03 Endless Nightmares Expansion Rulebook English Version

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There is more to the story. There are other investigators descending to Endless Nightmares will keep you submerged in Kadath’s depths for
the depths. There are new monsters being birthed from the sphere’s countless hours to come. Journey once more below the ocean’s surface.
roiling horrors. New chapters are creeping out of the darkness, and Step again into the uncharted night. They’re ready for you. And they’re
endless fresh nightmares are crouching in wait just out of sight. so very hungry.
Endless Nightmares adds a whole new level to your Deep Madness
experience. With three new standalone scenarios, six new investigators,
nine new types of monsters, three new epic monsters and much more,


Emma Kruger

Emma never wanted a normal life. Headstrong and with a thirst for adventure, Emma began survival
training for fun as a teenager and undertook deep studies of the martial arts for more than self-defense.
Two things all her trainers noticed were her nearly unquenchable competitive drive and the fact that she
Emma Kruger
seemed to be almost completely devoid of empathy. She was cold. Calculating. Composed. And up for any
MOVE MOVE ATTACK challenge. She was the perfect operative.
Emma's skills were noticed by several less savory government agencies around the SET OFand,
world SKILLS
she was never short of work. But then the Leng Corporation made her anYou offermay
that distribute 1
every other "suitor"
vying for her attention just couldn't beat. Overnight, Emma wound,
found herself and you
becoming may reroll
a one-company girl.
Attack: Drifter attacks the investigator that
An advantage of the new arrangement was that she got new toyseach [1] you justonrolled.
has the most sanity tokens in the same space
and fresh training a consistent basis,
allowing her to further hone and augment her skills. But one enormous problem with the arrangement was
Emma Kruger
and deals X additional damage. X is equal to HAIR-TRIGGER
that most of her assignments were boring. The occasional theft or surveillance jobs REFLEXES
were not what she
signed up for. After a monster has Attacked you,
the number of sanity tokens the investigator
you may exhaust 1 sanity to immedi-
has. Now, however, they seem to have found a mission worthy of her talents. They are deploying her to the
ately Move once. Before a monster’s
Kadath deep-sea mining facility to assess and monitor the situation there. And, if the situation proves to be
Attack, if you are in its , you may
not to her liking, they have given her clearance to employ her specific skillset with extreme prejudice. This
exhaust 2 sanity to immediately Move
could prove to be the most fun she's had in years.
once. The monster then Attacks as


Special Agent

15 Monster Cards (9 normal, 3 epic, 6 Investigator Cards 42 Spawn Cards 6 Activation Cards 6 Despair Markers 6 Husk Standees
and 3 scenario-specific)

Fathoms Dark
Unbound Yourself Bathed in Ichor

At the end of the activation phase, The beasts have you surrounded, but as you’ve
take an unbound marker from the systematically chipped away at them, you’ve
Unbound monster card and place it allowed a glimmer of hope to flicker in your
on your Objective Point unless there chest. Perhaps you might even survive… The
is one there already. black ichor wells up like a geyser out of the
The unbound marker on your Objec- floor, seeping through the cracks in the ceiling
tive Point is treated as a monster and drizzling down the walls. It douses the
(maximum health 4) by other investi- monsters, bathing them in darkness. And, as it
gators. And it cannot move for any does, you hear a horrific cacophony rising from
reason. After it is killed, remove it from
each serrated mouth. The terrors straighten,
the game and shuffle this card back
Attack: At the end of the attack, deal their limbs regaining strength. A moan escapes
to the face-down scenario card deck.
X damage to yourself. X is equal to
your lips. All of your victories have been
the number of non-success results.
undone. You’re really going to die here.

