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Mathematische Annalen Mathematische Annalen

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets and regular

random attractors for stochastic hydrodynamical equations

Renhai Wang1 · Boling Guo2 · Wei Liu3 · Da Tien Nguyen4

Received: 29 March 2023 / Revised: 4 May 2023 / Accepted: 15 June 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

The main aim of this work is to provide some general and unified results on the exis-
tence, regularity and finite fractal dimension estimates of pullback random attractors
for a wide class of non-autonomous stochastic hydrodynamical systems arising from
fluid dynamics. Using weaker conditions than that in the abstract results of Debussche
(J Math Pures Appl 77:967–988, 1998) and Zhou et al. (Appl Math Comput 276:80–
95, 2016), we obtain a better upper bound estimate of the fractal dimension of random
invariant sets in both Banach space and its subspace. The existence, uniqueness and
regularity of pullback random attractors for the systems are established by employing
the famous idea of energy equation due to Ball (J Nonlinear Sci 7:475–502, 1997) as
well as an approach of spectral decomposition. Based on our abstract results and some
new uniform estimates on the difference of the solutions, we prove the finite fractal
dimension of those random attractors in both initial space and regular subspace. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first general result on the fractal dimension
estimate of random attractors in regular subspaces, which seems also new even in the
autonomous and deterministic case.

Mathematics Subject Classification 37L55 · 60H15 · 37L30 · 35Q35

Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 12171208, 12090011, 12090010,
11831014), Guizhou Normal University (11904/0522100) and Qianjiaoji [2022]124.

B Wei Liu

1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China

2 Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100088, China
3 School of Mathematics and Statistics/RIMS, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China
4 Department of Natural Sciences, Hong Duc University, Thanh Hoa 41000, Vietnam

R. Wang et al.

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Improved bound of fractal dimension of random invariant sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Random attractors of stochastic hydrodynamical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 Description of stochastic hydrodynamical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Non-autonomous random dynamical systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Long term D-uniform estimates in H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Pullback asymptotic compactness of solutions in H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Existence and uniqueness of pullback random attractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 (H , V )-regularity of pullback random attractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Definition of bi-spatial D-pullback random (H , V )-attractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Regularity of solutions to (3.10)–(3.11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Long term D-uniform estimates in V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Long time D-uniform “flattening effect” in V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Existence of bi-spatial D-pullback random (H , V )-attractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Upper bound of fractal dimension of pullback random attractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1 Lipschitz property of solutions in H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Lipschitz property of solutions in V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Lipschitz projection in H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Lipschitz projection in V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Finite fractal dimension of random attractor in H and V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 Introduction

It is well-known that the notation of global or pullback attractors plays an important

role in understanding the long-time dynamics of partial differential equations (PDEs),
see e.g., Ball [2], Caraballo et al. [6–9] Guo et al. [29, 30], Ladyzhenskaya [34,
35], Miranville [41], Robinson [42], Temam [44] and Wang [46]. Random attractors
proposed and studied by Brzeźniak et al. [4], Crauel et al. [16, 17], Flandoli and
Schmalfuß [21, 43] could be regarded as a generalization of global attractors from
deterministic to stochastic case. In the past two decades, the investigation of random
attractors has attracted more and more attentions, see e.g. [3, 11–13, 24–27, 48, 60]
and [10, 49, 51, 52, 54] for autonomous and non-autonomous equations, respectively.
When the existence of random attractors of random dynamical systems/stochastic
PDEs is established, it is important to discuss their finite fractal or Hausdorff dimension
in order to investigate the infinite dimensional dynamics of stochastic PDEs. There
are several wide-spread approaches have been reported in the literature to estimate the
Hausdorff and fractal dimension of random attractors or random invariant sets. For
autonomous random dynamical systems, Crauel and Flandoli [18] proposed a method
to bound the Hausdorff dimensions of random attractors based upon the differentiabil-
ity of the systems. Motivated by the idea in [18], Debussche [19, 20] further develop
some methods to estimate the Hausdorff and fractal dimensions of (autonomous) ran-
dom invariant sets, respectively. For nonautonomous random dynamical systems, a
series of works of Zhou et al. [55–59] substantially focus on the controllability of
fractal dimension of random invariant sets as well as random attractors of stochastic
wave equations, reaction–diffusion equations, FitzHugh–Nagumo systems and lattice
systems, where the authors need the tempered property of the diameter of the random

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

invariant set and the boundedness of some random variables in expectation but do
not need the differentiability of the random dynamical systems. However, the abstract
results in the above mentioned literatures are not applicable to some important models
(e.g. in fluid dynamics) due to the following two reasons.
• Those abstract results can not be applied to some stochastic PDEs such as addi-
tive noise driven Navier–Stokes equations, Navier–Stokes–Voigt equations [1],
Boussinesq equations [14], magneto-hydrodynamics equations, Benjamin–Bona–
Mahony equations [47], and others because it seems impossible to show the
tempered property of the diameter of random attractors for those models.
• Those abstract results are only available to estimate the fractal dimension of random
attractors in initial (state) space but unavailable in some regular subspaces.
In the present paper, we will devote to the above two problems and establish two
general results to estimate the fractal dimension of random invariant sets in a separable
Banach spaces X and its subspace X ∩ Y under the framework of non-autonomous
random dynamical systems. It is worth pointing out that here we do not need any
embedding relationships between X and Y and do not need the tempered property
of the diameters of the random attractors, we only assume that the diameter of the
random attractor is weakly tempered with a fixed rate in X (but not X ∩ Y ) (see
Definition 2.4). Those weaker conditions could be easily verified for the stochastic
PDEs aforementioned, see Theorem 2.6 for more details.
Another important motivation of this work is to investigate the existence, unique-
ness, regularity as well as finite fractal dimension (by using our abstract results) of
pullback random attractors for the following non-autonomous stochastic hydrodynam-
ical systems driven by additive noise

du + Au(t)dt + B(u(t), u(t))dt + R(t, u(t))dt = g(t)dt + hdW (t) in H , t > τ,


with initial condition

u(τ ) = u τ ∈ H , (1.2)

where τ ∈ R, H is a separable Hilbert space equipped with norm |·|, A is an unbounded

self-adjoint positive linear operator on H (see Kato [32]), h ∈ Dom(A) (the domain
of A), W is a two-sided real-valued Wiener process defined on the probability space
(, F, P), R(t, ·) : H → H is a bounded linear operator, B(·, ·) : V × V → V 
(V := Dom(A1/2 ) with norm  ·  = |A1/2 · | and V  is the dual space of V ) is a
bilinear continuous mapping satisfying

B(u, v), w = −B(u, w), v, ∀ u, v, w ∈ V , (1.3)

1 1 1 1
|B(u, v), w| ≤ c|u| u v|w| w , ∀ u, v, w ∈ V .
2 2 2 2 (1.4)

The above Eqs. (1.1)–(1.2) was first introduced by Chueshov and Millet [14] that
covers a large class of hydrodynamical systems such as 2D Navier–Stokes equations,

R. Wang et al.

2D viscous lake equations, 2D magneto-hydrodynamics equation, 2D magnetic Bénard

problem, 3D Leray α-model and also some shell models of turbulence. We here remark
that these models are also included in the generalized variational framework (see e.g.
[25, 36–40]). In this paper, we will develop a unified approach to study the long time
dynamics by means of the existence, uniqueness, regularity and finite fractal dimension
of random attractors for a wide class of mathematical models from fluid dynamics like
Our first aim is to establish the existence and uniqueness of pullback random attrac-
tors A = {A(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } of (1.1)–(1.2) in H under the frameworks of
pathwise nonautonomous random dynamical systems developed by Wang [48] when
2 (R, V  ) and (1.3)–(1.4) hold. The main difficulty here is to prove the pullback
g ∈ L loc
asymptotic compactness of solutions to (1.1)–(1.2). Our idea for overcoming the dif-
ficulty is to employ the so-called idea of energy equation due to Ball [2], see Lemma
3.5. In fact, the proof in the additive noise driven case is more complicated than that
in the deterministic case [2] as well as the multiplicative noise case [50].
The second goal is to discuss the possibility of the measurability, compactness and
pullback attraction of A in the regular space V . We remark that if we only assume
2 (R, V  ) and (1.3)–(1.4), then we can not achieve the second goal since we are
g ∈ L loc
unable to derive (H , V )-uniform estimates of weak solutions of (1.1)–(1.2). However,
if we impose the conditions on g and B(·, ·) such that g ∈ L loc∞ (R, H ) and

1 1
|B(u, v), w| ≤ c|u| 2 |Au| 2 v|w|, ∀ u ∈ Dom(A), v ∈ V , w ∈ H , (1.5)

then the weak solutions in this case become strong solutions. This permits us to possibly
derive the (H , V )-uniform estimates of the solutions, and hence we are able to use
a spectral decomposition approach to prove that A is measurable and compact in V ,
and pullback attracts a family of certain random subsets of H under the topology
of V . Note that many literature results on the measurability of random attractors are
only discussed in the initial spaces but not in the regular subspaces. In this work, we
consider the measurability of random attractors of (1.1)–(1.2) not only in the initial
space H but also in the regular subspace V .
The last but most important aim is to investigate the finite fractal dimension of A in
both initial space H and the regular space V based upon the general results in Theorem
2.6. In order to apply such abstract results for problem (1.1)–(1.2), we must develop
some new (H , V )-uniform estimates of the difference of solutions to (1.1)–(1.2), see
Lemmas 5.1–5.4. To that end, we need to further impose the conditions on g and
B(·, ·) such that g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ) and
1 1 1 1
|B(u, v), w| ≤ c|u| 2 u 2 v 2 |Av| 2 |w|, ∀ u ∈ V , v ∈ Dom(A), w ∈ H .

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

Table 1 Conditions, main results and open problems

A A Upper bound of Upper bound of

dim H A(τ, ω) dim V A(τ, ω)
2 (R, V  ) and
g ∈ L loc Exists in H Unknown in V Unknown Unknown
(1.3)–(1.4) hold
2 (R, H ) and
g ∈ L loc Exists in H Bounded in V Unknown Unknown
(1.3)–(1.5) hold
∞ (R, H ) and
g ∈ L loc Exists in H Exists in V Unknown Unknown
(1.3)–(1.5) hold
 √   √ 
g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ) and
3m 0 3m 1
Exists in H Exists in V ln 2 ln 8 m 0 + 1 , ln 2 ln 8 m 1 + 1 ,
(1.3)–(1.6) hold m 0 ∈ N, m 1 ∈ N,

For the reader’s convenience, here we summarize the main results of this work as
well as some open problems on the existence, regularity and finite fractal dimension
of A = {A(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } in H and V via the following table1 .
Remark 1.1 An example of B satisfying all conditions in Table 1 is the bilinear operator
for the classical 2D Navier–Stokes equation, which can be found in many classical
fundamental works, see e.g., Caffarelli, Kohn and Nirenberg [5], Giga [22, 23], Lions
[33], Ladyzhenskaya [35], Robinson [42], Temam [44, 45]. A simple example of g
which satisfies all conditions in Table 1 is g(t) := g0 sin t with g0 ∈ H .
The structure of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we establish two
general results to bound the fractal dimension of random invariant sets under some
weaker conditions. In Sect. 3, we prove the existence and uniqueness of pullback
random attractors in H . In Sect. 4, we establish the (H , V )-regularity of those random
attractors. In the last section, we obtain the finite fractal dimension of those random
attractors in both H and V .

2 Improved bound of fractal dimension of random invariant sets

In this section, we establish some estimates on the controllability of fractal dimension

of a family random invariant sets.
First, we recall some basic concepts. Let (, F, P) be a probability space. Let X and
Y be two separable Banach spaces with Borel σ -algebra B(X ) and B(Y ), respectively.
The norm of X , Y and X ∩Y are denoted by · X , ·Y and · X +·Y , respectively.
In this paper, we do not assume any embedding relationships between X and Y .
Definition 2.1 Let M be a compact set in X . The fractal (box-counting) dimension
dim X M of M is defined by

ln N X (M; ε)
dim X M = lim sup 1
, (2.1)
ε→0+ ln ε

1 In Table 1, we use dim A(τ, ω) and dim A(τ, ω) to denote the fractal dimension of A in H and V ,
respectively, m 0 , m 1 ∈ N with m 0 ≤ m 1 are independent of τ and ω.

