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AEO «Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools»

Center for Pedagogical Measurements

External Summative Assessment

Test specification
Grade 10
ASTANA, 2018

Programme of Development

1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Realationship with International Standards ....................................................................... 3

1.2 Relationship with Subject Programme .............................................................................. 3

1.3 Relationship with the Criteria-based Assessment Model (CBAM) .................................... 3

2. Assessment Overview ....................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Assessment Objectives ..................................................................................................... 5

3. Description of papers ........................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Paper 1: Listening ............................................................................................................. 5

3.2 Paper 2: Reading .............................................................................................................. 6

3.3 Paper 3: Writing ................................................................................................................ 6

3.4 Balance of marks .............................................................................................................. 7

3.5 Language of assessment .................................................................................................. 7

4. Administration ................................................................................................................... 7

5. Marking ............................................................................................................................. 7

6. The Grading Process ........................................................................................................ 8

7. Grade Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 8

8. Sample Papers.................................................................................................................. 9

8.1 Paper 1. Listening ............................................................................................................. 9

8.2 Paper 2. Reading ............................................................................................................ 17

8.3 Paper 3 Writing ............................................................................................................. 24

1. Purpose

The purpose of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS) assessments is to provide an

objective summative measure of the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired by a learner. The
examinations will be rigorously and securely administered to international standards.

1.1 Realationship with International Standards

Grade 10 External Summative Assessment on “English” is developed in accordance with

International standards of IGCSE.

1.2 Relationship with Subject Programme

Grade 10 External Summative Assessment is designed on the content of AEO “Nazarbayev

Intellectual Schools” – NIS-Programme for grades 9 and 10. The level of knowledge and abilities as
well as skills of students is defined by the learning outcomes found within the subject programme on

1.3 Relationship with the Criteria-based Assessment Model (CBAM)

This External Summative Assessment forms one part of the Criteria-based Assessment
Model which also consists of Formative Assessment and Internal Summative Assessment.

Criteria-based Assessment Model

Formative Internal Summative External Summative

Assessment Assessment Assessment

The Assessment Objectives for this test reflect the content of the Subject Programme and as such
reflect the Learning Objectives shown in these documents.

2. Assessment Overview

Paper 1: Listening Duration: 40 minutes

Maximum mark: 25

Learners listen to different authentic texts in the form of monologues and dialogues given as
individual talks, interviews, conversations, recorded on a CD and played in the examination room.

Learners extract the main ideas and specific information in an unsupported 5-minute extended talk
and two conversations lasting 2-3 minutes each. The extracts are presented by a wide range of
general and curricular topics, presented in the form of answerphones / freephone messages,
instructions, news, reports, talks, stories, radio plays, interviews, discussions.

Learners answer questions of different types: multiple choice, word order, sentence completion, gap
filling in tables or charts, true / false questions.
Every recording is played twice: the first is played with pauses, the second – without pauses.
Dictionaries may not be used at the examination.

31% of total marks

Paper 2: Reading Duration: 1 hour

Maximum mark: 25

Learners read three passages and perform tasks. The volume of the passages will be different –
400, 250 and 150 words. Dictionaries may not be used in the examination.

Learners will read texts and answer a series of questions testing skim-/gist-reading skills, requiring
short (single word/phrase) answers, based on the texts of the following types: advertisement,
brochure, leaflet, guide, report, manual, instructions, newspaper /magazine article.

The questions will be of different types: comprehension questions, table completion,

YES / NO / NOT GIVEN questions, multiple matching, choosing titles for paragraphs. Learners
should answer a series of questions which test their understanding of the main and detailed
information from the texts given.

Dictionaries may not be used at the examination.

31% of total marks

Paper 3: Writing 1 hour

Maximum mark: 30

Learners are required to write approximately 180–220 words of continuous prose in response to a
short stimulus (which may take the form of pictures) and/or short prompts given in the paper.

The written response should be given in the form of an article, a discursive essay, a short story, or
a report.

Learners will choose for writing one topic out of three suggested.

Dictionaries may not be used at the examination.

38% of total marks

2.1 Assessment Objectives

AO1 Communicative competence

Learners should be able to:

• understand spoken language and general information when listening to a range of
media including TV, radio and Internet sites;
• understand opinions and views when performing a listening or a reading task;
• identify the writer’s argument and opinion;
• deduce the meaning of unknown words from the context before reading an appropriate
text type for detail;
• manage the entire writing process including brainstorming, planning, outlining, drafting,
editing, revising and proofreading a written text.

