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MILABS: MILITARY MIND CONTROL & ALIEN ABDUCTION Dr. Helmut Lammer & Marion Lammer TllumiNet Copyright © 1999 by Dr. Helmut and Marion Lammer All rights reserved. [No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elestronic or mechanical, Including photocopy, recoring, oF any information storage and resieval system now known oF fo be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes + ‘quote brief passages in connection with a review writen for inclusion in a maga- Zine, newspaper oF broadcast Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Di ‘Lammer, Helant, (MILABS! : military mind-costrol and alien akductions / Helmut Lammer, Marion Lamm. p.m. Includes bibliographical references. (p. )- ISBN: 1-881532-184 1, Alien abduction, 2) Armed Foreet-Miscellanea. 3, Brainwashing-Miscalleatea, 1. Lammer, Marion, BR20S0.135 1999 01 942-621 99.1404 MlumiNet Press P.O. Box 2808 Lilburn, GA 30048, Printed in the United States of America Cover Art: (Chrthoplier SEMEN ied Dedicated to the late Karla Turner Ph.D., an abductee and researcher who was one of the first who had the courage to 20 public with her evidence that covert human/military agen- cies are involved in monitoring, kidnapping and interroga- tion of alleged alien abductees. “nl urge You t0 take another look in the “UFO Matrix of Belief” that I provided you last year. My mention of mind- control technology at the February 4 meeting was quite de- liberate. Please be careful about this. There are reasons 10 believe that some government group has interwoven research about this technology vith alleged UFO phenomena. thats correct, you can expect to run into early resistance when inquiring about UFOs, not because of the UFO subject, but because that has been used to cloak research and applica- tions of mind-controt activity. * —Dr. C.B. Scott Jones Addressing Dr. John Gibbons, the science advisor of Presi- dent Bill Clinton, concerning the “Rockefeller UFO Initative,” February 17, 1994, Foreword Introduction . 10. Acknowledgements . Contacts . Author Biography .. Documented History of Secret Mind and Behavior Control Experiments .. A Possible Purpose of MILABS . Activity of Dark Unmarked Helicopters in Connection with Alien Abductions .... aaa) Alleged Kidnappings of Alien Abductees by Covert Military/Intelligence Personnel The Genetic Aspect of MILAB: Otherworldly Journeys and Military Underground Facilities . Creating an Imaginary Alien Abductee Toward a Controlled Society: Terrestrial Implants and their Application to MILABS and Future Warfare. Military Interrogation Sessions with Alleged Alien Abductees .. Guidelines for Future Research .. 138 161 163 165 168 Foreword book, a book that is at once fascinating and troubling. It ‘is fascinating because the evidence and hypotheses the Lammers present represent a fresh and productive point of de- parture for what has become a very stale alien abduction debate in ufology; at the same time, their book is troubling, because it raises the issue of clandestine United States military involvement in the so-called alien abduction phenomenon, In recent years, a number of abductees have come forward with anecdotal accounts of covert military involvement in pur- ported alien abductions. The bizarre stories they tell involve the following elements: extra-judicial detention at the hands of se- cretive military units; involuntary sedation; narco-hypnosis; rude interrogations; implants; and intrusive medical examinations. Many abductees report being forcibly taken to underground in- stallations. The experiences abductees undergo frequently cause physical, psychological and emotional trauma, and all manner of personal confusion and problems, The Lammers are quite correct to label this apparent mili- tary behavior kidnapping. In everyday life, kidnapping is a se- rious crime, punishable by lengthy incarceration in the peniten- tiary. In theory, the military is supposed to protect the citi- zenry. But if clandestine elements of the United States military really are preying on abductees then there are very serious legal and ethical questions that we need to address. Everyone has a right to self-defense. If the United States military is indeed harm- ing the citizens it has sworn to protect, then researchers and abductees need to determine a proper means of defense against | I ‘elmut and Marion Lammer have written an important fl MILABS what can only be described as Criminal, military predation, But why would the military kidnap and torment its own citizens? The Lammer’s provide three hypotheses that are con. sistent with the available information: 1) Covert military and intelligence agencies are carrying Out mind-control projects using abductees as their unfortunate victims. These covert agencies use the “alien” abduction phe- nomenon as a convenient cover that deflects detection and scru- tiny of their nefarious activities, 2) Covert military agencies are carrying out clandestine bio- logical and genetic engineering research. For unknown reasons they kidnap abductees and take them to underground facilities where bizarre biological experimentation is underway. 3) Finally, there appears to be a sort of clandestine military task force that somehow monitors alien abductees. This covert task force abducts people who it believes are alien abductees, and subjects them to interrogation in order to determine what they have may have been told by aliens, None of the three hypotheses are pleasant. Yet, the files of ufologists and mind-control researchers provide ample evidence £0 support all three. We are confronted with a strange and unsa- vory reality. The sheer weight of the accumulating evidence Suggests that covert units within the military are up to something extremely strange and secret, hidden behind a criminal veil of kidnapping and narco-hypnotically induced mental screens. Somewhere in this tangled welter of stealthy abductions, Secret underground bases, UFOs, aliens, covert mind-control Projects, implants, clandestine biological experimentation and military black operations lies a very dark and occult agenda, the true nature of which remains unknown. The truth is that some- thing, or someone, is scuttling around in the darkness at the margins of our everyday reality—and that something may not be nearly so “alien” as it wants us to believe that it is. We owe a debt of gratitude to Helmut and Marion Lammer for the vision and courage to pull back the veil from this tangled Foreword i web of shadowy intrigue and deception, so that we may begin what lies behind it. Sara Richard Sauder, Ph.D. ‘Wheaton, Maryland USA February 16, 1998 Dr. Richard Sauder is a financial and military researcher. He is the author of one of the most talked-about book of the past years. Dr. Sauder’s bestselling book Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? has done h to highlight the fantastic military subterranean world which fisbencat at lie. He is also the author of the book Kundalini Tales. Introduction MILABS Military Kidnapping of Alien Abductees: A New Field in Alien Abduction Research Emerges lien abductions are a very strange and complex pheno: A:= For skeptics, most journalists, and the public itis hard to believe that abductions by non-human beings have their basis in physical reality. Reports of alien beings en- tering bedrooms through walls and levitating abductees through closed windows into a waiting UFO are hard for the open- ree Tesearcher to believe, too. = " lowever, well-respected researchers have Pegs thal the alien abduction phenomenon pon eee a4 "ow Psychological phenomenon, hallucinations or mass Recently some alien abductees have said that they have kidnapped by military/intelligence personnel and taken to ae ‘als and/or military ground/underground research facilities. Not many of the popular books on the subject of alien abductions mention these experiences. Especially disconcerting are the facts that abductees recalled seeing military intelligence personnel to. gether with alien beings working side by side in these secret research facilities. The Presence of human milit ry and/or civil- ian personnel inhabiting the same physical reality as the alien beings exceeds the mindsets of the skeptics and the open-minded researchers by several orders of magnitude, beta 8 ‘The skeptics would rather believe that stories of aliens and military personnel in military underground facilities are fabrica- tions designed to elicit attention from conspiracy believers, or perhaps hallucinations. Researchers in the field of mind-control Suggest that these cases are evidence that most alien abductions are staged by the intelligence community as a cover-up for their illegal experiments.” The open minded researchers who fight for reputation in abduction research ignore these stories, since they represent only a minor fraction of their files. Well-known alien abduction researcher Prof, David Jacobs wrote in his book The Threat that he believes the MILAB abductees mistake human-like alien hybrids dressed in military- like clothes and uniforms for U.S. military personnel.‘ Further he believes that hybrids bring the abductees to abandoned mili- tary bases, or even to unused areas of active military bases. ‘Therefore, Prof. Jacobs claims that there is no evidence that the U.S. government, or any foreign military is involved with ab- dueting people. In the 1998 MUFON UFO Symposium Pro- ceedings Dr. Jacobs wrote that most MILAB abductions take place with anonymous abductees. This statement is wrong, since ne will find MILAB experiences in books and journals of many well-known alien abductees, but not in books of well-known alien abduction researchers, although they have such cases in their files. Such claims of infiltrated military-like alien hybrids, how- ever, have no scientific credibility and can be used by debunk- ers for ridiculing the whole alien abduction phenomenon. If one reviews hypnosis transcripts of MILAB abductees and compares their recovered memories with the experiences of survivors of now known declassified government sponsored mind- or behavior-control experiments, one will find a strong indica- tion that covert “human” military personnel are involved in the alien abduction phenomenon. Many researchers ignore or don’t understand MILAB experiences because they are not familiar with competently investigated MILAB cases. o MILABS We believe that alien abduction cases where the abductee Feports that he or she was abducted by the military (or humans) are very important for two reasons: 1.) If the UFO community has evidence that a covert mili- tary intelligence task force is involved in the alien abduction Phenomenon, the public would then know that alien abduction experiences represent a matter of national security. 2.) The alleged military involvement in the abduction phe- nomenon could be evidence that black-ops units use abductees for mind-control and behavior-control experiments, as test-tar- Sets for microwave or mind-altering weapons, or that they moni- tor and kidnap abductees for information gathering purposes during an alleged alien abduction experience. If one of these points is correct, we can expect to run into early resistance when proposing congressional hearings about UFOs. In October 1992, the Human Potential Foundation chaired by Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, embarked with the help of billionaire Lawrence Rockefeller on a project to deliver to the Science Advisor of U.S. President Bill Clinton, Dr. John Gibbons, compelling evidence of the reality of UFO phenom- ena, in the hope of convincing the new administration to dis close U.S. government information on the subject of UFOs.? Former intelligence agent and head of the Human Potential Foun- dation Dr. C. B. Scott Jones delivered to Dr, John Gibbons a Summary of UFO belief systems, the so-called “UFO Matrix of Beliefs.” Recently, the White House released some letters and docu- ments concerning the “Rockefeller UFO Initiative” to Tesearcher Rick Coimbra via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In one letter Dr. C. B. Scott Jones mentioned that there are rea- Sons to believe that some government group has interwoven research about mind-control technology with alleged UFO phe- nomena. He suggests that, if this is correct, Dr. John Gibbons can expect to run into early resistance when inquiring about UFOs, not because of the UFO subject, but because that subject Introcuction as has been used to cloak research and applications of mind-con- tivity.” f ei We taldve that Dr. Scott Jones note and the evidence which comes from alien abductees who claim that they were also being kidnapped by military intelligence personnel will lead the open- minded researcher to three important questions. 