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Important Trainer Rosters

Below are the rosters for the important trainers in the game, such as the Gym
Leaders, Elite Four, Bianca, Cheren and N. They are detailed in terms of levels,
movesets, abilities and items. Note that these constitute as spoilers, so read at your
own risk.

Rival Bianca – 1
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Nuvema Town

Bianca’s Team

Species Oshawott
Level 5
Item -
Ability Contrary
(Regular) Vital Spirit
Ability Overgrow
(Clean) Torrent

Rival Cheren – 1
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Nuvema Town

Cheren’s Team

Species Oshawott
Level 5
Item -
Ability Contrary
(Regular) Vital Spirit
Ability Overgrow
(Clean) Torrent

PKMN Trainer N – 1
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Accumula Town

N’s Team

Species Nincada Purrloin Mankey

Level 6 6 6

Rival Bianca – 2
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Route 2

Bianca’s Team

Species Meowth Oshawott
Level 9 10
Item - -
Ability Contrary
Technician Vital Spirit
Ability Overgrow
(Clean) Technician Torrent

Rival Cheren – 2
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Striaton City

Cheren’s Team

Species Starly Oshawott
Level 11 12
Item - Oran Berry
Ability Contrary
Keen Eye Vital Spirit
Ability Overgrow
Keen Eye Torrent

Gym Leader Cilan, Gym Leader Cress, Gym Leader Chili

Battle Type: Rotation Battle (First Fight) / Triple Battle (Rematch)
Reward: TM83 Work Up

Cilan’s Team – Striation Gym

Species Snivy Bulbasaur Chikorita

Level 12 12 12
Item - - -
Ability Overgrow Overgrow Overgrow
Move #1 Tackle Secret Power Wring Out
Move #2 Growth Sleep Powder Synthesis
Move #3 Magical Leaf Leech Seed Razor Leaf
Move #4 Twister Vine Whip PoisonPowder

Treecko Turtwig Pansage

12 12 14
- - Oran Berry
Overgrow Overgrow Gluttony
GrassWhistle Tackle Work Up
Leech Seed Tickle Bite
Absorb Razor Leaf Magical Leaf
Quick Attack Stealth Rock Protect

Cilan’s Team – Route 11; replaces Backpacker Talon.

Species Serperior Venusaur Meganium

Level 86 86 86
Item Yache Berry Payapa Berry Kebia Berry
Ability (Reg.) Contrary Chlorophyll Natural Cure
Ability (Clean) Overgrow Overgrow Overgrow
Move #1 Leaf Storm Growth Aromatherapy
Move #2 Light Screen Earthquake Petal Dance
Move #3 Reflect Power Whip Toxic
Move #4 Sunny Day Sludge Bomb Leech Seed

Sceptile Torterra Simisage

86 86 88
Tanga Berry Occa Berry Liechi Berry
Adaptability Sturdy Unburden
Overgrow Overgrow Gluttony
Energy Ball Earthquake Leaf Storm
Focus Blast Crunch Rock Slide
Dragon Pulse Wood Hammer Shadow Claw
Leaf Storm Stone Edge Low Kick

Cress’s Team – Striaton Gym

Species Oshawott Squirtle Totodile
Level 12 12 12
Item - - -
Ability Torrent Torrent Torrent
Move #1 Tackle Tackle Scratch
Move #2 Screech Iron Defense Dragon Dance
Move #3 Brine Aqua Jet Aqua Jet
Move #4 Air Slash Fake Out Bite

Mudkip Piplup Panpour

12 12 14
- - Oran Berry
Torrent Torrent Gluttony
Tackle Pound Nasty Plot
Ice Ball Icy Wind Bite
Mud Bomb BubbleBeam Water Gun
Water Gun Pluck Protect

Cress’s Team – Route 11; replaces Backpacker Corin.

Species Samurott Blastoise Feraligatr

Level 86 86 86
Item Wacan Berry Rindo Berry Wacan Berry
Ability (Reg.) Vital Spirit Sturdy Sheer Force
Ability (Clean) Torrent Torrent Torrent
Move #1 Shell Smash** Shell Smash* Dragon Dance
Move #2 Aqua Jet Hydro Pump Waterfall
Move #3 Megahorn Blizzard Crunch
Move #4 Razor Shell Focus Blast Earthquake

Swampert Empoleon Simipour

86 86 88
Rindo Berry Shuca Berry Petaya Berry
Mold Breaker Defiant Unburden
Torrent Torrent Gluttony
Earthquake Hydro Pump Hydro Pump
Waterfall Flash Cannon Ice Beam
Avalanche Grass Knot Grass Knot
Hammer Arm Aqua Jet Focus Blast
* Water Spout in the Clean version.
** Swords Dance in the Clean version.

Chili’s Team – Striaton Gym

Species Tepig Charmander Cyndaquil

Level 12 12 12
Item - - -
Ability Blaze Blaze Blaze
Move #1 Tackle Scratch Quick Attack
Move #2 Yawn Dragon Dance Nature Power
Move #3 Ember Ember Smokescreen
Move #4 Magnitude Smokescreen Flame Burst

Torchic Chimchar Pansear

12 12 14
- - Oran Berry
Blaze Blaze Gluttony
Low Kick Assist Nasty Plot
Focus Energy Fake Out Bite
Ember Ember Incinerate
Featherdance Torment Protect

Chili’s Team – Abundant Shrine; replaces Youngster Wes.

