Rainbow Grade R BIG Book 2resized

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These Reception year (Grade R) Rainbow Big Books form part of

the Department of Basic Education’s strategy to boost SouthAfrican

children’s school performance.
They are developed to supplement the Rainbow workbooks and
posters provided to schools with the aim of helping children to develop
the pre-literacy skills and the fantasy that goes along with reading.
The Grade R CAPS requires that Grade R learners are given the
opportunity to develop their pre-reading, pre-writing and
pre-mathematical skills, and outlines the skills they will need to get
Mrs Angie Motshekga, a solid educational foundation so that they find it easier to learn in
Minister of Basic Education Grade 1 and beyond.
Before children formally learn to read they need to learn how to hold a
book and turn its pages, and to understand how books work.
They need to understand the relationship between the pictures in the
book and the words on the page (or the stories told by the teacher).
They need to understand that stories are made up of words, which are
made up of sounds that have meaning. This big book will be useful for
developing these pre-literacy skills.
While the big books were developed as “wordless books”, except for
the headings and teacher’s notes which are in English, the books are
developed for use across Grade R classrooms irrespective of language.
The wordless stories rely on the imagination and the ability of teachers

to create and tell stories that the children will enjoy.
Mr Enver Surty,
Research shows that forevery year that children are exposed to

A Big Book of
Deputy Minister of Basic
Education stimulating activitiesbefore Grade 1, they perform better academically
in later years – throughout their primary and secondary schooling.

Reading and developing the love for reading is central to enhancing
future learning. Workbooks available in this series:

little stories
This Rainbow big book, as part of the Grade R package of Rainbow • Home Language Grades 1 – 6
(In all official languages)
posters and workbooks, aims to assist children in developing the skills and

A Big
the key initial concepts they need to laya solid foundation for learning. • Mathematics Grades 1 – 3
(In all official languages)

The Rainbow Grade R resource kit is packed with opportunitiesfor
children to develop and practise the skills that will preparethem for • Mathematics Grades 4 – 9
(In English and Afrikaans)
formal schooling.
• Lifeskills Grades 1 – 3
(In all official languages)

Book of
• First Additional Language Grades 1 – 6
(In English)
Books in the Grade R • Incremental Introduction of the African
Language (IIAL) workbooks Gr 1 – 2
Big Book Bookshelf: (In all official languages excluding English)
Other resources:
Book 1
• One Big Book per term for Grade 1,

little stories
1. All about me each with 6 – 8 stories.
2. We have fun (Available in all the official languages excluding

3. Cleanliness
• Four posters per term to accompany the IIAL
4. Safety at home Grade 1 Workbooks.
5. Jabu’s schoolbag
6. My family

GRADE R – BIG BOOK 2 7. No dogs allowed

Book 1 – Term 1
ISBN 978-1-4315-2125-8
    Book 2
1. A very hot day
2. People who help
NOT BE SOLD. 9 781431 521258
3. Animal sports day
4. The goat eats Gogo’s garden
5. Celebrations

Grade R Big Book Cover Book 2.indd 3 2015-03-04 09:40:53 AM

January February March

1 2
3 4 5
April May June

6 7 8
July August September

W o m e n’s D

9 10 October November December

Published by the Department of Basic Education

222 Struben Street
South Africa The Department of Basic Education has made every effort to trace copyright holders but if any have been inadvertently
overlooked the Department will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
© Department of Basic Education
First edition published in 2015 The Big Books in this series are available in English. They were developed by a team of UNISA Language and Education experts as
part of their Community Engagement contribution to South Africa’s education sector.
ISBN  978-1-4315-2125-8

Grade R Big Book Cover Book 2.indd 4-5 2015-03-04 09:42:35 AM

Grade R
A Big Book
of little stories
Book 2

1: A very hot day 3
2: People who help 7
3: Animal sports day 13
4: The goat eats Gogo’s garden 18
5: Celebrations 20

Grade R BIG Book 2 FINAL.indd 1 2015-03-04 08:52:07 AM

Teacher’s Notes:

In this book, we have included guidance on how to use this “wordless” book in Grade R classes. Please note that although this guidance
is written in English, this book can be used in Grade R classes across all languages. The notes included in the book, and also in the
lesson plans provided as part of the Grade R resource pack, will help teachers to develop stories around the pictures.
This will enable teachers to tell stories in the language of the learners and to follow the steps of the reading process as outlined below.