1.) Is it possible that secret human experiments or covert operations are occurring in Western democracies? i 2.) What is the human agenda which seems to be involved in the alien abduction phenomenon, and what is the purpose of MILABs: military abductions of alleged alien abductees? 3.) Is there a military interest in developing brain-implants, Virtual-reality implants, holographic image projection, cloaking devices, mind-altering Weapons and genetic research? An interest in these technologies would support the hypoth- esis that such secret experiments could occur on humans and that these experiments are being hidden from the U.S. Congress and the public by placing the funding inside secret or “black projects.” ‘ To bring light into darkness we reviewed the relevant litera- ture, contacted UFO and mind-control researchers and victims as well as MILAB abductees around the world and compared our findings with the comprehensive alien abduction study of Dr. Thomas Bullard,’ * the MUFON Transcription Project’ and the MIT Abduction Proceedings! of August 1997. We pub- lished two comprehensive books in Europe, titled Verdeckte Operationen'' (Covert Operations), and Schwarze Forschungen' (Black Research). Covert Operations deals with MILABs, but concentrates more on advanced mind-control technologies, bio- chips, military underground bases and exotic weapons. Schwarze Forschungen deals more with secret experiments, black projects and biological process control weapons. Readers of these books will understand that MILABS have something to do with these secret activities, 16 MILABS We believe that MILAB abductions may be the indicati that a covert military intelligence task force operates at least in the U.S. and Canada and is involved in monitoring and kidnap- Ping of alleged alien abductees. In the early 1980s, a lot of ‘money, both legal and black budget, became available for top Secret military projects like the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), This task force and related projects may be financed by a por. investigated alien abduction cases. However, in this book we present our preliminary but im- Portant findings of our research in MILABs. NOTES: 1. Prichard, David E., and Mack, John E, Alien Discussions: Proceedings of ‘he Abduction Siudy Conference held at MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1994, 2 Cannon, Martin. *Mind-Control and the American Government,” Lob- ster, No. 23, England, 1992. 3. Private communications with Prof, David Jacobs, 1996 4 Jacobs, David M: The Threat: The Secret Agenda: Wha the Aliens Really Want...And How They Plan o Get tt, Simon and Schuster, New York, USA, 188, 5 Victorian, Armen, “UFOs in the White House Pantry: The Rockefeller Initiative,” Lobster, No, 33, Summer 1997 © Jones, ScouC. B. Letter to the Science Advisor of President Bill Clinton, Dr. John Gibbons, February 17, 1904, 7. Bullard, Thomas B. UFO-Abductions: The Measure ofa Mystery, Volume J; Comparative Study of Abduction Reports, Bloomington, IN (FUFOR: P. 0. Box 277, Mount Rainer, MD 20712 USA), 1987 & Bullard E., Thomas. UFO-Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Vol- me 2: Catalogue of Cases, Bloomington, Indiana, (FUFOR: P. 0. Box 277, Mount Rainer, MD 20712 USA), 1987, 9. Wright, R., Dan. “Commonatites and Disparities: Findings of the MUFON Abduction Transcription Project,” MUFON International UFO Symposium Proceedings, 1995, 10. Private communications with Dan Wright, head of the MUFON Abduc- ion Transcription Project, 1996 11. Lammer, Helmut, and Lammer, Marion, Verdeckte Operationen: Milliaerische Verwicktungen in UFO-Engluchrungen (Covert Operation, Miliary Involvement in UFO Abductions/Mind-Control/Bio- Chips/Under. ground Bases/Exotic Weapons), Herbig (Thomas Wimmer Ring 11, D 180539 Munich), Munich, 1997, Introduction, ut Lammer, Helmut, and Lammer, Marion. Schwarze Geheime Dr Vemeht eee ase hie ae ‘Ocffenulich keit (Black Research), Herbig (Thomas Wimmer Ring 11, D-80539 Munich), Munich, 1999, 1 Documented History of Secret Mind and Behavior Control Experiments “.Mind-control | techniques and follow-ups into adulthood have hontai tod may talking about their victimization in government research, For the Past twenty-two years, I have specialized in treating victims and Perpetrators of trauma, and their families, When word got ou har Y ‘eas appearing a ths hearing, nearly forty therapists across the country contacted me to valk about clients who had reported being subjected ‘10 radiation and mind-control experiments. The consistency’ ‘af peoples? stories about the purpose of the mind-control and pain induction tech- niques, such as electric shock, use of hallucinogens, sensory depr tion, hypnosis, dislocation of limbs and sexual abuse is remarkable. . Psychotherapist Valerie Wolf ‘Testimony given to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Exper- ‘ments, Washington, D.C., March 15, 1995, “Under current rule and Executive Order, it is cutive Order, itis possible 10 waive informed consent and Institutional R Vanregamad consent and Instutional Review Boards (RB) re. Senator John Glenn Congressional Record-Senate, January 22, 1997, veryone who refuses to believe that secret experi E«= Covert operations have been performed on people in ‘the Western world, including children, should look at the documented history of military intelligence radiation experiments as well as mind-and behavior-control projects which are now Known to the public. In addition tothe United States and Canada, Documented History 9 he British press reported that even the Ministry of Defense (MoD) has carried out secret radiation experiments on humans during the past forty years. In 1994, the United States government lified the lid on se- ret experiments that had taken place with scant regard for the subjects—many of whom were disadvantaged people.’ For about thirty years after World War Il the Department of Defense (DoD), the CIA and various non-government research organizations, ‘conducted medical research on thousands of citizens, often without their knowledge. This research was largely concerned with ra- diation exposure, nerve gas, LSD and various biological agents. Recently it was disclosed that radiation experiments were per- formed on more than 23,000 Americans in about 1,400 differ- ent projects during the thirty years following the war. ‘The people on whom these experiments were conducted were soldiers, prisoners, people considered to be mentally de- fective (both children and adults), hospital patients with terminal illnesses and pregnant, disadvantaged women. Many of the sci- centists who conducted these experiments had immigrated under “black projects” such as “Project Paperclip” where the US War Department brought Nazi doctors, scientists and technicians from Germany and Austria,’ and Japanese bio-warfare specialists,‘ to the U.S.A. to use their knowledge for U.S. intelligence and military projects. The legacy of Project Paperclip is said to be the space pro- gram and the moon rockets, jet planes and other scientific achieve- ments that were a product of postwar research in the USA. What most defenders fail to mention is that its legacy also cludes horrific psychological experiments conducted on Ameri- can soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, the American center for chemical warfare research. Eight former Nazi scien- tists worked at Edgewood between 1947 and 1966 developing and testing nerve gas and psychochemicals such as LSD.* Edgewood was the first American research facility to test lethal agents on humans. The experiments began in 1922, when the Chemical Warfare Service created the Medical Research 2 MILABS Documented History 24 Division charged with providing a defense against chemical Weapons. Since that time, thousands of military and civilian yolunteers have been subjected to experiments with mustard and ve gas, riot control agents, hallucinogenic drugs like LSD, NZ, PCP, mescaline and hundreds of other chemicals. Some of these experiments were conducted at Edgewood’s medical re- search facilities, in isolated rooms with padded walls and furni- {ure bolted to the floor. The fact that Paperclip scientists worked ‘Mt Edgewood at various times between 1947 and 1966 has been kept secret. Dr. Ewen Cameron, to all appearances a respected scientist, Jed a CIA-funded laboratory at McGill University during the 1950s where patients were used as guinea pigs in brainwashing experiments. Some subjects were given electro-convulsive therapy SCT) twice daily, while others were drugged and kept uncon- scious for weeks or months. They were injected with huge mounts of hallucinogens, and subjected to long-term sensory deprivation.* A panel, appointed by the Clinton administration in 1994 to look into these matters, has so far documented four hundred government backed bio-medical experiments involving humans between 1944 and 1975, The purpose of these experiments may never be fully known, It is not certain when these experiments ceased, if at all, but we know they were still going on during the mid-seventies. Mind-control projects CHATTER, BLUEBIRD and ARTI- CHOKE vere rolled over into MKULTRA, which ran from 1953 to 1963 and included 149 sub-projects. Later MKULTRA became MKSEARCH, which ran until 1973. The research in these projects involved hallucinogens, hypnosis, sensory depri- vation, implants, and research in ESP and PSI-phenomena like telepathy, implanting thoughts, and remote-viewing. MKULTRA-scientist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was the head of the CIA’s Technical Services Division (TSD) in late 1972, when his organization awarded Dr. Hal Puthoff his first PSI-research contract.® Historical photograph of a Richland, WA, child partici orca land, WA, child participating in a project to measure Riicaciive radiaion present in the body. This project tcok place at the Pacific forthwest Laboratory. (Department of Energy) 2 MILABS: The Canadian psychiatrist and specialist on trauma and dis sociation, Dr. Colin Ross, presented a paper at the 9th Ann Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation i Orange County, California, where he described evidence released Cl Programmed individuals, so called “Manchurian Candidates” who don’t know that they are Spies or secret couriers,’ Dr. George Estabrooks worked with military intelligence during and after World War Il. In 1971 he wrote in Science Digest magazine about the applications of hypnosis and its use in military intelligence,* Dr. Estabrooks claimed that he created | “hypnotic couriers.” He put such a courier under deep hypnosis and gave him orally a vital message to be delivered to a certain. military intelligence colonel directly on his arrival in another land. Outside of Dr. Estabrooks, the colonel was the only per~ son who could hypnotize the courier by using a certain “signal Phrase.” When the courier awoke, he had no conscious memory of what happened in trance. Dr. Estabrooks also worked on multiple personality patients, Since the 1920s, scientists have learned how to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities. He wrote that he used this technique with a vulnerable marine lieutenant whom he called Jones. With the help of marine intelligence he split Jones personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a normal marine, became completely different, He talked commu- nist propaganda and meant it. Jones A was welcomed enthusias. tically by communist cells, ‘The second personality, Jones B, was formerly present in the conscious marine. Under hypnosis, Jones had been carefully coached by suggestion. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, but was a loyal American, Dr. Estabrooks used Jones B, the loyal American, as a perfect Pipeline into the Communist camp. Dr. Estabrooks claimed that there was no way for an enemy to expose agent Jones’ dual personality.® Documented History 23 Dr. Colin Ross and research organizations like the New York based Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors Mind Control (ACHES-MC) also came across survi- vors of horrific experiments involving electroshock, drugs, brain- implants, sensory deprivation and psychic driving; people who had been locked in cages, forced to sleep, and to endure sexual and ritual abuse for creating multiple personalities for military intelligence purposes.’? It seems that if a person was ‘once se- lected, the victim was used repeatedly as a human lab animal throughout their lifetime, in one externally controlled and moni- tored experiment after another. > i Valerie Wolf a psychotherapist who testified to the Advi- sory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments before the U.S. Congress, informed us that she had spoken to many survi- vors of alleged government mind-control experiments over the past two years." She and other therapists have records in their files of victims who report the use of people in costumes to appear to be the devil, or the use of movies and sounds to stimulate satanic practices, that had actually taken place in a laboratory. She believes that the purpose of mind-control re- search is to gain total control of A personfor whatever {UDI saving rom Cenadian mind coetol use the military or intelligence yicim who rv a hid gies ig agency has for them, ___ ting the Cold War, Sientit im: Wolf found that the basic Linsenelplpictin steel ames techniques used inmind-control urent controled her movement ikea are classical conditioning, post- robot. (Lynn: Moss-Sharman/ ACHES. hypnotic suggestions and hyp- MO notic techniques, drugs, sensory do you hear me? | seit bo You HEAR ME? 4. MILABS Drawing from a Canadian mind-control victim whose ersonality was i Akers during her childhood by using a elt lite device ln povennea pane ‘ments. (Lynne Moss-Sharman/ACHES-MC) Documented History 25 deprivation, and distortion of reality. Electric shock is used both {0 create amnesia and as part of conditioning. She found cases ‘where children who were already being abused and had formed in ability to dissociate and split their personalities were used by secret military intelligence units for spy-purposes, as claimed by Dr. Estabrooks. She reported that she had seen people from the 1950s through the 1990s, and that the progression of sophistica- froma Canadian mind-control vietim who was programmed ona mechani- ‘This chair went up and down, or turned arcund at the base. The foot hooked to electrical outlets and electrodes are placed on her genitals. A. tiny guardian angel, which appears in her drawing, fluters nearty. (Lynne Moss- Sharman/ACHES-MC) 27 26 LABS Documented History Estabrooks, George, H. “Hypnosis Comes of Age.” Science Digesi, April, Cv i and Lynne Moss-Sharman Chavoustie, Blanche (e-mail:, and) » Surman Private communication. ACHES-MC, {ce Syosset, New ‘York 11791, Eee ‘St.N. 42, Thunder ;, Ontario, Canada, http://www. AC org. 10, gen hace ‘with psychotherapist Valerie Wolf, IIe 1], ACHES-MC Memorial Day video to President Clinton/Prime Mi Chretien, hitp://, May 26, 1997. tion in mind-control programming was very evident, She her colleagues heard reports of spin-programming, tanks of w Strobe lights, coffin-like boxes, implantation and underg research facilities, ° Jn 1097, ACHES-MC delivered a video documentary President Bill Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Chren ‘This short excursion into the history of secret experimenta tion on humans supports the MILAB hypothesis of covert o crations against civilians, although solid underlying evidence 4 Not easy to locate. NOTES: over, to,Gome Clean on Radiation Tests," New Scientist, No. 2058, November 30, 1996, 2 Butling, Ralph, “Whatever Made Them Do It?” New Scientist, No. 1961, January 21, 1995, Glunt, Linda. Secret Agenda, St. Mann's Press, New York, 1991, Jagsian Harris, H. Factories of Death; Japanese Biological Warfare 232-45, and the American Cover-Up, Routledge, London 1994, Sate RDI, “Ethles Code Spells Disaster for Canadian Psycholo- gists." New Scientist, No. 2059, December 7, 1996. Spuitel, Jim. Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic ‘Spies, Dell Publishing, New York, 1997, a ae ~o A Possible Purpose of MILABS “M's as if I'm in a psychiatric ward or a nursing home copoly pala ward grin he a under resiraints...U'm standing over the black box now. I'm looking down into it. tis about four feet wide and six feet long. It’s metallie Tm really angry. 1don't want tobe ted down! I hate it..'m looking dent Leow thave no other choice. Ihave to le down in, and MILAB abductee Katharina Wil September 17, 1988, *...The abductee was drugged and her wrisis were t hips by plastic cords, She was then carried out of her hong ig farge truck or a smaller van, where they took her o a secret build. ing. She was carried into the building and placed onto an examining table. Her feet were placed into stirrups, as are used for gynecologt, al examinations. A female doctor conducted a gynecological eta ‘She searched for an embryo, but never found one...” Dan Wi MUFON Abduction Transcription Project, 1386 “. Then we went into an office of some type... man was siti ehind the des. He was wearing sold green miltary ype clothes name or tag medals on it. He Started aski about what I felt about the aliens...” center te MILAB abduetee Lisa, 1996, ince the publication of two articles concerning the MILAB situation on the internet and in the MUFON UFO Jour- nal, '? we have received more information, primarily from 2 A Possible Purpose of MILABS 29 North American researchers and abductees. Therefore, we be- lieve the whole alien/human abduction scenario is more com- plex than we thought at first. It seems to us that there are indica- tions that more than one human agenda, possibly three, may be involved in the currently unexplained alien abduction phenom- enon. We have found evidence that each of these agendas prob- ably has its own focal point involving alleged alien abductees. It seems to us that one group may be interested in advanced mind-and behavior-control experiments. We found indications of sensory deprivation experiments, liquid breathing experiments, experiments on electromagnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes, brain research and implant research. These experiments are similar (0 the experiments reported by survivors of the MKULTRA mind-control programs carried out before the 1980s, and are probably flashbacks from these times. A second group seems to be interested in biological or ge- netic research. Some MILAB abductees recall seeing humans in tubes filled with liquid, and genetically altered animals in cages during their alleged military/intelligence kidnappings inside mili- tary underground research facilities. It should be noted that alien abductees without alleged military contacts also remember simi- lar scenarios inside UFOs or alleged alien crafis. A third group seems to be a military task force, which has been operating since the 1980s. This group appears to be inter- ested in the UFO/alien abduction phenomenon for information gathering purposes. This would be a logical consequence if an individual or a group of people with the “need to know” were to consider alien abduction experiences real. It seems to us that the leaders of this military task force believe that some alien abductions are real and that they have national security implica- tions. If this is the case, it would be likely that the second and third group would work together, sharing their interest in ge- netic studies and their findings from alleged alien abductees. Dan Wright, former head of the MUFON Abduction Tran- scription Project presented the latest report of his research at the 1997 International UFO Symposium in Grand Rapids, Michi- government.’ Dan Wright's stud 0 : ly led to five key el i ‘tonahctn eons Sw 0 fie yee in bly Suiside this conscious lite. - A “mission” to perform at some point i ic Point in the near futu jeophysical and other dramati agg Geoeiaaeab and rramatic changes to the Earth eh} government's involver esc nS ment and/or acquiesce Notes: 1 Lammer, Helmut. “Preliminary Find . ty Findings of Project MILAB: for Military Kidna len Abdictes.” MUPON Ul as NG sae pbings of Alleged Alien Abdactes.”" MUFON UP unmer, Helmut. “More Findings of Project M the AleUAauut: “More Findings of Project MILLAR: Looking Behind aaa iggy? Abeuction Agenda.” MUFON UFO Jounal, No. 335, right, Dan. “Five Themes: Further Fi i sripton Projet." MUFON UFO oud, Noe3Sh eee ee 3 Activity of Dark Unmarked Helicopters in Connection with Alien Abductions *.«.These odd helicopters could be seen almost daily around our ‘houses. They are so obvious about their flights it’s almost comical. On occasions too numerous to even remember, they have hovered around my house, above my house, and above me for several minutes «at a time, not trying to hide themselves or the fact that they are watching us. Even when lam outside and obviously watching back, it doesn't seem to bother them. They just sit there in midair, about sixty to ninety feet above the ground, whirling and watching. They are completely without identification and are always low enough so thai I could easity see the pilot, if the windshield were clear glass. But the windshield is smoky black, with a finish that makes it impos- sible to see who's inside...” Allien abduetse Debby Jordan Abducted!, 1994, harassed by dark unmarked helicopters around their houses. For getting an overview of the geographical area and a timeline of the abductee/helicopter connection we reviewed Dr. Thomas Bullard’s comprehensive alien abduction study. Dr. Bullard compared 270 alien abduction cases world- wide which occurred between 1868 and 1984, while the major- ity of these cases occurred during the 1970s and early 1980s, ':? In his study are 132 alleged alien abductions from the U.S., 51 from Europe, 66 from South America, 15 from Australia, eight from Canada and the remainder from various other countries. O: study indicates that MILAB abductees are generally 33 Baty Andreasson-Luca abduction, t is important to note that the helicoy pter cases ri Dr. Bullard’s study occurred only in North Aerie a occurred during the 1970s,7 Researchers David Clarke and Nii OR ce! Watson sightings of strange helicopter activity in England curing or alien abductions,* We found that the mysteri We foun - mysterious helicopter activity i ton wih alien abductions had a tendency to incre enn F005 uP (0 the present. We contacted and questioned. many archers worldwide concerning the abduction helicopter com, alien abductions in their files." I i ."' Tt appears to us that this is Neti Atneticay Phenomenon, since none of the caine hers in Australia, Africa, Europe and South well-investigated abducti it ie winced iat few ction cases in connection with alleged he- Helicopters in Connection with Alisn Abductions Abductees like Betty Andreasson-Luca, and Debby Jordan, ihy Mitchell, Whitley Strieber, Leah Haley, Katharina Wil- 1), Beth Collins and Anna Jamerson, Melinda Leslie and many jore were harassed by these phantom helicopters." Kathy Mitchell for instance claims that mysterious dark un- ‘Wharked helicopters, devoid of any identification, are common ‘sights around her house, Debby Jordan's house and her parent’s house. Kathy Mitchell and Debby Jordan have photos of some fof the black helicopters that have plagued their family over the ‘ears. Lisa (pseudonym), a MILAB abductee who is mentioned i) Dr. Karla