R. Wang et al.

where N X (M; ε) is the minimal number of closed balls in X of the radius ε which
cover the set M.

Definition 2.2 We say (, F, P, (θt )t∈R ) is a metric dynamical system (MDS) if θ :
R ×  →  is (B(R) × F, F)-measurable, θ0 is the identity on , θs+t = θs θt for
all s, t ∈ R, and θt P = P for all t ∈ R.

Definition 2.3 (See [49, Def. 2.1]) A mapping φ : R+ × R ×  × X → X is said

to be a non-autonomous random dynamical system (non-autonomous cocycle) on X
over R and a MDS (, F, P, {θt }t∈R ) if for any (t, s, τ, ω) ∈ R+ × R+ × R ×  ,
(i) φ(·, τ, ·, ·) : R+ ×  × X → X is (B(R+ ) × F × B(X ), B(X ))-measurable ;
(ii) φ(0, τ, ω, ·) is an identity operator on X ;
(iii) φ satisfies the so-called cocycle property: φ(t + s, τ, ω, ·) = φ(t, τ +
s, θs ω, ·)φ(s, τ, ω, ·) .
If the mapping φ(t, τ, ω, ·) : X → X is continuous, then we say φ is a continuous
non-autonomous random dynamical system.

Definition 2.4 Let R(ω) : ω → R be a random variable.

(i) We say R(ω) is tempered with respect to (θt )t∈R if

lim e−εt |R(θ−t ω)| = 0, ∀ ε > 0.


(ii) We say R(ω) is weakly tempered with a fixed rate ε0 > 0 with respect to (θt )t∈R

lim e−ε0 t |R(θ−t ω)| = 0.


We recall the following useful results which can be proved by standard arguments
in calculus.

Remark 2.5 Let R(ω) : ω → R be a random variable. Then we have the following
(i) R(ω) is tempered if and only if

ln |R(θ−t ω)|
lim = 0.
t→+∞ t

(ii) If R(ω) is tempered, then it is weakly tempered.

(iii) If R(ω) is weakly tempered with a fixed rate ε0 > 0, then we have

lim e−εt |R(θ−t ω)| = 0, ∀ ε ≥ ε0 ,



ln |R(θ−t ω)|
0 ≤ lim ≤ ε0 .
t→+∞ t

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

In this section, we provide two general results on the controllability of fractal

dimension of random invariant sets. More precisely, we assume that there exists a
family of bounded closed random subsets {A(τ, ω)}τ ∈R,ω∈ in X ∩ Y over a MDS
(, F, P, {θt }t∈R ) satisfying the following conditions for the non-autonomous ran-
dom dynamical system φ:X → X ∩ Y : for all (τ, ω) ∈ R × ,
(H1) Invariance: A(t + τ, θt ω) = φ(t, τ, ω)A(τ, ω) for all t ≥ 0;
(H2) Lipschitz projection in X : there exist constants t0 , λ > 0, random variables
Ci (ω) ≥ 0 for i = 0, 1, and an m-dimensional projector Pm : X → Pm X such
that for all u, v ∈ A(τ, ω),

C0 (θs ω)ds
Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)v X ≤ e 0 u − v X , (2.2)


(I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − (I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)v X

 −λt +t0 C (θ ω)ds t0 
0 1 s 1 C0 (θs ω)ds
≤ e 0 + e 0 u − v X ; (2.3)

(Ḣ2) Lipschitz projection in X ∩ Y : there exist constants t0 , λ > 0, random

variables Ci (ω) ≥ 0 for i = 0, 1, and an m-dimensional projector Pm : X ∩ Y →
Pm (X ∩ Y ) such that for all u, v ∈ A(τ, ω),

C0 (θs ω)ds
Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)v X ∩Y ≤ e 0 u − v X , (2.4)


(I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − (I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)v X ∩Y

 −λt +t0 C (θ ω)ds t0 
0 1 s 1 C0 (θs ω)ds
≤ e 0 + e 0 u − v X ; (2.5)

(H3) Controllability on parameters and random variables in expectation:

⎨ λ
E[C0 (ω)] + E[C1 (ω)] ≤ ,
⎩λt = 2 ln 2.

(H4) Weak temperedness in X only: there exists a random variable 0 <

Rω < ∞ such that the diameter A(τ, ω) X of A(τ, ω) is bounded by Rω , i.e.
supτ ∈R supu∈A(τ,ω) u X ≤ Rω , where Rθt ω is continuous in t ∈ R for each

R. Wang et al.

ω ∈  and


lim e 6 Rθ−t ω = 0, ∀ ω ∈ .

Under weaker conditions such as (H3) and (H4) than that in [55, Theorem 2.1],
we can obtain, however, two more general/better results on the upper bound of the
random invariant sets in X and X ∩ Y as follows.

Theorem 2.6 For every τ ∈ R and ω ∈ , we have the following two conclusions.
(i) If conditions (H1), (H2), (H3), (H4) hold, then the fractal dimension of A(τ, ω)
has a finite upper bound in X :

3m  √ 
dim X A(τ, ω) ≤ ln 8 m + 1 < ∞.
ln 2

(ii) If conditions (H1), (Ḣ2), (H3), (H4) hold, then the fractal dimension of A(τ, ω)
has a finite upper bound in X ∩ Y :

3m  √ 
dim X ∩Y A(τ, ω) ≤ ln 8 m + 1 < ∞.
ln 2

Proof The proof of (i) is just a special case of (ii) for X = Y , so we only need to
prove (ii) here.
Given τ ∈ R and ω ∈ . By (H4) we find that for every u 0 ∈ A(τ, ω),

A(τ, ω) ⊆ B X (u 0 , Rω ),

where we use B X (u 0 , Rω ) to denote the ball in X with radius Rω and center u 0 . Similar
notations are also used in the following. Combining (2.4) and (2.5) we obtain

C0 (θs ω)ds
Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u 0  X ∩Y ≤ e 0 Rω , (2.6)


−λt0 + C1 (θs ω)ds
(I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − (I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u 0  X ∩Y ≤ e 0

C0 (θs ω)ds

+ e0 Rω ,

for any u ∈ A(τ, ω) ∩ B X (u 0 , Rω ). By [19, Lemma 1.2], for any η > 0, we can find
1 , . . . , v n 1 ∈ P (X ∩ Y ) such that
v01 01 m

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

⎛ ⎞
C0 (θs ω)ds n1
⎜ j
B Pm (X ∩Y ) ⎝ Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u 0 , e 0 Rω ⎠ ⊆ B Pm (X ∩Y ) (v01 , η Rω ), (2.8)


⎛ ⎞m
√ t0 C (θ ω)ds
⎜ m 0 0 s ⎟
n1 ≤ ⎝ e + 1⎠ ,

where B Pm (X ∩Y ) (v, r ) denotes the ball in Pm (X ∩ Y ) of radius r and center v. For

j = 1, . . . , n 1 , we set

j j
u 01 = v01 + (I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u 0 .

By (2.6), we have

⎛ ⎞
C0 (θs ω)ds
⎜ ⎟
Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u ∈ B Pm (X ∩Y ) ⎝ Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u 0 , e 0 Rω ⎠ ,

 1 j
which along with (2.8) implies Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u ∈ nj=1 B Pm (X ∩Y ) (v01 , η Rω ). This
along with (2.7) implies that there exists 1 ≤ j ≤ n 1 such that for any u ∈ A(τ, ω) ∩
B X (u 0 , Rω ),

φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − u 01  X ∩Y
≤ Pm φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − v01  X ∩Y + (I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u − (I − Pm )φ(t0 , τ, ω)u 0  X ∩Y
⎛ ⎞

t0 t0 
−λt0 + C1 (θs ω)ds 1 C0 (θs ω)ds ⎟

≤ ⎝η + e 0 + e0 ⎠ Rω .

This implies

φ(t0 , τ, ω)(A(τ, ω) ∩ B X (u 0 , Rω ))
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞
t0 t0

⎜ j ⎜ −λt0 + C1 (θs ω)ds 1 C (θ
0 s ω)ds
⎟ ⎟
⊆ B X ∩Y ⎝u 01 , ⎝η + e 0 + e0 ⎠ Rω ⎠ . (2.9)

R. Wang et al.

Note that A(τ, ω) is contained in B X (u 0 , Rω ). Then by the invariance of A(τ, ω), it

follows from (2.9) that

⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞
t0 t0

⎜ j ⎜ −λt0 + C1 (θs ω)ds 1 C0 (θs ω)ds
⎟ ⎟
A(t0 + τ, θt0 ω) ⊆ B X ∩Y ⎝u 01 , ⎝η + e 0 + e0 ⎠ Rω ⎠ .


C0 (θs ω)ds
Let η = 18 e 0 > 0. By (H3) we have λt0 = 2 ln 2. Then we further obtain

1 1 1 1 λt0
+ e−λt0 = + = = e− 2 .
4 4 4 2

This yields that

−λt0 + C1 (θs ω)ds
C0 (θs ω)ds
  t0(C (θ ω)+C (θ ω))ds
1 1 0 s 1 s
η+e 0 + e0 ≤ + e−λt0 e 0
8 4
λt0 0
− 2 + (C 0 (θs ω)+C 1 (θs ω))ds
=e 0 . (2.11)

Then by (2.10)–(2.11), it follows

⎛ ⎞
λt t0

⎜ j − 20 + (C0 (θs ω)+C1 (θs ω))ds

A(t0 + τ, θt0 ω) ⊆ B X ∩Y ⎝u 01 , e 0 Rω ⎠ , (2.12)


 √ m
n1 ≤ 8 m + 1 .

By the recursion (2.12) and

 0 kt0 kt0
Ci (θs ω)ds + Ci (θs ω)ds = Ci (θs ω)ds, ∀ k ≥ 1, i = 0, 1,
0 (k−1)t0 0

we obtain

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

A(τ + kt0 , θkt0 ω) = φ(kt0 , τ, ω)A(τ, ω)

⎛ ⎞
...n k
n 1 λkt 0
− 2 0 + (C0 (θs ω)+C1 (θs ω))ds
⎜ j ⎟
⊆ B X ∩Y ⎝u 0k , e 0 Rω ⎠ , k ≥ 1,

 √ m
with n ≤ 8 m + 1 , = 1, 2, . . . , k.
Thanks to the ergodicity of (θt )t∈R , there exists a set 0 ⊂  (still denoted by )
of full measure such that for all ω ∈  and i = 0, 1,

Ci (θs ω)ds → E(Ci ) as t → ∞.

Thus, there exists k0 (ω) such that for all k ≥ k0 (ω),

(C0 (θs ω) + C1 (θs ω))ds ≤ 2kt0 E(C0 + C1 ).

