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Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

Seasonal Crops Disease Prediction and Classification Using

Deep Convolutional Encoder Network

Aditya Khamparia1 · Gurinder Saini1 · Deepak Gupta2 · Ashish Khanna2 ·

Shrasti Tiwari3 · Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque4

Received: 17 November 2018 / Revised: 11 January 2019 / Accepted: 15 January 2019 /

Published online: 25 January 2019
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

Agriculture plays a significant role in the growth and development of any nation’s
economy. But, the emergence of several crop-related diseases affects the productiv-
ity in the agriculture sector. To cope up this issue and to make aware the farmers to
prevent the expansion of diseases in crops and to implement effective management,
crop disease diagnosis plays its significant role. Researchers had already used many
techniques for this purpose, but some vision-related techniques are yet to be explored.
Commonly used techniques are support vector machine, k-means clustering, radial
basis functions, genetic algorithm, image processing techniques like filtering and seg-
mentation, deep structured learning techniques like convolutional neural network. We
have designed a hybrid approach for detection of crop leaf diseases using the combina-
tion of convolutional neural networks and autoencoders. This research paper provides
a novel technique to detect crop diseases with the help of convolutional encoder net-
works using crop leaf images. We have obtained our result over a 900-image dataset,
out of which 600 constitute the training set and 300 test set. We have considered 3
crops and 5 kinds of crop diseases. The proposed network was trained in such a way
that it can distinguish the crop disease using the leaf images. Different convolution
filters like 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 are used in proposed work. It was observed that the proposed
architecture achieved variation in accuracy for the different number of epochs and for
different convolution filter size. We reached 97.50% accuracy for 2 × 2 convolution
filter size in 100 epochs, while 100% accuracy for 3 × 3 filter size which is better than
other conventional methods.

Keywords Crop disease detection · Convolutional encoder network · Convolutional

neural network (CNN) · Deep learning · Autoencoder

B Deepak Gupta
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 819

1 Introduction

According to annual report 2016–2017 published by the Department of Agriculture,

Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, agriculture serves a significant role in India’s econ-
omy. It contributes 17% to the country’s Gross Value Added (current price 2015–2016,
2011–2012 series), and 54.6% of Indian population is employed in agriculture and
related activities (as per 2011 census) [3]. As agriculture practices fight to support the
swiftly growing global residents, plant illness reduces the production and superiority
of food, fibre and wood. Plant diseases are accountable for key monetary losses in the
agricultural industry not only in India but worldwide. Also, crop disease serves as a
major threat to food supply.
Monitoring plant health condition and detecting symptoms early are necessary to
reduce disease spread which helps the farmers in effective management practices and
helps to increase productivity. Thus, disease diagnosis in crops plays a major role in
preserving agriculture productivity. In general, the plant disease analysis is performed
manually or by visual observation or through a microscope, which are in fact slow and
there might be a threat of error. Hence, diagnosis of crop disease via some automatic
techniques is valuable as it decreases a huge work of monitoring of crops in large
farms, and at the very initial stage itself it senses the symptoms of diseases, i.e. when
they appear on crop leaves. So, we need such techniques where we can easily detect the
disease in plants using their leaf images which can accurately classify them according
to the disease the plant is suffering and there should be a minimum error.
Many researchers have used the support vector machine (SVM) classifier, radial
basis function (RBF), K-means clustering and other image processing techniques.
Nowadays, deep learning techniques like convolutional neural network are becoming
more popular and gaining attention towards research community. In 2018, Hamuda
et al. [18] proposed an image processing-based technique for crop detection which
employed the Kalman filtering algorithm and the Hungarian algorithm. The proposed
methodology was able to reach a detection performance of 99.34%. Mahmud et al.
[26] had done a survey on major applications of hierarchical learning, reinforcement
learning and deep reinforcement learning techniques, and compared their performance
based on different factors such as network architecture, feature selection and learning
and parameter optimization. Picon et al. [28] used ResNet-50 architecture which is a
deep CNN architecture, over a mobile captured image. They trained the network using
stochastic gradient descent optimization. This method reached a balanced accuracy of
0.96 for rust and 0.89 for Septoria triciti. Ferentinos [5] proposed a deep learning-based
methodology which uses different CNN architecture models for plant leaf disease
detection on an open dataset having 58 distinct classes. It was observed that VGG
outperformed other architectures with 99.53% success rate. Huang et al. [19] proposed
a technique for detecting sugarcane borer disease using RBF (radial basis function)
kernel of support vector machine. In this approach, the decision is computed in a very
rapid manner using simple processors. Also, it requires less memory for storage of data,
i.e. obtained from the training process. For training set of sugarcane with the disease,
the accuracy rate was found to be 100% and the test set accuracy rate was 95.83%.
Too et al. [24] has done a comparative study of fine-tuning deep learning models
to classify plant diseases. The architectures evaluation includes VGG 16, Inception
820 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