Turner’s book Taken," has also photographed ‘many dark unmarked helicopters near or over her house. Evelyn (pseudonym) has had alien abduction experiences since her childhood. She has experienced missing time, over nd over in her life. In three alien abduction scenarios involving Fivelyn, dark unmarked helicopters were involved. In two of the abductions, the helicopters appeared singularly, after the abduction had taken place. Each time they flew close to her house for about an hour, just buzzing around. She informed us that she closed all of the blinds in her house both times, because she felt watched. The third helicopter encounter occurred be- fore an abduction had taken place, and Evelyn recalled the fol- Jowing scenario:*” “...The helicopter shone a brilliant, blinding blue light on my face and I thought: “Here I go, get ready.” I then remember looking at the clock and an hour had passed by. I was really puzzled at the time, but in regression, I was abducted by the Greys’ and taken aboard a huge, silent, black, triangular-shaped UFO. I still wonder to this day if the helicopter shape-shifted into an UFO, or if it appeared on its own, separate from the UFO. I can’t remember all of the details...” Since Evelyn recalls a MILAB experience it could be that the helicopter was involved at least in this particular abduction. Maybe the people who operated the helicopter used a color 4 MILABS laser for illumination and target pointing. If one points s laser system into a room or an area, the whole area is illan nated and the person targeted would be shocked.:! Amy (pseudonym), another woman who is mentioned Dr. Turner’s book, has managed to film some of ous helicopters that apy was confirmed by i double rotor, blac landed briefly, for about twenty minutes, before it flew sout West and began circling the same area again, landing briefly fy tes. something has crashed or exploded in that area. They wondered what had happened and thought that it might have been a me crashing to earth. Within four to five minutes, from the southwest strai The helicopter again landed for about twenty minutes, then Hew straight at Amy and her daughter shining beams of light flown at them, then pulled up the beams and flew ditectly over. head. Amy called the local police departments, the FAA and the Sheriff's Department wondering if a plane had crashed near hes house. They said they had heard nothing about the event and did not know who dispatched the helicopter. Helicopters in Connection with Alien Abductions 35 Generally MILAB abducts ae harssel by dark unmarked Belcopers around rms: ee emir oman On pen il ners, Lise reports the alleged involvenset pence pone inher allen abketen execs ster carcunnare, neler: hetan to appear Some of tem ew 30 Tow ver her house that hey sho Windows. Ths photo shows ooe of ese bellopes over her hose, (Lis). (epeuey-NOANIN/ AMIENS FoeyoNN) ‘N09 ueIpeUE pareMUE ApsnOLaISAUT E JO 10yg (spout NOUNS RSPR) SIF POOIG mg Suse ae sued fpoq smowes pur ued wou; aso4s fuse paren 10nd aie _MILABS Helicopters in Connection with Alen Abductions 39 Some witnesses claim that these helicopters operate for the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA), since there are many sightings of them near FEMA ficilities. Amy in fact lives near a large FEMA underground facility in the Denton area, in Texas She informed us that there have been UFO sightings and abduc- ions reported near this facility. Further, Dr. Karla Turner also claimed that her abductions happened in the Denton area. Since Amy and several other MILAB abductees have sent us photos ‘und home video shots of these dark unmarked helicopters, we iow that they are real It is therefore, not justified to suggest that these helicopters represent the black Cadillacs of the Men in Black (MIB) during the nineties, ':? since MILAB abductees have photos of them and they were also seen by many witnesses, some of them law enforcement officers and police officers who have nothing to do with the UFO community. Former police officer Ted Oliphant III informed us that dark \unmarked helicopters were seen near animal mutilation sites in Fyffe, Alabama before reports of strange unidentifiable lights in the sky.” When the unmarked dark helicopters were witnessed by local farmers and law enforcement officers, Albertville Police's Chief of Detectives Tommy Cole called in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to investigate. Detective Cole had lost a cow to the mysterious mutilators and his wife had seen an un- marked dark helicopter over their pasture the day before they discovered their mutilated Black Angus steer. A skeptical FAA investigator came to Albertville and Cole took him for a ride with his police car. After a while the FAA investigator couldn't believe his eyes as an unmarked helicopter flew near them, He pulled out a hand held radio and hailed the Photographer Gury Coker managed to photgraph srange sh helicopter, who ignored demands that he identify himself. The lights over Skirum, Alabama, in Pebrury, 1998. At the time of thea gna Bie IY ESHLEAtOR, Te Veter uid sEeseociem Aidt traced te, hell Achelicopter and UFO sightings. (Gary Coker) Jaunched an inquiry at the base, he was immediately told to drop a. MILABS. itand never talk about the incident again, Ted Oliphant is vinced that several different things are going on, including sor real unexplained phenomenon and some simulated phenomenon. Researcher, Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo informed us that bla unmarked helicopters showed an interest in a ranch near Hi aleah Gardens, Florida after mutilated animals in connecti with alleged “Chupacabra” sightings were found. He shot images of a black unmarked helicopter that flew very low ov the ranch before it disappeared on the horizon. It seems to be a fact that these dark unmarked helicopte operate for a secret military/intelligence task force, while MIB-phenomenon seems to be of paranormal or other origin related to the UFO-phenomenon, although they are not directl connected to MILABs. Let us summarize the helicopter topic five points: 1, The helicopter mystery started during the late 1960s, early 1970s in connection with animal mutilations. 2. During those times the helicopters showed a minor inter- est in alien abductees, 3. The helicopters began to increase their interest in ali abductees during the 1980s up to the present, but were als reported near animal mutilation sites and other areas in Not America, 4. At present, most North American alien abduction ri searchers have on average three helicopter cases in their files. 5. There were reports of phantom helicopter activity in Em gland during the 1970s, but it seems to us that their interest i animal mutilations and alleged alien abdi is limit oe i luctees is limited to NOTES: 1. Bullard, E., Thomas. UFO-Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Vole ‘ume 1: Comparative Study of Abduction Repors. pried Todiengl (FUFOR: P. O. Box277, Moant Rainer, MD 20712 USA), 1987, 2 BubaraB. nae UF Ont The Measure of a'Mystery. Vole : Catalogue of Cases. Blooi i 4 Lyme &: Calg of Cases. Bloomington, Indiana (FUFOR: P.O, Rox 3, Adams, Tom. Mystery Helicopters, Paris, Texas, 1993, Helicopters in Connection with Alisn Abductions 4 Keith, Jim. Black Helicopters over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order, IMumiNet Press, Lilburn, Georgia, 1994. Keith, Jim. Black Helicopters I: The Endgame Strategy, IumiNet Press, Lilburn, Georgia, 1997. Howe, L., Moulton. Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume. 1: Facts and Eyowimesses. Linda Moulton Howe Productions, P.O. Box 300, Jamison, Pemsylvania 18929-0300, 1993, Private Communications with Raymond Fowler and several publications like; Casebook of a UFO Investigator. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Preatice Hall Inc., 1981. Clarke, David, and Watson, Nigel. Phanuom Helicopters over Britain, FUFOR: P.O, Box 277, Mount Rainer, Maryland 20712, USA. Wright, R., Dan. Commonalities and Disparities: Findings ofthe MUFON Abduction Transcription Project. MUFON International UFO Symposium Proveedings, 1995 Private communications with Dan Wright, head of the MUFON Abduc~ tion Transcription Project, 1996. Private communication with various alien abduction researchers, 1996, 1997. . Jordan, Debbie, and Mitchell, Kathy. Abducted!: The Story of the Intnud- ers Continue, Carroll and Graf, New York, 1994. Strieber, Whitley. Breakthrough: The Nett Step, Harper Collins, New York, 1995, Haley, A., Leah. Lost was the Key, Greenleaf Publications, P.O. Box 8152, Muriteesboro, TN 37133, USA, 1993. ‘Wikon, Katharina: The Alien Jigsaw. Puzzle Publishing, P.O. Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, 1993, Collins, Beth, and Jamerson, Anna. Connections-Solving our Alien Abduc- tion Mystery, Wild Flower Press, Newberg, Oregon, 1996. Fowler, Raymond. The Andreasson Affair Phase Two, Englewood Cliffs, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1982. |. Private communication with Melinda Leslie and various other abductees, 1996, 1997, 1998. ‘Tumer, Karla. Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda, Kelt Works, Roland Arkansas, 1994, ). Private communications with Evelyn, 1996, . Ireland, Robert. “Tactical Deployment of Laser Systems Into Low-Inten- sity Conflicis,” Phillips Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, in: ‘SPEProceedings, Vol. 2934, 70-74, 1996 . Private communications with Amy, 1996-1998, Private communication wih Ted Of I, (E-mail allahest@stip.e), Sanchez-Ocejo, Virgilio. Miami Chupacabras, Pharaoh Production, P.O. Box 960771, Miami, FI, 33296, USA, 1997, 4 Alleged Kidnappings of Alien Abductees by Covert Military/Intelligence Personnel *.. was struggling with them as Iwas com , ing off the helicop- ter. Idon't undersiand why they're taking me in there. fel a sudden hull. I's cold. There’s a man on each side of me holding my arms “hay are oe ‘me into a building...I see men seated along ‘of conference room tab i if fel ale fe cnfrenc Ne. The man in the blue uniform MILABabductee Leah Haley, 1 Katharina Wilson and others are full of MILAB encou i inters. Katharina Wilson also has flashbacks of being in an nko w memories in her journal on September 17, 1988:? “..1t’s as if i'm in a dressed in white too. Somehow, m in a psychiatric ward or a nursing home as opposed 10 a hospital. I think I see Erik (her husband). He is f ; T know I have to go inside big box and be tied down, I'm feeling absolute dread over this, ‘Alleged Kidnappings of Aen Abductees 43 rik seems insensitive—He is telling me what to do—so unlike ini—like he is telling me I have to lie down in this box under wiraints, I’m angry. “Tam walking around. I'm going to a bathroom because I ow I'm going to be tied down in this box fora long time. Just ore I have to go into the box I ask him why I have to be tied Wwn, I hate it! He replies, “Because it will be good for you, ‘you'll see, It will calm you down.’ “[’m standing over the black box now. I'm looking down {nto it. It is about four feet wide and six feet long. It’s metallic. V'm really angry. I don’t want (0 be tied town! I hate it! He is Jooking at me as though he finds my behavior amusing. I'm Jooking down at it. I know Ihave no other choice. I have to lie down in it, and let them tie me down. I know they will leave me {n it alone. I'm thinking about a blonde, alien-looking male.” It seems that Katharina Wilson projected her husband Erik ais a kind of screen memory over another man—pethaps a psy- chiatrist who worked for a secret Government agency. In the late 1930s Harvard psychologist Burrhus Frederick Skinner discovered new principles of conditioning which al- Jowed more complete control of an individual. Skinner devel- ‘oped a mind-control technique that he called “operant condition- ing.” His technique was based on the repetition of either a positive or a negative response to an action. ‘The three most common techniques of modern behavior therapy are operant conditioning, aversion therapy, and desen- sitization, 1. Operant conditioning is the reinforcement of certain be- havior by reward; mostly food, often accompanied by simulta- neous sound or light stimulation. 