Species Emboar Charizard Typhlosion

Level 86 86 86
Item Passho Berry Charti Berry Shuca Berry
Ability (Reg.) Adaptability Solar Power Flash Fire
Ability (Clean) Blaze Blaze Blaze
Move #1 Flare Blitz Fire Blast Eruption
Move #2 Earthquake Air Slash Focus Blast
Move #3 Hammer Arm Outrage SolarBeam
Move #4 Scald Earthquake ThunderPunch

Blaziken Infernape Simisear

86 86 88
Payapa Berry Coba Berry Petaya Berry
Speed Boost Iron Fist Unburden
Blaze Blaze Gluttony
Hi Jump Kick Overheat Fire Blast
Flare Blitz Close Combat Focus Blast
Stone Edge Grass Knot Grass Knot
ThunderPunch ThunderPunch Will-O-Wisp

Rival Cheren – 3
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Route 3

Cheren’s Team

Panpour Snivy
Species Staravia Roggenrola Pansear Oshawott
Pansage Tepig
Level 14 14 14 16
Item - - - Sitrus Berry
Ability Torrent Contrary
Reckless Sturdy Blaze Vital Spirit
Overgrow Adaptability
Ability Overgrow
Intimidate Sturdy Gluttony Torrent

PKMN Trainer N – 2
Battle Type: Double Battle
Location: Nacrene City
N’s Team

Species Drilbur Bronzor Tympole Vulpix Zorua

Level 19 19 19 19 19

Gym Leader Lenora

Battle Type: Double Battle (Initial) / Single Battle (Rematch)
Reward: TM67 Retaliate

Lenora’s Team – Nacrene Gym

Species Stantler Herdier Furret

Level 18 18 18
Item - - -
Ability (Reg.) Intimidate Intimidate Keen Eye
Ability (Clean) Intimidate Intimidate Keen Eye
Move #1 Retaliate Retaliate Retaliate
Move #2 Hypnosis Bite Follow Me
Move #3 Disable Helping Hand Thunderbolt
Move #4 Extrasensory Charm Reversal

Bibarel Watchog Bouffalant

18 20 20
- Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
Moody Analytic Sap Sipper
Simple Keen Eye Sap Sipper
Retaliate Retaliate Retaliate
Curse Hypnosis Aerial Ace
Aqua Tail Super Fang Rock Tomb
Amnesia Crunch Revenge
Lenora’s Team – Village Bridge; replaces Scientist Shannon.

Species Stoutland Granbull Kangaskhan

Level 87 87 87
Item Air Balloon Chople Berry Expert Belt
Ability (Reg.) Intimidate Intimidate Scrappy
Ability (Clean) Intimidate Intimidate Scrappy
Move #1 Return Thunder Wave Outrage
Move #2 Crunch Return Return
Move #3 Fire Fang Earthquake Earthquake
Move #4 Wild Charge Crunch Sucker Punch

Ambipom Watchog Bouffalant

87 87 89
Scope Lens Air Balloon Sitrus Berry
Technician Analytic Reckless
Technician Keen Eye Reckless
Double Hit Super Fang Head Charge
Fake Out Crunch Wild Charge
Low Kick Low Kick Stone Edge
U-turn Thunder Wave Earthquake

Gym Leader Burgh

Battle Type: Double Battle (Initial) / Single Battle (Rematch)
Reward: TM89 U-turn

Burgh’s Team – Castelia Gym

Species Masquerain Vespiquen Heracross

Level 28 28 28
Item - - Flame Orb
Ability (Reg.) Levitate Intimidate Guts
Ability (Clean) Intimidate Pressure Guts
Move #1 Scald Acrobatics Brick Break
Move #2 Silver Wind Toxic Aerial Ace
Move #3 Stun Spore Heal Order Bug Bite
Move #4 Icy Wind U-turn Night Slash

Yanmega Scolipede Leavanny

28 30 30
- Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry
Speed Boost Poison Touch Swarm
Speed Boost Swarm Swarm
Protect Toxic Protect
U-turn Rock Climb Leaf Blade
Air Slash Megahorn X-Scissor
Signal Beam Rock Slide GrassWhistle

Burgh’s Team – Route 13; replaces Artist Zach.

Species Yanmega Crustle Scizor

Level 87 87 87
Item Occa Berry White Herb Life Orb
Ability Speed Boost Sturdy Technician
Move #1 Bug Buzz Shell Smash Bullet Punch
Move #2 Air Slash Stone Edge Bug Bite
Move #3 Psychic X-Scissor Superpower
Move #4 Shadow Ball Earthquake Pursuit

Venomoth Scolipede Leavanny

87 87 89
Starf Berry Liechi Berry Focus Sash
Tinted Lens Swarm Swarm
Quiver Dance Megahorn X-Scissor
Bug Buzz Toxic Spikes Leaf Blade
Sludge Bomb Spikes Agility
Sleep Powder Rock Slide Shadow Claw
Rival Bianca – 3
Battle Type: Double Battle
Location: Castelia City-Route 4 Gatehouse

Bianca’s Team

Simipour Servine
Species Munna Simisear Persian Dewott
Simisage Pignite
Level 29 29 31 31
Item - - - Sitrus Berry
Ability Contrary
Analytic Unburden Technician Vital Spirit
Ability Overgrow
Synchronize Gluttony Technician Torrent

Rival Cheren – 4
Battle Type: Rotation Battle
Location: Route 4

Cheren’s Team

Simipour Servine
Species Staravia Boldore Kadabra Simisear Dewott
Simisage Pignite
Level 31 31 31 31 33
Item Sharp Beak Hard Stone TwistedSpoon Expert Belt Sitrus Berry
Ability Torrent Contrary
Reckless Sturdy Magic Guard Blaze Vital Spirit
Overgrow Adaptability
Ability Overgrow
Intimidate Sturdy Synchronize Gluttony Torrent

PKMN Trainer N – 3
Battle Type: Double Battle
Location: Nimbasa City

N’s Team

Species Hippopotas Maractus Gligar

Level 33 33 33

Larvesta Golett Sigilyph

33 33 33

Gym Leader Elesa

Battle Type: Single Battle
Reward: TM93 Wild Charge

Elesa’s Team – Nimbasa Gym

Species Emolga Manectric Ampharos

Level 36 36 36
Item - - -
Ability (Reg.) Static Static Static
Ability (Clean) Static Static Static
Move #1 Wild Charge Thunderbolt Thunderbolt
Move #2 U-turn Volt Switch Charge
Move #3 Acrobatics Flamethrower Focus Blast
Move #4 Roost Attract Cotton Guard

Raichu Galvantula Zebstrika

36 36 38
- - Sitrus Berry
Static Compoundeyes Sap Sipper
Static Compoundeyes Lightningrod
Wild Charge Thunder Wild Charge
Volt Switch Volt Switch Volt Switch
Grass Knot Signal Beam Flame Charge
Focus Blast Energy Ball Double Kick

Elesa’s Team – Route 13; replaces Parasol Lady Laura.

