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Test on Magnetism
Class 12 Physics Test 2023-2024

1. 1. A proton moving in a straight line is accelerated by the potential difference of 200 V. It

enters a uniform magnetic field of 2 mT perpendicular to its path. Find the radius of the
circular path in which it travels. Given that the mass of the proton = 1.67 1027 kg
(A) 1m
(B) 2m
(C) 1 cm
(D) 2 cm

2. When a charged particle moves perpendicular to the uniform magnetic field, the

(A) Velocity of the particle is unchanged

(B) Speed of the particle remains unchanged

(C) Direction of the particle remains unchanged

(D) Acceleration of the particle remains unchanged

3. In a certain region of space where the electric field E and magnetic field B are
perpendicular to each other, an electron moves undeflected perpendicular to both the
electric field and magnetic field, the magnitude of velocity of motion of the electron is


(C) E  B
(D) E.B
⃗ = ( 2𝑖̂ + 3𝑗̂ )𝑇 with a velocity of
4. A proton is moving in a magnetic field 𝐵 (3 105 iˆ) m/s .
Calculate the magnetic force acting on the proton.

(A) 1.44 1014 kˆ N

(B) 1.44 1013 kˆ N
(C) 1.44 1013 kˆ N
(D) 1.44 1014 kˆ N
Test on Magnetism
Class 12 Physics Test 2023-2024

5. A beam of alpha particles and protons of the same velocity v enters a uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to the field lines. If both particles describe a complete circular path in the
magnetic field, find out the ratio of the radii of the circles completed by the alpha particles
to the protons.

(A) 2:1
(B) 1:2
(C) 1:4
(D) 4:1

6. A proton moving perpendicular to the magnetic field of intensity 0.5 T experiences a force of
8 1015 N . Calculate the velocity of the proton.

(A) 5 105 m/s

(B) 1105 m/s

(C) 1106 m/s
(D) 2 105 m/s
7. A proton, an alpha particle, and an electron are projected (with the same velocity)
perpendicularly into uniform transverse electric and magnetic fields. It is observed that
protons travel undeflected. Then,

(i) Deflection for an alpha particle is greater than the deflection for a proton

(ii) Alpha particles travel clockwise, and electrons in anti-clockwise directions.

(iii) Both alpha particle and electron travel without deflection

(iv) Alpha particles get deflected but not electrons.

(A) Only i is correct

(B) Only ii, and iii are wrong

(C) Only iv is correct

(D) i, ii, and iv are wrong

8. What is the magnitude of magnetic force per unit length on a wire carrying a current of 7 A
and making an angle of 30º with the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 0.25 T ?
(A) 1.51 N/m
(B) 0.875 N/m
(C) 1.75 N/m
(D) 0.755 N/m
Test on Magnetism
Class 12 Physics Test 2023-2024

9. A current-carrying wire has a current I amperes as shown in the figure. At the instant when a
charge +Q at point P has velocity v , the force on the charge is:

(A) Along OY
(B) Opposite to OY
(C) Along OX
(D) Opposite to OX

10. A narrow beam of protons and deuterons, each having the same momentum, enters a
region of uniform magnetic field directed perpendicular to their direction of momentum.
What would be the ratio of the radii of the circular path described by them?
(A) 1 : 1
(B) 1: 2
(C) 2: 1
(D) 1 : 4

Answer key:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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