2. Aversion therapy is a technique in which an undesirable response is inhibited by a painful or unpleasant reinforcement such as electric shock, noxious odors or other techniques which produce fear and avoidance. ¢@ MILABS __Aleged Kidnappings of Alen Abductoes Psychotherapists like Valerie Wolf also have reports in their where governmental mind-control victims were forced in fin like boxes*—the above mentioned “Skinner box.” Their ‘clims, however, describe no alien encounters. E Katharina Wilson described such a “Skinner box”-like con- liner which was possibly used for behavior modification ex- iments on her. Wilson has recollections of at least fourteen lction experiences where she saw either military personnel, in business suits, or both, : ace such case Katharina had reality-like dreams of being ‘with her husband Erik inside a possible government underground fucility.* The lighting was dim, but bright enough for them to jee, There were wide hallways, concrete block walls and neu- ‘ral floors. They were standing in a hallway and saw three or four men escorting a being that looked like an alien, The men Were of average height and build and were all wearing black jump suits. They were similar to what Special Weapons Attack cams (SWAT) wear, but without any insignia or bullet proof is. ee She described that the alleged non-human being was wear- ng the same jump suit that his escorts were wearing, ‘The alien ‘was as tall as the men and it appeared to be a male. He had ‘white skin and his head was shaped like that of a “Grey,” but he ‘was much taller and had more body mass. She described that he hud large almond-shaped eyes, but only the right eye had a large black pupil. His left eye was white with a red spiraling hanistic effect, E He appeared 'o be somewhat concerned that he would be detected. She believes they must have seen her and Erik looking , Since suddenly they all became anxious. . "Wilton aliaves tian it cous bo possible that the alleged lien was not an alien at all, but rather a human dressed to appear like an alien. In other words, she believes this was prob- ably a “staged” event. 3. Desensitization is the training of an individual to beyond his/her normal state. The person is then presented wi images which evoke mild anxiety. First the images are mild they are repeated until the person shows no anxiety. After this stronger image is introduced and the process is repeated. Fis the person becomes desensitized to even the strongest im: This mind-control technique has been used to relieve people phobic fears, anxieties, and in deprogramming of conditi responses, Dr. Skinner began experiments by building boxes in Wi animals were required to run mazes and press levers for recei ing food rewards. By manipulating the way the reward w: siven he found that every action is determined by the envi ment, and that behavior is shaped and maintained by its cot quences, After this finding, Dr. Skinner built a large box with. glass window on one side. The box was built for child: especially for his own daughter, Debbie. The large “Skinner box” was soundproofed and care! femperature controlled, He testified that crying and fussing the child could be stopped by slightly lowering the temperatul Dr. Skinner's dream was the production of “socialized” chil dren. The programming of his own daughter, however, was 80 successful, Debbie Skinner committed suicide in her twe ties. Dr. Ewen Cameron received a grant from the CIA for sory deprivation Research in 1957.* The experiments consis of putting a subject in a sealed environment like a small room a large box and depriving him of all sensory input. In 1955, ARTICHOKE scientist Dr. Morse Allen contract Dr. Maitland Baldwin, who had done a gruesome experiment i which an Army volunteer had stayed in a ‘Skinner box” fe about forty hours, Dr. Baldwin stopped the experiment after soldier cried for more than an hour, Baldwin was convinced isolation technique could break any human no matter how stro 6 Some abductees have traumatic flashbacks in which they see aliens and mili= tary personnel working side-by-side. Perhaps these abductees mix an alien abduction experience and a MILAB scenario, or the abcuctee underwent some kind of hallucinogenic hypnoprogramming by military psychiatrists. ‘The alions may be hypno-drug-induced screen memories of human actors ‘with alien masks, (Jonesy) Interestingly, psychotherapist Valerie Wolf investigated leged ritual abuse cases where the victims report that their turers used costumes to appear like the devil or a demon, used movies and sounds to stimulate satanic practices, that ac ally took place in a research laboratory. She believes that there are documented cases where researchers dress up Ii cartoon characters and satanic characters, they could also dr up in alien costumes. ‘Aleged Kitnappings of Alen Abductees a Michelle (pseudonym) had her first conscious memory of a {ypical alien abduction experience with non-human beings at the ye of eight. She remembers classic alien abduction experiences With three to four-foot-tall “Grey” beings with large heads and Mlmond-shaped eyes, Her following experiences, however, have nothing to do With alien abductions. Since 1995, Michelle has had traumatic Hlushbacks, reality-like dreams and some consciously remem- Vered MILAB events.”: She began to remember a face of a jeptilian creature, images of travelling in a military Jeep and Soldiers with black berets. Interestingly she also recalls b submerged in some type of fluid, heavier than water. This flash- Huck continued to hound her but she couldn't remember more de Afier these flashbacks Michelle found out that she had a missing time experience in 1970 near Montauk, New York. During this time she visited her aunt and her uncle's campsite at Ditch Plains in Montauk. Her uncle remembered that she was jnissing for about three hours, Her recollection of the early part fof that day was quite clear but the later part had been vague and blurry. Michelle decided to do hypnosis regression concerning the inissing time experience. Her memory gaps were investigated by Dr. Kouguell a professional Ph.D. hypnotherapist and MUFON consultant, with the use of regressive hypnosis. ‘A hypnosis session done during September, 1995 revealed hat Michelle and a boyfriend had a MILAB kidnapping experi- ence near the campsite at Ditch Plains. She walked with her friend toward the east into the dunes, where they lay down. Suddenly they heard a loud buzzing sound like a car coming jiear them, She recalled under hypnosis the following story: “...We should run away! I try to yell to my friend that we should get out of there, But I can’t talk...I can't move! I'm seared... want my mother. ..A man wearing a soldier’s uniform is looking down at me, standing on my left. On the ri another soldier... Their leader is called Terry and is very with dark hair and dark glasses...” The soldiers carried both of them to the military Jeep and traveled north through the dunes. “...We are in the back seat of a Jeep... There’sa big hill up ahead. This is so weird! The hill is moving. ..just art of it. It looks like a door in the hill. It moves forward and then to my right. We drive in, There is another Jeep parked on my lefi, Two other men with the same uniform and black beret are inside...” The soldiers drove both t0 a now closed underground complex near Montauk. After they were separated, Michelle was escorted inside the un- Michele (pseudonym) derground research failiy where she sttedtengexedy several frightening experiences,‘ perionel ino a dark TA tisloobaliet goers te onecer ae thing. We go through a door. It’s bright nor-hunan being, Ics in this hallway, Weturn right. My friend "0 that ste wit is just ahead of me. At the next hall- {a tn hallicinogent: way, he keeps going straight with two “Poyrenete tapercau guys, but we turn to the right and walk (mental transformations afew fect to anelevator door. He puta "Piles and other ani credit card-like thing in a slot next !0 Wurm tsb copetincny the door. The stot is vertical and there the 60s. (Luis Vazquer) are red and green lights above, The door opens...we go inside.,.but there are no buttons to pi We are going down...the door opens and it smells funny... .like ‘basement with a cesspool overflow problem...” Ki of Alion Abductoes 49 After this detailed description of going underground, an un- Jievable experience occurs. As we noted in the introduction, presence of human military personnel inhabiting the same ysical reality as non-human beings is unbelievable for skep- and could easily be used to ridicule the whole MILAB nario. Michelle described being escorted by military person- | into a dark office-like room where she had a traumatic en- wunter with a non-human bein; *,..There is almost no furniture in it. There's something that oks like a padded table. They help me on it and lay me down. jow 1 am really cold...,They leave the room. I can’t seem to we anything but my eyes. Why am I here? I don’t like this. Wver tomy left something moves. It's coming closer. ..I can see better...Oh God! It’s a monster!...” ‘Ac this point Michelle got so agitated that she almost jumped om the recliner in Dr. Kouguell’s office. She got very emo- onal and couldn’ stop shaking and crying. After Dr. Kouguell (med her down she remembered the following: “,,.What I'see is a creature about 6-7 foot tall. His ears are Jarge and pointed at the top. His eyes are bright yellow-gold and jeem to glow. He has pointy teeth and a large wrinkle on his forehead and he has a tail!...” After the description of the reptoid-like being she remem- ered how she was raped by this creature. We don’t know what {his traumatic experience means, We don’t think, however, that the military worked with this reptoid creature. It could be pos- ible that Michelle was drugged with an hallucinogen, raped by human and projected the reptoid as a kind of screen memory, ‘although she described the skin and other features of the crea- (ure quite realistically. Long-time LSD researcher Dr. Stanislay Grof reported {ranspersonal experiences in LSD sessions in his book Realms the Human Unconscious: Drug Induced Experiences of LSD jects." One should note that Dr. Grof worked with large 50. ‘MILABS amounts of LSD during the sixties. Therefore, the drugs from the CIA or from a front organization that interested in LSD research during this time. __ He wrote that the strange alien worlds that LSD subj discover and explore seem to have a reality of their own, though not in the range of our cosmos; they appear to exil other dimensions or in universes coexistent with ours. drugged individual can encounter “entities” who have bi physical forms. ‘Some LSD subjects had so-called “Polygenetic Experi In this type of experience the drug user has a quite r identification with animals on vari velopment. At one point a femal had a sense of complete identification with a female of a s of large reptiles. While experiencing this in the session, § opened her eyes and looked at the therapist, who seemed tra formed into a reptile, too. She was absolutely fascinated by scale-like facets that she visual- ized on the side of the head of the therapist."" Since many people have pho- bias about reptiles or snakes it would be logical that they would experience such beings if they were on a grueling LSD tip. From Dr. Grof’s LSD expel ments it should be clear that Michelle’s repioid/rape experi- ence could have been drug in- duced, where she possibly saw a human transformed into a reptoid, like some of Dr. Grof’s LSD test subjects. ‘ous levels of polygenetic le of Dr. e Alleged Kidnappings of Alen Abductoos 54 After the rape, Michelle recalled that the creature went back the dark side of the room. After a short time two soldiers me in the room, dressed her and escorted her to an examina- on room with machines, stainless steel equipment and a table overed in white. Michelle was placed on the table and strapped own. After a few