Each non-epic monster heals all its


6 Scenario Cards 18 Search Cards 23 Madness Cards 12 Unbound Markers 6 Obscure Markers 6 Nest Markers 1 Sonar Decoy Marker

12 Infested Tokens 12 Health +1 Tokens 12 Parasite Tokens 12 Grudge Tokens 12 Purge Tokens 9 Immortal Markers

1 ADS Marker 1 Heavy Miner Figure 3 Trap Mine Markers 6 3D Hatches

6 Investigator Figures

Franklyn Christie Sophie Brigman Christopher Dalton Isaiah Wiesenthal Emma Kruger Lisbeth Gibson

65 Monster Figures

Unbound Obscure Nest 3 Immortal

3 Wrecked 5 Purge 5 Despair 5 Hallucination 3 Drifters

8 Grudge 12 Parasites 12 Bloated 6 Mind Eaters

The scenario-specific monster cards, nest markers, and Husk standees game if desired: the investigator and activation cards, the monster and
are only used when playing the scenarios included in this expansion. spawn cards, and the search and madness cards.
The following expansion components can be used in any chapter of The 3D hatches should be treated just like the locked hatch standees
Deep Madness (unless otherwise stated) and may be added to the base from the Deep Madness base game.

The Endless Nightmares expansion introduces new experiences to the necessary to play with this expansion.
world of Deep Madness. This section describes the additional rules


An example of the first ability on Lisbeth Gibson’s investigator card is as When a figure gains 1 health, it heals 1 wound if it has already taken
follows: wounds. However, if it does not have any wounds, it will still gain +1
health, even if that entails that its current health exceeds its maximum
When Lisbeth attacks with the “Grappler” weapon card, she rolls three
health. When this happens, it takes a health +1 token.
dice and gets [2], [4], and [5]. She chooses to store the die with the [5]
result, so the remaining results become [2], [4], and [0]. Later in the When a figure that has a health +1 token(s) takes wounds, it discards
game, she rolls two dice for her resistance and gets [1] and [3]. She the health +1 token(s) first.
replaces the [1] with the [5] she stored, so the results become [5] and [3].
Note: Once used, Lisbeth cannot store the die with the [5] result again, ACTIONS OUTSIDE OF ACTIVATION
nor can she store the die with the [1] result that she previously replaced.
She can, however, choose to store the die with the [3] result. If so, the Sometimes, an investigator may perform actions outside of his/her
results become [5] and [0]. normal activation. When this happens, the effects and abilities that are
usually available during his/her activation cannot be triggered or used.
Furthermore, because these standalone actions are not considered a
FRANKLYN CHRISTIE part of the investigator’s activation, any effects that take place at the
AND SOPHIE BRIGMAN beginning or end of his/her activation will not be triggered either (e.g.,
devoured effects, checking drowning condition, etc.)
The second ability on Franklyn Christie’s investigator card and the first
ability on Sophie Brigman’s investigator card are the equivalent of
weapon cards. The special effects associated with these abilities can SPAWN
only be used when they use them to attack. If they use other weapon If an effect instructs you to spawn a monster, an investigator, a marker,
cards to attack, the effects cannot be used or triggered. etc. but doesn’t specify a spawning location, place the item or creature
in the spawn space of the room corresponding to the top card in the
devoured deck. Once finished, move the referenced card to the bottom
of the devoured deck.

When playing the scenarios in this expansion, players are on the same The game is lost if any of the following occur:
side and win or lose the game together. Investigators win the game if • A losing condition of the chosen scenario is met.
the winning conditions of the chosen scenario are met.
• An investigator is killed.
• The devour marker reaches the last space of the devouring track.
• There is no monster left in the reserve (excluding any horror “0”
monsters) when a monster needs to be spawned.

Expansion Designer: Roger Ho Production Management: Cherry Li
Scenarios Design: Chauncey and Cherry Li Playtesting: Kai Li, Xiang Gao, David Fang, Dora Zhou, Chao Ban,
Deep Madness Story Team: Roger Ho, Cherry Li, Byron Leavitt, and Xiaoyu Du, Yang Gao, Xu Zhang, and Cheng Feng
Yichuan Wang
© 2018 Diemension Games, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of
Writing and Editing: Byron Leavitt this product may be reproduced without specific permission.
Proofreading: Vappingo online editing and proofreading services Deep Madness, Endless Nightmares, and Diemension Games
are trademarks of Diemension Games, Inc. Actual components
Graphic Design: Jia Dify, Weifeng, and Chris Dounghman may vary from those shown. Made in China. THIS PRODUCT
Interior Art: Chang Yuan, Joseph Diaz and Guillem H. Pongiluppi from
GhostSolid Studio, Pedro Sena, DRock Art Studio, and Night Watch Art
Sculptor: Gael Goumon, Dennis Zarnowski, Long C, Lux Thantor,
Gautier Giroud, and Roberto Chaudon