AO2 Language competence

Learners should be able to:

• convey their own ideas and thoughts using a good lexical range and a variety of
language with a generally high degree of accuracy;
• create texts of different styles and types, following the grammatical rules and using
linguistic techniques appropriate to the given communicative situation.

AO3 Intercultural competence and knowledge of modern society

Learners should be able to:

• understand and express their views on social and intercultural issues;
• demonstrate their knowledge of national culture, English speaking countries’
culture and modern society.

3. Description of papers

Learners are supposed to take three papers in Listening, Reading and Writing according to the
IPD requirements for Grades 9 and 10.
The Listening paper assesses the learners’ skills in listening comprehension to understand the main and
specific information in an unsupported extended talk and short conversations.
The Reading paper assesses learners’ ability to work with texts, find appropriate information,
analyze and answer questions using the information from the texts read.
The Writing paper assesses learners’ ability to write coherently and cohesively using a variety of
complex grammar structures and topic vocabulary on a given type of writing, express and prove their

3.1 Paper 1: Listening

All learners of Grade 10 take the Listening paper together as a whole group in one prepared
room if it is possible. In case of a large number of students they may be devided into groups of 25-30
to pass the paper in several examination rooms. CPM will provide the school with the necessary
number of CD disks.
The following types of texts will be used in the Listening paper: answerphone / freephone
conversations, instructions, lectures, news, reports, stories, radio plays, interviews, discussions.
Invigilators hand out the exam papers and give instructions.
Learners will have 5 minutes to look through the paper and read the questions. All listening
material will be played twice with appropriate pauses to write answers on the recording.
The listening paper is 40 minutes length and there are 25 questions. There are three
sections, where the first includes either 5 short talks or short dialogues, each lasting for 2 minutes;
the second section presents a long speech lasting for 5 minutes; the third section contains a
dialogue of 5 minutes length.
Learners are not allowed to leave the room while the recording is played.

Assessment Available Description

objectives marks
AO1 25 Learners understand the spoken language at a normal speed, listen to
AO2 answerphone / freephone messages, instructions, lectures, news,
AO3 reports, talks, stories, radio plays, interviews, discussions, chats and
quizzes and respond the questions by performing the tasks as multiple
choice, matching, sentence completion, gap filling in tables or charts,
true / false questions.

3.2 Paper 2: Reading

The Reading paper can be undertaken in the same room where Listening paper has been
held. Learners are given one hour to read three passages and answer 25 questions on the whole.
The tasks in the Reading paper tests learners’ ability to understand the gist, main ideas and details
of the text read, follow the text structure, deduce the meaning and select specific information.
Dictionaries may not be used.

Assessment Available Description

objectives marks

AO1 25 There will be three passages which totally do not exceed 800 words
AO2 and 25 questions as table completion, YES, NO, NOT GIVEN, multiple
AO3 matching, comprehension questions, choosing titles for texts.
The types of texts may be the following: an advertisement, a brochure,
a leaflet, a guide, a report, a manual, instructions, a newspaper or a
magazine article.

3.3 Paper 3: Writing

The Writing paper is one hour long and learners should produce 180-220 words. Learners
are expected to write one of the following: an article, a discursive essay, a short story or a report.
Learners should know the stages of essay writing and be able to write the following types of a
discursive essay as For and Against, Opinion Essay and Problem Solution Essay. Dictionaries may
not be used.

Assessment Available Description

objectives marks

AO1 30 Learners are expected to write 180-220 words on a given topic and
AO2 an appropriate style of writing.
3.4 Balance of marks

The balance of marks for each paper and the assessment as a whole is shown in the table

Paper 1: Total
Paper 2: Reading Paper 3: Writing

AO1 10 10 15 35

AO2 10 10 10 30

AO3 5 5 5 15

Total Contribution 25 25 30 80

At Grade 10 the skills shown in AO1 and AO2 are equally important and relevant for the learners
studying English at this level.

3.5 Language of assessment

The language of assessment is English.

4. Administration

The assessments will be administrated by NIS teachers and CPM subject specialists under
strict examination conditions set down in the NIS Administrative Inctructions.

5. Marking

Mark schemes are developed alongside the question papers are designed.

Learners’ examination scripts will be marked centrally by AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual

Schools. Expert examiners will mark the paper scripts performed by learners. This will normally
involve the subject expertise and two years’ recent and relevant teaching experience. Examiners will
receive appropriate training to enable them to carry out their duties.