Then by condition (H3), for all k ≥ k0 (ω) we have

λkt0 λ  kλt0
− + (C0 (θs ω) + C1 (θs ω))ds ≤ −kt0 − 2E(C0 + C1 ) ≤ − .
2 2 3

Submitting (2.14) into (2.13), and then replacing ω by θ−kt0 ω and τ by τ − kt0 in
(2.13), we obtain

A(τ, ω) = φ(kt0 , τ − kt0 , θ−kt0 ω)A(τ − kt0 , θ−kt0 ω)

⎛ kλt0 ⎞
...n k
n 1

B X ∩Y ⎝u 0k , e 3 Rθ−kt ω ⎠ , ∀ k ≥ k0 (ω).
⊆ 0

We are in the position to estimate the upper bound of fractal dimension of A(τ, ω):

ln N X ∩Y (A(τ, ω); ε)
dim X ∩Y A(τ, ω) = lim sup . (2.16)
ε→0+ − ln ε


By (H4), we find that e 6 Rθ−kt0 ω → 0 as k → ∞. Then there exists a k1 (ω) ≥
k0 (ω) such that Rθ−kt ω ≤ e 6 for all k ≥ k1 (ω). This along with (H3) implies that

R. Wang et al.

for all k ≥ k1 (ω),

λkt0 λkt0 k ln 2
− − −
0 < rk (ω) := e 3 Rθ−kt0 ω ≤ e 6 ≤ e 3 → 0 as k → ∞. (2.17)

Let ε ∈ (0, 1) and n ε (ω) be a positive integer such that rn ε −1 (ω) ≤ ε ≤ rn ε (ω). This
together with (2.17) and a contradiction argument implies that n ε → ∞ as ε → 0.
Thus, there exists a ε0 ∈ (0, 1) which may depend on ω such that n ε ≥ k1 (ω) and
rn ε (ω) < 1 for all ε ∈ (0, ε0 ). This along with (2.17) permits us to find

1 1 1
≤ ≤ , ∀ ε ∈ (0, ε0 ). (2.18)
− ln ε − ln rn ε (ω) n ε ln 2

On the other hand, we know from (2.15) that for all ε ∈ (0, ε0 ),
 √ n m
N X ∩Y (A(τ, ω); rn ε (ω)) ≤ n 1 n 2 . . . n n ε ≤ 8 m + 1 ε . (2.19)

From (2.16)–(2.19) it yields that

ln N X ∩Y (A(τ, ω); ε)
dim X ∩Y A(τ, ω) = lim sup
ε→0+ − ln ε
ln N X ∩Y (A(τ, ω); rn ε −1 (ω))
≤ lim sup
n ε →∞ − ln rn ε (ω)
 √   √ 
(n ε − 1)m ln 8 m + 1 3m ln 8 m + 1
≤ lim sup n ε ln 2
= .
n ε →∞
ln 2

The proof is completed. 

We now compare our result in Theorem (2.6) with that of Zhou et al. [55, Theorem
2.1], which is stated as bellow.

Theorem 2.7 Let conditions in [55, Theorem 2.1] hold, that is, (H1)–(H2), (H4) (for
tempered random variable Rω ), and the following one hold:

⎪ λ

⎪E[C0 (ω)] + E[C1 (ω)] ≤ 16 ,

6 ln 2 ≥ λt0 ≥ 3 ln 2,

⎩0 < δ ≤ 1 .

Then A(τ, ω) has a finite fractal dimension in X :

16m ln +1
dim X A(τ, ω) ≤ .
5 ln 2

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

Remark 2.8 One can check that our conditions (H3) and (H4) in Theorem (2.6) are
weaker than that in [55, Theorem 2.1], however, even for X = Y , we can obtain a
better upper bound of
√  dimension of A(τ, ω) in Theorem (2.6) which is
the fractal
16m ln +1
smaller than .
5 ln 2

3 Random attractors of stochastic hydrodynamical systems

3.1 Description of stochastic hydrodynamical systems

Let H be a separable Hilbert space with the inner product and norm (·, ·) and | · |,
respectively. Let A be an unbounded self-adjoint positive linear operator on H such
that V ⊂ H ⊂ V  is a Gelfand triple, where V = Dom(A1/2 ) with norm · = |A1/2 ·|
and V  is the dual space of V with respect to the inner product of H . A simple and
typical example satisfying the settings is that

A = −, H = L 2 (O) and V = Dom((−)1/2 ),

where O is a bounded domain in the real line.

Let ·, · be the duality between V  and V . Then we have u, v = (u, v) for all
u, v ∈ V . In addition, there is a constant 0 > 0 such that

0 |u|2 ≤ u2 , ∀ u ∈ V . (3.1)

Assume that R(t, ·) : H → H is a bounded linear operator uniformly for t ∈ R, i.e.

there exists a constant 1 > 0 independent of t such that

|R(t, u)| ≤ 1 |u|, ∀u ∈ H . (3.2)

Assume that B : V × V → V  is a bilinear continuous mapping such that

B(u, v), w = −B(u, w), v, ∀ u, v, w ∈ V , (3.3)

1 1 1 1
|B(u, v), w| ≤ 2 |u| u v|w| w , ∀ u, v, w ∈ V ,
2 2 2 2 (3.4)

where 2 > 0 is a constant.

Remark 3.1 One can check that the assumptions could be easily verified for various
types of examples. As mentioned in [14], it indeed covers a wide class of hydro-
dynamical systems such as 2D Navier–Stokes equations, 2D magneto-hydrodynamic
equations, 2D Boussinesq model for the bénard convection, 2D magnetic Bénard prob-
lem as well as 3D Leray α-model for Navier–Stokes equations, see also [25, 36–38,
40] for more examples.

R. Wang et al.

With above notations, we consider the Cauchy problem of the following abstract
stochastic hydrodynamical systems in H for t > τ with τ ∈ R

du(t) + Au(t)dt + B(u(t), u(t))dt + R(t, u(t))dt = g(t)dt + hdW (t), (3.5)

with initial condition

u(τ ) = u τ ∈ H , (3.6)

2 (R, V  ) and the two-sided real-valued Wiener process W is

where h ∈ V , g ∈ L loc
defined on the probability space (, F, P). Let {θt }t∈R be a family of shift operators
on  defined by θt ω(·) = ω(· +t) −ω(t) for (ω, t) ∈  × R. Then (, F, P, (θt )t∈R )
is a ergodic metric dynamical system.

3.2 Non-autonomous random dynamical systems

To show that (3.5)–(3.6) generates a non-autonomous random dynamical system, we

first need to transfer (3.5)–(3.6) into a deterministic pathwise random system without
the stochastic noise.
Given a constant σ > 0 specified later, we consider

z(θt ω) := −σ eσ s (θt ω)(s)ds, t ∈ R. (3.7)

By Caraballo et al. [13], Wang and Zhou [53] we know that z(θt ω) is an Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck stationary process, which is the unique stationary solution with continuous
trajectories of the one-dimensional stochastic equation dz + σ zdt = dW (t). In addi-
tion, there exists a {θt }t∈R -invariant subset which we still denote by  of full measure

z(θt ω) 1
lim = lim z(θs ω)ds = 0, for every ω ∈ , (3.8)
t→±∞ t t→±∞ t
1 ( 1+m )
lim |z(θs ω)|m ds = E(|z(θt ω)|m ) = √ 2 , for every ω ∈  and m > 1,
t→±∞ t πσm

where  is the Gamma function.

Let v(t) = u(t)−z(θt ω)h, then the Eqs. (3.5)–(3.6) can be rewritten as the following
pathwise random system

+ Av + B(v(t), v(t)) + z(θt ω)B(v(t), h) + z(θt ω)B(h, v(t))

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

= g(t) + σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah − R(t, v(t)) − z(θt ω)R(t, h) − z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h)

with initial condition

v(τ ) = vτ = u τ − hz(θτ ω) ∈ H . (3.11)

Definition 3.2 Given τ ∈ R and vτ ∈ H , a function v(·, τ, ω, vτ ) : [τ, ∞) → H is

called a weak solution to (3.10)–(3.11) if v(τ, τ, ω, vτ ) = vτ and

v ∈ C([τ, ∞), H ) 2
L loc ((τ, ∞), V )), (3.12)

and v satisfies that for all ξ ∈ V ,

d 1 1
(v, ξ ) + (A 2 v, A 2 ξ ) + B(v(t), v(t)), ξ  + z(θt ω)B(v(t), h), ξ  + z(θt ω)B(h, v(t)), ξ 
= g(t) − z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h), ξ  + (σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah − R(t, v(t)) − z(θt ω)R(t, h), ξ )

in the sense of distribution on [τ, ∞).

Note that Eq. (3.13) is equivalent to

+ Av + B(v(t), v(t)) + z(θt ω)B(v(t), h) + z(θt ω)B(h, v(t))
= g(t) + σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah − R(t, v(t)) − z(θt ω)R(t, h) − z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h) in V  .

Observe that the operator A has a discrete spectrum in the sense of [15, Definition
4.1.1] (see also Kato [32], then we find from [15, Proposition 4.1.6] that the first
embedding of the Gelfand triple V ⊂ H ⊂ V  is compact. Then by the standard
approaches as in [22, 33, 36, 38] one can prove that for every τ ∈ R, ω ∈ ,
2 (R, V  )), the solution v(t, τ, ω, v ) of (3.10)–(3.11) exists
vτ (ω) ∈ H and g ∈ L loc τ
globally and uniquely for t ≥ τ in the sense of Definition of 3.2 such that v is F-
measurable in ω ∈  and continuous in vτ ∈ H . In addition, we have the following
energy equation
d 2
|v| + 2v2 + 2z(θt ω)B(v, h), v + 2z(θt ω)B(h, v), v
= 2g(t) − z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h), v + 2(σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah − R(t, v(t)) − z(θt ω)R(t, h), v).

Then we define a continuous non-autonomous random dynamical system for prob-

lem (3.5)–(3.6) in the sense of Definition of 2.3 via the mapping  : R+ ×R××H →
H defined by

(t, τ, ω, u τ ) = u(t + τ, τ, θ−τ ω, u τ ) = v(t + τ, τ, θ−τ ω, vτ ) + z(θt ω)h,

vτ = u τ − z(ω)h. (3.16)

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216 42
In this paper, we set σ1 = 0 − 3 1 and σ2 = 20
h4 , and make the following

0 12σ2
1 < and σ ≥ , (3.17)
3 σ1

where 0 , 1 and σ are given in (3.1), (3.2) and (3.7), respectively.

Let D = {D(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } be a family of bounded nonempty subsets in
H such that

lim e− 8 σ1 t |D(τ − t, θ−t ω)| = 0, (3.18)

where |D(τ − t, θ−t ω)| = supu∈D(τ −t,θ−t ω) |u|. Denote by

D = {D = {∅ = D(τ, ω) ⊆ H : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } : D satisfies (3.18)} .

Recall from [49, Def. 2.15] that a set A = {A(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } ∈ D is called

a D-pullback random attractor for  if for every τ ∈ R and ω ∈  ,

(i) A(τ, ω) is a compact random set in H ;

(ii) (t, τ, ω, A(τ, ω)) = A(t + τ, θt ω) for all (t, τ, ω) ∈ R+ × R × ;
(iii) A pullback attracts every member of D, i.e., for every D = {D(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ }
∈ D,

lim dist H ((t, τ − t, θ−t ω, D(τ − t, θ−t ω)), A(τ, ω)) = 0,

∀(t, τ, ω) ∈ R+ × R × ,

where dist H (·, ·) denotes the Hausdorff semi-distance between two subsets of H .
2 (R, V  ) satisfies
Note that in this section, we only assume that g ∈ L loc

e 16 σ1 r g(r )2V  dr < ∞, ∀τ ∈ R. (3.19)

3.3 Long term D-uniform estimates in H

This subsection is concerned with the uniform estimates of solutions of 3.5–3.6, which
are important to construct D-pullback random absorbing sets for the cocycle .

