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______ words from Portuguese,

French and / or even Italian en-
tered English many years ago?
8. British English, ______ was taken
to North America by settlers, has
come back through US films and
9. ______ needs so many lan-
10. Susan knows a lot of Portuguese
students, ______ spend a whole
year studying in England.
11. Last year My friend Miriam went
to Rock in Rio, ______ she en-
joyed very much.

12. The number of young people
______ travels increases every
13. We must admit that the USA pro-
duces many films, ______ are
A. Fill in the blanks with the appro- very commercial.
priate relative pronoun. Omit it 14. Does anyone have the right to de-
whenever is possible. cide ______ languages should be
kept and ______ allowed to die?
15. ______ are those Websites aimed
1. ______ of the foreign languages at? At everyone ______ wants to
you are learning now attracts you chat in Japanese.
most? 16. ______ dictionaries are allowed to
2. I don’t understand a single word use in your German exam?
of the song ______ I’m listening 17. My Spanish friends, ______ I
to on the radio. talked yesterday, speak English
3. I belong to the ones ______ want with an awful accent.
to preserve the linguistic diversity
of the European Union.
4. The number of people ______
Spanish in USA is increasing. ____ / 17
5. ______ linguistic are you talking
6. ______ were the original inhabi-
tants of Australia?
Answer key

1. which
2. that/which
3. that / who
4. that/who
5. whose
6. who
7. which
8. which
9. who
10. who
11. which
12. who/that
13. which
14. which... which
15. who...who
16. which
17. to whom

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