Kinema Tics

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3.Between the two stations, a train accelerates

from rest uniformly at first, then moves with
constant velocity and finally retards uniformly to
come to rest. If the ratio of the time taken be
1 :8:1 and the maximum speed attained be 60 km/h,
then what is the average speed over the whole
(a) 48 km/h (b) 52 km/h
(c)54 km/h (d) 56 km/h
4.Four persons are initially at the four comers of a
square whose side is equal to d. Each person now
moves with a uniform speed V' in such a way that
the first moves directly towards the second, the
second directly towards the third, the third
directly towards the fourth and the fourth directly
towards the first. The four persons will meet after
a time equal to
(a) d/V (b) 2d/3V
(c)2d/√3V (d) d/√3V
5.A point moves with uniform acceleration and
V1, V2 and V3 denote the average velocities in
the three successive intervals of time t1, t2 and
t3.Which of the following relations is correct?
(a) (V1 - V2) : (V2 - V3) = (t1 - t2) : (t2 + t3)
(b) (V1 - V2) : (V2 - V3) = (t1 + t2) : (t2 + t3)
(c) (V1 - V2) : (V2 - V3) = (t1 - t2) : (t1 - t3)
(d) (V1 - V2) : (V2 - V3) = (t1 - t2) : (t2 - t3)
12. A swimmer swims in still water at a speed=5
km/hr. He enters a 200 m wide river, having
river flow speed=4 km/hr at point A and
proceeds to swim at an angle of 127° with the
river flow direction. Another point B is located
directly across A on the other side. The 18. Two balls are dropped from the top of a high
swimmer lands on the other bank at a point C, tower with a time interval of t0 second, where t0
from which he walks the distance CB with a is smaller than the time taken by the first ball to
speed=3 km/hr. The total time in which he reach the floor, which is perfectly inelastic.The
reaches from A to B is- distance s between the two balls, plotted against
(a) 5 minutes (b) 4 minutes the time lapse t from the instant of dropping the
(c) 3 minutes (d) None second ball is best represented by
13. A hunter tries to hunt a monkey with a small,
very poisonous arrow, blown from a pipe with
initial speed V0.The monkey is hanging on a
branch of a tree at height H above the ground.
The hunter is at a distance L from the bottom of
the tree.The monkey sees the arrow leaving the
blow pipe and immediately lose the grip on the
tree, falling freely down with zero initial
velocity. The minimum initial speed V0 of the
arrow for hunter to succeed while monkey is in

14.When the driver of a car A sees a car B moving 20.The acceleration versus time graph of a particle
towards his car and at a distance 30m, takes a is shown in figure. The respective v-t graphs of
left turn of 30° . At the same instant the driver of the particle are
the car B takes a turn to his right at an angle 60° .
The two cars collides after two seconds, then the
velocity (in m/s) of the car A and B respectively
will be : [assume both cars to be moving along
same line with constant speed]
(a) 7.5, 7.5√ 3 (b) 7.5, 7.5
(c) 7.5√3 , 7.5 (d) None
26.Two cars A and B moving on a straight tracks
inclined at an angle 600 heading towards the
crossing initially their positions are as shown in
figure . Both cars have same speed. Minimum
separation between them during their motion
will be-
22. The displacement-time graph of a moving
particle with constant acceleration is shown in
the figure. The velocity-time graph is given by –

(a)10 km (b) 5√3 km

(c)5 km (d)20/√3 km
27.A two stage rocket is fired vertically upward
from rest with acceleration as shown in a-t
graphs. After 15 sec, the 1st stage burns out
and second stage ignites. Choose the incorrect
statement regarding motion of rocket in the time
interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 40 s

28. The speed of a motor boat in still water is

20km/hr and river flow is 5km/hr. A float is
dropped from the boat when it starts moving
upstream. After moving 1.5 km the boat return
back. The boat will catch the float after ( from
initial instant ):
(a)6 min (b)12 min (c)10 min (d)15 min

(a)3.4s,23m (b)34s,230m (c)20s,800m (d)10s,200m

.44.A projectile is required to hit a target whose
co-ordinate relative to horizontal and vertical axes
through the point of projection are (α,β). if the gun
velocity is 2gα . Than the condition when it is
impossible to hit the target.
(a)3α > 4β (b)3α < 4β
(c)4α < 3β (d)4α > 3β
50. If it is the total time of flight, h is the
maximum height & R is the range for horizontal (A) 3 2 (B) 2 3
motion, the x & y co-ordinates of projectile
motion and time t are related as:

2 3
(C) (D)
3 2
55.Two persons simultaneously aim and fire their
51. A projectile is fired with a velocity at right
guns at a bird sitting on a tree. The first person
angle to the slope which is inclined at an angle θ
fires his shot with a speed of 100 m/s at an
with the horizontal. The expression for the range
angle of projection of 30º. The second person is
R along the incline is-
ahead of the first by a distance of 50m and fire
his shot with a speed of 80 m/s. How must he
aim his gun so that both the shots hit the bird
simultaneously. Calculate the distance of the
foot of the tree from two persons and the height
52. A particle moves in the xy plane with a of the tree. With what velocities and when do
constant acceleration ‘g’ in the negative the two shots hit the bird.
y-direction. Its equation of motion is y = ax − 56.A ball is thrown from ground level so as to just
bx2 , where a and b are constants.Which of the clear a wall 4m high at a distance of 4m and
following is correct? falls at a distance of 14m from the wall. Find the
magnitude and direction of the velocity.
57.Two particles are projected from a point
simultaneously with velocities whose horizontal
and vertical components are u1, v1 and u2, v2
respectively. Prove that the interval between
their passing through the other common point of
their path is,
53. Choose the correct alternative (s)-
(a)If the greatest height to which a man can
throw a stone is h, then the greatest horizontal 58.During the volcanic eruption chunks of solid
distance upto which he can throw the stone is rock are blasted out of the volcano.
(b)The angle of projection for a projectile motion
whose range R is m times the maximum height
is tan−1 (4/n).
(c)The time of flight T and the horizontal range
R of a projectile are connected by the equation
gT2=2Rtanθ where θ is the angle of projection.
(d)A ball is thrown vertically up. Another ball is (a)At what initial speed would a volcanic
thrown at an angle θ with the vertical. Both of object have to be ejected at 37º to the
them remain in air for the same period of time. horizontal from the vent A in order to fall
Then the ratio of heights attained by the two at B as shown in figure.
balls 1:1. (b) What is the time of flight. (g = 9.8 m/s2)
54.A particle is projected with a speed V from a 59.Two particles move in a uniform gravitational
point O making an angle of 30º with the vertical. field with an acceleration g. At the initial moment
At the same instant, a second particle is thrown the particles were located at one point and moved
vertically upwards from a point A. The two with velocities 3 m/s and 4 m/s horizontally in
particle reach H, the highest point on the opposite directions. Find the distance between the
parabolic path of particle one simultaneously. particles at the moment when their velocity vectors
Then ratio V/v is- become mutually perpendicular.

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