V4, ResNet with 50, 101 and 152 layers and DenseNets with 121 layers. DenseNets
attains a test accuracy score of 99.75% for the 30th epoch, and thus considered as best
among the rest of the architectures. Ji et al. [22] proposed a new three-dimensional
(3D) convolutional neural network (CNN)-based process that automatically classifies
crops via spatiotemporal remote sensing images. An active learning framework was
presented for 3D CNN-based methods to enhance the classification accuracy to the
desired level. CNN-based techniques perform superior to conventional methods. 3D
CNN did better than 2D CNN, while among conventional methods, SVM was most
effective [10].
In 2017, Barre et al. [2] presented a CNN-based architecture named LeafNet,
which was tested on freely available datasets like LeafSnap, Foliage and Flavia. They
achieved top-1 accuracy of 86.3% on the LeafSnap dataset, 95.8% on Foliage dataset
and 97.9% on Flavia dataset. Singh et al. [34] proposed image segmentation and
soft computing-based technique for automatic detection and plant leaf diseases clas-
sification with the help of a genetic algorithm. The classification was initially done
using the minimum distance criterion with K-mean clustering having an accuracy of
86.54%. This accuracy was improved to 93.63% by the proposed algorithm, which
was improved to 95.71% by the use of SVM with the proposed algorithm. The aver-
age accuracy for the proposed system was 97.6%. Lu et al. [25] presented an in-field
automatic disease identification system of wheat which was based on a supervised
deep learning framework and multiple instance learning (MIL). The main aim was to
build up an automatic wheat disease analysis system which helps to categorize dis-
ease types and find corresponding disease areas. VGG-FCN-VD16 and VGG-FCN-S,
which are proposed architectures, achieved the mean recognition accuracies of 97.95%
and 95.12%, respectively, over fivefold cross-validation on WDD2017 dataset. VGG-
CNN-VD16 and VGG-CNN-S, which are conventional CNN frameworks, achieved
accuracies of 93.27% and 73.00%. Hence, the proposed models beat conventional
CNN architectures on recognition accuracy under the similar set of parameters.
In 2016, Dyrmann et al. [4] proposed a method for plant species classification
using deep convolutional neural networks. The recognition accuracy of the network
reached from 33% up to 98% with an average accuracy of 86.2%, but it suffers from
some misclassification due to the small size of the dataset. Shin et al. [33] explored and
evaluated different CNN architectures by exploiting some factors. They checked CNN
for two computer-aided diagnostic applications. Sladojevic et al. [35] proposed a model
to recognize 13 different types of plant diseases using deep CNN. The experimental
results on the proposed model achieved accuracy for separate class tests between 91
and 98% and on average 96.3% precision.
This paper presents an approach to train a convolutional encoder neural network
to detect crop diseases. The idea is to build a set of self-learned features that makes
the proposed network unaffected by any variations such as shadows, illumination and
skewed images. The base of the designed network is CNN and autoencoders. We used
CNN since it has gained significant attention in recent years and has outperformed in
various image recognition challenges [36]. We used backpropagation learning algo-
rithm for weight updation which is required to minimize the error by backpropagating
it to previous hidden layers.
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 821

