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Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word for each of the blanks. 16:20
A scientist said robots will be more intelligent than humans by 2029. The scientist's name is Ray
Kurzweil. He works for Google as Director of Engineering. He is one of the world‘s leading experts on
(1) intelligence (A.l). Mr Kurzweil believes computers will be able to learn from experiences, just
like humans. He also thinks they will be able to tell jokes and stories, and even flirt. Kurzweil‘s 2029
prediction is a lot sooner than many people thought. The scientist said that in 1999, many A.I. experts
said it would be hundreds of years (2) a computer was more intelligent than a human. He said that it
would not be long before computer (3) is one billion times more powerful than the human brain.
Mr Kurzweil joked that many years ago, people thought he was a little crazy for predicting
computers would be as intelligent as humans. His thinking has stayed the same but everyone else has
changed the way they think. He said: “My views are not radical any more. I've actually stayed (4) .
It's the rest of the world that's changing its View.” He highlighted examples of high-tech things we use,
see or read about every day. These things make us believe that computers have intelligence. He said
people think differently now: "Because the public has seen things like Siri (the iPhone’s voice-recognition
technology) (5) you talk to a computer, they've seen the Google self-driving cars."
Question 1: A. artificial B. false C. handmade D. fake
Question 2: A. while B. after C. then D. before
Question 3: A. intelligent B. intelligently C. intelligence D. intelligences
kiên định khăng khăng
Question 4: A. consistent B. insistent C. persistent bền bỉ D. resistant có sức chịu đựng
/đề kháng
Question 5: A. which B. where C. whom D. what

EXERCISE 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Oxbridge is a word made from the names Oxford and Cambridge and is used to refer (1) to
the universities of Oxford and Cambridge together, especially when they are being distinguished from
other universities.
Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Britain. They are generally also
thought to be the best universities to get a place at. An Oxbridge degree (2) a good impression on
many employers, and graduates of these universities may have an advantage when applying for jobs. The
upper class has traditionally sent their children to Oxbridge, and many prime ministers and politicians


went there. To many people, Oxford and Cambridge seem very remote places (3) only the very
privileged can go.
The teaching system is different from that at most other universities. Students have tutorials,
called supervisions at Cambridge, (4) which they read their essays to their tutor. Terms are short
and intense, and students are expected to prepare for them in the vacations. Final examinations at Oxford
are called schools, and at Cambridge the trips. Undergraduates at Oxford and Cambridge study for a BA
degree, but after a period of time graduates can (5) their BA to an MA without doing any further
Question 1: A. formally B. informally C. formality D. informal
Question 2: A. makes B. does C. gives D. has
Question 3: A. where B. which C. that D. who
Question 4: A. on B. during C. in D. at
Question 5: A. convert B. alter C. transmit D. transfer
chuyển đổi thay đổi truyền tải luân chuyển
EXERCISE 3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or II to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Some animals hibernate or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation to the cold months of
winter. Hibernation is different from normal sleep. During hibernation, an animal seems to be dead.
Its metabolism slows down and its body temperature (1) ______. Its heartbeat slows to only
two or three beats a minute. Since its bodily processes are so slow, it needs very little food to stay
(2) ______. Some animals which hibernate are toads, skunks, ground squirrels, bees, and
bats. Bears sleep during the winter, but they are not (3) ______ hibernators. They wake up when
they hear loud noises. Some animals estivate, or go into a deep sleep as an adaptation (4)
______ the hot, dry months of summer. During estivation, an animal's heartbeat and breathing
slow down. During estivation, an animal does not glow or move, It does not need to eat because it is
not using much energy. Some animals burrow underground, ( 5) ______ it is cooler, before
they begin to estivate. Some aniriials which estivate are reptiles, bees, hedgehogs, frogs, toads,
animals 16:50
and earthworms. 17:01
Question 1: A. reduces sth B. cuts sth C. drop s D. discounts
Question 2: A. lively B. alive C. live D. living
Question 3: A. factual B. rightly C. authentic D. true
Question 4: A. with B. at C. to D. on