Examiners will understand the mark scheme, be familiar with the examples of the mark
scheme application and be able to use the illustrated principles. If more than one examiner is
required, marking will be standardised to ensure everyone is applying the mark scheme in the same
way and a trial marking will be submitted for evaluation. Examiners will also be trained in the
required administrative procedures and the ways in which they are to indicate and justify their
marking. Examiners may not submit marks unless the standardisation process is completed.

All examiners use the same version of the mark scheme that is finalised during the
standardisation process.

Checking external examiners’ work will be sufficiently extensive and frequent to pick up errors
or deviations from the normal application of the mark scheme.

6. The Grading Process

The results of the assessment will be reported in the form of a grade for each syllabus
examined. The grades will be A*, A, B, C, D and E, where A* is the highest grade and E is the lowest
passing grade.

Grade U (‘ungraded’) will not represent a pass in a syllabus.

A learner’s grade will be calculated directly from the total of the marks on the papers taken.

7. Grade Descriptions

Key Grade Descriptions are provided to give a general indication of the standards of
achievement likely to have been shown by learners awarded particular grades. The grade awarded
will depend practically upon the extent to which the learner has met the assessment objectives
overall. Shortcomings in some aspects of a learner’s performance in the examination may be
balanced by a better performance in others.

Grade Grade Description

Student can

• understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit

• express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching
Grade A
for expressions;
• use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional
• produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing
controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Grade B Performance shares features of Grades A and C

Student can

• understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.;
Grade C • deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the
language is spoken;
• produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest;
• describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give
reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Grade D Performance shares features of Grades C and E

Student can

understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at
Grade E the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
introduce him-/herself and others but can ask and answer simple questions about
personal details such as where he / she lives, people he / she knows and things he /
she has.

interact in a simple way provided the other person, talks slowly at least 1 minute.
Can communicate a simple message in, at least, 80 words.

8. Sample Papers

This section presents sample papers on each skill assessed. The papers are supported by
mark schemes.

8.1 Paper 1. Listening

Task 1

You will hear five people talking about the food delivery market in Kazakhstan.
Match each of Speakers 1 to 5 to opinions A to F. Write the letter in the place given.
Use each letter only once.
There is one extra opinion, which you do not need to use.

Questions 1-5

This speaker cooks very often as home-made dishes are healthier

Speaker 1……….. and not expensive.

Speaker 2 ……….. It is mostly office workers aged 20-35 who order food to their homes
or offices.

Speaker 3 ………..
Experts claim the food orders continue to grow because of
its convenience and fast delivery.

Speaker 4 ……….. The analysts project that the rate will grow up to 10 billion tenge within
ten nearest years.

Speaker 5……….. These services are getting improved as a result of the companies’
high competitiveness.

The figures change due to the weather conditions, seasons and days
of the week.


[Total: 5]
Task 2

You will hear a report on a tree planting initiative in Great Britain and will answer the questions.
Listen to the talk and complete the gaps in the table below. Write ONE word in each gap.
Questions 6-10

Benefits for …

mental wellbeing Vegetation reduces 6 ……………………. [1]

woodlands Vegetation decreases 7 …………………….pollution. [1]

Vegetation cares about 8 ……………………., [1]

lessens 9 ……………………. and [1]

absorbs 10 ……………………. from the air. [1]

Questions 11-15
For each question choose the correct answer A, B or C and circle it.
11. Trees effectively contribute to making cities more or less _____________.
A. misty B. stormy C. rainy

12. Trees can absolutely _______________ some definite urban areas.

A. pollute B. attack C. protect


13. Trees can ____________________ the wind strength to the land level.

A. bring against B. bring around C. bring down

14. Many cities as Bolton, Rochdale and Wigan ____________the tree planting campaign.
A. encourage B. conceal C. approve
15. The initiators want to include local people in making their regions __________________.
A. economically wise B. ecologically friendly C. ergonomically designed
[Total: 10]
Task 3
Listen to an interview of Andy Stevens about his meeting with a famous actor.

Questions 16-20.

Read the sentences and put a tick ✓ T (True) or F (False) in the right column.

16. Andy participated in Jackie Chan’s Oscar party because he won the essay competition.

17. As a UN regional volunteer Jackie Chan supports kids’ educational projects.


18. At the party Jackie Chan performed a song composed specially for the occasion.

19. Jacky Chan pleased everyone with a genuine, warm smile and he looked much younger.


20. Andy’s fantastic song impressed Jacky, and the superstar presented him a prize.


Questions 21-25

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER in each

21. Once Jackie went shoe shopping in China, and suddenly about _____________ people
gathered all around there.

22. Jackie Chan comes from _______________________ where he studied at the Central
Academy of Drama.

23. In the early career Jackie Chan did dangerous stunts for less than______________ a day.

24. Jackie Chan’s movies convey a message of _______________________.


25. Jackie consider _______________________ to be very significant for youth.


[Total: 10]
This is the end of the Listening Test. You may check your work.