Fuzzy expert system-based hierarchical software usability model can be used to

predict seasonal crops [6, 7] to foresee live portal [8, 9] for crops prediction and
software development life cycle models [11]. Live auction and SDLC datasets have
been discoursed in [13]. A number of bio-inspired algorithms have been proposed
and implement for effective feature of software-based usability models [12] and can
be used for prediction of seasonal crops like modified crow search algorithm [14],
modified binary bat algorithm [9] and modified whale optimization algorithm [21].
Thyroid disease optimal features have been identified using grey wolf optimization
[32]. The prediction of disease can be synchronized [15] and uniquely identified [15,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows as Sect. 2 provides a description of the
proposed architecture of convolution encoder network with details of different layers,
building blocks and important parameters used while training the network. It also gives
a brief explanation of the backpropagation learning algorithm. Section 3 focuses on
the image acquisition process and the workflow of the whole architecture. Section 4
describes the results obtained after training the network for various epochs and filter
sizes and also discusses the performance of the network. Finally, Sect. 5 provides the
conclusion and the future scope.

2 Proposed Architecture of Convolutional Encoder Network

We have proposed a hybridized deep learning neural network and named it as con-
volutional encoder network. It is a combination of both CNN and autoencoders, but
we have used only the encoding part of the autoencoders to obtain the useful features.
In the encoding part, we take an input image and generate a high-dimensional feature
vector; then, the features are aggregated at multiple levels. Firstly, there is some brief
description of CNN. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a notable deep learning
architecture inspired motivated by the normal visual observation system of the living
creations. In 1959, Hubel and Wiesel found that cells in creature visual cortex are in
charge of distinguishing light in open fields [30]. Propelled by this revelation, Kuni-
hiko Fukushima proposed the neocognitron in 1980, which could be viewed as the
ancestor of CNN. A key ConvNet is a progression of layers, and each layer of a Con-
vNet transforms one volume of starts to another through a differentiable limit [16]. A
ConvNet consists of three main layers which are: convolutional layer, pooling layer,
and fully connected layer along with some additional layers like a normalization layer
and others [17]. An autoencoder is a special type of artificial neural network (ANN)
used for learning efficient encodings [23]. It comprises of two phases, first is encoding
and other is decoding, i.e. it reconstructs its own inputs. But, we have only used the
encoding phase in our proposed architecture. There are different variants of autoen-
coder such as sparse autoencoder, denoising autoencoder, convolutional autoencoder,
zero-biased autoencoder and contractive autoencoder [30].
The proposed architecture of convolutional encoder network as shown in Fig. 1
consists of convolution encoder layers, max-pooling layers and fully connected layers.
The activation function is applied internally in convolution layer.
The building blocks of the network are explained below:
822 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

Fig. 1 Convolution encoder network architecture

2.1 Convolutional Layer

The convolutional layer is the centre structure unit of a convolutional network that
does most of the computationally tough task. This layer’s parameters encompass
of a sequence of learnable channels. In the forward pass, we slide (or convolve)
each channel over the width and height of the information volume of image and
calculate the dot product of kernel and image pixels, while in the backward pass
we compute the gradients of loss with respect to weights, input and bias. The for-
mula for the convolution of a filter over an image can be represented mathematically


f (x, y) ∗ g(x, y)  f (n 1 , n 2 ) · g(x − n 1 , y − n 2 ) (1)
n 1 −∞ n 2 −∞

In the above expression, f (x, y) represent an image function, while g(x, y) represent a
filter mask of size n1 × n2 . The channel or the filter is mainly composed of a weight
matrix used for extracting useful information from the original image matrix. Thus, we
can use different weight combinations that can be used for extracting some particular
features like one for extracting edges, other for some colour and another to de-noise the
image. We can use multiple convolutional layers in our network. The starting layers
extract the most generic features from the image, but as we go deeper, this becomes
more complex and can be employed to solve a particular problem. We also used some
terminologies such as stride and padding. Stride can be described as a parameter that
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 823

how we want the filter to move across the image matrix, while padding means adding
zeros across the image matrix in order to preserve the important features.