The pervasive darkness permeates the walls and coils around remaining lives. Then, at the end of each round, every infected
your legs. You feel despair, malice, and fear pressing in around investigator will be overcome by Unbound’s dark compulsion and will
you like a lead coat. It would be so easy to give in to the attack other investigators, acting momentarily like an additional
darkness. Will you succumb? Will you become Unbound? It monster. To stop their friends from succumbing to Unbound’s vile will,
aches for you to join it. the investigators must attack each infected investigator’s corresponding
objective marker to cleanse it and its investigator of Unbound’s tainted
Unbound is a conglomeration of lost souls and, as such, it has multiple
life force. Will you be able to kill Unbound once and for all before every
lives. However, Unbound also likes to give itself away: Each game round
investigator is overcome by its tainted pull?
it will randomly choose an investigator to infect with one of its

Set up the game board as shown below:

17 24
Wall Marker

23 29 19
Hatch Marker

27 26
Spawn Marker

25 12

13 5 9

Objective Points

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and place a exception of spaces that already contain spawn markers.
devoured effect marker in each space of the devoured rooms with the

Room deck: 9, 12, 13, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29. Devoured deck: 5, 26, 27.

After choosing investigators during Step 2 of the setup, shuffle the six Return the remaining cards to the game box (if there are any). They will not
“Fathoms Dark” scenario cards together. Each investigator randomly draws be used in the game.
one of these cards and then acquires an objective marker with the symbol Epic monsters cannot be used when choosing monsters during Step 3 of the
that matches the one printed on the card. Every investigator then places setup. After choosing monsters, place the scenario-specific Unbound
his/her figure in the space that contains the identical Objective Point as their monster card at the end of the activation track, and place twelve unbound
marker and card. This Objective Point is now linked to this investigator. markers on it. Place the Unbound monster figure in the “Unbound” space.
Shuffle all the drawn scenario cards together to form a face-down deck. Do not shuffle the Unbound spawn cards into the spawn deck.

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

At the beginning of each game round, reveal the top card of the scenario attacking, the investigator ignores his/her Weakened token, treats the
card deck. The investigator who holds the objective marker that matches target investigator as a monster, and distributes all the damage and
the revealed card acquires this card. At the end of the activation phase wounds to the target investigator (if the weapon card states
of this round (not at this moment), the investigator must place an otherwise, ignore the effect on the weapon card).
unbound marker on top of his/her Objective Point.
If the investigator cannot attack any other investigator with this
At the end of each game round, every investigator with an unbound discarded weapon, he/she must Move toward the nearest space from
marker placed on his/her Objective Point must take an unbound which he/she can attack another investigator. When moving, the
activation. The order of these unbound activations is determined by investigator ignores the monsters’ trap and his/her Slow token.
each infected investigator’s position in the activation track.
If the investigator is Paralyzed at the beginning of his/her unbound
Note: An unbound activation is not a normal investigator activation. The activation, he/she ignores the Paralyzed status. After the unbound
effects and abilities that are usually available during an investigator’s activation, he/she remains Paralyzed.
activation cannot be triggered or used. And the effects that take place at
If an investigator’s Objective Point is covered by an unbound marker, the
the beginning or end of an investigator’s activation will not be triggered
investigator cannot attack Unbound. The unbound marker placed on an
investigator’s Objective Point is treated as a monster (maximum health
During an unbound activation, the investigator resolves the following steps: 4) by other investigators. An investigator cannot attack the unbound
• Discards cards from the search deck until a weapon card is discarded. marker placed on his/her own Objective Point. An unbound marker
cannot move for any reason.
• Performs three actions:
After an unbound marker on an investigator’s Objective Point is killed,
When performing an action, he/she must Attack another investigator remove it from the game. This investigator then shuffles his/her
with the discarded weapon if possible. If more than one investigator scenario card back to the face-down scenario card deck.
can be attacked, he/she must attack the nearest one. If there is a tie,
Unbound is activated after the last monster in the activation track.
the attacking investigator decides which investigator to attack. When