[Total: 25]

Listening Paper Mark scheme

Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is compulsory in all
the answers.

Task ## Question Answer Mark


Task 1 1. D 1

2. C 1
3. E 1
4. A 1
5. F 1
Task 2 6. stress 1
7. air / noise 1
8. wildlife / nature / 1
wild life
9. flooding 1
10. carbon 1
11. B 1

12. C 1
13. C 1
14. A 1
15. B 1
Task 3 16. Yes / Y 1
17. NG 1
18. No / N 1
19. Yes / Y 1
20. N/N 1
21. 20 000 / twenty 1
22. Hong Kong 1
23. a pound / 1
one pound / 1
24. peace 1
25. education 1
Total 25

Transcript to Listening Paper

You will hear three recordings and you will have to answer different types of questions on what you
hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to
check your work. The recordings will be played twice.

Listening Task 1

First, you have some time to look at Questions 1 to 5.

Pause (1 minute)
Now listen carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5:


The market segment of Kazakh food delivery has grown by nearly 1.7 billion tenge in the last two
years. Analysts at Burger King Kazakhstan and expect that in 2017, the volume will
reach 9.4 billion tenge and could easily exceed 10 billion tenge by 2018. Such high numbers were
not expected at the initial phase of these startup initiatives. Experts predict even higher results in the
next decade.

Pause – 5 seconds

Experts from indicate the number of orders increased 20-30 percent per year in 2013-
2014 and 45 percent in 2015. The spike in some months of 2016 reached 55 percent. They feel the
growth in food delivery service and its exceeding popularity is based on its convenience and speed.
People find it easy calling the service and getting tasty food or snacks as fast as possible.

Pause – 5 seconds
SPEAKER 3 (20-year-old student - man)

I am an active user of many food delivery services in Astana. To be honest, I am not so good at
cooking and I usually come home late after my studies. I don’t like cooking because I feel too

exhausted in the evenings. I see these services are getting better and better. I guess they have to
compete with each other, offering higher standards of service and top quality food.

Pause – 5 seconds

SPEAKER 4 (30-year-old housewife - woman)

Sometimes, I really want to use such services, but I stop myself. I consider that such food isn’t as
good as food I cook at home and more importantly it isn’t as nutrient enriched as dishes I usually
cook. Of course, it takes time, but I am a housewife and I have enough time to cook myself.
Food delivery service in Astana isn’t so expensive, but cooking at home is much cheaper.

Pause – 5 seconds


Fast food delivery service is the most rapidly growing segment of the food supply market. Depending
on the region, the share at Burger King is as high as 8 percent. Experts note food ordering services
are seasonal. There is a general increase in orders from October-February and deliveries rise in
average by 12 percent in cold weather. The numbers are also higher on weekends and public

Pause – 5 seconds

That is the end of Listening Task 1. You now have 1,5 minutes to check your answers.
Now listen to the recording for the second time.

Listening Task 2

You will hear a report on a tree planting initiative in Great Britain and answer the questions.
First you have some time to look at Questions 6 to 10.

Pause – 1 minute

Now Listen carefully and answer Questions 6 to 10.

(man’s voice) Good day, ladies and gentlemen. We are going to talk about urban landscape. There
are two major areas to focus on: first, how vegetation can have a significant effect on urban climate,
and secondly, how trees provide a more comfortable environment for people to live in.

Recently, the city of Manchester in England has initiated an ambitious plan to grow three million
trees over the next 25 years - a tree for every man, woman and child. Profitably, the project is meant
to reduce stress, lessen air pollution and increase the amount of customers in the business areas.

We believe the project will reunite people with nature and provide benefits to health. Many say:
“Woodlands can do great things with reducing air pollution and can block noise pollution.”

The benefits of trees are well documented: they provide a home for wildlife, reduce flooding and
bring opportunities for kids’ education and skills. They also build resilience, helping the city in the
fight against the climate change by locking-up carbon and keeping our air clean.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at Questions 11 to 15
Now Listen carefully and answer Questions 11 to 15.

