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Skin protection against UV light by dietary

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c4fo00280f
Elisabet Fernández-Garcı́a*

There is considerable interest in the concept of additional endogenous photoprotection by dietary

antioxidants. A number of efficient micronutrients are capable of contributing to the prevention of UV
damage in humans. These compounds protect molecular targets by scavenging reactive oxygen species,
including excited singlet oxygen and triplet state molecules, and also modulate stress-dependent signaling
and/or suppress cellular and tissue responses like inflammation. Micronutrients present in the diet such as
carotenoids, vitamins E and C, and polyphenols contribute to antioxidant defense and may also contribute
to endogenous photoprotection. This review summarizes the literature concerning the use of dietary
antioxidants as systemic photoprotective agents towards skin damage induced by UVA and UVB.
Intervention studies in humans with carotenoid-rich diets have shown photoprotection. Interestingly, rather
long treatment periods (a minimum of 10 weeks) were required to achieve this effect. Likewise, dietary
carotenoids exert their protective antioxidant function in several in vitro and in vivo studies when present at
Received 1st April 2014
Accepted 17th May 2014
sufficiently high concentration. A combination of vitamins E and C protects the skin against UV damage. It
is suggested that daily consumption of dietary polyphenols may provide efficient protection against the
DOI: 10.1039/c4fo00280f
harmful effects of solar UV radiation in humans. Furthermore, the use of these micronutrients in combination may provide an effective strategy for protecting human skin from damage by UV exposure.

noxious substances, invasion by microorganisms, and radia-

1. Introduction tion. The skin plays an important role in regulating body
Human skin acts as a barrier between the internal and external homeostasis by keeping water loss to a minimum and by
environments, protecting the body from mechanical damage, regulating body temperature. In recent years it has become clear
that the skin is an essential part of the immune system. The
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, Faculty of Medicine,
skin condition and functioning are affected by environmental
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, PO Box 101007, D-40001 Düsseldorf, factors, such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, free radicals, toxic
Germany. E-mail:; Fax: +49 211 13029; Tel: +49 211 8110526 and allergic compounds, and mechanical damage, and by
endogenous factors, such as genetic predisposition, immune
and hormone status, and stress. Consequently, the skin
Dr Fernández-Garcı́a is a Post- undergoes alterations resulting in photoaging, inammation,
doctoral Researcher at Andalu- reduced immune function, imbalanced epidermal homeostasis
sian Center for Molecular Biology and other skin disorders.1
and Regenerative Medicine, in Upon exposure to UV radiation from sunlight, photo-oxida-
Seville, Spain. She studied tive reactions are initiated which cause damage to biomolecules
chemistry at the University of and affect the integrity of skin cells and damage skin. Such
Seville. From 2004 to 2011 she photo-oxidative damage plays a role in pathological processes
worked in Food Biotechnology and is involved in the development of many disorders affecting
Department, Instituto de la the skin.2 Based on wavelength, the UV radiation spectrum is
Grasa (CSIC), Seville, Spain and divided into three regions: UVA (400–320 nm), UVB (320–290
received her PhD. In 2012 she nm), and UVC (290–200 nm).
joined the Institute of Biochem- UVA (400–320 nm) radiation, which contributes to up to 95%
istry and Molecular Biology I in of the total UV exposure, is not absorbed by DNA but it is a
Heinrich Heine-University Düsseldorf (Germany) supported by a strong oxidant and considered the most important source of
fellowship from the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (Alfonso oxidative stress in human skin.3 UVA plays a major role in
Martin Escudero Foundation, Spain). Dr Fernández-Garcı́a has over photoaging. This radiation can penetrate into the deeper
10 years of experience in the eld of dietary antioxidants. dermis and induces the generation of reactive oxygen species

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(ROS), which can induce mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, Xanthophylls, also called oxocarotenoids, contain functional
thus leading to the loss of enzymes involved in oxidative oxygen groups7 (see Fig. 1).
phosphorylation and deciencies in energy metabolism.4 Because of their structure and physicochemical properties,
UVB (320–290 nm) is mainly absorbed by keratinocytes in the carotenoids could be involved in several ways to protect skin
epidermis. By direct interaction with the DNA, it causes muta- from sunlight damage, namely by increasing the optical
tions and skin cancer. UVB also leads to sunburn, which is an density, quenching the singlet oxygen (1O2) or, for provitamin A
erythema resulting from an inammatory response to the carotenoids, via formation of retinoic acid. The role of 1O2 in
Published on 19 May 2014. Downloaded by Memorial University of Newfoundland on 07/07/2014 11:15:20.