Species Emolga Electivire Jolteon

Level 88 88 88
Item Starf Berry Sitrus Berry Starf Berry
Ability (Reg.) Static Motor Drive Lightningrod
Ability (Clean) Static Motor Drive Volt Absorb
Move #1 Baton Pass Volt Tackle* Thunder
Move #2 Agility Cross Chop Shadow Ball
Move #3 Thunder Ice Punch Baton Pass
Move #4 Light Screen Earthquake Thunder Wave

Eelektross Galvantula Zebstrika

88 88 90
Flying Gem Wide Lens Life Orb
Levitate Compoundeyes Sap Sipper
Levitate Compoundeyes Motor Drive
Acrobatics Thunder Volt Tackle*
Thunder Bug Buzz Flame Charge
Rock Slide Energy Ball Quick Attack
Flamethrower Thunder Wave Return
* Wild Charge in the Clean version.
Rival Cheren – 5
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Route 5

Cheren’s Team

Simipour Serperior
Species Staraptor Gigalith Alakazam Simisear Samurott
Simisage Emboar
Level 36 36 36 36 38
Item Sharp Beak Hard Stone TwistedSpoon Expert Belt Sitrus Berry
Ability Torrent Contrary
Reckless Sturdy Magic Guard Blaze Vital Spirit
Overgrow Adaptability
Ability Overgrow
Intimidate Sturdy Synchronize Gluttony Torrent

Gym Leader Clay

Battle Type: Single Battle
Reward: TM78 Bulldoze

Clay’s Team – Driftveil Gym

Species Hippowdon Seismitoad Steelix

Level 42 42 42
Item - Chesto Berry Passho Berry
Ability (Reg.) Sand Stream Water Absorb Sturdy
Ability (Clean) Sand Stream Poison Hand Sturdy
Move #1 Bulldoze Earth Power Earthquake
Move #2 Slack Off Muddy Water Fire Fang
Move #3 Stealth Rock Sludge Wave Gyro Ball
Move #4 Stone Edge Rest Coil*
Marowak Krookodile Excadrill
42 42 44
Thick Club Persim Berry Sitrus Berry
Mold Breaker Intimidate Sand Rush
Rock Head Intimidate Sand Rush
Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake
Stone Edge Crunch Rock Slide
Low Kick Thrash X-Scissor
Perish Song Torment Swords Dance
* DragonBreath in the Clean version.

Clay’s Team – Route 14; replaces Hiker Jebediah.

Species Hippowdon Seismitoad Rhyperior

Level 88 88 88
Item Passho Berry Rindo Berry Life Orb
Ability (Reg.) Sand Stream Water Absorb Solid Rock
Ability (Clean) Sand Stream Poison Hand Solid Rock
Move #1 Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake
Move #2 Slack Off Muddy Water Stone Edge
Move #3 Stone Edge Grass Knot Megahorn
Move #4 Crunch Drain Punch Superpower

Donphan Krookodile Excadrill

88 88 90
Custap Berry Chople Berry Air Balloon
Sturdy Intimidate Sand Rush
Sturdy Intimidate Sand Rush
Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake
Ice Shard Crunch Rock Slide
Endeavor Stone Edge X-Scissor
Stone Edge Outrage Horn Drill
Rival Bianca – 4
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Driftveil City

Bianca’s Team

Simipour Serperior
Species Mienfoo Musharna Persian Simisear Samurott
Simisage Emboar
Level 41 41 41 41 43
Item - - - - Sitrus Berry
Ability Contrary
Reckless Analytic Technician Unburden Vital Spirit
Ability Overgrow
Regenerator Synchronize Technician Gluttony Torrent

PKMN Trainer N – 4
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Chargestone Cave

N’s Team

Species Rotom Rotom Rotom

Level 47 47 47

Rotom Rotom Rotom

47 47 47
Gym Leader Skyla
Battle Type: Triple Battle
Reward: TM62 Acrobatics

Skyla’s Team – Mistralton Gym

Species Mandibuzz Skarmory Braviary

Level 54 54 54
Item (Reg.) Chesto Berry Occa Berry Sitrus Berry
Item (Clean) Chesto Berry Occa Berry Sitrus Berry
Ability (Reg.) Big Pecks Sturdy Defiant
Ability (Clean) Big Pecks Sturdy Sheer Force
Move #1 Brave Bird Brave Bird Brave Bird
Move #2 Torment Spikes Rock Slide
(Reg) Torment Spikes Rock Slide
Move #2
Move #3 Tailwind Steel Wing Crush Claw
Move #4 Rest Roost Bulk Up

Archeops Gliscor Swanna

56 56 56
Flying Gem Toxic Orb Sitrus Berry
Flying Gem Flying Gem Sitrus Berry
Defeatist Poison Heal Big Pecks
Defeatist Hyper Cutter Big Pecks
Acrobatics Acrobatics Hurricane
Stone Edge Fling Brine
Stone Edge Roost Brine
Earthquake Earthquake Ice Beam
Dragon Claw Thunder Fang Tailwind

Skyla’s Team – Route 14; replaces Ace Trainer Junko.

Species Swoobat Braviary Tropius

Level 88 88 88
Item Focus Sash White Herb Power Herb
Ability (Reg.) Simple Defiant Chlorophyll
Ability (Clean) Unaware Sheer Force Chlorophyll
Move #1 Psychic Crush Claw Leaf Blade
Move #2 Stored Power ExtremeSpeed Earthquake
(Reg) Charge Beam U-turn Earthquake
Move #2
Move #3 Air Slash Brave Bird Fly
Move #4 Calm Mind Rock Slide Roost

Skarmory Gliscor Swanna

90 90 90
Sitrus Berry Toxic Orb* Life Orb
Sturdy Poison Heal Big Pecks
Sturdy Hyper Cutter Big Pecks
Brave Bird Earthquake Surf
Steel Wing Fling Ice Beam
Steel Wing Roost Ice Beam
Roost Stone Edge Brave Bird
X-Scissor Acrobatics Tailwind
* Yache Berry in Clean version.