Question 5: A. that B. which C. where D. what
in which
EXERCISE 4: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. 17:05
As heart disease continues to be the number-one killer in the United States, researches havebecome
increasingly interested in identifying the potential risk factors (1) trigger heart attacks. High-fat diets
and life in the fast lane have long been known to contribute to the high incidence of heart (2) . But
according to new studies, the list of risk factors may be significantly longer and quite surprising. Heart
failure, for example, appears to have seasonal and temporal patterns. A higher percentage of heart attacks
occur in cold weather, and more people experience heart failure on Monday than on any other day of the
week. (3) , people are more susceptible to heart attacks in the first few hours after walking.
Cardiologists first observed this morning (4) in the mid-1980, and have since discovered a number of
possible causes. An early-morning rise in blood pressure, heart rate, and concentration of heart
(5) hormones, plus a reduction ofblood flow to the heart, may all contribute to the higher incidence
ofheart attacks between the hours of 8:00 AM. and 10:00 AM.
Question 1: A. where B. whose C. that D. whom
Question 2: A. failure B. defeat C. defence D. and soul
Question 3: A. However B. In addition C. Therefore D. Yet
Question 4: A. situation B. phenomena C. circumstance D. phenomenon
Question 5: A. stimulating B. stimulate C. stimulation D. stimulant

In addition = Furthermore = Moreover = Besides

EXERCISE 5: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Why is text messaging so popular, especially with young people? There are two main
reasons. One is cost, as many teenagers have to use pay-as-you-go mobile tariffs (1) of
contracts, and so it is cheaper to send a text message than make a voice call. So texters get
better value of (2) . But there is a second, less practical reason for its popularity. A
generation is growing up happy to communicate mostly by text, and this new form of instant
communication is even more relaxed and informal than either email or phone calls. Text
messaging has created a completely new language, (3) of abbreviations and
unusual spellings.

It is a language that is not understood by adults, even though they can buy special
dictionaries explaining it, and it has opened up a huge generation (4) between
teenagers and their parents. For teenagers, text is convenient and quick, but it confuses parents.
Text messaging is a teenage response to grown up technology and provide young people with a
means of communicating that is always accessible. It is also something (5) they can call
their own, and in spite of some concern in the teaching profession that literacy skills are
being lost text messaging is a form of communication that is certainly here to stay.
(Source: haps://enwikipediaorgAviki/Text messaging)
Question 1: A. instead B. in spite C. as a result D. in case
Question 2; A. cash B. income C. money D. earnings
Question 3: A. capable B. independent C. full D. consisting
Question 4: A. distance B. gap C. length D. obstacle
Question 5: A. which B. who C. what D. that

EXERCISE 6: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each the numbered blanks. 17:40
The ability to be independent is something that not everyone possesses. (1) , you need to be
independent in order to survive in the world. Learning to support yourself is (2) for any success
you ever hope to achieve.
At the end of the day, you only have yourself to fall back on, so it is exceedingly important to be
able to handle things on your own. It is all about being secure with who you are and what you believe in.
It is extremely empowering knowing that you are (3) control of your own life and your own
choices. It is much more beneficial to listen to the voice inside yourself rather than the berating (4) of
We rely on others far more than it is necessary. People put their happiness in the hands of a
significant other, thinking this will bring them fulfillment. This is a fatal error too many people make
these days.
Do you always want to feel dependent on someone else? Of course not. Not only are you limiting
yourself, you are more than likely becoming a burden to this person. We need to learn how to make
decisions on our own. I understand asking your friends their opinion on a fashion decision, but do we
really need to consult others on every minimal decision we have to make? Think of things (5) are
in your best interest and choose that option.
Question 1: A. But B. However C. Therefore D. Thereby

Question 2: A. fundament B.fundamentalism C. fundamental D. fundamentals
Question 3: A. in B. on C. under D. out
Question 4: A. choices B. opinions C. thoughts D. feelings
Question 5: A. what B. why C. which D. that

EXERCISE 7: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. 17:52
In recent years, the WTO has also made it a priority to assist developing nations as they come
under WTO regulation. Many developing countries and emerging markets lack the experience and
technical expertise needed to deal with large and very comprehensive trade agreements. The WTO
provides them with critical training and support, (1) ensuring that the WTO is inclusive
and equitable toward both the wealthiest and the poorest nations in the world.
Part of the nondiscrimination mandate of the WTO is most-favored-nation (MFN) status.
Most-favored-nation status requires that a WTO member must apply the same
terms and conditions to (2) with any and all other WTO members. Also, you (3)
experienced a version of most-favored-nation status as a child, when an adult told you that if you
were going to take gum or candy to class, you had to bring enough for everyone.
One of the other key elements to the success of the WTO is its transparency requirement.
WTO members are required to publish their trade regulations and follow a system that allows
all ext ern al parti es ( 4 ) will review and evaluate any administrative decisions and
their impact on trade regulations. When a WTO nation changes its trade policies, those changes
must be reported to the WTO.
Overall, the WTO's mission is to improve the stability and (5) of global trade. As
a result, it tends to support free-trade, as opposed to protectionist, policies, and strongly discourages
the use of quotas and other such restrictions on imports.

