two papery cotyledons enclosed by endosperm are pulled
out of the soil. Cotyledons come out of the endosperm when it is consumed. The cotyledons
become green and leaf-like, while the plumule slowly develops into leafy shoot. The
remanents of endosperm withers and drop off (Fig. 4.7).

(iii) Germination of Onion Seed:

In this case the radicle as well as the base of the scutellum (cotyledon) grow out of the seed.
The radicle penetrate the soil, while the other end of the cotyledon remains within the
endosperm and sucks the food material. The base of the cotyledon grows further, turns green
and pushes the seed out of the soil. The plumule is not visible so long as it is covered by the
base of the cotyledon in the form of a sheath just above the radicle.

The plumule now pierces the cotyledonary sheath and forms the first cylindrical foliage leaf.
Meanwhile adventitious roots develop from above the radicle and form a fibrous root system
(Fig. 4.8) (In this case the seed is pushed out of the soil by growth at the base to cotyledon
and not by growth of hypocotyl).

Type # 3. Vivipary (Viviparous Germination):
Vivipary is the phenomenon of giving birth to young ones in advanced stage of development.
It occurs in mammals (among animals) and mangrove plants. In mangrove plants (e.g.,
Rhizophora, Sonneratia, Heritiera) the seeds cannot germinate on the ground because of the
excessive salt content and lack of oxygen in marshy habitat. In such plants seed dormancy is

The embryo of the seed (present inside the fruit) continues growth while the latter is attached
to the parent plant. Hypocotyl elongates and pushes the radicle out of the seed and the fruit.
Growth continues till the hypocotyl and radicle become several centimetres long (more than
70 cm in Rhizophora). The seedling becomes heavy.

As a result it breaks its connection with the fruit and falls down in the salt rich muddy water
in such a position that the plumule remains outside the saltish water while the tip of the
radicle gets fixed in the mud. This protects the plumule. The radicle quickly forms new roots

and establishes the seeding as a new plant (Fig. 4.9).

Related Articles:
1. Differences between Epigeal and Hypogeal Germination | Plants
2. Germination of Seed: Types, Condition Required and Other Details

Seeds that have already landed on their new locality instigate the process of germination.
Germination occurs when the embryo ascends from dormant state and revels in active life.
This procedure covers all the stages which a seed undergoes throughout its entire course of
development. The embryo continues to stay dormant where a mature seed begins to live. 
The seed is composed of 10 percent to 15 percent of water and this “low-water content” is
considered to be one of the most significant agents accounted for its dormancy. However, the
dormant embryo inaugurates its active life once certain peripheral conditions are sated.

How do plants procreate?

The procedure which enables plants to spawn offspring or new individuals genetically is
known as reproduction. Reproduction in plants can be categorized into two distinct batches:
Reproduction through seeds
Reproduction by spores.
In this chapter, we are going to emphasize on plants ability to procreate through seeds and
how these seeds can be nurtured into plants. 

Seed Formation
Alike humans, plants also reproduce through sperms and eggs. Pollens are released by male
plants to impregnate the ovaries. These pollinated ovaries evolve into seeds and are
disseminated in order to form new plants. During the development process of the
impregnated ovaries, a surfeit of proteins as well as carbohydrates is accumulated within the
This act as a major source of food for the plants until it is able to develop its leaves. Then, the
impregnated ovaries of the plants become mature enough to develop a hardened coat or an
external cover of seeds. The coat shields the seeds from harsh climatic conditions and
environmental circumstances. Seeds are dispersed to different places due to factors such as
wind, water or other animals and thus new plants are created. 
Various Phases Involved In Seed Germination
The entire process of germination can be accomplished through the following five steps or
Absorption of Water: This is the initial step involved in the process of germination of seed
is imbibition or “Absorption of Water”. In this stage, the seeds tend to swell due to the
rehydration of cellular constituents. The bloating occurs with such great force that it instantly
mutilates the “seed coats” and thus licenses the radical to ooze out in the form of primary
roots. This absorption is feasible due to the rehydration of certain important elements such as
anatomical and storage macromolecules, primarily the wall of the cells along with the
proteins and repository polysaccharides.
Respiration: The absorption of water results in resumption of various metabolic activities
within the “rehydrated-seed”. Originally, the respiration which is monitored in these plants is
anaerobic owing to the energy which is delivered to them by glycolysis. But, as soon as this
energy enters a living body, which is of the plants the respiration process transforms into an
aerobic one. The seeds of underwater plants undergo the process of germination by utilizing a
confined amount of dissolved oxygen from the water.
The terrestrial plant’s seed cannot germinate underwater because of their requirement of
supplementary oxygen. These seeds extract oxygen from the air component present in the soil
as almost all seeds are sown in loose soils in close proximity to the surface. Therefore, the
seeds sown deeper into the soil face water-logging and do not succeed to germinate because
of inadequate oxygen. 
Effect of Light on Germination of seeds: Light is a crucial element involved in the process
of seed germination or gestation. The seeds that respond positively to light conductive to
germination are termed as photo-blastic seeds. The three kinds of photo-blastic seeds are:
Positive Photo-blastic seeds, Negative Photo-blastic seeds and lastly Non Photo-blastic seeds.
The Positive Photo-blastic seeds can never germinate in absence of light. Negative Photo-
blastic seeds cannot undergo germination if they are exposed to light. The seeds that are Non
Photo-blastic can germinate under any condition or circumstances. The dependency of plants
on light is regulated by the presence of a pigment in them known as “Phytochrome”.

Transition of Reserves through Seed Germination and Growth Regulation: Throughout
the entire process of germination, the embryo cells maintain their metabolic activities and
endure expansion and division. The preserved protein and starch require digestion, which is
conducted through cellular conversion of energy. The plant hormones that induce dormancy
suchlike Abscisic acid or ABA, play a crucial role in the prevention of germination. It is
observed that concentration of ABA is directly proportional to the “onset of dormancy” of
embryo during its phase of attaining maturity.
Evolution of the Embryo Axis into a Seedling: Following the segment of assimilation and
translocation of food, the embryo cells present in the developing regions incline to being
metabolically active. Eventually, the cells begin to evolve in terms of size by undergoing cell-
divisions and appear as seedlings.
Key Factors Involved In Germination
 For the germination procedure to transpire, mentioned below are some essential conditions:
Adequate supply moisture or water: Germination cannot materialize until sufficient
amount of water is provided. This is due to the property of seeds to absorb water during
germination. Water tends to soften the “seed coat” to make it permeable and permit better
exchange of gaseous content.
Favorable thermal conditions: Seeds have the capability to germinate within a wide range
of temperature. Nevertheless, the seeds that are freshly harvested germinate only under a
confined range of temperature.
Adequate supply of oxygen: Soil aeration is another significant condition required for
germination of seeds. This is because; aerobic respiration is a key factor in germination
through which the seeds acquire requisite energy for the development of embryo.
In Summary
Plants reproduce through seeds as well as spores.
The impregnated ovaries of the plants attain maturity to develop a hardened coat or an
external cover of seeds.
The pollinated ovaries evolve to form seeds.
Germination occurs when the embryo ascends from dormant state and revels in active life
The various phases involved in seed germination are:
a.Absorption of water
c.Effect of Light on Germination of Seeds

d.Transition of Reserves through Seed Germination and Growth Regulation
e.Evolution of the Embryo Axis into a Seedling
Key factors involved in germination are:
1.Adequate supply moisture or water
2.Favorable thermal conditions
3.Adequate supply of oxygen.


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