2 (R, V  ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (3.19) hold. For every τ ∈ R, ω ∈ 

Lemma 3.3 Let g ∈ L loc
and D ∈ D, there exists a constant T := T (τ, ω, D) ≥ 1 (independent of σ ) such

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

that the solutions of (3.10)–(3.11) satisfy that for all t ≥ T and σ ≥ τ − t,

σ−τ σ−τ
1 σ1 (ς +τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
|v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )| + 2
e ς
× v(ς + τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )2 dς
σ−τ σ−τ σ−τ
σ1 (τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr σ1 (ς +τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
≤e 0 + M1 e ς

× 1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς,

where vτ −t + z(θ−t ω)h ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω), and M1 > 0 is a constant independent of
σ , τ , ω and D.
Proof By (3.15), we get from (3.1) that

d 2
|v| + 0 |v|2 + v2 ≤ −2z(θt ω)B(v, h), v − 2z(θt ω)B(h, v), v
+ 2g(t) − z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h), v + 2(σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah
− R(t, v(t)) − z(θt ω)R(t, h), v). (3.20)

Denote by Ii for i = 1, 2, 3, 4 each term on the right-hand side of (3.20). By (3.1)–

(3.4), we have

2 2 1 3
I1 = 2z(θt ω)B(v, v), h ≤ √ h|z(θt ω)||v| 2 v 2
108 2 4
≤ v2 + h4 |z(θt ω)|4 |v|2 , (3.21)
4 20
2 2 1 3 1 108 42
I2 ≤ √ h|z(θt ω)||v| 2 v 2 ≤ v2 + h4 |z(θt ω)|4 |v|2 , (3.22)
0 4 20
2 2 1
I3 ≤ 2vg(t)V  + h2 |z(θt ω)|2 v ≤ v2 + c1 (g(t)2V  + |z(θt ω)|4 ),
0 4
I4 ≤ 2 1 |v|2 + 2|z(θt ω)||σ h − Ah − R(t, h)||v| ≤ 3 1 |v|2 + c2 |z(θt ω)|2 , (3.24)

where, form now on, the letter c and ci > 0 (i = 1, 2, . . . ,) denote generic constants
which may change their values from line to line and even in the same line.
Substituting (3.21)–(3.24) into (3.20), we get

d 2   1
|v| + σ1 − σ2 |z(θt ω)|4 |v|2 + v2 ≤ c3 (1 + g(t)2V  + |z(θt ω)|4 ), (3.25)
dt 4
216 42
where σ1 = 0 − 3 1 and σ2 = 20
h4 .

R. Wang et al.

σ1 t−σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
Multiplying (3.25) by e 0 and integrating the result with ω being
replaced by θ−τ ω over (τ − t, σ ) we obtain

|v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )|2

σ−τ σ−τ
1 σ1 (ς +τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
+ e ς
v(ς + τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )2 dς
σ1 (τ −σ −t)+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
≤ e −t |vτ −t |2
σ−τ σ−τ
σ1 (ς +τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
+ c3 e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς.

By (3.9) and (3.17) there exists a constant T1 := T1 (ω) ≥ 1 such that for all t ≥ T1 ,

2σ2 ( 25 ) 3σ2 1
σ2 |z(θs ω)|4 ds < √ t= t ≤ σ1 t, (3.27)
σ π
2 2σ 2 8

which along with (3.8) and vτ −t + z(θ−t ω)h ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω) with D ∈ D implies
that for all t ≥ T1 ,

−σ1 t+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
e −t |vτ −t |2
 1 2 7
≤ 2 e− 8 σ1 t |D(τ − t, θ−t ω)| + 2e− 8 σ1 t |h|2 |z(θ−t ω)|2 → 0 as t → +∞.

This along with (3.26) implies that there exists a constant T := T (τ, ω, D) > T1 such
that for all t ≥ T ,

σ−τ σ−τ
1 σ1 (ς +τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
|v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )|2 + e ς
× v(ς + τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )2 dς
σ−τ σ−τ σ−τ
σ1 (τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr σ1 (ς +τ −σ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
≤e 0 + c3 e ς

× 1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς,

where the last integral is well-defined due to (3.8), (3.19) as well as (3.27). The proof
is completed. 

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

3.4 Pullback asymptotic compactness of solutions in H

In this subsection, we establish the D-pullback asymptotic compactness of solutions

to (3.10)–(3.11) in H . Note that here we can not employ the so-called idea of uniform
tail-estimates of the solutions to show such asymptotic compactness of solutions to
2 (R, V  )
(3.10)–(3.11) in H , see e.g. [46]. We also remark that we only assume g ∈ L loc
but not g ∈ L loc (R, V ). In the present article we employ the famous idea of energy

equation due to Ball [2] in order to prove such asymptotic compactness.

We bear in mind that the first embedding of V ⊂ H ⊂ V  is compact. Then by the
similar processes of proving the existence of solutions, see e.g., Ball [2] and García-
Luengo et al. [31], we are able to show the following weak continuity of solutions to
(3.10)–(3.11) in initial data.
2 (R, V  ) and (3.3)–(3.4) hold. Let τ ∈ R and ω ∈ . If
Lemma 3.4 Let g ∈ L loc
vτ,n → vτ weakly in H , then the solutions of (3.10)–(3.11) satisfy that

v(t, τ, ω, vτ,n ) → v(t, τ, ω, vτ ) weakly in H , for all t ≥ τ ; (3.28a)

u(·, τ, ω, u τ,n ) → u(·, τ, ω, u τ ) weakly in L 2 (τ, τ + T ; V ), for every T > 0;
u(·, τ, ω, u τ,n ) → u(·, τ, ω, u τ ) strongly in L 2 (τ, τ + T ; H ), for every T > 0.

In light of above weak continuity results we are able to prove the D-pullback
asymptotic compactness of solutions to (3.10)–(3.11) in H as bellow.
2 (R, V  ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (3.19) hold. For every τ ∈ R, ω ∈ 
Lemma 3.5 Let g ∈ L loc
and D ∈ D, the solutions of (3.10)–(3.11) are D-pullback asymptotically compact in
H in the sense that the sequence {v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )}∞
n=1 with tn → +∞ and
v0,n + z(θ−tn ω)h ∈ D(τ − tn , θ−tn ω) has a convergent subsequence in H .
Proof The proof is completed by the following steps.
Step 1. Our goal. By tn → +∞ and Lemma 3.3 with σ = τ there is a positive
number N0 = N0 (τ, ω, D) ∈ N such that for all n ≥ N0 ,

0 0
σ1 ς+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
|v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )| ≤ 1 + M1
e ς

× 1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )V  dς.

Then there exists a v̂ ∈ H and a subsequence which is not relabeled such that

v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ) → v̂ weakly in H . (3.29)

Thus it suffices to show that the above weak convergence is indeed a strong conver-
gence. By (3.29), we have

lim inf |v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )| ≥ |v̂|.


R. Wang et al.

Then it remains to show

lim sup |v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )| ≤ |v̂|. (3.30)


Step 2. Weak convergence. Given now a positive integer number k ∈ N. By the

cocycle property of  we have

v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ) = v(τ, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )). (3.31)

By Lemma 3.3 with σ = τ − k and v0,n + z(θ−tn ω)h ∈ D(τ − tn , θ−tn ω) there exits
a number N1 := N1 (τ, ω, D) ∈ N which is large than N0 such that for all n ≥ N1 ,


σ1 k+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
|v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )| ≤ e 2 0


−k |z(θr ω)|4 dr 
σ1 (ς +k)+σ2 
+ M1 e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς
−k 0
σ1 (ς +k)+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
σ1 k
≤e + M1 e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς,

which means that for each k ∈ N the sequence {v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )}∞n=1 is
bounded in H . Thus, by a diagonal process, one can find a v̂k ∈ H and a subsequence
(which is not relabeled) such that

v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ) → v̂k weakly in H . (3.33)

By (3.31), (3.33) and Lemma 3.4 we have

v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ) → v(τ, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) weakly in H , (3.34)

v(·, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ))
→ v(·, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) weakly in L 2 (τ − k, τ ; V ), (3.35)
v(·, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ))
→ v(·, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) strongly in L 2 (τ − k, τ ; H ). (3.36)

By (3.29) and (3.34), we get

v(τ, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) = v̂. (3.37)

Step 3. Energy equations. We consider the following energy equation from (3.15)

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

d 2
|v| + 0 |v|2 + ϕ(v) + 2z(θt ω)B(v, h), v + 2z(θt ω)B(h, v), v
= 2g(t) − z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h), v + 2(σ z(θt ω)h − R(t, v) − z(θt ω)R(t, h) − z(θt ω)Ah, v),

where ϕ(v) = 2v2 − 0 |v|2 .

Then by (3.1), we have v2 ≤ ϕ(v) ≤ 2v2 , hence ϕ 1/2 (·) is equivalent with the
norm of V . By (3.37)–(3.38) and (3.3) we have

|v̂|2 = |v(τ, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )|2

− 0 k
=e |v̂k | −
e 0 (r −τ ) ϕ(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ))dr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) g(r ) − z 2 (θr −τ ω)B(h, h), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) σ z(θr −τ ω)h
τ −k

− z(θr −τ ω)R(r , h) − z(θr −τ ω)Ah, v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr

−2 e 0 (r −τ ) R(r , v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), hdr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(h, v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr .
τ −k

For convenience, we write

Vn (r ) := v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )), ∀ r ∈ [τ − k, τ ].


Likewise, by (3.31) and (3.38) we have

|v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )|2 = |v(τ, τ − k, θ−τ ω, v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n ))|2

= Ii (n), (3.41)

R. Wang et al.


I1 (n) = e− 0 k |v(τ − k, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )|2 ,

I2 (n) = − e 0 (r −τ ) ϕ(Vn (r ))dr ,
τ −k

I3 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) g(r ) − z 2 (θr −τ ω)B(h, h), Vn (r )dr ,
τ −k

I4 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) σ z(θr −τ ω)h − z(θr −τ ω)R(r , h) − z(θr −τ ω)Ah, Vn (r ) dr ,
τ −k

I5 (n) = −2 e 0 (r −τ ) R(r , Vn (r )), Vn (r ) dr ,
τ −k

I6 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(Vn (r ), Vn (r )), hdr ,
τ −k

I7 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(h, Vn (r )), Vn (r )dr .
τ −k

Step 4. Limit of I1 (n). We see from (3.32) with t = tn and v0,n + z(θ−tn ω)h ∈
D(τ − tn , θ−tn ω) that

−k 0
σ1 ς+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr
(σ1 − 0 )k (σ1 − 0 )k
lim sup I1 (n) ≤ e + M1 e e ς
× 1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς. (3.42)

Step 5. Limit of I2 (n). Since ϕ 2 (·) is equivalent with the norm of V , we infer from
(3.40) and (3.35) that
 τ  τ
0 (r −τ )
lim inf e ϕ(Vn (r ))dr ≥ e 0 (r −τ ) ϕ(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ))dr ,
n→∞ τ −k τ −k

which implies
lim sup I2 (n) ≤ − e 0 (r −τ ) ϕ(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ))dr . (3.43)
n→∞ τ −k

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

Step 6. Limit of I3 (n). Since e 0 (·−τ ) (g(·)−z 2 (θ·−τ ω)B(h, h)) ∈ L 2 (τ −k, τ ; V  ),
we find from (3.40) and (3.35) that

lim I3 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) g(r ) − z 2 (θr −τ ω)B(h, h), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr .
τ −k

Step 7. Limit of I4 (n). Likewise, since e 0 (·−τ ) σ z(θ·−τ ω)h − z(θ·−τ ω)R(·, h) −

z(θ·−τ ω)Ah ∈ L 2 (τ − k, τ ; V  ), we deduce from (3.40) and (3.35) that

lim I4 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) σ z(θr −τ ω)h
τ −k

− z(θr −τ ω)R(r , h) − z(θr −τ ω)Ah, v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr . (3.45)

Step 8. Limit of I5 (n). By (3.35) and (3.40), we can find a constant c4 independent
of n such that
τ τ
Vn (r ) dr +
v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )2 dr ≤ c4 . (3.46)
τ −k τ −k

Note that

I5 (n) + 2 e 0 (r −τ ) R(r , v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr
τ −k

=2 e 0 (r −τ ) R(r , v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) − Vn dr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) R(r , v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) − Vn ), Vn dr := 
I5 (n) + 
I5 (n).
τ −k
By (3.36), (3.40) and (3.46) we find

I5 (n) ≤ 2 1 |Vn − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )||v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )|dr
τ −k
 τ  21  τ  21
≤ 2 1 |Vn − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| 2
|v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| dr

τ −k τ −k
√  τ  21
2 1 c4
≤ |Vn − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )|2 → 0 as n → ∞. (3.48)
τ −k

R. Wang et al.

By the same argument, we have

√  τ  21
 2 1 c4
I5 (n) ≤ |Vn − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )|2 → 0 as n → ∞. (3.49)
τ −k

Then we find from (3.47)–(3.49) that

lim I5 (n) = −2 e 0 (r−τ ) R(r , v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr .
τ −k