Rival Cheren – 6
Battle Type: Rotation Battle
Location: Twist Mountain

Cheren’s Team

Species Staraptor Gigalith Alakazam

Level 53 53 53
Item Sharp Beak Hard Stone TwistedSpoon
Reckless Sturdy Magic Guard
Intimidate Sturdy Synchronize
Move #1 Brave Bird Stone Edge Psychic

Move #2 Close Combat Stealth Rock Shadow Ball

Move #3 Retaliate Earthquake Energy Ball

Move #4 U-turn Explosion Charge Beam


Move #4 U-turn Explosion Charge Beam


Houndoom Simipour Serperior

Species Whimsicott Simisear Samurott
Gyarados Simisage Emboar
Level 53 53 55
Item Lum Berry Iron Ball Sitrus Berry
Ability Intimidate Torrent Contrary
(Regular) Prankster Blaze Vital Spirit
Moxie Overgrow Adaptability
Ability Flash Fire Overgrow
(Clean) Prankster Gluttony Torrent
Intimidate Blaze
Flamethrower Scald Leaf Blade
Move #1 Energy Ball Flame Burst Scald
Aqua Tail Seed Bomb Heat Crash
Dark Pulse Acrobatics Leech Seed
Move #2 Hurricane Acrobatics Swords Dance
Ice Fang Acrobatics Bulk Up
Nasty Plot Fling Glare
Move #3 Tailwind Fling Megahorn
Dragon Dance Fling Wild Charge
Will-O-Wisp Hydro Cannon Dragon Pulse
Move #4 Cotton Guard Blast Burn Sacred Sword
(Reg) Earthquake Frenzy Plant Earthquake
Will-O-Wisp Rock Slide Reflect
Move #4 Cotton Guard Rock Slide Ice Beam
(Cln) Earthquake Rock Slide Hammer Arm

Gym Leader Brycen

Battle Type: Double Battle (Initial) / Triple Battle (Rematch)
Reward: TM13 Ice Beam
Brycen’s Team – Icirrus Gym

Species Abomasnow Glaceon Froslass

Level 61 61 61
Item Expert Belt Choice Scarf Life Orb
Ability (Reg.) Snow Warning Serene Grace Levitate
Ability (Clean) Snow Warning Snow Cloak Snow Cloak
Move #1 Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard
Move #2 Wood Hammer Earth Power Thunderbolt
(Reg) Wood Hammer Hidden Power Thunderbolt
Move #2
Move #3 Focus Blast Shadow Ball Shadow Ball
(Reg) Focus Blast Shadow Ball Shadow Ball
Move #3
Move #4 Ice Shard Baton Pass Disable

Vanilluxe Cryogonal Beartic

63 61 63
NeverMeltIce Focus Sash White Herb
Weak Armor Levitate Sheer Force
Ice Body Levitate Snow Cloak
Blizzard Blizzard Icicle Crash
Flash Cannon Reflect Close Combat
Flash Cannon Reflect Superpower
Energy Ball Hidden Power Waterfall
Icy Wind Hidden Power Shadow Claw
Autotomize Protect Rock Slide

Brycen’s Team – Route 14; replaces Ace Trainer Kipp.

Species Abomasnow Lapras Glalie

Level 88 88 88
Item Expert Belt Chople Berry Occa Berry
Ability (Reg.) Snow Warning Shell Armor Levitate
Ability (Clean) Snow Warning Shell Armor Ice Body
Move #1 Blizzard Blizzard Blizzard
Move #2 Wood Hammer Hydro Pump Earthquake
Move #3 Focus Blast Sing Ice Shard
Move #4 Earthquake Perish Song Stone Edge
(Reg) Earthquake Perish Song Signal Beam
Move #4

Cryogonal Vanilluxe Beartic

88 90 90
Focus Sash Life Orb Life Orb
Levitate Weak Armor Sheer Force
Levitate Ice Body Snow Cloak
Blizzard Blizzard Icicle Crash
Flash Cannon Flash Cannon Stone Edge
Reflect Water Pulse Dive
Sheer Cold Energy Ball Close Combat
Sheer Cold Sheer Cold Superpower

Rival Bianca – 5
Battle Type: Triple Battle
Location: Route 8

Bianca’s Team

Species Persian Musharna Mienshao

Level 61 59 61
Item Chople Berry Kasib Berry Coba Berry
Technician Analytic Reckless
Technician Synchronize Regenerator

Move #1 Nasty Plot Hypnosis Hi Jump Kick

Move #2 Hypnosis Psychic U-turn

Move #3 Swift Energy Ball Stone Edge

Move #4 Fake Out Reflect Poison Jab

Move #4 Fake Out Reflect Poison Jab


Chandelure Simipour Serperior

Species Lilligant Simisear Samurott
Milotic Simisage Emboar
Level 63 63 65
Item Sitrus Berry Flying Gem Leftovers
Ability Levitate Contrary
(Regular) Own Tempo Unburden Vital Spirit
Multiscale Adaptability
Ability Flame Body Overgrow
(Clean) Own Tempo Gluttony Torrent
Marvel Scale Blaze
Flamethrower Work Up Leaf Blade
Move #1 Petal Dance Work Up Scald
Surf Work Up Heat Crash
Shadow Ball Acrobatics Leech Seed
Move #2 Hidden Power Acrobatics Swords Dance
Ice Beam Acrobatics Bulk Up
Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast Glare
Move #3 Sleep Powder Focus Blast Megahorn
Hypnosis Focus Blast Wild Charge
Psychic Water Spout Dragon Pulse
Move #4 Focus Blast Fire Blast Sacred Sword
(Reg) Dragon Tail Power Whip Earthquake
Psychic Hydro Pump Reflect
Move #4 Aromatherapy Overheat Ice Beam
(Cln) Dragon Tail Leaf Storm Hammer Arm