photodamage to the skin.4 A frequently used measure of UV UVA-induced oxidative stress is well established and has been
irradiation-induced erythema is determination of the minimal reviewed extensively.13 Carotenoids can also scavenge other
erythema dose (MED), which is dened as the minimal amount reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide anions, hydroxyl
of energy required to induce a uniform, clearly demarcated radicals or hydrogen peroxide. Under certain conditions,
redness 16–24 h aer exposure to UV radiation. Although nature however, i.e. higher oxygen partial pressure, carotenoids may
anticipates these conditions by increasing epidermal thickness, act as pro-oxidants.4
stimulating melanogenesis, and providing natural antioxidants The most abundant carotenoids in the human organism are
in the supercial skin layers, supplementation with nutrients b-carotene, a-carotene, and lycopene, as well as the xantho-
may support these processes and thereby serve as an additional phylls lutein, zeaxanthin, and a- and b-cryptoxanthin.14,15
protective measure against the harmful effects of UV light.1 Carotenoids are transported to the skin and accumulate
mainly in the epidermal layers. The amount of these pigments
deposited in skin correlates with dietary intake and bioavail-
2. Endogenous photoprotection by ability from the food source. Aer absorption, carotenoids are
transported in the bloodstream via lipoproteins to various target
dietary antioxidants tissues.16,17 Recently, cholesterol transporters such as scavenger
The concept of additional endogenous protection was proposed receptor class B member 1 (SR-B1) and cluster of differentiation
about 30 years ago.5,6 In order to increase the barrier for UV 36 (CD 36) were shown to mediate a facilitated absorption of
light, the compound should absorb UV light over a broad range carotenoids in the gut.18,19 It is likely that carotenoids are taken
of wavelengths with high efficacy. Antioxidants protect molec- up by these transporters also in epidermis, which is an active site
ular targets by scavenging ROS, including excited singlet oxygen of cholesterol accumulation for the maintenance of permeability
and triplet state molecules. Compounds that modulate stress- barrier function. SR-B1 is expressed in human epidermis,20
dependent signaling and/or suppress cellular and tissue predominantly in the basal layers.3
responses like inammation are suitable for this purpose. A The levels of these compounds in skin vary with respect to
number of efficient micronutrients are capable of directly the skin area and skin layer. High levels of carotenoids are
scavenging lipophilic and hydrophilic prooxidants or serving as found in the skin of the forehead, the palm of the hand, and in
constituents of antioxidant enzymes. Carotenoids, polyphenols, dorsal skin; low levels are found in skin of the arm and the back
vitamin E as well as vitamin C contribute to antioxidant defense of the hand (see Table 1 with data from ref. 8).
and may also contribute to endogenous photoprotection.7,8
The concept of endogenous photoprotection implies that the
3.1. Human intervention studies
active compound is available in sufficient amounts at the target
site.9 Thus, structural features are important, and inuence Intervention studies in humans with carotenoid-rich diets have
pharmacokinetic parameters like absorption, distribution, and shown photoprotection of the skin as measured by decreased
metabolism that may affect the level of the compound in sensitivity to UV radiation-induced erythema (see Table 2).27–34
skin.10,11 Stahl et al., 2001 (ref. 31) found that ingestion of tomato paste
In this paper, photoprotective effects of dietary carotenoids, (40 g per day, equivalent to 16 mg lycopene per day) over a
vitamins E and C, and polyphenols towards skin damage period of 10 weeks led to a 40% reduction in skin erythema
induced by UV light are reviewed in the available literature, development induced by exposure to solar-simulating UV radi-
underlying human intervention studies are discussed, and in ation. Erythema was induced by a solar light simulator at 1.25
vitro or in vivo assays are summarized. MED, and reddening of the skin was evaluated before and 24
hours aer irradiation by chromametry. Erythema intensity was
lower aer the treatment. No signicant protection was found
3. Carotenoids at week 4, but aer 10 weeks, erythema formation was signi-
cantly lower in the group consuming the tomato paste than in
Carotenoids are a family of compounds of over 600 fat-soluble the controls. In another study, protection against UV-induced
plant pigments. Fruits and vegetables are major sources of erythema can be achieved aer ingestion of 24 mg of b-carotene
carotenoids.12 Carotenoids exhibit a variety of biological prop- (from the alga Dunaliella salina) for a period of 12 weeks.
erties. These include their role in light harvesting and photo- Erythema intensity was signicantly diminished from 8 weeks.
protection or provitamin and antioxidant functions in humans However erythema suppression was more pronounced when a
and animals. Carotenoids present a long central chain of combination of carotenoids and vitamin E was supplied.29
conjugated double bonds carrying acyclic or cyclic substituents. Similar results have been found in other studies shown in