Step 9. Limit of I6 (n). Note that

I6 (n) − 2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), hdr
τ −k

=2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ), Vn (r )), hdr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ), Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), hdr
τ −k
I6 (n) + 
=:  I6 (n). (3.51)

By (3.4), (3.46) as well as (3.36), we have

1 1
I6 (n) ≤ c5 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| 2 Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) 2 Vn (r )dr
τ −k

1 3 3
≤ 2c5 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| 2 Vn (r ) 2 + v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) 2 dr
τ −k
 τ  41  τ  43
≤ 2c5 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| dr2
Vn (r ) dr

τ −k τ −k
 τ  14  τ  34
+ 2c5 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| dr
v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr

τ −k τ −k

 τ  14
≤ 4c5 c44 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )|2 dr → 0 as n → ∞, (3.52)
τ −k

2 √2 h
where c5 = max |z(θr ω)|.
0 r ∈[−k,0]

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

By (3.3) and the same argument of (3.52), we have

1 1
I6 (n) ≤ c5 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| 2 Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) 2
τ −k
× v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr

1 3 3
≤ 2c5 |Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )| 2 Vn (r ) 2 + v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) 2 dr
τ −k

 τ  14
≤ 4c5 c4 4
|Vn (r ) − v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )|2 dr → 0 as n → ∞. (3.53)
τ −k

Then we infer from (3.51)–(3.53) that

lim I6 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), hdr .
τ −k

Step 10. Limit of I7 (n). By the same argument as in Step 9, we have

lim I7 (n) = 2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(h, v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr .
τ −k

Step 11. Final conclusion. Letting n → ∞ in (3.41), we find from (3.42)–(3.45),

(3.50) and (3.54)–(3.55) that

lim sup |v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )|2

−k 0
σ1 ς +σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
≤ e(σ1 − 0 )k + M1 e(σ1 − 0 )k e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς
0 (r −τ )
− e ϕ(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ))dr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) g(r ) − z 2 (θr −τ ω)B(h, h), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) σ z(θr −τ ω)h − z(θr −τ ω)R(r , h) − z(θr −τ ω)Ah, v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr
τ −k

−2 e 0 (r −τ ) R(r , v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ) dr
τ −k

R. Wang et al.

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k ), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), hdr
τ −k

+2 e 0 (r −τ ) z(θr −τ ω)B(h, v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )), v(r , τ − k, θ−τ ω, v̂k )dr . (3.56)
τ −k

This along with (3.39) implies

lim sup |v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )|2

−k 0
σ1 ς +σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
(σ1 − 0 )k (σ1 − 0 )k
≤ |v̂| + e
+ M1 e e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς.

Letting k → ∞ in (3.57) we infer from σ1 < 0 and (3.19) that

lim sup |v(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ ω, v0,n )|2 ≤ |v̂|2 . (3.58)


This is just the desired result (3.30). The proof is completed. 

3.5 Existence and uniqueness of pullback random attractors

In this subsection, we show the existence as well as uniqueness of D-pullback random

attractors for the cocycle . We begin with the existence of a F-measurable D-pullback
absorbing set of .
2 (R, V  ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (3.19) hold. The cocycle  for
Proposition 3.6 Let g ∈ L loc
(3.5)–(3.6) has a closed F-measurable D-pullback absorbing set K = {K(τ, ω) : τ ∈
R, ω ∈ } ∈ D in the sense of [49, Def. 2.13], which is given by

K(τ, ω) = {u ∈ H : |u|2 ≤ R(τ, ω) := 2|h|2 |z(ω)|2 + 2

0 0
|z(θr ω)|4 dr 

σ1 ς+σ2 
+ 2M1 e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)| + g(ς 4
+ τ )2V  dς ,

where M1 is the same constant as in Lemma 3.3. In addition, for τ ∈ R and ω ∈ 

we have
lim e− 8 σ1 t R(τ − t, θ−t ω) = 0.

Proof By the (F, B(R))-measurability of ω → R(τ, ω) we find the F-measurability

of the set K(τ, ω). Given (τ, ω, D) ∈ R ×  × D. We find from Lemma 3.3 with

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

σ = τ that there exists T := T (τ, ω, D) ≥ 1 satisfying

sup sup |u(τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, u τ −t )|2 ≤ R(τ, ω).

t≥T u τ −t ∈D (τ −t,θ−t ω)


(t, τ − t, θ−t ω, D(τ − t, θ−t ω)) = u(τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, D(τ − t, θ−t ω)) ⊆ K(τ, ω).

This means that K is a pullback absorbing set.

Next we show K ∈ D. Note that for t ≥ 0,


−t |z(θr ω)|4 dr 
σ1 (ς +t)+σ2 
e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς
0 0
16 σ1 (ς +t)+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
≤ e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς.

This along with (3.8), (3.19) and (3.27) implies that as t → ∞,

1 1 1 1
e− 4 σ1 t |K(τ − t, θ−t ω)|2 = e− 4 σ1 t R(τ − t, θ−t ω) = 2|h|2 e− 4 σ1 t |z(θ−t ω)|2 + 2e− 4 σ1 t

−t |z(θr ω)|4 dr 
− 14 σ1 t
σ1 (ς +t)+σ2 
+ 2M1 e e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς
2 − 14 σ1 t 1
≤ 2|h| e |z(θ−t ω)|2 + 2e− 4 σ1 t
0 0
16 σ1 ς +σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
− 16 σ1 t
+ 2M1 e e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g(ς + τ )2V  dς → 0.

This yields K ∈ D is tempered as required. The proof is completed. 

As a consequence of Lemma 3.5, we obtain the D-pullback asymptotic compactness

of  as follows.

Proposition 3.7 Let g ∈ L loc 2 (R, V  ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (3.19) hold. The continuous

cocycle  for (3.5)–(3.6) is D-pullback asymptotically compact in H in the sense that

for each fixed τ ∈ R, ω ∈  and D = {D(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ )} ∈ D, the sequence
{(tn , τ − tn , θ−tn ω, u 0,n )}∞
n=1 has a convergent subsequence in H if tn → +∞ and
u 0,n ∈ D(τ − tn , θ−tn ω).

In the next theorem, we present the main result of this section.

R. Wang et al.

2 (R, V  ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (3.19) hold. The continuous cocy-

Theorem 3.8 Let g ∈ L loc
cle  for (3.5)–(3.6) admits a unique D-pullback random attractor A = {A(τ, ω) :
τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } ∈ D in H satisfying

A(τ, ω) ⊆ K(τ, ω) and |A(τ, ω)|2 ≤ |K(τ, ω)|2 ≤ R(τ, ω), ∀ (τ, ω) ∈ R × .

Proof The proof is an immediate consequence of Prop. 3.6 and Prop. 3.7 based upon
the abstract results in [49] and [51]. 

4 (H, V)-regularity of pullback random attractors

In this section, we establish the (H , V )-regularity of the pullback random attractor A

of the cocycle  for (3.5)–(3.6). More precisely, we will prove that the D-pullback
random attractor A of Theorem 3.8 is indeed a bi-spatial D-pullback random (H , V )-

4.1 Definition of bi-spatial D-pullback random (H, V)-attractor

Definition 4.1 The D-pullback random attractor A = {A(τ, ω); τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } ∈ D

of the cocycle  in Theorem 3.8 is called a bi-spatial D-pullback random (H , V )-
attractor if
(i) the mapping ω → A(τ, ω) is F-measurable in V for each τ ∈ R;
(ii) the set A(τ, ω) is compact in V for every τ ∈ R and ω ∈ ;
(iii) A D-pullback attracts every element in D under the topology of V , i.e. for
every D ∈ D,

lim distV ((t, τ − t, θ−t ω, D(τ − t, θ−t ω)), A(τ, ω)) = 0,

∀ (t, τ, ω) ∈ R+ × R × ,

where distV (·, ·) denotes the Hausdorff semi-distance of two sets in the space V .

We remark that the F-measurability of the usual bi-spatial random attractors are
useally considered in the initial space but not in the regular subspace. In the present
paper, we study the F-measurability of bi-spatial random attractors in both initial and
regular spaces.

4.2 Regularity of solutions to (3.10)–(3.11)

In this section, we assume there is a constant 3 > 0 such that the bilinear continuous
mapping B satisfies

1 1
|B(u, v), w| ≤ 3 |u| 2 |Au| 2 v|w|, ∀ u ∈ Dom(A), v ∈ V , w ∈ H . (4.1)

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

The examples that (4.1) holds could be found in [31].

As in [31, Theorem 2.1], one can prove that for every τ ∈ R, ω ∈ , vτ ∈ H and
2 (R, H ), the weak solution v(t, τ, ω, v ) to (3.10)–(3.11) satisfies, for every
g ∈ L loc τ
ε > 0,

v ∈ C([τ + ε, ∞), V ) 2
L loc ((τ + ε, ∞), Dom(A)), (4.2)

v2 + 2|Av|2 = −2B(v, v), Av − 2z(θt ω)B(v, h), Av − 2z(θt ω)B(h, v), Av
+ 2(g(t) + σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah − R(t, v) − z(θt ω)R(t, h), Av)
− 2z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h), Av. (4.3)

4.3 Long term D-uniform estimates in V

As a consequence of Lemma 3.3, we have the following uniform estimates on the

solutions to (3.10)–(3.11).

Lemma 4.2 Let g ∈ L loc2 (R, V  ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (3.19) hold. For every τ ∈ R, ω ∈ 

and D ∈ D, there exists a constant T := T (τ, ω, D) ≥ 1 such that the solutions of

(3.10)–(3.11) satisfy that for all t ≥ T ,

sup |v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )|2 + v(ς, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )2 dς
σ ∈[τ −1,τ ]
τ −1

τ 0
σ1 (ς −τ )+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
≤ R2 (τ, ω) := M2 + M2 e ς −τ
1 + |z(θς −τ ω)|4 + g(ς)2V  dς,

where vτ −t + z(θ−t ω)h ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω), and M2 > 2 is a constant independent of
σ , τ , ω and D.

In this subsection, we assume that h ∈ Dom(A) and the time-dependent force

2 (R, H ). Based upon Lemma 4.2 as well as the energy equation (4.3), we next
g ∈ L loc
derive the long term D-uniform estimates of solutions to (3.5)–(3.6) in V . This result
implies that the random attractor A is bounded in V .

Lemma 4.3 Let g ∈ L loc 2 (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (3.19) and (4.1) hold. For every τ ∈

R, ω ∈  and D ∈ D, there exists a constant T := T (τ, ω, D) ≥ 1 such that the

solutions of (3.5)–(3.6) and (3.10)–(3.11) satisfy that for all t ≥ T and σ ∈ [τ −1, τ ],

u(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, u τ −t )2 ≤ R3 (τ, ω) := 2|h|2 max |z(θr ω)|2

r ∈[−1,0]

M3 1+ |g(r )|2 dr + |z(θr ω)|4 dr +R22 (τ,ω)
+e τ −1 −1

R. Wang et al.


τ σ
v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t ) + 2
|Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|2 dr dς
τ −1 ς
 τ 0

M3 1+ |g(r )|2 dr + |z(θr ω)|4 dr +R22 (τ,ω)
3 (τ, ω) := e
≤R τ −1 −1 ,

where u τ −t ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω), vτ −t + z(θ−t ω)h ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω), and M3 > 2 is a
constant independent of σ , τ , ω and D.

Proof Denote by Ii for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 each term on the right-hand side of (4.3),

respectively. By (4.1) we get

1 1 3
I1 ≤ 2 3 |v| 2 |Av| 2 v ≤ |Av|2 + c6 |v|2 v4 , (4.4)
1 3 1
I2 ≤ 2 3 h|z(θt ω)||v| 2 |Av| 2 ≤ |Av|2 + c7 |z(θt ω)|4 v2 , (4.5)
1 1 1
I3 ≤ 2 3 |h| 2 |Ah| 2 |z(θt ω)|v|Av| ≤ |Av|2 + c8 |z(θt ω)|2 v2 , (4.6)
I4 ≤ |Av|2 + c9 (|g(t)|2 + |z(θt ω)|2 + v2 ), (4.7)
1 1 1
I5 ≤ 2 3 |h| 2 |Ah| 2 h|z(θt ω)|2 |Av| ≤ |Av|2 + c10 |z(θt ω)|4 . (4.8)

Submitting (4.4)–(4.8) into (4.3) we have

v2 + |Av|2 ≤ c11 (1 + |z(θt ω)|4 + |v|2 v2 )v2 + c12 (1 + |g(t)|2 + |z(θt ω)|4 ).