2.2 Batch Normalization

Batch normalization is used to increase the performance and stability of the network.
It ensures that inputs to layer fall in a similar range. It normalizes the input of each
layer such that they have a mean output activation of zero and standard deviation of
one. The basic normalization Eq. (2) can be given as follows:
x − E[x]
x̂  √ (2)
Var[x] + 

where E|x| represents the mean and Var|x| represent the variance of current batch x.
A constant, ε, is used to avoid zero division. Batch normalization reduces the training
time and demand for regularization [31].

2.3 Activation Functions

An activation function is added to add nonlinearity to the network. We have used the
rectified linear unit (ReLU) as activation function because it can be calculated very
easily and faster as compared to sigmoidal function [29]. The ReLU function is defined
as follows:
x, if x > 0
f (x)  (3)
0, otherwise

2.4 Max-Pooling Layer

It is regular to occasionally add a pooling layer in the midway of various convolutional

layers. Its ability is to dynamically reduce the spatial size of the image to lessen the
measure of parameters and calculation in the system, and subsequently to likewise
control overfitting. When the images are too large, we require to decrease the number
of trainable features; pooling plays its part. The main purpose of adding pooling layers
is to reduce the spatial size of the input image. The common pooling types are max
pooling and average pooling. We have used max pooling in our implementation.

2.5 Fully Connected Layer

A fully connected layer is required to generate an output equal to the number of classes
that we need as output. In this, flattening of neurons is done and we obtain a vector
of all neurons. In such layer, neurons have full connections with all neurons in the
previous layer, as in the case of consistent neural networks.
824 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

2.6 Softmax Layer

We applied softmax function at the output layer. This function estimates the probability
distribution of an event over n different events. Simply we can say that this function
computes the probability of each target class over all possible target classes. The
equation of softmax function for an event x i can be given as:
Exp(xi )
F(xi )  k   , where i  0, 1, 2, . . . , k (4)
j0 Exp x j

The above equation calculates the exponential of given input or event and the summa-
tion of the exponential of all the input values. Then, the ratio of both is the output of
the softmax function. The main advantage of using softmax activation function is that
the calculated probabilities will be in the range from 0 to 1, and summation of all prob-
abilities is 1. It returns the probabilities of each class in case of a multi-classification
model, and the target class must have high probability.

2.7 Back Propagation Learning Algorithm (BPA)

In 1989, backpropagation was applied to convolutional neural networks [20]. We have

used back propagation learning algorithm for training the weights. Almasi et al. stated
that backpropagation is the most successful neural network learning algorithm [1].
The pseudocode for BPA is given as follows:
(a) Randomly initialize weights close to zero.
(b) Input the first observation.
(c) Perform forward propagation from left to right.
(d) Propagate the activations until getting the predicted result.
(e) Compare predicted and actual result. Measure the generated error.
(f)Perform back propagation from right to left. The error is backpropagated. Update
the weights.
(g) Repeat step (a)–(e) and update the weights after each observation or after a batch
of observations
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 825

3 Crop Disease Identification

3.1 Data Collection and Description

PlantVillage dataset [29], which includes more than 50,000 images on healthy and
infected leaves of crops, is used for this study which is freely available online. We
have reduced the whole dataset into 900 images. The training set consists of 600
images, and the test set comprises 300 images. We have considered 6 classes out of
which 5 are diseases and 1 includes healthy leaves. Also, we considered 3 crops: potato,
tomato and maize, and 5 kinds of diseases whose description is shown in Table 1.
We have chosen two Rabi seasonal crops, viz. potato and tomato and one Kharif
seasonal crop, i.e. maize. In potato, we covered two major diseases, namely early blight
and late blight, while in the case of tomato, two diseases, leaf mould and yellow leaf
curl are considered. Rust disease of maize crop is also taken into account in the dataset.
One class named healthy comprises of all the healthy leaves from all the diseased leaf
classes. Figure 2 shows a randomly selected sample of images from the dataset.
826 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

