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PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cing CEMA TAI LIEU NHOM KIN PAGE CEMA HQC TU’ VUNG GIAO TRINH DESTINATION C1&C2 CHU DE 2: CHANGE AND TECHNOLOGY Tuyén tap cdc dé hay va khé Khéng cAn lo xa, 44 cé6 CEMA Theo déi: page CEMA dé ting diém sé cho ki thi nhé TU VUNG DESTINATION C1&C2 CHU DE 2: CHANGE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. TU VUNG BAM SAT DESTINATION C1 MEANING IN TU VUNG MEANING IN ENGLISH REA SES -to change your behaviour in order to deal 1, adapt (v) /e'dept/ | ore successfully with anew situation -Thich nghi, thich éng -to change something slightly to make it | - gigu chinh 2. adjust (v) /a'dgast/ | more suitable for a new. set of conditions or to make it work better 3. alternate (v, adj) - to happen or existone after the other /oil'ta:nat/ repeatedly -luan phién 4, alternative (n, adj) | - a thing that you can choose to do or have _| ~ thay thé vere out of two or more possibilities #differént{fFori the Usual or conventional, | nc S/amend(@) ~ to change a law, document, statement, etc. . Slightly in crdePte correcta inistake 6rt6 | - stra d6i /'mend/ improve it 6. conservative (adj) _| - 0pposed to great or sudden social change; showing that you prefer traditional styles | - bao thi [kan'ss:vativ/ and values - bién déi, chuyén di 7. convert (v, n) - to change to a new religion, belief, Jkon'vs:t/ opinion, etc, or to make someone do this - ngudi cai dao Page 1 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA -someone who changes their beliefs, habits, or way of living 8. decay (v, n)/dr'ker/ - to become gradually damaged, worse, or less; to cause something to do this - the process or result of being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for (= of decaying) ~ Suy tin, d6 nét, hur hong - su suy tan, dé nat, théi rita 9, deteriorate (v) - to become worse - tré nén té hon /Ar'teriorert/ 10.distort (v) ~ to change the shape of something so that | - bop méo, xuyén tac, /Ar'stoxt/ itlooks strange or unnatural van veo 11. dynamic (adj) - having a lot of energy and a strong - nang dong /dav'nemik/ personality pz yeas then painfilor unpleasant witnow ging | - bi am ()/m'djva(r)/ a P “— ® = todevelop gradually, especially from a 13. evolve (v) /1'volv/ | simple téamore complicated form; to - tién héa develop something in this way to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means 14. influence (v, n) - 1am anh huéng /mfluans/ - the effect that somebody /something has on the way a person thinks or behaves or onthe. way that something works or develops ~ su anh huéng 15. innovation (n) /ano'verfn/ ; the introduction of new things, ideas or ‘ways of doing something - su déi méi, cai tién 16. innovative (adj) /'mavertiv/ - introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc. + d6i méi, cai tién 17. last (v) /la:st/ - to continue being good or suitable ~ bBn, kéo di 18. maint /mein'ten/ (a) - to express firmly your belief that something is true - duy tri, gitr ving Page 2 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 19, mature (v, adj) = to become more developed mentally and emotionally and behave in a responsible way - truéng thanh EY - mentally and emotionally well-developed, | - chin chan, trréng and therefore responsible thanh - to change something such as a plan, 20. modify opinion, law, or way of behaviour slightly, | - sira déi ( dé dé dugc (v)/'mdifar/ usually to improve it or make it more chp nhan) acceptable 21. novel (adj) /novi/ ~ new and not resembling something formerly knownor used -méila 22. persist (v) >to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can = kién tri, khan khan /p2'sist/ seem unreasonable aN) - something that can develop or become rem na 23.potential (n, adj) | actual Tiém nang /pa'tenfl/ - 6 tiém nang - that can be developed in the future 24. /pa'tensl/ /'praogres/ ~to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage - a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or toa goal)yadvance - tién trién - Su tién trién 28. radical (adj) /redikl/ - relating to the most basic and important parts of something; complete and detailed - cain nguyén, toan bd 26. refine (v) /ri'fain/ ~ to make a substance pure by taking other substances out of it -loc 27. reform (v,n) ~ change that Is made toa social system-an organization, etc. in order to improve or correctit ~ cai cach /rvfoxm/ ~ an improvement, especially