−c11 (1+|z(θs ω)|4 +|v(s)|2 v(s)2 )ds
For t ≥ 1, multiplying (4.9) by e 0 and integrating over
(ς, σ ) ⊆ [τ − 1, τ ] we obtain

v(σ, τ − t, ω, vτ )2
σ c σ (1+|z(θ ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,ω,v )|2 v(s,τ −t,ω,v )2 )ds
11 s τ τ
+ e r |Av(r , τ − t, ω, vτ )|2 dr

c11 (1+|z(θs ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,ω,vτ )|2 v(s,τ −t,ω,vτ )2 )ds
≤e ς
v(ς, τ − t, ω, vτ )2
σ σ
c11 (1+|z(θs ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,ω,vτ )|2 v(s,τ −t,ω,vτ )2 )ds
+ c12 e r (1 + |g(r )|2 + |z(θr ω)|4 )dr .

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

We integrate (4.10) with respect to ς over (τ − 1, τ ) and replacing ω by θ−τ ω to find

v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )2

τ σ c σ (1+|z(θ ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,θ ω,v )|2 v(s,τ −t,θ ω,v )2 )ds
11 s−τ −τ τ −τ τ
+ e r
τ −1 ς

× |Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|2 dr dς

τ σ
c11 (1+|z(θs−τ ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ )|2 v(s,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ )2 )ds
≤ e ς
v(ς, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )2 dς
τ −1
τ σ σ
c11 (1+|z(θs−τ ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ )|2 v(s,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ )2 )ds
+ c12 e r

τ −1 ς

× (1 + |g(r )|2 + |z(θr −τ ω)|4 )dr dς ≤ I6 (I7 + I8 ), (4.11)


c11 1+|z(θr −τ ω)|4 +|v(r ,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ −t )|2 v(r ,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ −t )2 dr
I6 = e τ −1 ,
τ τ

I7 = v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )2 dr and I8 = c12 (1 + |g(r )|2 + |z(θr −τ ω)|4 )dr .
τ −1 τ −1

By Lemma 4.2 there exists a T := T (τ, ω, D) > 1 such that for all t ≥ T ,

0 τ
c11 +c11 |z(θr ω)|4 dr +c11 sup |v(r ,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ −t )|2 v(r ,τ −t,θ−τ ω,vτ −t )2 dr
I6 ≤ e −1 r ∈[τ −1,τ ] τ −1

c11 +c11 |z(θr ω)|4 dr +c11 R22 (τ,ω)
≤e −1 ,

τ 0
I7 ≤ R2 (τ, ω) and I8 ≤ c12 + c12 |g(r )|2 dr + c12 |z(θr ω)|4 dr .
τ −1 −1
Then we find from (4.11) that

v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t )2

τ σ c σ (1+|z(θ ω)|4 +|v(s,τ −t,θ ω,v )|2 v(s,τ −t,θ ω,v )2 )ds
11 s−τ −τ τ −τ τ
+ e r
τ −1 ς
× |Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|2 dr dς
 τ 0

c13 1+ |g(r )|2 dr + |z(θr ω)|4 dr +R22 (τ,ω)
≤e τ −1 −1 .

R. Wang et al.

This implies that for all vτ −t + z(θ−t ω)h ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω), t ≥ T and σ ∈ [τ − 1, τ ],

τ σ
v(σ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t ) + 2
|Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|2 dr dς
τ −1 ς
 τ 0

c13 1+ |g(r )|2 dr + |z(θr ω)|4 dr +R22 (τ,ω)
≤e τ −1 −1 .

This completes the proof. 

4.4 Long time D-uniform “flattening effect” in V

∞ (R, H ), where the

In this subsection, we assume that the time-dependent force g ∈ L loc
space means that supt∈[a,b] |g(t)| < ∞ for any [a, b] ⊆ R. Observe that the operator
A is self-adjoint and has a compact inverse, then A has a family of eigenvectors
{em }m∈N ⊂ Dom(A) corresponding to a family of eigenvalues {λm }m∈N satisfying
0 < λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ · · ·λm → ∞ as m → ∞ such that Aem = λm em for all m ∈ N.
Note that {em }m∈N forms an orthonormal basis of H . Let Pm be the orthogonal
projector from H to the span of the first m eigenfunctions of A. Let u m = (I − Pm )u
for u ∈ Dom(A), then we have

u m 2 ≥ λm+1 |u m |2 , ∀ u ∈ V and |Au m |2 ≥ λm+1 u m 2 , ∀ u ∈ Dom(A).


The next result is concerned with the long time D-uniform “flattening effect” of the
solutions in V , which is important in proving the D-pullback asymptotic compactness
of  in V .
∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (3.19) hold. For every τ ∈ R,
Lemma 4.4 Let g ∈ L loc
ω ∈  and D = {D(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ )} ∈ D, the solutions of (3.5)–(3.6) satisfy

lim sup (I − Pm )u(τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, u τ −t ) = 0. (4.13)

m,t→+∞ u
τ −t ∈D (τ −t,θ−t ω)

Proof Let vm = (I − Pm )v. Applying I − Pm to (3.10) and taking the inner product
of the resulting equation with Avm in H we obtain

vm (t)2 + 2|Avm |2 = −2B(v, v), Avm  − 2z(θt ω)B(v, h), Avm 
− 2z(θt ω)B(h, v), Avm 
− 2z 2 (θt ω)B(h, h), Avm  + 2(g(t) + σ z(θt ω)h − z(θt ω)Ah
− R(t, v) − z(θt ω)R(t, h), Avm ).

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

Denote by I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 and I5 the terms on the right hand side of above equality
By (4.1), we find that each Ii (i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is bounded by

1 1 1
I1 ≤ 2 3 |v| 2 |Av| 2 v|Avm | ≤ |Avm |2 + cv3 |Av|,
1 1 1
I2 ≤ 2 3 h|z(θt ω)||v| 2 |Av| 2 |Avm | ≤ |Avm |2 + c|z(θt ω)|2 |Av||v|,
1 1 1
I3 ≤ 2 3 |h| 2 |Ah| 2 |z(θt ω)|v|Avm | ≤ |Avm |2 + c|z(θt ω)|2 v2 ,
1 1 1
I4 ≤ 2 3 |h| 2 |Ah| 2 h|z(θt ω)| |Avm | ≤ |Avm |2 + c|z(θt ω)|4 ,
1  2 
I5 ≤ |Avm | + c |v| + |g(t)| + |z(θt ω)|2 .
2 2

Then we know from above estimates that

vm (t)2 + λm+1 vm 2 ≤ c(1 + v3 + |z(θt ω)|3 )|Av|
+ c 1 + v4 + |g(t)|2 + |z(θt ω)|4 . (4.14)

Multiplying (4.14) by eλm+1 t and integrating over (ς, τ ) ⊆ [τ − 1, τ ] we have

vm (τ, τ − t, ω, vm,τ )2

≤ eλm+1 (ς −τ ) vm (ς, τ − t, ω, vm,τ )2

+ c eλm+1 (r −τ ) (1 + |z(θr ω)|3 + v(r , τ − t, ω, vτ )3 )
× |Av(r , τ − t, ω, vτ )|dr

+ c eλm+1 (r −τ ) (1 + v(r , τ − t, ω, vτ )4 + |z(θr ω)|4 + |g(r )|2 )dr . (4.15)

For t ≥ 1, we integrate (4.15) with respect to ς over (τ − 1, τ ) and replacing ω by

θ−τ ω to get

vm (τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vm,τ )2

≤ eλm+1 (ς −τ ) vm (ς, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vm,τ )2 dς
τ −1
τ τ
+c eλm+1 (r −τ ) (1 + |z(θr −τ ω)|3
τ −1 ς

R. Wang et al.

+ v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )3 )|Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|dr dς

τ τ
+c eλm+1 (r −τ ) v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )4 dr dς
τ −1 ς
τ τ
+c eλm+1 (r −τ ) (1 + |z(θr −τ ω)|4 + |g(r )|2 )dr dς. (4.16)
τ −1 ς

Denote by I6 , I7 , I8 and I9 the terms on the right-hand side of (4.16) respectively. Let
vτ −t + z(θ−t ω)h ∈ D(τ − t, θ−t ω) and let T := T (τ, ω, D) ≥ 1 be the constant in
Lemma 4.3. Then by the second result in Lemma 4.3 we find that I6 satisfies that for
all t ≥ T ,

I6 ≤ eλm+1 (ς −τ ) v(ς, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )2 dς
τ −1

≤ sup v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ ) 2
eλm+1 (ς −τ ) dς
r ∈[τ −1,τ ]
τ −1
≤ λ−1 
m+1 R3 (τ, ω) → 0 as m → ∞, (4.17)

3 (τ, ω) < ∞ is given in Lemma 4.3.

where R
By Hölder inequality and the second result in Lemma 4.3 we have for all t ≥ T ,

 τ τ 1
2λm+1 (r −τ )
 2 2
I7 ≤ c e 1 + |z(θr −τ ω)|3 + v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )3 dr dς
τ −1 ς
 τ τ 1
× |Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|2 dr dς
τ −1 ς
 τ  21
2λm+1 (r −τ )
≤c e 1 + |z(θr −τ ω)|3 + v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )3 dr
τ −1
 τ τ  21
× |Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )| dr dς 2

τ −1 ς
− 21  
≤ cλm+1 sup 1 + |z(θr −τ ω)|3 + v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )3
r ∈[τ −1,τ ]
 τ τ  21
× |Av(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )|2 dr dς
τ −1 ς

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

− 21  3  21
≤ cλm+1  2 (τ, ω) R
1 + max |z(θr ω)|3 + R  (τ, ω) → 0 as m → ∞.
r ∈[−1,0] 3 3


By the second result in Lemma 4.3 we have for all t ≥ T ,

I8 ≤ c eλm+1 (r −τ ) v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ )4 dr
τ −1

≤c sup v(r , τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ ) 4
eλm+1 (ς −τ ) dς
r ∈[τ −1,τ ]
τ −1
≤ cλ−1 2
m+1 R3 (τ, ω) → 0 as m → ∞. (4.19)

∞ (R, H ) we have
By g ∈ L loc

I9 ≤ c eλm+1 (r −τ ) (1 + |z(θr −τ ω)|4 + |g(r )|2 )dr
τ −1
≤ cλ−1
m+1 (1 + sup |z(θr ω)|4 + sup |g(r )|2 ) → 0 as m → ∞. (4.20)
r ∈[−1,0] r ∈[τ −1,τ ]

By (4.16)–(4.20) we have

lim sup (I − Pm )v(τ, τ − t, θ−τ ω, vτ −t ) = 0. (4.21)

m,t→+∞ v
τ −t +z(θ−t ω)h∈D (τ −t,θ−t ω)

This along with (I − Pm )h → 0 as m → ∞ completes the proof. 

4.5 Existence of bi-spatial D-pullback random (H, V)-attractor

In this subsection, we prove that the D-pullback random attractor A of Theorem 3.8
is indeed a bi-spatial D-pullback random (H , V )-attractor in the sense of Definition
4.1. By utilizing Lemmas 4.3–4.4 we are in the position to prove the D-pullback
asymptotic compactness of the cocycle  in V as below.

Proposition 4.5 Let g ∈ L loc ∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (3.19) hold. The cocycle 

for (3.5)–(3.6) is D-pullback asymptotically compact in V , i.e. for each fixed τ ∈ R,

ω ∈  and D = {D(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ )} ∈ D, the sequence {(tn , τ −
tn , θ−tn ω, u 0,n )}∞
n=1 has a convergent subsequence in V if tn → +∞ and u 0,n ∈
D(τ − tn , θ−tn ω).