Table 1 Dataset description Class Disease Crop

0 Early blight Potato

1 Late blight Potato
2 Leaf mould Tomato
3 Yellow leaf curl virus Tomato
4 Rust Maize
5 Healthy All (potato, tomato, maize)

Fig. 2 Randomly selected images from the dataset

Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 827

Image Database Pre-processing

Conv2D_2 C
Batch_Normalization_1 (32, (3 x 3))
Batch_Normalization_2 O
(32, (3 x 3))
Max_Pooling2D_1 O
Conv2D_3 Conv2D_4 I
Batch_Normalization_3 Batch_Normalization_4
(64, (3 x 3)) (64, (3 x 3)) O
Max_Pooling2D_2 A

Conv2D_5 Conv2D_6 N
Batch_Normalization_5 Batch_Normalization_6
(128, (3 x 3)) (128, (3 x 3)) C

Conv2D_7 Conv2D_8
Batch_Normalization_8 N
(256, (3 x 3)) Batch_Normalization_7 (256, (3 x 3)) E
Flatten Layer Dense Layer (Relu) Dense Layer (Softmax) K


6 class Classification of crop disease

Fig. 3 Proposed workflow

3.2 Image Preprocessing and Proposed Workflow

The image dataset is first preprocessed in order to undergo the further transformation.
In the preprocessing, we reduce the dimension. Data augmentation is done in order to
make the images invariant to any transformations. The workflow is explained with the
help of Fig. 3 whose description is mentioned below:

• Firstly, the input image is subjected to two convolution layers having 32 filters each
and filter size of 2 × 2. The ReLU activation function is applied internally in the
convolution layer. Parallelly, we apply the batch normalization to the convolution
layer to reduce the training size.
• After that, we use a max-pooling layer of size 2 × 2 to reduce the size of the convo-
lution matrix further.
• Again, we used two convolution layers with 64 filters and size 2 × 2 along with
ReLU activation function and batch normalization.
• This is followed by one more max-pooling layer with size 2 × 2.
Table 2 Model summary (filter size: 2 × 2)

Layer (type) Number of filters used Size of each filter Output shape Number of parameters

Input_1 (input layers) (None, 32 × 32 × 3) 0

conv2d_1 (Conv2D) 32 2×2 (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 416
batch_normalization_1 (batch normalization) (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 128
conv2d_2 (Conv2D) 32 2×2 (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 4128
batch_normalization_1 (batch normalization) (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 128
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) 2×2 (None, 16 × 16 × 32) 0
conv2d_3 (Conv2D) 64 2×2 (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 8256
batch_normalization_3 (batch normalization) (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 256
conv2d_4 (Conv2D) 64 2×2 (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 16,448
batch_normalization_4 (batch normalization) (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 256
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2D) 2×2 (None, 8 × 8 × 64) 0
conv2d_5 (Conv2D) 128 2×2 (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 32,896
batch_normalization_5 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 512
conv2d_6 (Conv2D) 128 2×2 (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 65,664
batch_normalization_6 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 512
conv2d_7 (Conv2D) 256 2×2 (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 131,328
batch_normalization_7 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 1024
conv2d_8 (Conv2D) 256 2×2 (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 262,400
batch_normalization_8 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 1024
flatten_1 (flatten) (None, 16,384) 0
dense_1 (dense) (None, 128) 2,097,280
dense_2 (dense) (None, 6) 774
Total parameters 2,623,430
Total trainable parameters 2,621,510
Total non-trainable parameters 1920
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836
Table 3 Model summary (filter size: 3 × 3)
Layer (type) Number of filters used Size of each filter Output shape Number of parameters