Gym Leader Drayden

Battle Type: Rotation Battle
Reward: TM82 Dragon Tail

Drayden’s Team – Opelucid Gym, Black

Species Druddigon Charizard Flygon
Level 64 64 64
Item Rocky Helmet Salac Berry Yache Berry
Ability (Reg.) Rough Skin Blaze Levitate
Ability (Clean) Rough Skin Blaze Levitate
Move #1 Outrage Belly Drum Quiver Dance
(Reg) Outrage Belly Drum Tailwind
Move #1
Move #2 Revenge Fire Punch Dragon Pulse
Move #3 Earthquake Earthquake Earth Power
Move #4 Dragon Tail Substitute Fire Blast

Salamence Kingdra Haxorus

64 64 66
Life Orb White Herb Sitrus Berry
Moxie Sniper Mold Breaker
Intimidate Sniper Mold Breaker
Outrage Draco Meteor Dragon Dance
Outrage Draco Meteor Dragon Dance
Hydro Pump Waterfall Outrage
Brick Break Outrage Earthquake
Fire Blast Frost Breath Dragon Tail

Drayden’s Team – Challenger’s Cave; replaces Veteran Shaun.

Species Salamence Charizard Druddigon

Level 93 93 93
Item White Herb Life Orb Life Orb
Ability (Reg.) Moxie Solar Power Sheer Force
Ability (Clean) Intimidate Blaze Sheer Force
Move #1 Draco Meteor Sunny Day Glare
(Reg) Draco Meteor Sunny Day Glare
Move #1
Move #2 Earthquake Fire Blast Dragon Claw
Move #3 Dragon Claw SolarBeam Superpower
Move #4 Fly Dragon Pulse Rock Slide
Haxorus Kingdra Hydreigon
93 93 95
Life Orb White Herb White Herb
Mold Breaker Sniper Levitate
Mold Breaker Sniper Levitate
Dragon Claw Frost Breath Earth Power
Dragon Claw Ice Beam Surf
Earthquake Draco Meteor Fire Blast
Dragon Dance Waterfall Dark Pulse
Outrage Outrage Focus Blast

Gym Leader Iris

Battle Type: Triple Battle
Reward: TM82 Dragon Tail

Iris’s Team – Opelucid Gym, White

Species Druddigon Gyarados Altaria

Level 63 63 63
Item Rocky Helmet Wacan Berry Yache Berry
Ability (Reg.) Rough Skin Moxie Natural Cure
Ability (Clean) Rough Skin Intimidate Natural Cure
Move #1 Outrage Dragon Dance Cotton Guard
Move #2 Revenge Aqua Tail Dragon Pulse
Move #3 Earthquake Ice Fang Ice Beam
Move #4 Dragon Tail Earthquake Fire Blast

Dragonite Kingdra Haxorus

65 65 65
Sitrus Berry Damp Rock Dragon Gem
Multiscale Swift Swim Mold Breaker
Inner Focus Swift Swim Mold Breaker
Stone Edge Rain Dance Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw Hydro Pump Outrage
Hurricane Dragon Pulse Earthquake
Thunder Blizzard Dragon Tail

Iris’s Team – Route 15; replaces Battle Girl Susie.

Species Kingdra Druddigon Altaria

Level 87 87 87
Item Damp Rock Rocky Helmet Sitrus Berry
Ability (Reg.) Swift Swim Rough Skin Natural Cure
Ability (Clean) Swift Swim Rough Skin Natural Cure
Move #1 Rain Dance Outrage Outrage
Move #2 Hydro Pump Superpower Roost
Move #3 Blizzard Rock Slide Cotton Guard
Move #4 Dragon Pulse Substitute Ice Beam

Garchomp Dragonite Haxorus

89 89 89
Yache Berry Sitrus Berry Choice Band
Rough Skin Multiscale Mold Breaker
Sand Veil Inner Focus Mold Breaker
Outrage Outrage Outrage
Earthquake Hurricane Dual Chop
Stone Edge Thunder Earthquake
Draco Meteor Roost Brick Break

Rival Cheren – 7
Battle Type: Single Battle
Location: Route 10

Cheren’s Team
Species Staraptor Gigalith Alakazam
Level 66 66 66
Item Sharp Beak Hard Stone TwistedSpoon
Reckless Sturdy Magic Guard
Intimidate Sturdy Synchronize

Move #1 Brave Bird Stone Edge Psychic

Move #2 Close Combat Stealth Rock Shadow Ball

Move #3 Double-Edge Earthquake Energy Ball

Move #4 U-turn Explosion Aura Sphere


Move #4 U-turn Explosion Focus Blast


Houndoom Simipour Serperior

Species Whimsicott Simisear Samurott
Gyarados Simisage Emboar
Level 66 66 68
Item Lum Berry Flying Gem Sitrus Berry
Ability Intimidate Torrent Contrary
(Regular) Prankster Blaze Vital Spirit
Moxie Overgrow Adaptability
Ability Flash Fire Overgrow
(Clean) Prankster Gluttony Torrent
Intimidate Blaze
Flamethrower Work Up Leaf Blade
Move #1 Leech Seed Work Up Hydro Pump
Aqua Tail Work Up Flare Blitz
Dark Pulse Acrobatics Leech Seed
Move #2 Hurricane Acrobatics Swords Dance
Bounce Acrobatics Bulk Up
Nasty Plot Focus Blast Glare
Move #3 Substitute Focus Blast Megahorn
Dragon Dance Focus Blast Wild Charge
Will-O-Wisp Water Spout Draco Meteor
Move #4 Cotton Guard Fire Blast Secret Sword
(Reg) Earthquake Power Whip Earthquake
Will-O-Wisp Hydro Pump Reflect
Move #4 Substitute Overheat Ice Beam
(Cln) Earthquake Leaf Storm Hammer Arm
Elite Four Shauntal

Shauntal’s First Team

Battle Type: Double Battle

Species Drifblim Golurk Mismagius

Level 71 71 71
Item Flame Orb Soft Sand Spell Tag
Item (Clean) Sitrus Berry Soft Sand Spell Tag
Ability (Reg.) Flare Boost Iron Fist Levitate
Ability (Clean) Unburden Iron Fist Levitate
Move #1 Tailwind Earthquake Shadow Ball
Move #2 Shadow Ball Shadow Punch Nasty Plot
Move #3 Thunderbolt Hammer Arm Thunderbolt
Move #4 Hurricane* Rock Polish Will-O-Wisp

Froslass Jellicent Chandelure

71 73 73
NeverMeltIce Mystic Water Charcoal
NeverMeltIce Mystic Water Air Balloon
Levitate Cursed Body Levitate
Snow Cloak Cursed Body Flame Body
Shadow Ball Shadow Ball Shadow Ball
Blizzard Hydro Pump Fire Blast
Thunderbolt Will-O-Wisp Energy Ball
Will-O-Wisp Recover Psychic
*Air Cutter in the Clean version.

