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JULY - DEC 2016


Periods per Week: 4 Credit Based System

Sessional Marks: 100 Theory Credit: 2
Portfolio Marks: Nil Sessional Credit: 4
Theory Exam Marks: 50 Portfolio Credit: Nil
Total Marks: 150 Total Credit: 6

Today, traffic and transportation is much more than just managing the increasing number of
moving vehicles on our roads, mobility and finding the right balance between all modes of
transportation is integral. Likewise, accessibility has also become a key factor in planning our
infrastructure to ensure plans accommodate all users regardless of age or ability. Success of a
human habitat depends a lot on the careful planning of the same.

Thus, it is imperative that the students understand the basic concepts that form the basis of this
vast and promising offshoot of Planning.


Unit I
Urbanization and transport problem
Traffic surveys studies
Land use transportation interaction
Road Network Planning

Unit II
Geometric design of roads and inter sections
Transport system characteristics planning for public transport
Urban transport planning process and policies.

Unit III
Transport planning in small and medium cities
Transport economics
Planning norms and space

Unit IV
Parking characteristics space requirements.
Traffic management and regulations scope
Traffic and environment

Teaching Methodology

The course Traffic and Transportation is essentially transportation planning, which is essential
for successful development of any Human Habitat.

The primary mode of giving lectures will be in form of PowerPoint presentations and general
discussions. Wherever possible videos in form of
a) Instructables
b) Documentaries
c) Critical analysis, will be presented.
Analysis of relevant proposals over the world will aid the students associate with the topic under

Time Management: The subject has being allotted 4 hr/week. Two hours will be dedicated to
lecture, thirty minutes for discussion on relevant case study followed by a general discussion and
eventually the day’s assignment.

Detailed teaching Program

Topic: Introduction to Urbanization and Transport problems and issues
► Define urbanization, traffic and transportation
► Need of Transport Planning in urban areas.
► Role of architect in transport planning
► Problems related to traffic and transportation in India
► Issues related to the traffic and transportation
► Mode of Urban Transportation (Intra- Inter City)

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

Assignment -01:
 What are the Transport problems and issues related to Traffic are facing by
Metropolitan cities?

Topic: Traffic surveys studies: Objectives methods analysis and presentation of survey data
► What is Traffic Survey
► Need of Traffic Survey
► Objectives of Traffic Survey
► Different types of traffic survey, their objectives and analysis. (Manual and Automatic)
► Methods to Presents the Survey Data

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

Assignment -02
 What is traffic Survey? Explain Different Type of Traffic Survey in Detail.

Land use transportation interaction: Urban form transports inter relationship.
► How Transportation interact with land uses.
► Effects of Transportation on different land use pattern
► Inter Relation Ship of Metro, Tram etc with the adjacent Land use.

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

Assignment -03
What is the Inter Relationship between land use and Transportation?
Week -04:
Road Network Planning: functional hierarchy.
► What is road network?
► Classification of Roads according to Function
► Classification of Roads according to Nature
► Their advantage and disadvantages.

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation

Assignment 04:

 With help of Google earth software find out the areas where different type of hierarchy of
road network.

Week -05:
► Urban transport planning process and policies
► How to do transport planning in a new city & how and what to frame as transport
policies to run a city smooth.

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation

Week -06:
► Geometric design of roads and inter sections.
► Definitions of Street Elements., key Design Standards of Roads, Essential Guideline for
designing the Street Sections, Traffic Calming different Type of Traffic Calming Etc.

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

 Explain the Different Type of Traffic Calming and Explain in Detail Various Type of
Traffic Calming.

Week -07:
► Transport planning in small and medium cities,
► What are the Difficulties that Small and Medium Town are facing
► Quick –response technique.

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

 What is Difficulties Small and Medium Towns are facing in respect to transportation

Week 08
Transport economics: Cost benefits analysis of transport projects
► Need of Economic Evaluation of transportation plans
► Costs and benefits of transport Projects, Feasibility of Transport Projects
► Method of economic Evolution
► Benefit Cost Method Ratio

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

 What is Cost Benefit Ratio,
Week 09
► What is parking?
► Different types of parking with their Merits and Demerits
► Standards parking Design
► Ill effects of parking

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

Assignment- 09
 What is parking and what are the ill effects of Parking?

Week 10
► Traffic management and regulations scope, measures potential and limitations
► What is Traffic Management?
► What are their Regulations?
► Scope of Traffic management techniques in urban areas especially in core areas

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

 What is Traffic Management? What are the measures to control the Traffic through
Traffic Management Regulations?

Week 11
► Planning norms and space

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

Assignment -11
 Explain the Salient Features of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana in Detail.

Week 12
► Traffic and environment: effects, abatement measures and strategies.
► Introduction Detrimental effects of the Traffic on the environment
► Measures to control detrimental effects of transportation on the environment (especially
air, water, land etc)

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

 What are the measures to abatement the traffic?

Week 13
► Transport system characteristics planning for public transport.
► Characteristics of BRTS, advantage and dis-Advantage of BRTS
► Characteristics of Metro, advantage and dis-advantage of metro
► Public Bus, Tram, Mono-Rail Etc.

Teaching Aid: PowerPoint Presentation, Video

 Explain the Characteristics of BRTS, Different Corridors in India in Detail.
 Indian road congress

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