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Dip (4)10%
Highest National Dip (6) 15%
Bachelor’s degree (4) 10%
Masters (5) 13%
Others (2) 5%
TOTAL (40) 100%
From table 4.2-1, it can be seen that if students did not answer the question on gender. Of the
students who responded to the question on 75(65%) were female while 41(35%) were male. This
may seem to suggest that at low level of management, women are well represented. The majority
of students, 101(89%) were aged between 16-25 years while the remaining 13(11%) were aged
between 26-35 years of age. This shows that this industry employs the young and energetic due
to the nature of work. As expected almost all 112(93%) of the students were single and only
8(7%) of them were married. It is worth noting as it depicts the kind of industry the students
(pursuing a certificate, diploma and degree) are sent to.
4.2.2 Percentage Analysis
Table 1

Table showing the useful things learnt by respondents during internship

S NO Useful things learnt Number of respondents Percentage
1 Learning from mistakes 44 32.6
2 Communication 61 45.2
3 Being resourceful 30 22.2
Total 135 100
Sources: Primary Data
Interpretation: The above table shows that 45.2% of the respondents learnt communication,
32.6% of the respondents learnt from their mistakes and 22.2% of the respondents learnt to be
Chart showing the useful things learnt by respondents during internship.

Being resourceful 22.2%

Learning from mistakes 32.6%

Communication 45.2%

Table 2
Table showing how much the internship learning match the college textbook learnings.
S. No Match No. of respondents %
1 Totally 62 45.9
2 Partially 59 43.7
3 None 14 10.4
Total 135 100
Source: Primary data
Interpretation:The above table shows that 45.9% of the respodents states that internship learning
totally matches with textbook learnings,43.7% states that internship learning partially matches
with textbook learning and 10.4% of the respodents states that internship learning doesn’t match
with textbook learnings.
Chart showing how much the internship learning match the college textbook learnings.




Totally Partially None

Table 3
Table showing the major disadvantages faced by the respondents.
S: No Disadvantages No. of respondents %
1 Language 29 21.5
2 Coordination 42 31.1
3 Support from seniors 19 14.1
4 Lack of knowledge 45 33.3
Total 135 100

Interpretation:The above table shows that 33.3% of the respondents states that lack of knowledge
is the major disadvantages.31.1% states that coordination is the major disadvantage,21.5% states
that language is the major disadvantage and 14.1% of the respodents states that support from
seniors is the major disadvantage.
Chart showing the major disadvantages faced by the respondent.


31.1 33.3


Lack of Knowledge Language Coordination Support from Seniors

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