Shauntal’s Second Team

Battle Type: Single Battle

Species Cofagrigus Gengar Sableye

Level 91 91 91
Item Eject Button Focus Sash Sitrus Berry
Item (Clean) Eject Button Focus Sash Sitrus Berry
Ability (Reg.) Mummy Levitate Prankster
Ability (Clean) Mummy Levitate Stall
Move #1 Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast Recover*
Move #2 Shadow Ball Shadow Ball Shadow Claw
Move #3 Psychic Thunder Foul Play
Move #4 Disable Sludge Bomb Will-O-Wisp

Golurk Jellicent Chandelure

91 91 93
Expert Belt Leftovers Life Orb
Expert Belt Leftovers Air Balloon
No Guard Cursed Body Levitate
Iron Fist Cursed Body Flame Body
DynamicPunch Hydro Pump Fire Blast
Shadow Punch Shadow Ball Shadow Ball
Earthquake Recover Hidden Power
Substitute Will-O-Wisp Calm Mind
*Metal Burst in the Clean version.

Elite Four Grimsley

Grimsley’s First Team

Battle Type: Double Battle

Species Sharpedo Liepard Honchkrow

Level 71 71 71
Item Rocky Helmet Liechi Berry Scope Lens
Ability (Reg.) Speed Boost Prankster Moxie
Ability (Clean) Rough Skin Unburden Super Luck
Move #1 Protect Thunder Wave Thunder Wave
Move #2 Crunch Sucker Punch Brave Bird
Move #3 Aqua Jet Charm Sucker Punch
Move #4 Hydro Pump Wild Charge* Heat Wave
Absol Houndoom Bisharp
71 73 73
Scope Lens Focus Sash BlackGlasses
Super Luck Intimidate Defiant
Super Luck Flash Fire Defiant
Megahorn Dark Pulse Sucker Punch
Night Slash Fire Blast X-Scissor
Psycho Cut Sucker Punch Leaf Blade**
Perish Song Hidden Power Stone Edge
*Aerial Ace in the Clean version.
** Iron Head in the Clean version.

Grimsley’s Second Team

Battle Type: Single Battle

Species Honchkrow Sharpedo Weavile

Level 91 91 91
Item Flying Gem Focus Sash Expert Belt
Ability (Reg.) Moxie Speed Boost Technician
Ability (Clean) Super Luck Rough Skin Pressure
Move #1 Brave Bird Protect Rock Smash
Move #2 Sucker Punch Hydro Pump Ice Shard
Move #3 Superpower Crunch Night Slash
Move #4 Heat Wave Aqua Jet X-Scissor

Houndoom Bisharp Zoroark

91 91 93
Power Herb Air Balloon Life Orb
Intimidate Defiant Illusion
Flash Fire Defiant Illusion
Nasty Plot Sucker Punch Night Daze
Fire Blast Swords Dance Flamethrower
Dark Pulse Thunder Wave Focus Blast
SolarBeam Swagger Grass Knot
Elite Four Marshal

Marshal’s First Team

Battle Type: Double Battle

Species Throh Sawk Breloom

Level 71 71 71
Item Flame Orb Salac Berry Focus Sash
Ability (Reg.) Guts Sturdy Technician
Ability (Clean) Guts Sturdy Effect Spore
Move #1 Superpower Close Combat Spore
Move #2 Facade Stone Edge Bullet Seed
Move #3 Fling Payback Drain Punch
Move #4 Rock Slide Return Mach Punch

Poliwrath Mienshao Conkeldurr

71 73 73
Wacan Berry Flying Gem Chesto Berry
Water Absorb Reckless Iron Fist
Water Absorb Regenerator Sheer Force
Waterfall Acrobatics Mach Punch
Brick Break Hi Jump Kick Drain Punch
Icy Wind U-turn Stone Edge
Vacuum Wave Stone Edge Rest

Marshal’s Second Team

Battle Type: Single Battle

Species Mienshao Breloom Scrafty

Level 91 91 91
Item (Reg) Life Orb Toxic Orb Sitrus Berry
Item (Cln) Life Orb Toxic Orb Sitrus Berry
Ability (Reg.) Reckless Poison Heal Moxie
Ability (Clean) Regenerator Poison Heal Moxie
Move #1 Hi Jump Kick Protect Sucker Punch*
Move #2 Stone Edge Leech Seed Hi Jump Kick
Move #3 Grass Knot Drain Punch Light Screen
Move #4 Hidden Power Seed Bomb Head Smash

Lucario Blaziken Conkeldurr

91 91 93
Air Balloon Liechi Berry Sitrus Berry
Air Balloon Salac Berry Flame Orb
Justified Speed Boost Iron Fist
Steadfast Blaze Guts
Hi Jump Kick Protect Mach Punch
Dragon Pulse Blaze Kick Stone Edge
Ice Punch Hi Jump Kick Payback
Bullet Punch Baton Pass Drain Punch
* Payback in the Clean version.

