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Born: August 9, 1896

Died: September 16, 1980 Facts

Piaget was the first psychologist to make a
systematic study of cognitive
His exploration added to our comprehension
of the psychological development of kids. Even
though some people saw kids more as small grown-ups,
Piaget showed that a kids childhood is a pivotal time.
He basically changed the way
people view how children
Current day learn.
Piaget's theory of cognitive development helped
application improve our understanding of children's intellectual
Educators use Piagets knowledge to design growth, emphasizing that children were not simply
their curriculum and activities to create passive recipients of knowledge.
an environment
in which children can "learn by experience". Fun Fact
In 1979 he received the Balzan Prize.

Jean Piagets famous theory included four
stages of development.
1) Sensorimotor is from birth to two years of
age, it includes the coordination of senses, sensory
curiosity, development of some language used for
demands and cataloguing, and the development of object
2) Preoperational is from 2 to 7 years old, and
includes symbolic thinking, use of proper syntax
and grammar to express full concepts. Imagination
and intuition are strong, but complex abstract thought is
“Everytime one prematurely teaches a still difficult. Conservation developed.
3) Concrete Operational is from 7 to 11 years old and includes
child something he could’ve concepts attached to concrete situations. Time, space,
and quantity are understood and can be applied, but not
discovered himself that child is kept
as independent concepts.
from inventing it, and consequently 4) Formal Operations is 11 years or older and includes
theoretical, hypothetical, and counterfactual thinking. Abstract
from understanding it completely”
logic and reasoning. Strategy and planning becomes possible.
Concepts learned in one context can be applied to another.

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