in a person's behaviour or in the structure of something | - sy cdi cach 28. remain (v) ~ to continue to exist when other parts or /r'mem/ other things no longer exist - sOng sét, con lai 29. revise (v) /n'varz/ - to look at or consider again an idea, piece of writing, ete. in order to correct or improve it + xem Iai, stra lai, duyét lai, on lai Page 3 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 30. revolution (n) /reve'lu:fn/ ~ an attempt, by a large number of people, to change the government of a country, especially by violent action ~ Cuée cdch mang 31. shift (v, n) /faft/ ~ to exchange for or replace by another - a period of time worked by a group of, workers who start work as another group finishes - d6i ché, chuyén giao, sy thay déi ca lam viée 32. spoil (v) /spotl/ = to allow a child to do or have everything that it wants to, usually so that it expects to get everything it wants and does not show respect to other people ~ chi@u hu, 1am hu hang 33, status quo (nphr) /stertas'kwav/ - the situation as it is now, or as it was before a recenitchange - hign trang 34, steady (v, adj) - to make something stop shaking or moving - lam cho ving chdc /'stedi/ - happening ina smooth, gradual, and -6ndinh regular way, not suddenly otunexpectedly = touse something or someone instead of 35. substitute (v,n) | another thing or person - thay thé /'sabstitjust/ ~aperson or thing thatyou use orhave —_| - ngudi, vat thay thé instead of the one you normally use or have - to provide enough of what somebody/something needs in order to 36. sustain liveorexist & st ‘ ()/so'stern/ tip strc, duy tri >to cause or allow something to continue for.a period of time ~ to change or make something change 37. switch (v, n) from one thing to another - thay déi /switf/ - a device that controls an electric current _| - cong tic and turns it on or off 38. transform (v) = to change the form of something; to ae -bign a6i /trens'fxm/ change in form Page 4 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 39. trend (n) /trend/ =a general development or change ina situation or in the way that people are behaving ~ xu huéng 40.uniform (adj) /ju:mfom/ - the same; not changing or different in any way - dng dang, cling kiéu, ddng phuc 41, breakthrough (n) ~ an important discovery or event that ; helps to improve a situation or provide an_ | - dét pha /breik@ru:/ answer to a problem ~ capable of carrying sound, pictures and 42. broadband video that aré)sent at high speeds (adj, n) saway ofconnecting tOtheinternetthat | i i - bing thong rng [roro:dbzend/ allows you to receive information, including pictures, etc. very quickly and that is always active (so that the user does not have to connect each time) 43. click (v) /kdik/ - to make a short, sharp sound, or to make something do'this ~ kéu léng xéng, nhdp (chuét may tinh) 44, complex (adj) /‘kompleks/ - made of many different things or parts that ate connected; difficult to understand - phite tap 45. consumer electronics (n phr) [kon sju:mar iek'troniks/ - electronic devices Such as televisions, computers and smartphones bought by individual customers rather than by businesses + dign tir dn dung 46. craft (v, n) ~ to make objects, especially in a skilled way 1am thd céng ( bang tay) Peva:ft/ s an activity involving a special skill at -thit cong making things with your hands ~ facts or information, especially when 47. data (n) /‘deita/ | examined and used to find out things or to_ | - di ligu make decisions = to copy or move programs or information | - thi xuéng 48, download (v, n) into a computer's memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer, or to be moved in this way - ban thi xuéng Page 5 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA =a computer program or information that has been or can be copied into a computer's memory 49. file (n) /farl/ ~ a collection of information stored together in a computer, under a particular name ~ a thin, flat or rounded metal tool with rough surfaces for rubbing wooden or metal objects to make them smooth or to change their shape - tap tin - cdi gitia 50. (games) console (Noun phrase) /kon'savl/ ~ a console gameiis a form of video game, consisting of manipulable images (and usually sounds) generated by a video game console aid displayed on a televisionor similar audio-video system - trd choi diéu khién ~ involving using the hands or physical strength 51, manual (adj, n) - lam bang tay . a book that gives