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Fig. 1 Examples of dietary antioxidants that protect against damage by UV radiation.

Table 2. Also listed are several intervention studies where no In cultured skin cells, a few in vitro studies have investigated
protection was observed. It is interesting to note that protection the antioxidant potential of b-carotene. This compound
was only determined in studies where the intervention was for decreased the photoinactivation of the enzymes catalase and
more than 10 weeks. Apparently a sufficiently long interval of superoxide dismutase as well as protein cross-linking.37 In rat
treatment is needed to provide optimal protection of the skin kidney broblasts, b-carotene diminished UVA-induced cata-
against UV-induced erythema. lase deactivation and lipid peroxidation.38
Lycopene, b-carotene and lutein, applied in liposomes as
vehicles, decreased the UVB-induced formation of thio-
3.2. Photoprotection in vitro and in vivo barbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) at 1 hour to levels
Several studies have used cultured human or other skin bro- 40–50% of those of controls free of carotenoids.14 The amounts
blasts to examine the protective effects of carotenoids on UV- of carotenoid needed for optimal protection were 0.05, 0.40 and
induced lipid peroxidation.3 A variety of experimental studies 0.30 nmol mg 1 protein for lycopene, b-carotene and lutein,
investigated the antioxidant function of beta-carotene in the respectively. A further increase of carotenoid content in cells
skin in vivo and in vitro. In rodents, beta-carotene was found to beyond the optimum levels led to pro-oxidant effects. In another
reduce lipid peroxidation.35 It has also been demonstrated that study, the depletion of catalase and superoxide dismutase by
this compound quenches singlet oxygen-mediated photo- UVA was restored, and TBARS was reduced by culturing rat
chemical reactions in rodent skin.36 kidney broblasts with b-carotene or lutein (1 mM each), or with

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Table 1 Carotenoids, a-tocopherol and ascorbic acid levels in human of oxidative stress in cells.3 Carotenoids could be expected to
skin. Adapted from ref. 8 suppress the UVA induced HO-1 gene activation in human cells.
Unexpectedly, two studies with skin broblasts in vitro found an
Skin level
Micronutrient (skin layer) (pmol mg 1
wet wt) Reference opposite effect. The rst study applied b-carotene in cyclodex-
trins at levels of 0.5 and 5 mM.41 A signicant pro-oxidative effect
Carotenoids (epidermis and dermis) and enhancement of UVA-induced HO-1 expression were
b-Carotene 0.05  0.04 21 observed. In the second study, b-carotene or lycopene (0.5–
a-Carotene 0.02  0.01
Published on 19 May 2014. Downloaded by Memorial University of Newfoundland on 07/07/2014 11:15:20.