Elite Four Caitlin

Caitlin’s First Team

Battle Type: Double Battle

Species Musharna Sigilyph Beheeyem

Level 71 71 71
Item Light Clay Life Orb Wise Glasses
Ability (Reg.) Telepathy Magic Guard Analytic
Ability (Clean) Synchronize Magic Guard Telepathy
Move #1 Trick Room Protect Trick Room
Move #2 Psyshock Hurricane Thunderbolt
(Reg) Psyshock Air Slash Thunderbolt
Move #2
Move #3 Reflect Psychic Psychic
Move #4 Light Screen Ice Beam Energy Ball
Bronzong Gothitelle Reuniclus
71 73 73
Chesto Berry Sitrus Berry Life Orb
Levitate Magic Bounce Magic Guard
Levitate Frisk Magic Guard
Trick Room Trick Room Trick Room
Rest Focus Blast Thunder
Rest Dark Pulse Focus Blast
Earthquake Psychic Psychic
Gyro Ball Thunderbolt Energy Ball

Caitlin’s Second Team

Battle Type: Single Battle

Species Musharna Gardevoir Sigilyph

Level 91 91 91
Item Chesto Berry Psychic Gem Life Orb
Ability (Reg.) Analytic Trace Tinted Lens
Ability (Clean) Synchronize Trace Magic Guard
Move #1 Yawn Psychic Psychic
Move #2 Psyshock Focus Blast Ice Beam
Move #3 Rest Will-O-Wisp Energy Ball
Move #4 Shadow Ball Reflect Hurricane
(Reg) Shadow Ball Reflect Air Slash
Move #4

Gothitelle Reuniclus Metagross

91 91 93
Dark Gem Life Orb Expert Belt
Shadow Tag Magic Guard Analytic
Frisk Magic Guard Clear Body
Dark Pulse Psychic Meteor Mash
Psychic Focus Blast Zen Headbutt
Charm Thunder Earthquake
Thunder Wave Recover Ice Punch
Thunder Wave Recover Ice Punch
PKMN Trainer N – Final
Battle Type: Single Battle

N’s Team – Blaze Black

Species Zoroark Magmortar Slowbro

Level 73 73 73
Item Dark Gem Fire Gem Water Gem
Ability (Reg.) Illusion Flash Fire Regenerator
Ability (Clean) Illusion Flame Body Own Tempo
Move #1 Night Daze Thunderbolt Surf
Move #2 Focus Blast Focus Blast Psychic
Move #2 Focus Blast Focus Blast Psychic
Move #3 Flamethrower Nasty Plot Flamethrower
Move #3 Flamethrower Flame Charge Flamethrower
Move #4 Grass Knot Magma Storm Slack Off
Move #4 Grass Knot Fire Blast Slack Off

Species Aerodactyl Porygon-Z Zekrom

Level 73 73 75
Item Rock Gem Normal Gem Life Orb
Ability (Reg.) Rock Head Adaptability Teravolt
Ability (Clean) Rock Head Adaptability Teravolt
Move #1 Earthquake Tri Attack Dragon Claw
Move #2 Thunder Fang Ice Beam Bolt Strike
Move #2 Thunder Fang Ice Beam Fusion Bolt
Move #3 Head Smash Dark Pulse Light Screen
Move #3 Stone Edge Dark Pulse Light Screen
Move #4 Dragon Dance Thunderbolt Hone Claws
Move #4 Aerial Ace Thunderbolt Hone Claws

N’s Team – Volt White

Species Zoroark Electivire Slowking

Level 73 73 73
Item Dark Gem Electric Gem Water Gem
Ability (Reg.) Illusion Vital Spirit Regenerator
Ability (Clean) Illusion Motor Drive Own Tempo
Move #1 Night Daze Earthquake Surf
Move #2 Focus Blast Close Combat Psychic
Move #2 Focus Blast Cross Chop Psychic
Move #3 Flamethrower Volt Tackle Aura Sphere
Move #3 Flamethrower Wild Charge Flamethrower
Move #4 Grass Knot Ice Punch Slack Off
Move #4 Grass Knot Ice Punch Slack Off

Species Aerodactyl Porygon-Z Reshiram

Level 73 73 75
Item Rock Gem Normal Gem White Herb
Ability (Reg.) Rock Head Adaptability Turboblaze
Ability (Clean) Rock Head Adaptability Turboblaze
Move #1 Earthquake Tri Attack Dragon Pulse
Move #2 Thunder Fang Ice Beam Blue Flare
Move #2 Thunder Fang Ice Beam Fusion Flare
Move #3 Head Smash Dark Pulse Reflect
Move #3 Stone Edge Dark Pulse Reflect
Move #4 Dragon Dance Thunderbolt Draco Meteor
Move #4 Aerial Ace Thunderbolt Draco Meteor
Team Plasma Ghetsis
Battle Type: Single Battle
Reward: N/A

Ghetsis’ Team

Species Drapion Dusknoir Eelektross

Level 75 75 75
Item Scope Lens Sitrus Berry Flying Gem
Ability (Reg.) Sniper Cursed Body Levitate
Ability (Clean) Sniper Pressure Levitate
Move #1 Night Slash Payback Acrobatics
Move #2 Cross Poison Will-O-Wisp Thunder
Move #3 Storm Throw* Pain Split Flamethrower
Move #4 Toxic Spikes Earthquake Rock Slide

Gyarados Genesect Hydreigon

75 75 77
Life Orb Focus Sash White Herb
Moxie Download Levitate
Intimidate Download Levitate
Aqua Tail Bug Buzz Draco Meteor
Dragon Dance Ice Beam Fire Blast
Thunder Wave Thunderbolt Focus Blast
Earthquake Rock Polish Dark Pulse
*Aqua Tail in the Clean version.