minutes, which for her seemed like hours Iso a symptom reported by users of hallucinogenic drugs), a sjoup of five to six people, including one female, came into the oom. All of them wore medical clothes consisting of white owns, and surgical masks covered their faces. “..They are very busy...I don't know why my head is ined on its side and taped to the table. I know this sounds range, but a small portion of the area behind and above my ight ear is shaved. My ear is pulled toward the front of my face ‘und taped to it! Although I am immobilized and can’t talk I am ‘completely conscious!...” Michelle remembers that someone was writing something ‘on her skin behind the right ear. After an intravenous injection, she felt a prick in her arm and lost consciousness. She awoke ‘with her boyfriend later on the beach. It could be that the medi- al staff implanted an electrode or a tiny bio-chip behind the fight ear. Michelle informed us that about ten years ago, she dleveloped what was thought to be an inflamed cyst behind her fight ear. She went to a doctor and he had to lance it to drain ‘und remove it. As he broke the skin, he examined a strange thing. He said it had the size and shape of a bullet. After these regressions Michelle got more traumatic flash backs that were also investigated with the help of hypnosis. ‘The ext hypnosis session revealed more traumatic flashbacks of being in an isolation tank. The following experience was inves- tigated during an emotional hypnosis regression session. Michelle hud never had this experience while under hypnosis before. She ecalled being in a dark place, while she floated in something hat felt slightly heavier than warm water. he probably ix people, including one fer during a MILAB experience. All them wore medical clothes cons of white gowns and surgical as seen in the drawing. (Michelle) } and many colors too, From this experien kidnapped, di experiment. Isolation tank ex John Lilly in could isolate light and its st ice it seems clear to i raat eee us that Michelle ¥, a secret sensory deprivati ‘periments were invented by D the 1950s." Dr, Lilly tried to find out how h the brain and mii mulation of the ind. He considered the effects, Aleged Kidrappings ofAlie Abéuctees 53 - Lilly visualized a soundproof tank in which the body be supported in water that would be maintained at the temperature in such a way as to maintain the generation Within the body. He found such a tank inside a sound- chamber in an isolated building near the campus of the | Institute of Health. This tank was constructed during (| War TI for experiments by the Office of Naval Research jietabolism of underwater swimmers, This was the begin- of research on isolation which later included the use of inogenic drugs like LSD." Dr. Lilly’s test subjects frequently had similar hallucinations Michelle during their isolation tank sessions. One male test ect reports for instance, in Dr, Lilly’s book The Deep Self, hallucinations are common in sensory isolation tanks. "* *...Dr. Lilly’s sensory isolation tanks were reputed to pro- e¢ hallucinations, safely. I have spent at least a dozen ses- , each of over two hours, in the tank, The experience was Pleasant and rewarding....hallucinations were experienced ly every time thereafter, After some brief period after en- ing the tank, they would continne for hours...there were usual -of-body, or out-of-the-right-time hallucinations, For example, one case I could see my hands on my head as if I were ‘A female test subject reported the follewing experience dur- {hg an isolation tank session:"* “vl kept my eyes open all the time, looking up, and saw faces in grays, also massive eyeballs, pinecones, leopards, a black hole. There was a baronial hall, with archways in a wall hundreds of feet high and between two of the arches a stark ‘white vagina as high as the wall...” We think that Michelle’s MILAB experience shows very Well that she was used in such experiments without her knowi- edge. It should be noted that during the late 1950s and early 1060s Dr. Lilly also experimented with biain-implants. During $4 MILABS this period, Dr. Lilly was contacted by covert intelligence vices and researchers for the Department of Defense (1 Dr. Lilly wrote in his book The Scientist, that while he wi the National Institute of Health, the isolation tank experim like the brain-clectrode experiments, became subject to the tics of the time.'? As the isolation tank research became known throu; government agencies, various individuals called him to find about it. Dr. Lilly claims that among them were researcl working under the auspices of the army. Their interest w: the area of brainwashing of captured prisoners of war. Dr. Lilly was asked if the isolation tank could be u coerce a change in belief systems. The researchers wanted. use the isolation tanks and sensory deprivation experiments brainwashing and other mind-control experiments. Dr. Lilly sualized situations in which this method would be used in circumstances, By careful control of the stimulation of isolated individ their belief systems could be changed in directions desired the controlling persons. There is ove: floating enormously increases suggesti ever information a test subject receives while in the tank, whe in the form of suggestions made silently, as audio, or as vis information it is accepted fully." Dr. Lilly was convinced that the military/intelligence ‘munity would use his isolation technique for covert experiments Declassified CIA documents show that the intelligence agenci hhad great interest in isolation research and used hallucinoger drugs for cover stories to ridicule or discredit individuals duri Secret operations. In one declassified MKULTRA document is mention of documents in the ARTICHOKE files that sl their interest in financing experiments and research in chemi having psychogenic effects. Other documents note that they tinue study in the field, and make the findings available on strictly controlled need-to-know basis. ‘Aleged Kidhappings of Alien Abtuctows, 55 We believe that Michelle's experiences show that this was p and that there is evidence that she is a victim of such secret privation tank experiments. Alleged mind-control victim Claudia Mullen testified on March 15, 1995 before the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation \xperiments in Washington, D.C., that sae had been used since 1954 in secret governmental mind-control experiments includ- {hg the use of chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, verbal, physical, emo- Hional and sexual abuse, and similarly to Michelle, “taken in {ubs of water for isolation” experiments. Delora's (pseudonym) father was a career Navy officer, in the supply corps. In 1957 he was stationed at an ammunition depot in Shoemaker, Arkansas. She lived there with her parents for about three years. Delora experienced traumatic flashbacks from her childhood, when she remembers being inside bunkers with her parents and other people.'* She believes that she saw “aliens” and humans performing medical procedures on them. She doesn’t remember who the other people were, except her vents, Delora claimed that they lay on tables, with round right lights and people in white lab coats over them, She knew from her parents that the Navy stored chemical and biological ‘weapons in those bunkers. Interestingly, she also experienced flashbacks where she believes that she saw in the same Navy underground facility humans in gas or liquid filled “capsules,” '® “...1 saw steel doors of elevators leading to underground ‘areas. I saw ‘capsules’ with people in them, in a suspended state, both vertical and horizontal, in gas and also in liquid. 1 recognized some of these people looked alike, like twins, but many more than just a few...” Delora believes that the humans in the capsules were clones. It is more probable that the humans in the capsules were used for secret bio-warfare or chemical warfere experiments, since cloning technology was certainly not wel. developed during the ‘Aleged Kidnappings of lien Abcuctows Re (dnapped and brought to a military underground facility where we saw naked humans floating in tubes. Lisa claims that she Was forced by humans into some type of pool filled with a joklen yellow bubbly fluid, while other sumans looked at her. isa has traumatic recollections that her kidnappers tried to force hier and other victims to breathe in the licuid."* In two of Dan Wright’s cases the abductee was forced to breathe the liquid, like Lisa. The hypnosis trancripts reveal that the liquid breathing experiences were traumatic for the abductees. Hoth abductees were totally immersed in the liquid and both feported that they could breathe the fluid !” Abductee Kim Carlsberg also reported in her diary that she was forced by aliens into a large tank where she breathed the liquid. She felt that the water like liquid poured into her lungs. ALthat moment she described an out-of-tody experience.” If one reviews the available scientific literature about fluid breathing, one finds that the concept began in the mid-1960s, when Dr. J. Kylstra, a physiologist at tie State University of New York at Buffalo realized that salt solutions could be satu- rated with oxygen at high pressures. Dr. Kylstra worked in a U.S. Navy compression chamber and performed experiments ‘on mice. He was able to keep animals alive for up to 18 hours. However, because carbon dioxide was not removed quickly enough from the system, it rapidly built up to near toxic levels. ‘This problem was obviously a stumbling block when it came to using his procedure on humans.” The next step in fluid breathing came in 1966, with Dr. Leland Clark’s liquid-breathing mouse experiment. Dr, Clark developed a technique where a mouse survived over twenty hours breathing fluid at 18 degrees cent grade. All animals in the early studies suffered pulmonary damage, but that was due to toxic impurities of the fluorocarbon, chemical interaction of the fluorocarbon with the lung, or some undetermined effect. This pulmonary damage mystery as well as the problem of the with surgical masks or wore bio-hazard clothes. She had other traumatic flashbacks where she remem some men in jumpsuits who stopped the car of her family Temote road and escorted them into a circular flying craft. they returned to their car, the men in the jumpsuits watched it. After we questioned her concerning this particular abdu she was uncertain about the circular flying craft, _ «+. There was a bright light in the sky. I'm not certain al a circular craft, Could it have been a helicopter?” Tt seems, to us that Delora’s family was used in secret bi chemical experiments. If they were indeed abducted in a copter by men in jumpsuits, their case would not be sing One should ask in this case if some agency has staged an abduction scenario with a helicopter. Itis therefore very in tant for us to review early alien abduction cases from the I concerning possible human involvement, Dan Wright, head of the MUFON Abduction Transcripti Project, reviewed his records for tube or tank experiences alleged alien abductees. He found several cases in his files di ing which the abductee saw a tube, but did not ‘identify anythii or anyone inside it."” In four cases, however, abductees scribed large clear tubes and recalled either being placed insi them or seeing someone else inside, Two of these four abduct saw an alien creature in a tube. Dan Wright’s files reveal cases in which the abductee was in a tank filled with liquid in two cases the victim was forced to breathe the liquid! None the abductees who were placed in a tube or tank reported Unusual mindset such as hallucinations, out-of-body experie! or remote-viewing during their time in these containers, Two seven tank cases exhibited military involvement, but not on same night as the tube or tank episode occurred. MILAB abductee Lisa (pseudonym) had tank experie before the process could be attempted on human subjects. During the following years, the technique of fluid breathi was refined and improved. Liquid ventilation tests of the