you practical s ere instructions on how to'do something or cam nang how to use something, such as a machine = to connect computers together so that 52. network (v, n) they can share information - néi mang /netws:k/ - a group formed from parts that are - mang luéi connected together 52.nuclear (adj) - using, producing or resulting from ~ thud) het nd /nuiklior/ nuclear energy. using a computer, but not connected to 54.offline (adj,adv) —_| the Internet - ngoai tuyén /oflam/ - not directly controlled by or connected to a computer or to the internet 58. online (adj,adv) /pn'lan/ - on the internet - available on or done using the internet or other computer network ~trye tuyén Page 6 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 56. primitive (adj) /primetiv/ - belonging to a simple way of life that existed in the past and does not have modern industries and machines -nguyén thiy 57, programmer (n) /pravgrema(r)/ - a person whose job is writing computer programs - lap trinh vin 58. resource (n) /n'so:s/ - something that gives help, support etc when needed; a supply; a means =nguén 59. technique (n) ~a particular way of doing something, especially one in which you have to learn kj thudt, chuyén /tek’ni:k/ special skills mon =totransfer programs or data from a 60. upload (v) smaller'computer system (=aclient)toa | 3, ja, /ap'toud/ larger one (= a host), especially over the Internet I. CUM DONG TU - PHRASAL VERBS MEANING IN CUM DONG TU’ MEANING IN ENGLISH VIETNAMESE - yém tro, hé tre to give support to Someone by telling other people that you agree’with them 61. back up - make a copy of information on your computer - sao chép, sao luu 62. change around “to move that they are in different ~ thay d6i ( xung places or positions quanh) 2To stop being in’ oné state, condition, oF 63. change into form and start being in another, or to make | - bién d6i thanh something do this 64. change out of - To remove an item of clothing in order to put ona different one ~ thay (4%, trang phuc...) 65. do away with - to stop or eliminate something - loai bé (cai gi dd) 66. do up - repair, paint and improve an old building, car, boat, etc; fasten ( an item of clothing) - sira chira, son, cai thign... Page 7 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 67. fade away - disappear slowly = nhat dan, mé din, bieén mat dan 68. key in - to put information into a computer ora machine using a keyboard = nh§p théng tin, dir ligu bang ban phim 69, make into - to change something into something else bign thir gi dé thanh thi khac 70. mix up - a mistake that causes confusion. - to think that one person or thing is another person or thing - gay ra nham Jan 71. switch on/off ~ to turn a light, machine, etc. (off/on by pressing a button or switch, ~ bat, tat cong thc ( may méc,..) - to separate something into all its different = thdo ra, tach ra ( PSE pas thanh nhigu manh ) ~ try using something such as a machine or 73. test out product to find out whether it works - kiém tra, thir nghiém correctly or issatisfactory ~ to change or develop into something “bin thanh cdi gi . different a scarn inito) - bién thanh ai dé tomake someone or something change or |p develop into something different 75. use up ~ to use all of a supply of something ding hét Acca ~touuse something until noTongerin good |. 5. condition or working order. Il. THANH NGO’ - IDIOMS ; z MEANING IN THANH NGO’ MEANING IN ENGLISH METRE change its spots - something you say that means a 77.a leopard can't/doesn't | person's character, especially if itis bad, will not change, even if they pretend that it will ~ ban chat khé thay 46i, (tuong ty cau giang son dé déi, ban tinh khé réi) 78. all mod cons - the modern facilities in a house that make it easy and pleasant to live in ~ nhiing ( thiét bi trong gia dink) tién nghi va hién dai Page 8 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 79. break the mould = to do something differently after it has been done in the same way for a long time ~ pha vé khuén mau 80. change your tune - to start saying something different about a subject or situation, or to start behaving in a different way - 4617 Kign, thai a6 hodc hanh déng ve digu gi dé cu thé 81. a change of heart ~ ifyou have a change of heart, you change your opinion or feelings about something. ~ sr thay di trong quan diém va cm xtc triréc mot van dB. 82, know sth inside out - to know everything about something ~ biét ngon nganh, higu tuong tn v8 van dé gido 83, reinvent the wheel ~waste time creating something that already exists aiid works well - phi thai gian tao ra cai gi da tin tai va van hanh t6t truéc a6, 84, stick to your guns ~ to continue to have your beliefs or continue witha plan of action, even if other people disagree with you - git ving quan diém, kién dinh lap trudng 85. a tool of the trade - the skills and equipment that you need in your job ~nhieng cOng cu, ky mang cho mét céng vige cu thé, 86, turn over anew leaf - to start behaving in a better way ~ thay d6i theo chiéu huéng tot lén, tich exc hon IV. COLLOCATIONS - CUM TU’ CO DIN’ access to 87.