Rival Cheren – Final

Battle Type: Triple Battle
Location: Victory Road

Cheren’s Team
Species Staraptor Gigalith Alakazam
Level 88 88 88
Item Life Orb Custap Berry Life Orb
Reckless Sturdy Magic Guard
Intimidate Sturdy Synchronize

Move #1 Brave Bird Stone Edge Psychic

Move #2 Close Combat Stealth Rock Shadow Ball

Move #3 Double-Edge Earthquake Energy Ball

Move #4 U-turn Explosion Focus Blast


Move #4 U-turn Explosion Aura Sphere


Houndoom Simipour Serperior

Species Whimsicott Simisear Samurott
Gyarados Simisage Emboar
Level 88 88 90
Item Leftovers Flying Gem Life Orb
Ability Intimidate Torrent Contrary
(Regular) Prankster Blaze Vital Spirit
Moxie Overgrow Adaptability
Ability Flash Fire Overgrow
(Clean) Prankster Gluttony Torrent
Intimidate Blaze
Flamethrower Work Up Leaf Storm
Move #1 Leech Seed Work Up Hydro Pump
Aqua Tail Work Up Flare Blitz
Dark Pulse Acrobatics Leech Seed
Move #2 Hurricane Acrobatics Shell Smash*
Bounce Acrobatics Bulk Up
Nasty Plot Focus Blast Glare
Move #3 Substitute Focus Blast Megahorn
Dragon Dance Focus Blast Wild Charge
Will-O-Wisp Water Spout Draco Meteor
Move #4 Cotton Guard Fire Blast Secret Sword
(Reg) Earthquake Power Whip Earthquake
Will-O-Wisp Hydro Pump Reflect
Move #4 Substitute Overheat Ice Beam
(Cln) Earthquake Leaf Storm Hammer Arm
* Swords Dance in the Clean version.

Rival Bianca – Final

Battle Type: Rotation Battle
Location: Nuvema Town

Bianca’s Team

Species Persian Musharna Mienshao

Level 88 88 88
Item Normal Gem Psychic Gem Flying Gem
Technician Analytic Reckless
Technician Synchronize Regenerator

Move #1 Nasty Plot Hypnosis Hi Jump Kick

Move #2 Hypnosis Psychic U-turn

Move #3 Swift Energy Ball Stone Edge

Move #4 Fake Out Reflect Acrobatics


Move #4 Fake Out Reflect Acrobatics


Chandelure Simipour Serperior

Species Lilligant Simisear Samurott
Milotic Simisage Emboar
Level 88 88 90
Item Sitrus Berry Flying Gem Life Orb
Ability Levitate Contrary
Own Tempo Unburden Vital Spirit
(Regular) Multiscale Adaptability
Ability Flame Body Overgrow
(Clean) Own Tempo Gluttony Torrent
Marvel Scale Blaze
Flamethrower Work Up Leaf Storm
Move #1 Petal Dance Work Up Hydro Pump
Surf Work Up Fire Blast
Shadow Ball Acrobatics Leech Seed
Move #2 Focus Blast** Acrobatics Shell Smash*
Ice Beam Acrobatics Bulk Up
Will-O-Wisp Focus Blast Glare
Move #3 Sleep Powder Focus Blast Megahorn
Hypnosis Focus Blast Wild Charge
Psychic Water Spout Draco Meteor
Move #4 Psychic Fire Blast Secret Sword
(Reg) Dragon Tail Power Whip Earthquake
Psychic Hydro Pump Reflect
Move #4 Aromatherapy Overheat Ice Beam
(Cln) Dragon Tail Leaf Storm Hammer Arm
* Swords Dance in the Clean version.
** Hidden Power in the Clean version.

PKMN Trainer Cynthia

Battle Type: Single Battle
Reward: N/A

Cynthia’s Team

Species Spiritomb Roserade Milotic

Level 95 95 95
Item Lax Incense Rose Incense Sea Incense
Ability (Reg.) Pressure Technician Multiscale
Ability (Clean) Pressure Poison Point Marvel Scale
Move #1 Nasty Plot Sleep Powder Hydro Pump
Move #2 Dark Pulse Sludge Bomb Blizzard
Move #3 Will-O-Wisp Magical Leaf Recover
(Reg) Will-O-Wisp Petal Dance Rest
Move #3
Move #4 Pain Split Quiver Dance Toxic
(Reg) Pain Split Shadow Ball Sleep Talk
Move #4
Togekiss Lucario Garchomp
95 95 100
Scope Lens Life Orb Life Orb
Serene Grace Justified Rough Skin
Serene Grace Steadfast Sand Veil
Thunder Wave Nasty Plot Outrage
Air Slash Aura Sphere Earthquake
Tri Attack Dragon Pulse Stone Edge
Roost Dragon Pulse Stone Edge
Aura Sphere Ice Punch ExtremeSpeed
Aura Sphere Ice Punch Fire Blast

Champion Alder
Battle Type: Single Battle
Reward: N/A

Alder’s Team

Species Bouffalant Braviary Espeon

Level 95 95 95
Item Choice Band Flying Gem Focus Sash
Ability (Reg) Reckless Defiant Magic Bounce
Ability (Cln) Reckless Sheer Force Synchronize
Move #1 Head Charge Brave Bird Morning Sun
Move #2 Earthquake Rock Slide Psyshock
Move #3 Payback Superpower Grass Knot
Move #4 - ExtremeSpeed Aura Sphere
Move #4 - Return Shadow Ball

Flygon Vanilluxe Volcarona

95 95 100
Yache Berry Red Card Life Orb
Levitate Weak Armor Drought
Levitate Ice Body Flame Body
Draco Meteor Frost Breath Fiery Dance
Earthquake Weather Ball Bug Buzz
Dragon Claw Ice Shard Quiver Dance
Fire Punch Energy Ball Thunderbolt
Fire Punch Flash Cannon Psychic

GAME Freak Morimoto

Battle Type: Triple Battle
Reward: N/A

Morimoto’s Team

Species Victini Celebi Jirachi

Level 95 95 95
Item White Herb Lum Berry Lum Berry
Ability (Reg.) Victory Star Natural Cure Serene Grace
Move #1 V-Create Nasty Plot Thunder Wave
Move #2 Fusion Bolt Grass Knot Iron Head
Move #3 Psychic Psyshock Water Pulse
Move #4 Grass Knot Shadow Ball Thunder

Manaphy Shaymin Mew

95 95 100
Damp Rock Lum Berry Expert Belt
Hydration Natural Cure Synchronize
Rain Dance Seed Flare Psychic
Rest Air Slash Fire Blast
Hydro Pump Psychic Earth Power
Tail Glow Earth Power Dragon Pulse

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