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C.S. 252 Prof.

Roberto Tamassia
Computational Geometry Sem. II, 1992–1993

Trapezoid and Chain Methods

Lecture 05
Date: Febuary 17, 1993
Scribe: Peter C. McCluskey

1 Trapezoid Method (continued)

Continuing the discussion of the Trapezoid Method for determining the region in which a
point is located:

1. Partition the planar straight-line graph (PSLG) into as many trapezoids as possible

(a) Each trapezoid with one or more spanning edges (PSLG edges which cross both
the upper and lower edges of the trapezoid (to be depicted as °) ) is divided by
those edges into smaller trapezoids. (Figure 1)
(b) Create the horizontal lines (to be depicted as 5) dividing each trapezoid into
two through the vertex within the trapezoid which has the median y-coordinate.
(Figure 2)
[ if the horizontal lines were calculated first, the algorithm would reduce to the
Slab Method ]

Figure 1: Spanning Edge

Figure 2: Horizontal Edge

2. Query
When multiple trapezoids separated by spanning edges contain only one PSLG vertex,
they can be joined into a single node, and searched via a secondary binary tree.

It takes O(h + log n) time.
Each edge is cut into ≤ 2 log n fragments.
The space needed is O(n log n).
Considering only the delta nodes, there are O(log n) layers if the tree is balanced locally.
The height is O(log n) at each node, so the height is O(log 2 n) if the tree balanced locally,
but O(log n) height can be achieved with global balancing.

2 Global Balancing
Let u = T1 l1 T2 l2 . . . Tn−1 ln−1 Tn
where Ti is a trapezoid, and li is a line splitting the trapezoids.
Define the weight wi of Ti to be the number of vertices inside Ti .
Define W = ni=1 wi .
Then the tree can be balanced by finding, at each trapezoid, an r that splits the weights
as evenly as possible:
wi <W/2, and
i=1 wi ≥W/2.
The balancing step at each trapezoid puts the first r − 1 fragments into the right subtree
of the trapezoid, and puts the remaining fragments into the left subtree.

Theorem 1 Claim: height(tree(u)) ≤ 3dlog 2 we + 5

where tree(u) is the tree whose base is at node u, and height(t) is the maximum number of
nodes that need to be visited in order to reach a leaf of tree t.

Proof: Inductive Proof:

Base Case:

Figure 3: Base case, height 5

The tree for this case consists of 2 nodes of empty trapezoids, one a child of other, a 5
node below that child, with ° node children on each side, and 2 2 children below each °.
Thus, the total height of this tree is 5.

Induction step:
Assume that the claim is true for w < k.
Prove for w = k: (refer to Figure 4)
By inductive assumption and the fact that balancing makes each side in the lower part
have weight ≤ k/2,
H(lowerpart) ≤ 3dlog2 k/2e + 5 for each k/2 child of node τ .
H(tree) ≤ (3dlog2 k/2e + 5) + 3
≤ (3(dlog2 ke − 1)) + 5 + 3
≤ 3dlog2 ke + 5
If a spanning edge is found on the first try, then height(τ ) = 3dlog 2 ne + 5,
otherwise height(τ ) < 3dlog2 ne + 5. 2

w < k/2


H(lower)<=3 log(k/2) +5
w < k/2 2

w < k/2
Figure 4: A tree of weight k, with subtrees of weights < k/2

• Segment Tree Method 1986 [2]
• Slab Method 1976 [3]
• Trapezoid Method 1981 [1]

3 Preprocessing
1. Sort the vertices by their y-coordinates (O(n log n) time).
2. Create a left to right partial order of the edges using a line sweep (moving a horizontal
line upwards) (n insertions of O(log n) time each for a total of O(n log n) time).
3. Sort the edges topologically (O(n) time).
4. Recursively decompose the trapezoids:
a. (a) check each trapezoid for spanning edges
(b) accumulate weights
(c) make °’s
b. Each τi with no spanning edge is cut horizontally by the median y vertex. This
creates O(log n) fragments.

4 Chain Method
Definition: a monotone chain is a series of connected line segments with non-decreasing
Definition: a separator in a planar straight-line graph:
a) extends from y = −∞ to y = +∞,
b) must be a monotone chain, and
c) does not cross any other separators (but may have edges in common with other separators)
In order to use separators for point location, we start by creating the leftmost separator
and adding new separators, with each additional one differing from the previous by using
the right edges of one region which the previous separator the left edges of, until all edges
have been used. Thus, the chains distinguish all the regions and can be stored in a tree
which can be searched to determine which region a point is located in. The y-coordinate
of the point will be used to find the correct edge in the chain associated with each node.
This requires O(log n) search time at each node to find the correct interval on the chain, at
O(log n) nodes, for a query time of O(log 2 n).
Each chain uses O(n) storage, so with the naive approach the space required for the
entire graph is O(n2 ), although the average case should be better than this. See Figure 6 for
an example where n2 space is needed.
Stay tuned for a trick to reduce the overall storage to O(n).

Figure 5: Examples after the first and second separator drawn

Figure 6: An example where n2 space is used by the naive approach

[1] Preparata, Franco P., A New Approach to Planar Point Location, SIAM Journal on
Computing 10(3) 473-482 (1981).

[2] Edelsbrunner, E, L.J. Guibas, and J Stolfi, Optimal Point Location in a Monotone
Subdivision, SIAM Journal on Computing 15(2) 317-340(1986).

[3] Dobkin, David and Richard Lipton, Multidimensional Searching Problems, SIAM Jour-
nal on Computing 5(2) 181-186 (1976).

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