Lycopene 0.13  0.10

1.0 mM) were prepared in nanoparticle formulations. As in the
Phytoene 0.12  0.04 study above, either b-carotene or lycopene led to a further 1.5-
Phytouene 0.03  0.02 fold rise in the UVA-induced HO-1 mRNA levels.42 It should be
b-Carotene 0.11  0.01 22 pointed out that the protective properties of carotenoids are
a-Carotene 0.01  0.01 probably at least two-fold, consisting of (1) their potent anti-
Lycopene 0.22  0.01
Lutein 0.03  0.01
oxidant activity and (2) their ability to induce cellular protective
response. Thus, dietary carotenoids and their metabolites
a-Tocopherol induce phase 2 cytoprotective enzymes and share with all other
Epidermis 24.8  9.6 23 classes of phase 2 inducers a common chemical property, the
Dermis 16.2  1.1 24 ability to react with sulydryl groups.43
Stratum corneum 33.0  4.0 25
Overall, these in vitro and in vivo studies show that caroten-
Ascorbic acid oids can exert their protective antioxidant function when
Epidermis from forearm 363.7  24.8 26 present at sufficiently high concentration in the skin cells.
Dermis from forearm 162.4  18.6
Epidermis from upper-inner arm 354.7  23.5
Dermis from upper-inner arm 152.0  19.0 4. Vitamins E and C
Vitamin E refers to a family of eight nutrients of which
a-tocopherol is the most abundant and biologically active form
astaxanthin, which was reported to give superior protective in the human body (Fig. 1). This essential lipophilic nutrient is
activity at concentrations as low as 10 nM.38 Lyons et al.39 well known for its role as a chain-breaking antioxidant during
examined the ability of an algal extract to protect against UVA- lipid peroxidation and it protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in
induced DNA alterations in human skin broblasts (1BR-3), cell membranes from oxidation.14 Food sources include vege-
human melanocytes (HEMAc) and human intestinal CaCo-2 tables, vegetable oils, cereals and nuts.44 a-Tocopherol concen-
cells. DNA damage was assessed using single cell gel electro- trations in skin can be increased with oral or topical delivery
phoresis or comet assay. The algal extract displayed protection and are decreased with UV exposure. Vitamin E is the most
against UVA-induced DNA damage when 10 mM astaxanthin was abundant lipophilic antioxidant found in human skin (see
added to all three cell types. However, at lower concentrations Table 1). In humans, levels of vitamin E in the epidermis are
(10 and 100 nM) no signicant protection was evident. In 1BR-3 higher than the dermis. Vitamin E and carotenoids are absor-
cells, preincubation (18 h) with 10 mM of either the synthetic bed by the same pathway.14
astaxanthin or the algal extract prevented UVA-induced alter- Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant and an essential
ations in cellular superoxide dismutase activity and cellular cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions. The major source for
glutathione content. vitamin C in the diet are fruits, especially citrus fruits, kiwifruit,
Studies in mouse models also conrm the prevention of cherries and melons, and vegetables such as tomatoes, leafy
oxidative stress induction in skin, caused by UV irradiation, by greens, broccoli, cauliower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.45
carotenoids.40 Vitamin C comprises two major forms: L-ascorbic acid, the
Heme-oxygenase 1 (HO-1) gene is strongly activated within reduced form, and L-dehydroascorbic acid, the oxidized form
the rst few hours that follow UVA irradiation of normal human (Fig.1). Vitamin C uptake and distribution into tissues are
dermal broblasts and this response is being used as a marker mediated by an active transport mechanism. Levels of vitamin C

Table 2 Antioxidant mixtures with photoprotective effects. Adapted from ref. 34

Carotenoid supplement and dose Duration (week) Result Reference

b-Carotene 180 mg per day 10 MED increased 27

b-Carotene 30 mg per day 12 Erythema less pronounced 28
b-Carotene 24 mg per day 12 Erythema less pronounced 29
Mixed carotenoids (24 mg per day) (b-carotene, lycopene, lutein, 8 mg each) 12 Erythema less pronounced 30
Lycopene 16 mg per day 10 Erythema less pronounced 31
b-Carotene 60 mg per day + canthaxanthin 90 mg per day 4 No effect 32
b-Carotene 90 mg per day 3 No effect 33

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in the epidermis are higher than the dermis (see Table 1). These studies suggest that vitamin C regenerates tocopherol
Vitamin C distribution within the skin has also been from the tocopheroxyl radical and transfers the radical load to
determined.26 the aqueous compartment where it is nally eliminated by
antioxidant enzymes.
4.1. Human intervention studies
One study showed that subjects treated with 400 IU per day a-
tocopherol for 8 weeks had reduced skin malondialdehyde aer 4.2. Photoprotection in vitro and in vivo
Published on 19 May 2014. Downloaded by Memorial University of Newfoundland on 07/07/2014 11:15:20.