Proof Given an arbitrary number ε > 0, we will show that the sequence

{Un }∞ ∞ ∞
n=1 := {(tn , τ − tn , θ−tn ω, u 0,n )}n=1 = {u(τ, τ − tn , θ−τ , ω, u 0,n )}n=1

R. Wang et al.

has a finite open cover with radius less then ε in V if tn → +∞ and u 0,n ∈ D(τ −
tn , θ−tn ω).
By Lemma 4.3, there exist N1 = N1 (τ, ω, D) ≥ 1 and C = C(τ, ω) > 0 such that
for all n ≥ N1 ,

Un  ≤ C. (4.22)

By Lemma 4.4 there exist N2 = N2 (τ, ω, D, ε) ≥ N1 and m = m(τ, ω, D, ε) ≥ 1

such that for all n ≥ N2 ,
(I − Pm )Un  < . (4.23)
By (4.22) as well as the finite-dimensional range of Pm , we know that {Pm Un }∞n=1 is
pre-compact in Pm V . This along with (4.23) implies that {Un }∞n=1 has a finite open
cover with radius less then ε in V . The proof is completed. 

Based on Prop.3.6, Lemma 4.3, Prop.4.5 and the abstract results in [28, Prop.2.5]
we have the following main result of this section.
Theorem 4.6 Let (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (3.19) hold. Then we have the following two
conclusions for the D-pullback random attractor A in Theorem 3.8.
2 (R, H ), then A is bounded in V , i.e. A(τ, ω) is bounded in V for
(i) if g ∈ L loc
each τ ∈ R and ω ∈ .
∞ (R, H ), then A is a bi-spatial D-pullback random (H , V )-attractor
(ii) if g ∈ L loc
in the sense of Definition 4.1.

5 Upper bound of fractal dimension of pullback random attractors

In this section, we prove the finite fractal dimension of pullback random attractors
A = {A(τ, ω) : τ ∈ R, ω ∈ } ∈ D in both H and V by applying our abstract results
in Sect. 2. To that end, we assume that the time-dependent force g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ),
where the space means that g0 := supt∈R |g(t)| < ∞. Notice that this condition
implies (3.19). In addition, we assume that there is a constant 4 > 0 such that the
bilinear continuous mapping B satisfies the following condition (see [31])
1 1 1 1
|B(u, v), w| ≤ 4 |u| 2 u 2 v 2 |Av| 2 |w|, ∀ u ∈ V , v ∈ Dom(A), w ∈ H .

Given j = 1, 2, τ ∈ R, ω ∈  and u jτ ∈ A(τ, ω), for t ≥ 0, we let r = τ + t and

(t, τ, ω, u jτ ) = u j (r ) := u j (r , τ, θ−τ ω, u jτ ) and u(r ) := u 1 (r ) − u 2 (r ),

where u j is the solution to (3.5)–(3.6) at time r with ω being replaced by θ−τ ω. Then
we have
u(r ) + Au(r ) + B(u 1 (r ), u 1 (r )) − B(u 2 (r ), u 2 (r )) + R(r , u(r )) = 0. (5.2)

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

By the invariance of A and the cocycle property of  we know from Lemma 4.3
with g0 = supt∈R |g(t)| < ∞ that

u j (r ) ∈ A(r , θr −τ ω) ⊆ K0 (θr −τ ω), ∀ r ≥ τ, (τ, ω) ∈ R × , (5.3)

K0 (ω) = u ∈ V : u ≤ R0 (ω) := 2|h|2 max |z(θr ω)|2
r ∈[−1,0]
 0  1 
M3 1+g20 + |z(θr ω)|4 dr +R22 (ω) 2
+e −1

0 σ1 ς+σ2 |z(θr ω)|4 dr  
with R2 (ω) := M2 + M2 e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)|4 + g20 dς , where
M2 > 2 and M3 > 2 are two constants independent of τ and ω in Lemma 4.2 and
Lemma 4.3, respectively.
By Theorem 3.8 and Theorem 4.6, we know that the family of random attractors
{A(τ, ω)}τ ∈R,ω∈ in H and V satisfies condition (H1) in Sect. 2.
The fact R0 (ω) ≥ 1 is useful in showing that other conditions in Sect. 2 are also
satisfied for our equations.

5.1 Lipschitz property of solutions in H

Lemma 5.1 Let g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4) and (4.1) hold. For every τ ∈ R, ω ∈ 
and u jτ ∈ A(τ, ω) for j = 1, 2, we have for all σ ∈ [τ, τ + t] and t ≥ 0,

σ t
c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds
|u(σ, τ, θ−τ ω, uτ )| + 2
u(r , τ, θ−τ ω, uτ ) dr ≤ e 2 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 ,
uτ = u 1τ − u 2τ . (5.4)

Proof By (5.2) as well as (3.2), we get

|u(r )|2 + 2u2 ≤ 2 1 |u|2 − 2B(u 1 , u 1 ) − B(u 2 , u 2 ), u = 2 1 |u|2 + I1 .

By (3.3)–(3.4), we have

1 3 1 1
I1 ≤ 2|B(u, u 2 ), u| = 2|B(u, u), u 2 | ≤ 2 2 |u| 2 u 2 |u 2 | 2 u 2  2
≤ u2 + cu 2 4 |u|2 . (5.6)

R. Wang et al.

Then we find from (5.5)–(5.6) and (5.3) that

|u(r )|2 + u2 ≤ c(1 + R40 (θr −τ ω))|u|2 . (5.7)

Applying the Gronwall inequality to (5.7) over (τ, σ ) with σ ∈ [τ, τ + t] we have

σ c
(1+R40 (θs ω))ds
|u(σ, τ, θ−τ ω, uτ )| + 2
e r −τ u(r , τ, θ−τ ω, uτ )2 dr
c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds
≤e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 .

Hence we have (5.4). 

5.2 Lipschitz property of solutions in V

Lemma 5.2 Let g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (5.1) hold. For every τ ∈ R,
ω ∈ , ι > 0 and u jτ ∈ A(τ, ω) for j = 1, 2, we have for all σ ∈ [τ, τ + t] and
t ≥ ι,

τ +t σ t
c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds
u(σ, τ, θ−τ ω, uτ ) + 2
|Au(r )| dr dς ≤ e 2 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 .
τ +t−ι ς

Proof By (5.2) and (3.2), we have

u(r )2 + 2|Au|2 ≤ 2 1 |u||Au| − 2B(u 1 , u 1 ) − B(u 2 , u 2 ), Au
= 2 1 |u||Au| + I2 . (5.9)

It follows from (4.1) and (5.1) that

I2 ≤ 2|B(u 1 , u), Au| + 2|B(u, u 2 ), Au|

1 1 1 3 1 3
≤ 2 4 |u 1 | 2 u 1  2 u 2 |Au| 2 + 2 3 |u| 2 |Au| 2 u 2 
≤ |Au|2 + c(u 1 4 + u 2 4 )|u|2 . (5.10)

It yields from (5.9)–(5.10) and (5.3) that

u(r )2 + |Au|2 ≤ c(1 + R40 (θr −τ ω))|u|2 . (5.11)

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

For t ≥ ι > 0, we integrate (5.11) with respect to r over (ς, σ ) ⊆ [τ, τ + t] to find

σ σ
u(σ )2 + |Au(r )|2 dr ≤ u(ς )2 + c (1 + R40 (θr −τ ω))|u(r )|2 dr . (5.12)
ς ς

Again, integrating (5.12) with respect to ς over (τ + t − ι, τ + t) we infer from (5.4)


τ +t σ
u(σ ) + 2
|Au(r )|2 dr dς
τ +t−ι ς
τ +t τ +t σ
≤ u(ς ) dς + c
(1 + R40 (θr −τ ω))|u(r )|2 dr dς
τ +t−ι τ +t−ι ς
τ +t τ +t
≤ u(ς ) dς + cι (1 + R40 (θr −τ ω))|u(r )|2 dr

τ τ
τ +t τ +t
≤ u(ς ) dς + cι
sup |u(r )| (1 + R40 (θr −τ ω))dr
r ∈[τ,τ +t]
τ τ

 t  c  (1+R40 (θs ω))ds


≤ 1 + c (1 + R0 (θs ω))ds e 0
|u 1τ − u 2τ |2
c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds
≤e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 , (5.13)

where we have used the inequality 1 + x ≤ e x for x ≥ 0. The proof is completed. 

5.3 Lipschitz projection in H

Let Pm be the orthogonal projector from H to the span of the first m eigenfunctions
of A as in Sect. 4.3, now we show that  satisfies condition (H2) in Sect. 2.

Lemma 5.3 Let g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (5.1) hold. For every τ ∈ R,
ω ∈ , ι > 0 and u 1τ , u 2τ ∈ A(τ, ω), the finite dimensional projector Pm : H →
Pm H satisfies that for all t ≥ ι,

|(I − Pm )(t, τ, ω, u 1τ ) − (I − Pm )(t, τ, ω, u 2τ )|

C0 (θs ω)ds

λ − 14
− m+1
≤ e 2 + λm+1 e 0
|u 1τ − u 2τ | (5.14)

R. Wang et al.

C0 (θs ω)ds
|Pm (t, τ, ω, u 1τ ) − Pm (t, τ, ω, u 1τ )| ≤ e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |, (5.15)

where C0 (ω) = c0 (1 + R40 (ω)) is a positive random variable with a positive constant
c0 > 0.
Proof Denote by um = (I − Pm )u. Applying I − Pm to (5.2) and taking the inner
product of the resulting equation with um in H we obtain
|um (r )|2 + 2um (r )2 + 2(R(r , u), um ) + 2B(u 1 , u), um  + 2B(u, u 2 ), um  = 0. (5.16)

Denote by I1 , I2 and I3 the last three terms in (5.16), respectively. By (3.2) we have

|I1 | ≤ 2 1 |u||um | ≤ um 2 + c|u|2 . (5.17)
By (3.3)–(3.4), we get

1 1 1 1 1
|I2 | = 2|B(u 1 , um ), u| ≤ 2 2 |u 1 | 2 u 1  2 um |u| 2 u 2 ≤ um 2 + cu 1 2 u2 .

By (3.4), we get

1 1 1 1 1
|I3 | ≤ 2 2 |u| 2 u 2 u 2 |um | 2 um  2 ≤ um 2 + cu 2 2 u2 . (5.19)
By (5.3) and (4.12), we infer from (5.16)–(5.19) that

d 1
|um (r )|2 + λm+1 |um (r )|2 + um 2 ≤ c(1 + u 1 2 + u 2 2 )u2
dr 2
≤ c(1 + R20 (θr −τ ω))u2 . (5.20)

For t ≥ ι > 0, applying the Gronwall inequality to (5.20) over (τ, τ + t) we find from
(5.8) that

τ +t
|um (τ + t, τ, θ−τ ω, um (τ )| + 2
eλm+1 (r −τ −t) um (r )2 dr
τ +t
≤ e−λm+1 t |um (τ )|2 + c eλm+1 (r −τ −t) (1 + R20 (θr −τ ω))u(r )2 dr
τ +t
≤ e−λm+1 t |um (τ )|2 + c eλm+1 (r −τ −t) (1 + R20 (θr −τ ω))u(r )2 dr

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

τ +t
−λm+1 t
≤e |um (τ )| + c
sup u(r ) 2
eλm+1 (r −τ −t) (1 + R20 (θr −τ ω))dr
r ∈[τ,τ +t]
c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds
τ +t
−λm+1 t
≤e |um (τ )| + c|u 1τ − u 2τ | e
2 2 0 eλm+1 (r −τ −t)
(1 + R20 (θr −τ ω))dr
c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds
= e−λm+1 t |um (τ )|2 + |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 e 0
 t  1  t 1
2 2
2λm+1 (r −t)
× e dr c (1 + R0 (θr ω)) dr
2 2 2

0 0
t t
1 c (1+R0 (θs ω))ds+ c 4 2 (1+R2 (θ ω))2 dr
0 r
−λm+1 t
≤e |u 1τ − u 2τ | + √ 2
|u 1τ − u 2τ |2 e 0 0
2c2 (1+R40 (θr ω))dr

−λm+1 t 1
≤ e +√ e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 ,

where we have used the inequality e x ≥ x for x ≥ 0.
This inequality implies the first result (5.14) and the following result which is useful
for the next subsection

τ +t  2c 2
(1+R40 (θr ω))dr

λm+1 (r −τ −t) −λm+1 t 1
e um (r ) dr ≤ 2 e
+√ e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 .