Temoso ho Dikgakollothuto go morutiši: Tsivhudzo ya mudededzi: Dintlha tsa Morutabana:

matitjhere: Ka mo pukung ye, re akareditše le Buguni iyi ro dzhenisa tsumbanḓila Mo bukeng e, re tsenyeleditse
Bukeng ena, re kentse tlhahlo mabapi le ka fao puku ye “ya ya kushumiselwe kwa bugu iyi ya kaedi ya ka moo buka “e e se nang
tataiso ya ho sebedisa buka ena go hloka mantšu” e ka šomišwago ka “tshayamaipfi” kiḽasini dza Gireidi mafoko” e e ka dirisiwang ka teng
“e se nang mantswe” ya Kereiti diphapošing tša Mphato wa R ka gona. ya R. Kha vha vhe na nzhele uri mo Mophatong wa R. Ela tlhoko
ya R tlelaseng. Ela hloko hore Hle, lemogang gore le ge tlhahlo ye e naho tsumbanḓila iyi yo ṅwalwa nga gore le fa kaedi e e kwadilwe ka
le ha tataiso ena e ngotswe ka ngwadilwe ka Seisimane, puku ye e ka Tshiisimane, bugu iyi i nga kha ḓi Seesimane, buka e e ka dirisiwa mo
Senyesemane, buka ena e ka šomišwa ka diphapošingborutelo tša shumiswa kiḽasini dza Gireidi ya R diphaposiborutelong tsa Mophato
sebediswa Kereitring ya R dipuong Mphato wa R mo malemeng ka moka. dzoṱhe u mona na nyambo dzoṱhe. wa R go kgabaganya dipuo tsotlhe.
tsohle. Dinoutsu tse bukeng ena, Dikgakollothuto tše di akareditšwego ka Notsi dzi re buguni iyi, khathihi na Dintlha tse di tsenyeleditsweng mo
mmoho le tokisetso ya thuto, tseo pukung, gape le ka go dipeakanyo tša dzi re kha pulane dza ngudo dzi re bukeng, le mo dithulaganyong tsa
e leng karolo ya pakana ya Kereiti dithutišo tše di filwego e le karolo ya tshipiḓa tsha phekhe ya zwiko zwa dithuto tse di filweng jaaka paki ya
ya R, di tla thusa matitjhere ho methopothušo ya Mphato wa R, di tla Gireidi ya R, zwi ḓo thusa vhadededzi metswedi ya Mophato wa R, di tlaa
aha dipale malebana le thuša barutiši go tšweletša dikanegelo kha u sika zwiṱori zwi no amba thusa barutabana go tlhama
ditshwantsho. tše di amanago le diswantšho. nga zwifanyiso. dikgang ka ga ditshwantsho


Se se tla thuša barutiši go Hezwi zwi ḓo thusa vhadededzi

Sena se tla etsa matitjhere

a kgone ho pheta dipale anega dikanegelo ka maleme a kha u anetshela zwiṱori nga Se se tlaa thusa barutabana

ka puo ya barutwana le ho barutwana le go latela dikgato tša luambo lwa vhagudi khathihi na go tlotla dikgang ka puo ya
latela mehato ya ho bala e tshepetšo ya go bala bjalo ka ge u tevhedza maga a u vhala e a barutwana le go sala morago
hlahisitsweng katlase. e hlalošitšwe mo tlase. bulwa afho fhasi. dikgato tsa tsamaiso ya puiso
jaaka e tlhalosiwa fa tlase.

Onderwysersnota: Amanowuthi Switiviso swa vadyondzisi: Amanothi kathisha

In hierdie boek het ons riglyne wakatitjhere: Eka buku leyi, hi katsile na swiletelo Kule ncwadi sifake isiqeshana
ingesluit oor hoe om hierdie “boek Incwadi le ifaka hlangana umhlahlandlela swa matirhiselo ya buku leyi esikhuluma ngokuthi ingasetshenziswa
sonder woorde” in Graad R-klasse wokobana incwadi “eneenthombe “pfumalaka marito” eka titlilasi kanjani le ncwadi “engenamagama”
te gebruik. Let daarop dat, kwaphela, enganawo amagama” ta Giredi ya R. Lemuka leswaku Yebanga R. Amanothi afakwe kuyo le
alhoewel hierdie riglyne in Engels isetjenziswa njani kuGreyidi R. Yelela hambileswi swiletelo swi nga tsariwa ncwadi, kanye nasohlelweni lwezifundo
geskryf is, die boek in Graad nanyana umhlahlandlela lo utlolwe ngelimi hi Xinghezi, buku leyi yi nga tirhisiwa Zebanga R, kwenzelwe ukusiza uthisha
R-klasse in al die tale aangewend lesiNgisi, incwadi le ingasetjenziswa eka titlilasi ta Giredi ya R eka tindzimi ukuthi akhe izindaba zokuxoxwa
kan word. Die notas wat in die boek ematlasini wamaGreydi R ngawo woke hinkwato. Switiviso leswi katsiweke esebenzisa izithombe.
vervat is, asook in die lesplanne amalimi. Amanowuthi atlolwe ngencwadini ebukwini na leswi nga eka tipulani
Lokhu kuzokwenza ukuthi othisha
wat as deel van die Graad le, nalawo atlolwe eemfundweni ta tidyondzo leti nyikiweke tanihi
bakwazi ukuxoxela abafundi izindaba
R-hulpbronpakket voorsien word, ezilungiselelweko njengengcenye xiphemu xa phakete ya switirhisiwa
ngolimi abalukhuluma ekhaya, futhi
sal onderwysers help om stories yepakana yeensetjenziswa zakwaGreyidi swa Giredi ya R, swi ta pfuna
babe nolwazi ngokulandela izinyathelo
oor die prente saam te stel. R, zizokusiza utitjhere kobana vadyondzisi ku tumbuluxa switori
zokufunda ezethulwe ngezansi.
leswi fambelanaka na swifaniso.