Question 1: A. consequently B. so C. therefore D. thereby

Question 2: A. cope B. talk C. trade D. deal
Question 3: A. possibly B. probably C. likely D. surely
Question 4: A. that B. who C. whom D. which
Question 5: A. predict B. predictable C. predictability D. prediction

EXERCISE 8: Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage.
Japan's Mount Fuji will become a World Heritage Site in June. The United Nations (U.N.) decided
on April the 30th to give the famous mountain UNESCO World Heritage (1) . The U.N. team (2)
made the decision said Fuji was very important to Japanese religion and art. They also said that the
3,776-meter-high volcano was important outside of Japan too. Fuji-san (as Japanese people call it) has
been a mountain for more than 1,000 years. Priests say that when you climb it, you move from the
"everyday world" at the bottom, to the "world of gods, Buddha and death" at the top. They believe
people can (3) their sins by climbing to the top and coming back down again.
(4) Mount Fuji is a major tourist destination. It is very popular with hikers, who want to see
the rising sun from its peak. More than 318,000 hikers visited the mountain last summer, with up to
15,000 people climbing each day. Local residents are now worried the World Heritage status will mean
more visitors. That means there will be more litter and environmental problems. The local government
may ask people to pay to climb the mountain to help preserve its (5) . Governor Shomei Yokouchi
said: "It's likely we'll ask mountain climbers to help financially with keeping the mountain
clean." Another idea being talked about is to limit the daily number of hikers allowed to the top.
Question 1: A. reputation B. status C. position D. rank
Question 2: A. that B. which C. who D. both A & C
Question 3: A. wash up B. wash down C. wash away D. over
Question 4: A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. Yet
Question 5: A. beautify B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beauty

EXERCISE 9: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
correct word or phrase that hest fits each of the numbered blanks.
(1) _______ in the past scientists have looked at things such as diet and lifestyle for
an explanation of long life, these days they are investigating genetics. One such researcher is Eric
Topol, who says, “There must be genes that explain why these individuals are p r o t e c t e d f r o m
t h e a g i n g ( 2 ) ______ _.”
The new research into long life looks at groups of people who have a genetic connection.
For example, one group of interest lives in Ecuador. In one area of the country there are a number
of people with the same ( 3 ) _______ condition. i t ' s called Laron syndrome. The condition
mea ns that they don't grow to more than about one metre, but it also seems to give them
protection (4) _______ cancer and diabetes. As a result, they live longer than other people in

their families. Meanwhile, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, there’s another group of long-lived
men, japanese-Americans. They have a similar gene to the Laron syndrome group.
Back in Calabria, scientists are trying to work out exactly how much of the longevity is due to
genetics and how much to environment. By checking public records going back to the 19th century,
researchers have reconstructed the family trees of 202 nonagenarians and centenarians. They (5)
_______ that there were genetic factors involved.
Question 1: A. While B. if C. When D. Unless
Question 2: A. method B. way C. process D. measure
Question 3: A. genetic B. genes C. genetics D. gene
Question 4: A. for B. against C. from D. about
Question 5: A. precluded B. excluded C. included D. concluded

EXERCISE 10: Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to answer the following questions.
A (1) teacher can reach thousands of students in an online course, opening up a world of
knowledge to anyone with an internet connection. This limitless reach also offers substantial benefits for
school districts that need to save money, by reducing the number of teachers. (2) , in high schools
and colleges, there is mounting evidence that the growth of online education is hurting a critical group:
the less proficient students (3) are precisely those most in need of skilled classroom teachers.
Online courses can be broken down into several categories, and some are more effective than others.
In "blended” courses, for example, students don’t do their work only online: They also spend time
in a classroom with a flesh-and-blood teacher. Research suggests that students - at nearly all levels of
achievement - do just as well in these blended classes as they do in traditional classrooms. In this model,
online resources supplement traditional instruction but don’t replace it. In the fully online model, on the
other hand, a student may never be in the same room with an instructor. This category is the main
problem. It is where less proficient students tend to 4) trouble. After all, taking a class without
a teacher requires high levels of self-motivation, self-regulation and organization. Yet, in high schools
across the country, students who are struggling in (5) classrooms are increasingly steered into
online courses.
Question 1: A. single B. lonely C. alone D. married
Question 2: A. Moreover B. However C. Though D. Then
Question 3: A. which B. where C. when D. who
Question 4: A. run across B. run into C. run away D. run back
Question 5: A. traditional B. tradition C. traditionally D. traditionalist

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