Input_1 (input layers) (None, 32 × 32 × 3) 0

conv2d_1 (Conv2D) 32 3×3 (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 896
batch_normalization_1 (batch normalization) (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 128
conv2d_2 (Conv2D) 32 3×3 (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 9248
batch_normalization_1 (batch normalization) (None, 32 × 32 × 32) 128
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) 2×2 (None, 16 × 16 × 32) 0
conv2d_3 (Conv2D) 64 3×3 (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 18,496
batch_normalization_3 (batch normalization) (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 256
conv2d_4 (Conv2D) 64 3×3 (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 36,928
batch_normalization_4 (batch normalization) (None, 16 × 16 × 64) 256
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2D) 2×2 (None, 8 × 8 × 64) 0
conv2d_5 (Conv2D) 128 3×3 (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 73,856
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

batch_normalization_5 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 512

conv2d_6 (Conv2D) 128 3×3 (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 147,584
batch_normalization_6 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 128) 512
conv2d_7 (Conv2D) 256 3×3 (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 295,168
batch_normalization_7 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 1024
conv2d_8 (Conv2D) 256 3×3 (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 590,080
batch_normalization_8 (batch normalization) (None, 8 × 8 × 256) 1024
flatten_1 (flatten) (None, 16,384) 0
dense_1 (dense) (None, 128) 2,097,280
dense_2 (dense) (None, 6) 774
Total parameters 3,274,150
Total trainable parameters 3,272,230
Total non-trainable parameters 1920
830 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

from scipy import ndimage

for i in range(5):
for i in range(5):
for i in range(5):
print(' Training images has been uploaded')
Fig. 4 Code snippet from the implementation of the proposed network in python

Table 4 Training and testing Number of Convolution Batch size Training Testing
accuracy for different epochs epochs filter size accuracy accuracy
and filter size
3 2×2 32 95.21 74.38
3 3×3 32 93.75 77.69
25 2×2 32 98.54 80.17
25 3×3 32 100.00 85.12
50 2×2 32 97.71 70.25
50 3×3 32 100.00 82.64
100 2×2 32 97.50 80.17
100 3×3 32 100.00 86.78

• Then, we applied two more convolution layer with 128 filters and filter size 2 × 2
with ReLU and batch normalization.
• This is followed by two more convolution layers with 256 filters and filter size 2 ×
2 with ReLU and batch normalization.
• After all this, a flattening layer is used to get a vector of neurons which uses ReLU
• Then two dense layers are used: one uses ReLU, while the other uses the softmax
function and depicts the output class.
Tables 2 and 3 represent the generated convolutional encoder network model sum-
mary for convolutional filter sizes 2 × 2 and 3 × 3, respectively. In case of 2 × 2 model,
total parameters are 2,623,430, out of which 2,621,510 are trainable, and for 3 × 3 filter
size, 3,274,150 are total parameters and 3,272,230 are trainable.
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 831

Fig. 5 Model accuracy and loss curve for 100 epochs using 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 filter sizes

Fig. 6 Confusion matrix for 100 epochs using 2 × 2 and 3 × 3 filter sizes

3.3 Software and Hardware Used

In order to implement the proposed network, we have used HP Notebook. Complete

specifications of this system are described as: Operating System is Windows 10 64-
bit, Processor used is Intel Core i5, Graphics card in this system is AMD Radeon
832 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

Table 5 Precision computation Class Precision Recall F1-score Support

for 100 epochs using 2 × 2 filter
size Class 0 0.83 0.75 0.78 51
Class 1 0.87 0.54 0.67 50
Class 2 0.80 0.90 0.85 50
Class 3 0.89 0.84 0.87 50
Class 4 0.96 0.94 0.95 50
Class 5 0.62 0.90 0.74 50
Avg./total 0.83 0.81 0.81 301

Table 6 Precision computation Class Precision Recall F1-score Support

for 100 epochs using 3 × 3 filter
size Class 0 0.88 0.90 0.89 51
Class 1 0.86 0.88 0.87 50
Class 2 0.90 0.94 0.92 50
Class 3 0.94 0.90 0.92 50
Class 4 1.00 0.98 0.99 50
Class 5 0.86 0.84 0.85 50
Avg./total 0.91 0.91 0.91 301

which has 2 GB RAM, total RAM of this system is 8 GB. Python software (version
3.5), Anaconda Spyder tool (64-bit), API and libraries were used in this experiment
to build and train convolutional encoder network. Figure 4 shows a code snippet from
the implementation of the model in python language.