Note that the second result (5.15) follows from (5.4). 

5.4 Lipschitz projection in V

The next lemma shows that  satisfies condition (Ḣ2) in Sect. 2.

Lemma 5.4 Let g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (5.1) hold. For every τ ∈ R,
ω ∈ , ι > 0 and u 1τ , u 2τ ∈ A(τ, ω), the finite dimensional projector Pm : H →
Pm H satisfies that for all t ≥ ι,

(I − Pm )(t, τ, ω, u 1τ ) − (I − Pm )(t, τ, ω, u 2τ )

√ − 12 λm+1 t
 − 18 − 14  C0 (θr ω)dr  1 
≤ 2 e + λm+1 + λm+1 e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ | 2 + |u 1τ − u 2τ |

R. Wang et al.

C0 (θs ω)ds
Pm (t, τ, ω, u 1τ ) − Pm (t, τ, ω, u 1τ ) ≤ e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |, (5.23)

where C0 (ω) = ĉ0 (1 + R12

0 (ω)) is a positive random variable with a positive constant
ĉ0 > 0.

Proof Denote by um = (I − Pm )u. Applying I − Pm to (5.2) and taking the inner

product of the resulting equation with Aum in H we obtain

um (r )2 + 2|Aum (r )|2 + 2(R(r , u), Aum ) + 2B(u 1 , u), Aum 
+2B(u, u 2 ), Aum  = 0. (5.24)

Denote by I4 , I5 and I6 the last three terms in (5.24), respectively. By (3.2), we get

I4 ≤ 2 1 |u||Aum | ≤ |Aum |2 + c|u|2 . (5.25)
By (5.1), we get

1 1 1 1 1
|I5 | ≤ 2 4 |u 1 | 2 u 1  2 u 2 |Au| 2 |Aum | ≤ |Aum |2 + cu 1 2 u|Au|. (5.26)
By (4.1), we have

1 1 1
|I6 | ≤ 2 3 |u| 2 Au 2 u 2 |Aum | ≤ |Aum |2 + cu 2 2 u|Au|. (5.27)
By (5.3) and (4.12), we deduce from (5.24)–(5.27) that

um (r )2 + λm+1 um 2 ≤ c(1 + u 1 4 + u 2 4 )|Au| ≤ c(1 + R30 (θr −τ ω))|Au|.

Multiplying (5.28) by eλm+1 r and integrating the resulting inequality with respect to r
over (ς, τ + t) for ς ∈ [τ + t − ι, τ + t] with ς > 0, we have, for all t ≥ ι,
τ +t
um (τ + t)2 ≤ eλm+1 (ς −τ −t) um (ς)2 + c eλm+1 (r −τ −t) (1 + R30 (θr −τ ω))|Au(r )|dr . (5.29)

Again, integrating (5.29) with respect to ς over (τ + t − ι, τ + t) we infer that for

t ≥ ι,
τ +t
um (τ + t)2 ≤ I7 + I8 : = eλm+1 (ς −τ −t) um (ς)2 dς
τ +t−ι

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

τ +t τ +t
+c eλm+1 (r −τ −t) (1 + R30 (θr −τ ω))|Au(r )|dr dς. (5.30)
τ +t−ι ς

By (5.21), we have for t ≥ ι,

τ +t  t
2c2 (1+R40 (θr ω))dr

λm+1 (r −τ −t) −λm+1 t 1
I7 ≤ e um (r ) dr ≤ 2 e
+√ e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 .

By (5.8), we have for t ≥ ι,

 τ +t τ +t  21  τ +t τ +t  21
2λm+1 (r −τ −t) 2
I8 ≤ |Au(r )| dr dς
e c 1 + R30 (θr −τ ω) dr dς
τ +t−ι ς τ +t−ι ς
 τ +t τ +t  21  τ +t τ +t  14
4λm+1 (r −τ −t)
≤ |Au(r )| dr dς
e dr dς
τ +t−ι ς τ +t−ι ς
 τ +t τ +t  41
× c4 1 + R30 (θr −τ ω) dr dς
τ +t−ι ς
 τ +t τ +t  21   t  14   t  41
≤ |Au(r )|2 dr dς ιe4λm+1 (r −t) dr ιc4 1 + R30 (θr ω) dr
τ +t−ι ς 0 0
 τ +t τ +t  21   t  41
−1  4
≤ λm+1
|Au(r )|2 dr dς 4−1 ι2 c4 1 + R30 (θr ω) dr
τ +t−ι ς 0
t t  4
2c (1+R40 (θs ω))ds+4−1 ι2 c 4 1+R30 (θr ω) dr
≤ λm+1
e 0 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |
−1 c (1+R12
0 (θs ω))ds
≤ λm+1
e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |, (5.32)

where we have used the inequality e x ≥ x 4 for x ≥ 0.
Then it follows from (5.30)–(5.32) that for all t ≥ ι,

− 41 c (1+R0 (θs ω))ds

um (τ + t) ≤ 2
λm+1 e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |
 2c 2
(1+R40 (θr ω))dr

+ 2 e−λm+1 t + √ e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |2 .

This yields that for all t ≥ ι,

R. Wang et al.

2 c (1+R0 (θs ω))ds
1 12
− 81 1
um (τ + t) ≤ λm+1 e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ | 2
√ − 12 λm+1 t − 41 2c (1+R0 (θr ω))dr
2 4

+ 2 e + λm+1 e 0 |u 1τ − u 2τ |

√ − 21 λm+1 t
 − 18 − 14  (1+R0 (θr ω))dr

≤ 2 e + λm+1 + λm+1 e 0

|u 1τ − u 2τ | 2 + |u 1τ − u 2τ | .

From this, we get (5.22). Note that (5.23) follows from (5.8). 

5.5 Finite fractal dimension of random attractor in H and V

With similar arguments as in [55, Lemma 3.7] (see also [56–59]), we can prove
E[C0 (ω)] < ∞ and E[C0 (ω)] < ∞. Thus, by applying the abstract result Theo-
rem 2.6, we obtain the finite fractal dimension of the random attractors in V and

Theorem 5.5 Let g ∈ L ∞ (R, H ), (3.3)–(3.4), (4.1) and (5.1) hold. For each τ ∈ R
and ω ∈ , we have the following two conclusions.
(i) The fractal dimension of A(τ, ω) has a finite upper bound in H :

3m 0  √ 
dim H A(τ, ω) ≤ ln 8 m 0 + 1 < ∞,
ln 2

where m 0 ∈ N is independent of τ and ω.

(ii) The fractal dimension of A(τ, ω) has a finite upper bound in V :

3m 1  √ 
dim V A(τ, ω) ≤ ln 8 m 1 + 1 < ∞,
ln 2

where m 1 ∈ N is independent of τ and ω, which is large than m 0 .

Proof Let σ1 be the number in (3.17) and

 0 0
|z(θr ω)|4 dr 
σ1 ς+σ2  2
Rω = 2|h| |z(ω)| + 2 + 2M1
2 2
e ς
1 + |z(θς ω)| 4
+ g20 dς .

(i) By λm+1 → +∞ as m → ∞ we can find an integer m 0 ∈ N such that

λm 0 +1
0 < E(C0 (ω)) ≤ 24 ,
−1 λm 0 +1 σ1
0 < λm 04+1 ≤ 1
8 and 12 ≥ 8 ,

Fractal dimension of random invariant sets…

where C0 (ω) = c0 (1 + R40 (ω)). Choose t = ι = 4 ln 2

λm 0 +1 in Lemma 5.3. Let t0 = t and
λm 0 +1 λ
λ= 2 . Then we find 0 < E(C0 (ω)) ≤ 12 and λt0 = 2 ln 2, and find from Prop.
3.6 that
− σ1
e 6 Rθ−t ω ≤ e− 8 t Rθ−t ω → 0 as t → +∞.

λm 0 +1
In addition, we find from Lemma 5.3 with m = m 0 , t = t0 and 2 = λ that for all
u 1τ , u 2τ ∈ A(τ, ω),
1 C0 (θs ω)ds
|(I − Pm 0 )(t0 , τ, ω, u 1τ ) − (I − Pm 0 )(t0 , τ, ω, u 2τ )| ≤ e−λt0 + e 0 Rω (5.33)

C0 (θs ω)ds
|Pm 0 (t0 , τ, ω, u 1τ ) − Pm 0 (t0 , τ, ω, u 1τ )| ≤ e 0 Rω . (5.34)

Above results implies that all conditions in (i) of Theorem 2.6 are satisfied for the
finite dimensional projector Pm 0 : H → Pm 0 H , t0 = λ4mln+1 2
, λ = m20 +1 , C0 (ω) =
C0 (ω) and C1 (ω) = 0. Hence we have

3m 0  √ 
dim H A(τ, ω) ≤ ln 8 m 0 + 1 < ∞.
ln 2
(ii) By λm+1 → +∞ as m → ∞ we can find an integer m 1 ∈ N which is large
than m 0 such that

λm 1 +1 √ √  −1 −1  1
0 ≤ E(C0 (ω)) < , λm 1 +1 ≥ 4 ln 2 2, 0 < 2 2 λm 18+1 + λm 14+1 ≤ and
48 8
λm 1 +1 σ1
≥ ,
24 8

where C0 (ω) = ĉ0 (1 + R12

0 (ω)). Choose t = ι :=
8 ln 2
λm 0 +1 in Lemma 5.4. Let t0 = t
λm 1 +1 λ
and λ = 4 . Then we find 0 ≤ E(C0 (ω)) < 12 and λt0 = 2 ln 2, and find from
Prop. 3.6 that
λt σ1
e− 6 Rθ−t ω ≤ e− 8 t Rθ−t ω → 0 as t → +∞.
√ 1 1
By the inequality 2 2e− 2 λm 1 +1 t ≤ e− 4 λm 1 +1 t for t ≥ 1 and the fact Rω ≥ 1, we find
from Lemma 5.4 with with m = m 1 , t = t0 and m41 +1 = λ that for all u 1τ , u 2τ ∈
A(τ, ω),
−λt0 1 C0 (θs ω)ds
(I − Pm 1 )(t0 , τ, ω, u 1τ ) − (I − Pm 1 )(t0 , τ, ω, u 2τ ) ≤ e + e0 Rω

R. Wang et al.

C0 (θs ω)ds
Pm 1 (t0 , τ, ω, u 1τ ) − Pm 1 (t0 , τ, ω, u 1τ ) ≤ e 0 Rω .

By above results, we know that all conditions in (ii) of Theorem 2.6 are satisfied
for the finite dimensional projector Pm 1 : H → Pm 1 H , t0 = λ8mln+1
, λ = 41 λm 1 +1 ,
C0 (ω) = C0 (ω) and C1 (ω) = 0. Hence we have

3m 1  √ 
dim V A(τ, ω) ≤ ln 8 m 1 + 1 < ∞.
ln 2
The proof is completed. 

Final conclusion As a direct consequence of the results obtained in the present paper,
we could get a new/better upper bound of fractal dimension of random attractors for
a wide class of stochastic partial differential equations in fluid mechanics including
stochastic 2D Navier–Stokes equation, 2D MHD equation, 2D Boussinesq equation,
2D magnetic Bénard equation as well as 3D Leray-α model, where the equations are
defined on bounded domains or unbounded domains satisfying the Poincaré inequality
(see e.g. [14, 25, 36–38] for more details on those models). It would be interesting to
extend the present results to the stochastic hydrodynamical systems driven by more
general infinite dimensional noise, and this will be the subject of future work.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the referees for some constructive suggestions and
valuable comments.

Data availability Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during
the current study.

Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of

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