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Questions for Barangay Interview

1. What problems or concerns does your Barangay have before and during the pandemic?
2. What problems or concerns does your Barangay have at present?
3. How do these problems affect your Barangay?
4. What steps or solutions have your Barangay for these problems?
5. What are your ordinances or programs? (In connection with UN SDG Goals)
6. What are the ordinances successfully implemented in your barangay?
7. Have any problems encountered regarding your policy and program implementation? If
yes, what are those, and how do you address them?
8. How much is your budget annually for your barangay? How do you allocate them?
9. How would you communicate with the residents regarding the ordinances?
10. Are there people or officers assigned to each ordinance or program?
11. What things or areas do you think that need to be improved in your barangay?
12. As a barangay official, what is your most challenging responsibility?

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