UV exposure but this intervention provided no protection from Kondo et al.57 suggested that DL-alpha-tocopherol protects
erythema.46 Werninghaus et al.47 showed no photoprotective human skin broblasts against the cytotoxic effect of UVB, and
effect aer 6 months of daily dietary supplementation of a- its mechanism seems to be related to the inhibition of UV-
tocopherol acetate (400 IU) in 12 subjects with skin types II–IV. induced lipid peroxidation or to the antioxidation effect of DL-
In both studies, a clinical measure of the minimum dose of UV alpha-tocopherol. The lipid hydroperoxide concentration
necessary to induce erythema in a subject and a histologic (determined by HPLC) in the ultraviolet radiation irradiated
measure of sunburn cells were compared. No difference was skin of a-tocopherol supplemented mice (diet containing
seen in skin a-tocopherol concentrations between treatment 10.000 IU kg 1, fed over 30 days) was about one third of that
and placebo groups. Plasma a-tocopherol concentrations seen in unsupplemented mice.58 Several mechanisms of action
increased by 65% in the treatment group and by 18% in the for a-tocopherol reducing the detrimental effects of ultraviolet
placebo group, so there was no question of bioavailability. radiation are possible. Besides scavenging reactive oxidants a-
Other dietary studies have shown vitamin E as a photo- tocopherol may act as a cellular response modier or as a
protectant when combined with other antioxidants (Table 3).48 sunscreen. a-Tocopherol modulates the arachidonic acid
Fuchs et al.55 reported no protection when vitamin C (3 g) and a- cascade59 and modies the membrane uidity.60
tocopherol (2 g or 3000 IU) were supplemented individually, but Preincubation of mouse keratinocytes with vitamin C resul-
in combination these nutrients provided protection as assessed ted in a signicant reduction in UVB-induced oxidative
by increased MED aer 50 days of daily supplementation. damage.61 Tebbe et al.62 investigated the antioxidative effect of L-
Eberlein-König et al.51 also observed increased MED in subjects ascorbic acid on lipid peroxidation and on secretion and mRNA
supplemented daily with a combination of vitamin C (2 g) and expression of interleukin (IL)-1 alpha and IL-6 aer UVA irra-
a-tocopherol (1000 IU) aer only 8 days. Placzek et al.56 diation (20 J cm 2) in cultured human keratinocytes. L-Ascorbic
demonstrated a photoprotective effect aer 3 months of daily acid was able to downregulate the IL-1 alpha mRNA expression
dietary supplementation with vitamin C (1 g) and a-tocopherol in both UVA-irradiated and nonirradiated cells; however, IL-6
(500 IU). Participants showed increased resistance to UVB- mRNA expression remained unaffected. These ndings indicate
induced sunburn and protection from UVA damage. This study a major cell-protective effect of L-ascorbic acid on UVA-induced
provides evidence of long-term photoprotection of lower doses lipid peroxidation and the secretion of pro-inammatory cyto-
than had been previously tested. kines by UVA-irradiated human keratinocytes.

Table 3 Antioxidant mixtures with photoprotective effects. Adapted from ref. 48

Antioxidant mixtures Outcome of the study Reference

Vitamin C and E, lycopene, b-carotene, the Vitamin C, vitamin E, and carnosic acid showed 42
rosemary polyphenol and carnosic acid photoprotective potential human dermal
broblasts exposed to UVA
a-Tocopherol and ascorbate MED increased markedly aer intake of the 48
combination of these micronutrients
Oral vitamin E and b-carotene supplementation UV radiation-induced oxidative stress in human 49
Carotenoids and tocopherols Scavenging ROS generated during 29
photooxidative stress
Quercetin, hesperetin and naringenin Protective agents in certain skin diseases 50
caused, initiated, or exacerbated by sunlight
Combination of vitamins E and C Mean MED increased in the group received 51
vitamins compared with baseline
Lycopene, b-carotene, a-tocopherol and Many parameters of the epidermal defense 52
selenium against UV-induced damage were signicantly
b-Carotene, lycopene, a-tocopherol and ascorbic Signicant increase of melanin concentrations 53
acid in skin was detected
Carotenoids (b-carotene and lycopene), vitamins A selective protection of the skin against 54
C and E, selenium, and proanthocyanidins irradiation was conrmed