Every investigator’s Objective Point on the board is covered by an All the unbound markers (on the board and on the Unbound monster
unbound marker. card) have been removed from the game.

You find yourself trapped. This place is so isolated; so claustro- What’s worse, the mist it is creating is hindering your line of sight and
phobic. The walls are crowding in around you while a thick, causing you to lose your bearings. The longer you are in the mist, the harder
viscous mist crawls over your skin, drapes across your eyes, and it is for you to know where you are, or even if you still exist at all. To reflect
slithers down your throat. You're not sure how you got here. this, your drowning dial for this scenario will serve as your existence level
You're not sure how to get out. But, what's worse, there's rather than your oxygen. If it runs out, you will literally cease to exist,
something lingering at the edges of your vision, cloaked by devoured by the mist. You need to close these dimensional portals by finding
shadows and fog. You can't quite make it out, but you know it's the arcane knowledge needed to seal them (represented by obscure
there. And you know it's hungry. markers.) Whenever you have three of these markers, proceed to the portal
where Obscure is currently lurking, and spend them to seal the portal. If you
Dimensional portals are littered throughout this area of Kadath, and lurking
can seal all the portals, you win the game. But can you do that before
behind these portals is the horror Obscure. Obscure will never set foot
Obscure obliterates your very existence?
outside these rifts, and there’s no way to know which one it will appear at.

Set up the game board as shown below:

Dimensional Portals

20 18




24 17


Wall Marker Hatch Marker Spawn Marker

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and place a exception of spaces that already contain spawn markers.
devoured effect marker in each space of the devoured rooms with the

Devoured deck: 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27.

Epic monsters cannot be used when choosing monsters during Step 3 of Shuffle six different colored objective markers together and place them
the setup. After choosing monsters, place the scenario-specific Obscure face down beside the Obscure monster card. Then, randomly reveal one
monster card at the end of the activation track. Do not shuffle the of them and place the Obscure monster figure on the corresponding
Obscure spawn cards into the spawn deck. Dimensional Portal.

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:
Resolve the following effect for each Dimensional Portal on the
No effect.
board: Place a flooded marker in the nearest space that doesn’t
contain a flooded marker.


Investigators in the same space with Obscure gain: “Investigate: randomly reveal one of the face-down objective markers beside the
Discard three obscure markers from the Obscure monster card to Obscure monster card and place the Obscure monster figure on the
remove the Dimensional Portal in your space from the game. Then corresponding Dimensional Portal.”

In this scenario, ignore every rule and effect regarding flooded space At the beginning of each spawn phase and before resolving any spawn
and oxygen. Unlike other scenarios, a space can contain more than one cards, spawn three obscure markers in three different rooms.
flooded marker. A space that contains one or more flooded marker(s) is An obscure marker is treated as a monster (maximum health 4) by the
a mist space. An investigator's line of sight cannot get into, through, or investigators and cannot move for any reason. After an obscure marker
out of a mist space. The drowning dial is known as the existence dial in is killed, discard it from the board and place it on the Obscure monster
this scenario. If an investigator is in a mist space at the end of his/her card. Note: There can be no more than three obscure markers on the
activation, he/she must reduce his/her existence level by spinning the Obscure monster card at a time. At the end of the round, every obscure
dial X spaces counter-clockwise (X is equal to the number of flooded marker on the board will be replaced by a flooded marker.
markers in his/her space.) If the dial reaches “0”, the investigator is
devoured by the mist and is killed instantly. An investigator’s existence Obscure is activated after the last monster in the activation track. It
level cannot be recovered for any reason. cannot take wounds or be killed.