Perfluorocarbon medium for about two hours. After remo the dogs were slightly hypoxic, but returned to normal life a few days.” After these tests on animals the procedure was ready human subjects. The medical community now has a trea for respiratory distress syndrome, the leading cause of death premature infants. In addition, we suspect that liquid breathit experiments on humans, would be extremely useful for milit navy/intelligence purposes such as submarine escape and sea oxygen support facilities, Alleged alien abductees, such as Betty Andreasson hat reported being placed inside a tube filled with liquid for compensation of large gravity forces during UFO acceleratic One alien abductee in Dan Wright’s files describes such experience inside such a tank:"” “...Oh it's water in there? How I am going to breath? H am I going to breath it?...,They’re putting something in my n and it’s a tube and it’s...Oh, I don’t like this, it hurts, Now oI of them touches me, touches my forehead, and that pain st And there’s that tube in my nose and I’m breathing froi it...Whoo, how did I get here? And I’m inside that pillar that’s, whoo, somehow they took my clothing. ..Inside that pil and it’s like water in there, and it’s like being in a swimmi pool, only I can see through the feels like we moving. Where are we going? Whoo, that’s fast. Feels like are moving fast. Oh! And one’s standing outside. He's tellis me, ‘That’s why we had to put you in here, because we a moving too fast’... Acceleration. Something about gravity fo too much...” 18 of Alien Abjuctoos ed Ki Underatr masks fr early sensory deprivation ankexperimens, By eet con- lof sma of ued nda, tbl stems colds caned ss yh cooing pron Tat ne ht whee oman Subject received while inthe tank, wheter inthe fora of suggestions made silent Be susocrviscd lpn, soc po scoped sc: sles sf Helmut Lammver) 60 MLABS Alleged Kidnappings of Alien Abductees 61 ...There is something on my head...i: looks oks like tongs on my head. But it’s, uh, my head. Like on iiher side of my head...and there’s a.. there’s where it’s at- hed to... it’s silver. She described silver-colored tongs, pinching at her temples inducing intense pain in her head. Tis experience is remi- (scent of an experiment involving the stimulation of the tempo- I lobe region by the use of magnetic fields. Dr. Michael rsinger, a neuroscientist at Laurentian University of Sudbury, intario, demonstrated that one can artificially produce mystical xperiences, out-of-body excursions and other psychic experi- sices by stimulating the temporal lobes with magnetic fields ‘Heross the brain. He discovered that such experiences are linked with exces- sive bursts of electrical activity in the temporal lobes.” A re- search target would have a helmet or a similar device placed on their head. An artificially generated magnetic field would mimic {he firing patterns of neurons in the tempcral lobes of the brain. Electromagnetic fields, provided they are of the correct mag- nitude and frequency, can also act on the brain cells in the same way as many brain chemicals do, causing them to alter and grow in size and dendritic length. That means that electromag- hetic fields of correct magnitude and frequency act as an energy \nflux upon a dissipative structure, setting up fluctuations that ‘eause the brain to reorganize at a higher level of complexity and coherence, to grow and obtain better memory capabilities and ‘enhancement in learning. Such artificially-induced memory ‘enhancements could be of interest in regards to alleged military Interrogation sessions, where the interrogator questioned the ‘bductee about their alien abduction experiences. Researchers from the Advocacy Committee for Human Ex- perimentation Survivors Mind Control (ACHES-MC) also came ‘across survivors who remembered similar experiments with hel- met-like devices." Michelle’s case seems ‘o support the hypoth- It is interesting to note that under hypnosis this abd teported how the abductors put something in her nose they put her in the tank. That means that this abductee was forced to breathe the liquid. The aforementioned scenario calls the early isolation tank experiments of Dr. John Lil where his test-subjects wore a face mask that provided air cut off sight and sound, He developed and tested several ater masks for his sensory deprivation experiments, ? Recent scientific studies of visual and photographic sighti of UFOs carrying out “impossible” high speed maneuvers Dr. Bruce Maccabee would support such gravity force cor sation tube experiences if the abductee was indeed in a UFO.” Dr. Bruce Maccabee stated in his article “Accel tion,” that an UFOnaut or abductee inside a UFO accele: at five hundred g's would be pushed by the walls of the ct with a force that would make him weigh almost 500 times weight on Earth, The body of an abductee might be crush that acceleration, and the skin might be pulled off the unless the human was suspended in a liquid and the lungs other body cavities were filled with liquid! On the other hand, experiences such as the earlier also concentrate on the similarities between alleged survivors ¢ secret governmental mind- and behavior-control experime and some alien abduction experiences. ___Inaddition, recent hypnosis sessions performed on Mi in July 1997 revealed that she may haye been used in vari mind-control experiments during her lifetime,2 During a two hour session Michelle remembered being i room with two or three men who were in charge of other who were wearing lab coats. Before this, she was in some kif of examination room, where someone mounted something her head, ee MILABS esis of many researchers that if a person was once selected, victim is used repeatedly as a human lab animal in one ex nally controlled and monitored experiment after another. __One should note, however, that the earlier mentioned Cific experiences have nothing to do with aliens, although will show in another chapter that humans in business suits White lab coats also interrogated her about her alleged and puncture marks on her body, and has had other experi with dark hooded cloaked beings, a Interestingly, her son Evan also seems to be involved in MILAB experiences. At the age of eight he told her that strangest and most frightening dream he ever had was when. “little doctors” took them outside on the stretchers! The late Dr. Karla Turner investigated MILAB experi of several women in her book Taken: Inside the Alien-Hh Abduction Agenda.® Lisa (pseudonym) is one of those we who probably experienced extensive secret military/intellig encounters." Katharina Wilson had known her for about years and established a contact between she and the authors, Lisa reports the alleged involvement of military/intellig Personnel after the appearance of dark unmarked helicop Some of them have flown so low over her house that they the windows. Lisa photographed some of the helicopters, terestingly, some of the photos were taken during ex hazy or foggy weather conditions, triangle formation in the grass in her yard, and her dog su from a serious skin disease that her veterinarian can't identi She also has a photo of her dog showing an unusual mark. Lisa's alleged alien abduction experiences resemble the § dard alien abduction scenarios that are published by most searchers, She claims that she has had experiences with: “Greys, ‘Aleged Kidrappings of Alien Abauctoes Reptoids,” and other humanoid non-human beings. We will yncentrate on some of her encounters that have nothing to do ith aliens, Following is a note from her journal: “...L woke up and found myself on a medical table in a real /hite brick-walled room helping a black man, who looked like ‘un orderly in a hospital, put a device on my left arm that looked like a blood pressure device. Then I looked over at a woman on nother table who was dead or unconscious, with her mouth Wide open. She looked between forty and filty years old. The fiext thing I remember is, it seemed like I was being pushed through double metal doors. Then I go blank...” The next day Lisa found nickel-sized sruises on the front of her left leg and said that the inside of her thighs were sore. During another MILAB experience on December 17, 1993, Lisa remembers lying on a table or a strether and being pushed down a hallway that was lit with bright lights. Someone was strapping her feet down with Velcro straps. After this, some- thing was inserted in her left ear and she passed out, In 1994 she experienced a traumatic memory of keing raped by men in green uniforms. Other memories give an evidence tha: she was interrogated by military personnel in a military underground base. We will investigate the so-called “interrogation sessions” in a separate chapter. One disturbing thing about the events she describes are psychological and physiological effects. She is being treated for chronic back problems which are worsened by her abduction/ kidnapping experiences, She often finds grass in her under- Wear, and leaves and mistletoe in her bed following such en- counters. She and her family also report strange vans around their house as if someone were looking for something. Another interesting experience happered to Debby Jordan, the main character in Budd Hopkin’s bestselling book Intrud: ers.” She reports, for instance, in a side note from her own book Abducted!,* that she was stunned by an alleged friend and brought to a kind of hospital where she was examined by a medical doctor, who removed an implant from her ear! ss. MILABS 65 Aleged Kidnappings ofAllen Abdictoes. Afier the first MILAB article was ublished in D ber 1996 issue of the MUFON UFO. Veabiak Tica a the wife of former Los Alamos National Laboratories thal” weapons head LTC Dr, John Alexander, tried to rid MILABs by debunking Debby Jordan’s experience in a lett the editor.® She called MILABs the latest twist in abd folklore and claimed that MILAB ‘experiences are sexually: pressed fantasies of lonely women, In the following issues 0 MUFON UFO Journal some readers asked Mrs. Al What black helicopter harassment near the homes of MI abductees; similarities between terrestrial implant procedures, devices and the reports of alleged mind-control victims; hypnosis transcripts containing detailed descriptions of hum military involvement has to do with sexually repressed fanta of lonely women. Furthermore, some MILAB abductees: men and are married, Debunked alien abductee Debby Jordan posted thereaft short description of her memories concerning this part experience on her internet page.” Debby Jordan wrote that had experienced only this particular MILAB, with the except of numerous black helicopter fly-bys she and her family She wrote that she was introduced to a man she calls Dan. worked with a very good friend of hers at a General Mota plant in Indianapolis. This man pursued her relentlessly for ei aaa ial she gave in to his request to spend a wee with him at his cabin some mil b Jordan began to like him. srernadiere _ He picked her up after work and they made a one-ho drive to his cabin. At Dan's cabin she was kidnapped and drew She felt a pinch in her arm and everything went black. As § woke up, she could feel being dragged by her arms, being hel Up and transported downwards by an elevator. After this wrot \¢ height and weight and all had short haircuts...They were human and normal looking, ..and they dragged me down the ll I tried to keep up with them but I felt drunk or something, ‘couldn't seem to make my legs work quite right.” She could see chrome handrails on the walls and lots of hte tile. They followed a black line on the floor and passed everal windows where the glass had tiny wires criss-crossed in . She remembers also that two men in white lab coats joined group. One of these men had a ruddy face, snow white hair, {bulbous nose and bright, piercing blue eyes. She recalls that ‘one doctor had a very deep voice and spoke with a Southern drawl, perhaps from Texas. After a long walk they approached a huge set of doors. The White-haired man put a card inside a slot on the wall next to the (lors and they opened. After