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5. Polyphenols dose of avanol (27 mg per day, containing 6.6 mg epicatechin

and 1.2 mg catechin) cocoa powder dissolved in 100 mL water
Polyphenols are a large family of naturally occurring plant for 12 weeks.66 There was no change in erythema development
products that are widely distributed in plant foods, including in the group that consumed a low dose of avanol compared
fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Important dietary sources of with baseline, there was an improvement in the skin condition
polyphenols are onions (avonols); cacao, grape seeds (proan- and a signicant reduction in erythema in the group that
thocyanidins); tea, apples, and red wine (avonols and cate- consumed a high dose of avanol, by 15% at 6 weeks and by
Published on 19 May 2014. Downloaded by Memorial University of Newfoundland on 07/07/2014 11:15:20.

chins); citrus fruits (avanones); berries and cherries 25% at 12 weeks of treatment.12
(anthocyanidins); and soy (isoavones)63 (Fig. 1). These poly-
phenols contribute to the benecial health effects of vegetables
and fruits. Most of the natural polyphenols are pigments, typi- 5.2. Photoprotection in vitro and in vivo
cally yellow, red or purple, and can absorb UV radiation. The Mechanistic studies of photocarcinogenesis have revealed that
radiation that polyphenols can absorb includes the entire UVB the oral administration of green tea polyphenols (through
spectrum of wavelengths and part of the UVA spectra. addition to the drinking water) in SKH-1 hairless mice resulted
The bioavailability and metabolism of polyphenols may in signicant inhibition of erythema.67 In this study, it was
inuence their effectiveness. The considerable structural found that although administration of green tea polyphenols in
diversity among the polyphenols can inuence the bioavail- drinking water signicantly reduced the UVB-induced tumor
ability of the individual components. Small molecules, like development in wild-type mice, this treatment had a nonsig-
catechin monomers, can be easily absorbed through the gut nicant effect in IL-12-knockout mice. Green tea polyphenols
barrier, whereas the large molecular weight polyphenols, such resulted in reduction in the levels of markers of inammation
as proanthocyanidins and even ( )-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (cyclooxygenase-2, prostaglandin E2, proliferating cell nuclear
(EGCG), are poorly absorbed. Once absorbed, polyphenols are antigen, and cyclin D1) and proinammatory cytokines (tumor
conjugated to glucuronide, sulphate and methyl groups in the necrosis factor-a, IL-6 and IL-1b) in chronically UVB-exposed
gut mucosa and inner tissues. Non-conjugated polyphenols are skin and skin tumors of wild-type mice but less effective in IL-
virtually absent in plasma. During digestion in the gut, the large 12p40-KO mice. Prevention of photocarcinogenesis by green tea
polyphenolic molecules break into multiple small molecules or polyphenols is mediated through IL-12-dependent DNA repair
metabolites and these may systemically induce benecial and a subsequent reduction in skin inammation. Also dietary
effects in the body.64 intake of grape seed proanthocyanidins and/or silymarin
inhibited UVB radiation-induced erythema.64
Very recently it has been shown that exposure to green tea
5.1. Human intervention studies polyphenols protected against UV radiation-mediated DNA
EGCG from green tea (Camellia sinensis) is the most extensively damage and apoptosis in human keratinocytes and human skin
studied polyphenol in terms of protection against UV radiation- equivalents.68 This protection correlated with induction of IL-12
induced photodamage. In a pharmacokinetic and safety study secretion and was almost completely reversed by the addition of
of green tea polyphenols, groups of eight healthy human an anti-IL-12 antibody, strongly implicating IL-12 as an impor-
subjects received one of the ve following treatments for a tant mediator of the protective effects of green tea polyphenols.
period of four weeks: 800 mg EGCG once a day, 400 mg EGCG Adult human skin broblasts and normal epidermal keratino-
twice a day, 800 mg EGCG within a dened decaffeinated green cytes, cultured separately, had signicantly less DNA damage
tea polyphenol mixture (polyphenol E) once a day, 400 mg EGCG from UVA irradiation when treated with EGCG.69 EGCG treat-
as polyphenol E twice a day, or a placebo once a day.65 Skin ment of human broblasts in culture blocked the UV-induced
erythema was evaluated, and the dose of UV radiation causing increase in collagen secretion and collagenase mRNA levels,
just perceptible erythema was determined at baseline and aer and also inhibited the binding activities of the UV-induced
four weeks of green tea polyphenol intake. No change in MED in nuclear transcription factors nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB) and
response to solar-simulating UV radiation was observed, but, activated protein AP-1.70 When HaCaT cells were treated with
interestingly, subjects reported that they experienced less- ( )-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) and exposed to UVB radiation, it
intensive sunburn reactions aer receiving the green tea poly- was observed that avonoid could act as a free-radical scavenger
phenol treatment. It is thus possible that there were subtle when keratinocytes were photodamaged.71 The treatment of
changes in skin photosensitivity without an impact on the MED. HaCaT cells with ECG also demonstrated its free-radical scav-
Other reasons for the apparent lack of change in MED could be enging effects, when cells were irradiated with UVA radiation.
that the local concentration of EGCG in skin aer oral intake These observations indicate that EGCG could play an important
was insufficient to provide protection or that protection could role in the attenuation of oxidative stress-mediated cellular
have been achieved by a longer duration of treatment.12 signaling responses, which are essential factors in various skin
The effects of consumption of a avanol-rich cocoa beverage diseases in humans.64
were studied54 observing a decreased UV-induced erythema by Resveratrol, a stilbene found in grapes, red wine, and nuts, is
15% aer only six weeks. In another study, two groups of also a potential polyphenolic antioxidant. Pretreatment of
women consumed either a high dose of avanol (326 mg per human epidermal keratinocytes with resveratrol inhibited the
day, containing 61 mg epicatechin and 20 mg catechin) or a low UVB-mediated activation of the NF-kB pathway.72 The treatment