Every Dimensional Portal has been removed from the board.

You thought you knew what to expect from the horrors of Kadath. each of these markers will begin spawning Husks at an alarming rate. What’s
You thought you understood how this worked. But there’s worse, if an investigator wanders too close to the Nest avatar, it will stab him
something wrong with the floor under your feet and the walls of this with its long proboscis and inject him with a nightmare concoction of
room. They’re covered in a substance that is swelling, bulging, then infection and eggs. If this happens, the investigator will begin spawning
receding and caving in. This is much more than just the normal Mind Eaters like a Husk and will take wounds from the beasts bursting out
horrors of a room devoured by Kadath’s evil; it’s almost as if the of him. The Nest has several lives, and investigators must risk infection to
material is alive. Or, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say whittle away at them. You must also actively attack the nest markers, or face
there is something (or several things) alive underneath it. being overrun by Husks and Mind Eaters. If an investigator is uninfected,
she can destroy the nest marker without any repercussions. However, if she
You have entered the Nest. Unlike the other horrors you have faced, the Nest
is infected, the nest marker's destruction will be accompanied by the arrival
is not one isolated monster; it’s the entire game board. Manifesting before
of more Husks – and also a cleansing of the infection plaguing her body. You
you as a skittering, undulating avatar, the Nest has numerous lives and an
must eliminate all of the Nest’s lives and destroy the Nest to win the game.
unquenchable urge to multiply. Each game round, several nest markers will
But will you be able to do that before you are overwhelmed by the swarm?
randomly appear in the section the Nest avatar is currently inhabiting, and

Set up the game board as shown below: 2

Hatch Marker Spawn Marker

27 19

23 20

17 29 25 24

28 26

Shuffle all the devoured effect markers. Randomly reveal and place a exception of spaces that already contain spawn markers.
devoured effect marker in each space of the devoured rooms with the

Devoured deck: 1, 2, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.

Before choosing monsters during Step 3 of the setup, place the Husk into the spawn deck. Don’t forget to place the Mind Eater card on the
monster card in the first space of the monster activation track. Then, fill far-left side of the activation track.
the remaining spaces of the monster activation track with random Place the Nest monster figure in the “Nest” space.
monster cards as usual. Epic monsters cannot be used in this scenario.
After choosing monsters, place the scenario-specific Nest monster card Place the six Husk standees in the monster reserve. They are treated as
at the end of the activation track. Do not shuffle the Nest spawn cards Husk monster figures in this scenario.

Assemble the devouring track as shown below:

Hazard Effects:
Before resolving any spawn cards during the spawn phase of Before resolving any spawn cards during the spawn phase of
this round, spawn two nest markers in different rooms. If the this round, spawn three nest markers in different rooms. If the
room corresponding to the top card in the devoured deck room corresponding to the top card in the devoured deck
already contains a nest marker, place that card at the bottom of already contains a nest marker, place that card at the bottom of
the deck and spawn the nest marker in the room corresponding the deck and spawn the nest marker in the room corresponding
to the next card instead. to the next card instead.
Note: Each room can only contain one nest marker.

Nest is activated after the last monster in the activation track. It can At the beginning of an investigator’s activation, deal X damage to the
take no more than 1 wound per game round for any reason. Additionally, investigator and spawn X Mind Eaters in his/her space. X is equal to the
after Nest takes 1 wound, immediately activate it once. After this number of infested tokens he/she has.
additional activation is completed, temporarily remove its figure from When an investigator has four infested tokens, he/she is killed instantly.
the board. At the beginning of the next game round, place its figure in
the spawn space of the room corresponding to the top card of the During an investigator’s activation, if he/she is in the same space with a
devoured deck and then place the referenced card under the bottom of nest marker, he/she may discard all his/her infested tokens and discard
the deck. the nest marker from the board. Then he/she must spawn X Husks in
his/her space. X is equal to the number of infested tokens discarded by
the investigator. This does not cost an action.

All six nest markers are on the board. Nest has been killed.


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