they entered the doors Debby fecalled a very important incident: “...As we entered the room, I could see that there were actually many rooms within this room, each separated by glass walls and more wide swinging doors. I recognized some of the ‘equipment to be medical equipment. Especially the examination lable in the middle of each room. Some stuff, I didn’t recognize At all. I could see my own reflection in the glass wall and I realized 1 was now wearing what looked like a huge paper gown, paper shoes and a paper bonnet. And I could see other people in those other rooms that were dressed just like me. While I was in the room, the two doctor: took my blood, gave me shots, clipped my hair and nails, scraped stuff off my skin and from my tongue and throat...” After the examination they took photos of her and the white- haired man in the lab coat said that he had discovered a little ” in her ear and that he would take t out. She watched as it into her right ear. She couldn’t do any- thing to stop him. When he pulled out the tweezers, he held them up close to her face so she could see what he had taken out of her. She saw a tiny bloody crusty mosquito-like device with ...I seemed to be standing at the end of a long, brighth hall. There were several men standing around me”"All ort wore orange jump suits and ballcaps. They were all about th 66 MLABS: wings and bent legs. After the implant removal the man in lab coat said to her that she was not going to remember any the procedure anyway. ‘The next thing she remembered she was lying in Dan’s group in his living room. The next day Dan seemed nervy and prepared to go home. Debby was disoriented, confused. felt physically ill. At home, piece by piece, the memory of night began to come back. She wrote of the encounter in Journal and told her family and close friends about the kidi ping. Budd Hopkins, who investigated her alien abductions ing this time, convinced her not to call the FBI, since it w. be useless. She was afraid she would be arrested for somet she couldn't prove. Dan never returned to work and he di answer his phone or his pager. It seems to us that Dan planted to be with Debby, or he was in the wrong place, at wrong time with the wrong woman. Many people with alleged alien abduction experiences scribe such unwitting encounters with secret military/intelig agencies. Beth Collins and Anna Jamerson included hyp: transcripts of an abduction by human military people in book Connections and Dr. Karla Turner investigated MILAI in her books, too. MILAB abductee Melinda Leslie collect the reports of more than twenty well known alien abduc who also described MILAB experiences. A worldwide survey by us revealed that most North Am can abduction researchers have on average two to five MI cases in their files. At present, it seems to us that there are ‘UFO related MILAB cases in Australia, South America, Af (Casey Turner, Melinda Leslie, Katharina Wilson, Leah Hale Debby Jordan, Christa Tilton, Diane Johnson, Michelle, Bi Pamela, and Polly, Pat, Lisa, Beth, Angie, Amy (Casey and six females with first names are pseudonyms and taken fr Aleged Kidnapping of lien Abdictees 7 Dr. Karla Turner’s books), * we found some differences be- jween abductions by alleged alien beings and military/intelli- ence personnel. MILABs involve the following elements: Activity of dark unmarked helicopters, the appearance of strange vans or buses outside the houses of abductees, exposure {0 disorienting electromagnetic fields, dregging, transport with helicopter, bus or truck to an unknown building or an under- frown military facility, Usually there are physical after effects, ike grogginess and sometimes nausea after the kidnappings. There is also a difference when the abductors appear. In most ‘lien abduction cases, the beings appear through a closed win- low, wall, or the abductee feels a strange presence in the room. Most abductees report that they are paralyzed from the mental power of the alien beings. At MILABs the abductee reports that the kidnappers give him or her a shot with a syringe. It is interesting that MILAB abductees report that they are examined {rom human doctors in “rectangular” rooms and not in “round” Merile rooms—as in descriptions of alien zbductees.***” The de- scribed rooms, halls and furniture are similar to terrestrial hos- pital rooms, laboratories or research facilities, and have nothing {o do with UFO furniture. ‘The examination is similar as to alien abductions: the MILAB victim is not mentally paralyzed, but tied to an examination table or a gynecological chair. Sometimes, the abductee gets a strong \irink before an examination. This is perheps a contrast-enhanc- ing fluid or a kind of drug cocktail, Most MILAB abductees temember that they were interrogated concerning their alien abduction experiences by military personnel. The doctors or scientists are mostly dressed in White lab coats and show a primary interest in implants and/or gynecological examinations. In some MILAB cases a military doctor allegedly searched for implants and sometimes implanted the abductee with a military device. Therefore, surgeons seeking allegec alien implants should also be prepared that they may find military devices. ‘Alleged kidnappings of Alien Abductoes 59 68 MLABS Notes: 1. Haley, A., Leah, Lost was the Key, Greenleaf Publications, P.O. 8152, Murfreesboro, TN 37133, USA, 1993. 2 Wilson, Katharina, The Alien Jigsaw, Puzzle Publishing, P.O. Box: Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA, 1993, 3. Skinner, Frederick, B. Reyond Freedom and Dignity, Knopf, New 97 4 Bowart, Walter. Operation Mind-Comrol, Researchers Edition, Arizona, 1996, $. Marks, John. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, W.W. London, 1979, 1988, Private communication with psychotherapist Valerie Wolf, 1997. 7. Wilson, Katharina, The Alien Jigsaw: Researcher Supplement, Publishing, P.O. Bex 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA, § Wilson, Katharina. “Some of them are Military,” Project’ Open ntp://, 1996, 9. Michelle, Hypnosis transcript, 1996. 10. Michelle, Private communications, 1996-1998, 1M. Grof, Stanislav. Realms of the Hunan Unconscious: Observations in M Research, The Viking Press, New York, 1967. 12. Lilly, John. The Scientisi: A Metaphysical Awobiography, Ronin ing, Inc., Post Office Box 1035, Berkeley, California 94701, 1988/I ». 13, Lilly, John, C. The Deep Self Simon and Schuster, New York, 197 14. Hutchinson, Michael. Mega Brain: New Tools and Techniques for Growth and Mind Expansion, Ballantine Books, 1986, %. 15. Chavoustie, Blanche (e-mail:, and Lynne Moss- ((sharmann@microage-tb com). Privatecommunication, ACHES 108, Syosset, New York 11791, or 200 Cumberland St. N. #2, Tl M. Bay. Ontario, Canada, htp://www. ACHES MC org, 16. Private communications with Delora, 1996 17. Private communications with Dan Wright, 1996, 1997, 18. Private communications with Lisa, 1995, 1997, 19. Carlsberg, Kim, Beyond My Wildest Dream, Beat and Company, Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1995, 20, Science Web. “Fluid Breathing.” Starry Messenger Communicati Feedback, 1996, 21. Clark, L. C., and Gollan, R. “Survival of Mammals Breathing Or ‘Liguids Equivalent with Oxygen at Atmospheric Pressure.” Scienc I 1755-1756, 1966, 22 Maceabee, Bruce, S. “Acceleration,” National Institute for Disc Science (NIDS), 1997, and *MUFON 1996 UFO Symposium Proc ings,” 183-217, Seguin, TX, 1996, 23. Michelle. Hypnosis regression session during July 1997, 24. Blackmore, Susan. “Alien Abduction: The Inside Story,” New Scie No. 1952, 19. November, 1904, ‘Turner, Karla, Taken: Inside the Alien-Htman Abduction Agenda, Kelt Witsea, Ratheriges ‘ciak: in: Project Open Mind, hitp:// Hopkins, BS. urd The Incredible stain at Copley Woods, Standen Vitor, “AILAB Miademeaior?” MUFON URO Journal, . 46, February, 1997, 1 fotine bbe “Government Interference in my Life,” Mareh 9, 1997; him. Cin Bl anon Ata, Coecs So ut Ae AB tion Mystery, Wild Flower Press, Newberg, Oregon, 1996. “Tuner, Kita, tothe fringe: A True Sot of Alten Abduction, Berkley Books, New York, 1992, |. Private communication with Melinda Leslie and various other abductees, 1906, 1997, 1968, ‘ Prichard, E., David, and Mack, E,, John. Alien Discussions: Proceedings Pn aeeeae ‘Study Conference held at MIT, Cambridge, Massach- setts, 1994, Bulla, E, Thomas. UFO-Abducions: Ne Measure ofa ‘Mystery. Vol- tune 1: Comparative Study of Abduction Reports, Bloomington, Indiana, (FUFOR: P.O, Box 277, Mount Rainer, USA), 1987, Ballard, E., Thomas. UFO-Abductions: The Measure ofa Mystery. Vol- tune 2: Catalogue of Cases, Bloomington, Indiana, (FUFOR: P. 0. Box Mount Rainer, USA), 1987. ‘ Wea Re Dan Conmonalies ‘and Dispavities: Findings of the MUFON Abduction Transcription Project, MUFON international UFO Symposium Proceedings, 1995. TheGoneticAspedofMLAES 74 ee, where they showed an interest in gynecological examina- , too,” Apparently the woman has been taken several times 1993 by men in military uniforms. She was drugged and her wrists were tied to her hips with stic cords, She was then carried out of her home into a large ck ora smaller van, where they took her to a secret building. was carried into the building and placed onto an examining le. Her feet were placed into stirrups, of the sort used for nnecological examinations. A female doctor conducted a gyne- logical exam. She searched for an embryo, but never found . The MILAB abductee remembered the officer in charge as older man with silver hair who threatened and interrogated 1. She lost consciousness at some time daring the examination on the trip back to her home. Interestingly, the military al- lays kidnaps her on the same night or the night after an alleged lien abduction experience. The officer in charge is always the same person, an older with silver hair who threatens her: “We know where your ents live,” or: “Do you want your chikiren to be safe?” He 8 also repeatedly asked her: “What have they taught you?” always says: “Well, we'll come back as many times as it es until we find what we are looking for.” Sometimes during examination or on the trip back to her home, she loses sciousness. This particular woman has said under hypnosis that, on sev- occasions since 1988, alleged alien beings took an ovum ig8) from her or impregnated her with an embryo. After the ons when she believes an embryo was inserted, she skipped or two ovulations, experienced nausea and noticed her breasts larging. These are the symptoms of early pregnancy. Interest- ly these pregnancy symptoms disappeared within several ks. She has also been introduced by aon-human beings to ies on an alleged UFO and told that they were hers. The secret military unit always abducts her on the same i or the next night after an alien abduction experience. ‘This yman, together with her husband, observed strange vans near The Genetic Aspect of MILABS “Cloning and the reprogramming of DNA is the first seri in becoming one with God." ne re “..'m standing in front of it, and the body in the cylinder taller: And blonde hair; very blonde hair. The eyes are closed., touch it. 1 touch the cylinder and it's almost lke ..1t looks like I glass, but it almost feels like it's plexiglass..." MUFON Abduction ‘Transcription Pro find that secret research in alleged mind or behavior: experiments would not explain all MILAB experiences, are also reporis where human medical doctors or sci dressed in white lab coats show a primary interest in gy logical examinations. Alien abductee Beth Collins included a hypnosis of a kidnapping experience by uniformed humans in her Connections.’ She was stopped during a car ride by a block, drugged, kidnapped and taken in a truck to a research facility. During the examination she experienced necological examination by a female doctor. There is one well-documented case in Dan Wright’s MUI Abduction Transcription Project files where human/military sonnel kidnap a woman from her house and drive her to as I reviewing the currently available MILAB data,

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