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of HaCaT cells with resveratrol before UVB irradiation resulted be considered complementary to the topical use of a sunscreen
in an increase in cell survival of UVB-irradiated cells which was with a high-sun protection factor.
associated with the reduction in ROS production.73 Soybeans The use of dietary antioxidants in combination may provide
are a rich source of the isoavones, genistein and daidzein, and an effective strategy for mitigating the effects of UV radiation
are photoprotective.74 Genistein has been shown to reduce UV that will lead to the protection of the skin from various skin
radiation-induced oxidative and photodynamic DNA damage.75 diseases caused by excessive sun exposure.
Treatment of the human keratinocyte cell line NCTC 2544 with
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genistein prevented the UV-induced enhancement of the DNA- Abbreviations

binding activity of the signal transducer and activator of tran-
scription-1 by acting as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, thus,
limiting lipid peroxidation and increases in ROS generation.76 ECG ( )-Epicatechin-3-gallate
Based on the epidemiological evidence and laboratory EGCG ( )-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate
studies conducted using in vitro and in vivo systems, it is sug- HO-1 Heme-oxygenase 1
gested that routine consumption of these polyphenols may IL Interleukin
provide efficient protection against the harmful effects of solar MED Minimal erythema dose
NF-kB Nuclear factor-kappaB
UV radiation in humans.64
ROS Reactive oxygen species
O2 Singlet oxygen
TBARS Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances
6. Endogenous photoprotection by UV Ultraviolet
dietary antioxidant combinations
As mentioned before in this review, combinations of different
antioxidants applied simultaneously can provide a synergistic Acknowledgements
effect. Several studies observed that dietary antioxidants are
most effective when used in combination (Table 3).48 Offord E.F.G. is supported by fellowships from the Postdoctoral
et al.42 observed that b-carotene and lycopene must be delivered Fellowship Program (Alfonso Martı́n Escudero Foundation,
together with vitamin E to prevent the formation of oxidative Spain), and the Junta de Andalucia (PII-CTS-7962 MO)/Euro-
derivatives, which may inuence the cellular and molecular pean Union (FEDER).
responses. According to Offord et al.,42 interactions between
structurally different compounds with variable antioxidant References
activity may provide additional protection against increased
oxidative stress. Fernández-Garcı́a77 observed similar effects. 1 E. Boelsma, H. F. J. Hendriks and L. Roza, Nutritional skin
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