Dit sal onderwysers in akwazi ukuzakhela iindatjana

Qaphela ukuthi yize lo mhlahlandlela

staat stel om stories in die ngeenthombe. Leswi swi ta pfuna vadyondzisi

ubhalwe ngesiNgisi, le ncwadi
leerders se taal van onderrig ku hlamusela switori hi ririmi ra

Lokhu kuzokusiza utitjhere akwazi ingasetshenziswa kunoma
te vertel, en om die stappe ukucocela abafundi iindatjana vadyondzi no landzelela magoza
yimaphi amaklasi ebanga
van die leesproses, soos dit ngelimi abalizwisisako bese ulandela ya endlelo ra mahlayele tanihi
eliqalayo, Ibanga R, kubafundi
hieronder uiteengesit word, amagadango wekambiso yokufunda laha swi kombisiweke ha kona
abakhuluma nanoma yiluphi ulimi.
te volg. njengombana ivela ngenzasi. laha hansi.

Umyalezo katitshala: Emanotsi athishela:

Reading Notes Le ncwadi iqulethe isikhokelo

esichaza indlela emayisetyenziswe
ngayo incwadi “engenamagama”
Kulencwadzi, sifake inkhombandlela
ngekutsi ungayisebentisa njani
lencwadzi “lengenamagama”
yeBanga labaQalayo. Qaphela ukuba emakilasini eLibanga R. Nakisisa
naxa isikhokelo sibhalwe ngesiNgesi, kutsi noma lenkhombandlela
Before reading: le ncwadi inokusetyenziswa ngabo
bonke abafundi abasaqalayo nokuba
ibhalwe ngesiNgisi, lencwadzi
ingasetjentiswa emakilasishi
• Display the Big Book so that all bathetha eziphi iilwimi. Amanqaku aLibanga R kuto tonkhe tilwimi.
learners can see it clearly. kunye nezicwangciso zezifundo Lamanotsi lakulencwadzi, kanye
eziqulethwe kulo mqulu wolwazi naseluhlakeni lwekufundzisa
• Page through the story. Talk about the weBanga labaQalayo aza kuxhobisa loluyincenye yalelimfomfo letinsita
illustrations and ask learners to say ootitshala bakwazi ukuyila amabali teLibanga R, itawusita botishela
what they think the story will be about. besebenzisa imifanekiso. kucamba tindzatjana letisuselwa
• Ask learners to predict the story Oku kuya kwenza ukuba
based on the pictures. ootitshala bakwazi ukubalisa Loku kutawusita bothishela

amabali besebenzisa ulwimi kutsi bacoce tindzaba


During reading:
lwabafundi bakwazi nokulandela ngelulwimi lwebafundzi
amanyathelo enkqubo baphindze balandzele

​ ell the story using yokufunda njengoko echaziwe tinyatselo tekufundza
expression to make the apha ngezantsi. njengoba tibekiwe ngentasi.
meaning clear.
After reading:
You will see that Ben the dog is visible on most pages in

Ask questions based this book. Use the picture of the dog to encourage learners
on the story. to think about what the dog is doing in each picture:
Re-reading: • Why is Ben hiding?
• Re-read the story. • Are animals allowed in a classroom?
• What does the dog do that is funny?

Grade R BIG Book 2 FINAL.indd 2 2015-03-04 08:52:11 AM
A very hot day
Look at the pictures. How do you know that the
weather is hot? What do we like to do when the
weather is hot? Why is the story funny?

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People who help
How do we get our post?

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Talk about how doctors and
nurses help us. The pictures
on these two pages tell a
story. Talk about the story.

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How do fire fighters help us?

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How do the police help us?

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Animal sports day

What sport does the animal do?

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What sport does each animal do?

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What sport does the animal do?

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Grade R BIG Book 2 FINAL.indd 17 2015-03-04 08:57:01 AM
The goat
goes eats
to the
5 doctor garden

How did
the goat get
into Gogo’s

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What celebrations do you have in your culture?

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