(have/gain/provide)- |; get permission place = durgc quén xm nhap vio 88. internet access ~ access to the internet for a computer or other device -truy cp Internet Access -amethod by which 89. wheelchair access _| someone can enter or leave aplace in a wheelchair - 16i di danh riéng cho xe lan Page 9 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 90. break a habit ~ to stop doing something that is a habit, especially something bad or harmful = loai bé théi quen xéu 91. break with tradition To do something in a new, different, or unique way. - pha vo truyén théng 92. make the break (from) = Torun away from someone or stop doing something) - cham ditt (quan hé, cong viéc...) 93. take/ have/ needa break - to stop doing something for a short period of time torest = nghi mét lat, nghi ngoi Break 94, a welcome break - duoc mong doi, from ~a pleasant surprise chao ming “ashort pause from workin | a eta lam 95. lunch/tea/coffee the middle of the morning nent neta glo a vige dé an ung nhe, break orafternoonforadrink,a | ec ee an bira tra chidu rest ete =tochange or be different |, i cai gt san 96. change fromsth to | according tothe person, eayen tr cal gi sang cai khac situation, time etc involved - fo'stop being in one state, ji condition) orform and start | - tré thanh, bién a6i 97.chi sth inte 3s ‘change sth into being in another, or to make | thanh something do this = transform one thing into _ | - 46i cdi gl sang cai gi 98. change sth for. another / makea difference | khac/ d6i ci gi cho ai to someone: dé = an improvement in $s i f ‘irs &i tid bo 184 Bitlation’or state OF aH | A a6i ign polen 99. change for the over what was . better/worse -aworsening ofa situation | ~ ‘Ray 461 8 di. lac hau di Change or state of affairs from what was 100. change your mind - to change your decision, plan, or opinion about something Page 10 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cling CEMA 101. change the subject ~ to start talking about something different - d6i chu dé, danh tréng lang 102. make a change ~ used for saying that something is different from and better than usual - thay déi, sika déi t6t hon binh thudng 103, undergo a change ~ to go through a change ~ trai qua su thay 461 Clock 18, set a clock - to change the time on a clock to a later time ~ Gn dinh thoi gian, (chi dat trong dng hd) 104. watelnthe clock ~to keep looking at the time ‘ona clock or a watch because yoware bored or you want something to end -nhin thi gian tréi 105. against the clock = Ifyou do something against the clock, you do it as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time ~ chay dua v6i thoi gian 106. around the clock. - all day and all night without stopping lam vige gi d6 ngay khéng nging nghi 107. clockwise (moving around) in the same direction as the pointers of a clock or watch - theo chiéu kim déng hi. 108. clockworik a system of springs and wheels that you wind (= turn) with akey or handle to make some clocks, toys, and other deyices operate - Something that is like clockwork runs easily, automatically, and always in the same way ~ b@ may dong hd - déu dan, may méc nhu mt cai may; nhu bé may dng hd 109, date from - to have been made in or to have come into being in (a certain time in the past) + xudt hién, ra dai tir mét théi diém cu thé Page 11 of 26 HOAISON PAGE CEMA: Luyén Thi Dai Hoc Mén Anh Diém Cao Cang CEMA = to have existed for a + da cé6, ton tai tir Date | 110-date back to particular length oftime or | 0131) since a particular time - To ensure something is the 111. keep (sth) upto _| most current version ~ cp nhat c&i gi dd date available. (Often used in _| phién ban méi nhat reference to technology.) ~ to agree ona date (a time and place fora meeting) _| - dat ngay hen, quyét 112. set/fix a date

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