4 Results and Discussions

In the proposed work, convolutional encoder network is employed for disease detection
of crops such as potato, tomato and maize. The implementation is done in python
language using Anaconda Spyder tool. The training set consists of 600 images out of
which 120 images are used for validation purpose and 480 for training purpose, and
300 images are used for testing. The implemented code was executed for a different
number of epochs, and the accuracy and losses were recorded. We also changed the
filter size to see the difference between accuracy. Adam optimizer has been used to
increase the accuracy and reduce the loss while training. Table 4 shows the training
and testing accuracy for the different number of epochs such as 3, 25, 50 and 100, and
different convolutional filter sizes such as 2 × 2 and 3 × 3. The best training accuracy
for 2 × 2 filter size is 95.21, and best testing accuracy is 77.69 for 3 × 3 filter size
when the number of epochs was 3. In the case of 5 epochs, the best training and testing
accuracy are 100.00 and 85.12, both for 3 × 3 filter size. Also for 50 epochs, the best
training and testing accuracy are 100.00 and 82.64, again for 3 × 3 filter size. Lastly,
for 100 epochs, the best training and testing accuracy are 100.00 and 86.78, for 3 × 3
filter size.
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 833

Fig. 7 Correct predictions of crop disease

Figure 5 shows the accuracy and the loss curve for the proposed model for 100
epochs for two filter sizes, 2 × 2 and 3 × 3. It is clear from the above curve plot that
in the case of 2 × 2 filter size, the model performed very well, but after 70 epochs,
its accuracy starts to decrease, while loss begins to increase. On the other side, there
were less accuracy and more losses initially in case of 3 × 3 filter size. But, as the
number of epochs increases, the accuracy starts to increase gradually. Thus, from
these experimental implementations, we have observed that the accuracy varies with
the number of epochs as well as with the filter size. This has also affected the prediction
of the correct crop disease which can be understood with the help of confusion matrices
as shown in Fig. 6.
Tables 5 and 6 show the precision, recall, F1-score and support for the test set for
2 × 2 and 3 × 3 filter sizes. The precision average comes out to be 83% and 91% for
2 × 2 and 3 × 3 filter sizes, respectively. Figures 7 and 8 show the correct and incorrect
prediction of crop leaf diseases.
834 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836

Fig. 8 Incorrect predictions of crop disease

5 Conclusion and Future Scope

In the proposed network model for crop disease detection and prediction, a hybrid
convolutional encoder network is used to classify and predict the crop leaf diseases
using computer vision and deep learning models. This network has performed efficient
results than the conventional techniques. No such research has been done yet for crop
disease detection, but, still, a lot more is yet to be explored in deep learning. There are
some challenges such as the training time was very large due to the lack of availability
of good GPUs, but it can be overcome by using high-speed GPUs. Also, we have used
only 6 classes and 3 seasonal crops, i.e. a small dataset due to hardware limitations,
but this work can be extended for other crops and plants to cover a wide range of
common plant diseases which would be more beneficial in agriculture to enhance the
productivity. There are some other possibilities to fine-tune the proposed model using
hyper-parameters such as dropout and regularization.

Acknowledgements VHCA received support from the Brazilian National Council for Research and Devel-
opment (CNPq, Grant # 304315/2017-6 and #430274/2018-1).
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2020) 39:818–836 835

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of interest The authors acknowledge that they have no competing and conflict of interest.

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Aditya Khamparia1 · Gurinder Saini1 · Deepak Gupta2 · Ashish Khanna2 ·

Shrasti Tiwari3 · Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque4

Aditya Khamparia
Gurinder Saini
Ashish Khanna
Shrasti Tiwari
Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque
1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar,
Punjab, India
2 Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
3 Division of Examinations, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
4 Graduate Program in Applied Informatics, University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

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