Trees can also make a city a bit less windy or a bit windier, if that’s what you want. They can make it
a bit cooler if it’s a hot summer day in a tropical city, or they can make it a bit more humid if it’s a city
with a dry climate. Trees can make the local area shadier, cooler, more humid and much less windy.
In fact, trees and various plants can be used to make city streets actually less dangerous in
particular areas.

Trees can help break the force of winds. The reason that high buildings make it windier and the wind
goes higher and higher it becomes faster and faster. When the wind hits a building, it has to go
somewhere. Some of it goes over the top and some goes around the sides of the building, forcing
those strong winds down to the ground level. That does not happen where trees grow. They just filter
a wind and considerably diminish it.

Finally, there is an increasing number of cities which have supported the campaign on tree planting –
Bolton, Rochdale and Wigan. The initiators want their cities to become environmentally safe. They
say: “We want to involve local people a lot more into natural environment – in planting trees, in
taking care of forests, in understanding the value of trees and woodlands for our community.”

Pause – 5 seconds

That is the end of Listening Task 2. You now have 1,5 minutes to check your answers.
Now listen to the recording for the second time.

Now listen to the recording for the second time. There will be no pauses this time.
That is the end of Listening Task 2.
Pause – 15 секунд

Listening Task 3

Listen to an interview of Andy Stevens about his meeting with a famous actor.
First you have some time to look at Questions 16-20.

Pause – 1 minute

Now Listen carefully and answer Questions 16-20.

Interviewer : Today we are talking to a man who happened to meet the global icon Jackie Chan. In
the studio with us – Andy Stevens, a member of Jackie Chan’s International Fan Club.

Hello Andy. You were so lucky to meet this legendary actor. How did you manage to have such

Andy: - Well, the Fan Club organized an essay contest for celebrating Jackie Chan’s Honorary
Oscar. I was invited to the event as one of the winners. I have always loved his cool, great and
fabulous films as well as his amazing personality. Jackie is not only a superstar; he is also well-
known for being a UNICEF ambassador supporting wildlife charities as well as educational projects
in China.

Interviewer: - Could you tell us about the party?

Andy: - The fans came from all over the world. Everyone was so excited and thrilled to see Jackie.
We were shown a video played on a huge screen. It was great fun to watch many memorable
moments in Jackie’s life. Many of Jackie’s fans were featured in the video too!!!
Interviewer: - What were your impressions when the Superstar appeared?

Andy: - When he came in I forgot all the questions I prepared. He charmed us all with his sincere
and radiant smile. In person he is ageless, slim with thick dark hair.

Interviewer: - Was there anything special about this meeting?

Andy: - It was a genuine pleasure to see him. Jackie looked shining and happy. We presented him
flowers, toys, mini chocolate Oscars. And Jackie surprised us with his prizes, ruffles, gifts and
humour. It seemed like everyone in the room had won a small Oscar! It was unforgettable to watch
the excitement of all the guests.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at Questions 21 to 25.
Pause 5 seconds
Now Listen carefully and answer Questions 21 to 25.
Pause 5 seconds

Interviewer: - What did Jackie say about his Oscar?

Andy: - The Superstar praised his hometown Hong Kong and thanked his fans for inspiring him to
make movies. He added jokingly that he would go on jumping through windows, kicking, punching
and breaking his bones.

Interviewer: - How does he feel about his worldwide recognition?

Andy: - Jackie admitted he didn’t expect that so many people admired him. He told once he tried to
go shoe-shopping in Beijing and the shop was surrounded by something like 20,000 people. They
had to get the police special security forces to let him go away.

Interviewer: - Did you come to learn anything interesting from his past?

Andy: - Yes, imagine he started to work very early. As his parents moved to Australia, he stayed in
Hong Kong and studied martial arts as well as dancing and singing in the Central Academy of
Drama. The young Jackie Chan had to do dangerous stunts for less than only a pound a day!

Interviewer: - We know Jackie loves action, but hates violence. His movies have a message of
peace and helping each other. And now, is he taking up a new film: did he share his future plans?

Andy: - Hmm, he thought about getting retired but film producers still keep offering him good scripts
– although not for romance films – and he admits to be lucky to work. So, for the next five years he is

Interviewer: - As a strong role-model what is Jackie Chan’s message to today’s generation?

Andy: - In Jackie’s opinion education is very important. Young people should keep working and keep
learning instead of playing video games or lying in bed.

Interviewer: - Thank you for an exciting talk.

Andy: - Thank you!
Interviewer: - We’ll be glad to meet you again.
Andy: - That will be great!

Pause – 1 minute

Now listen to the recording for the second time. There will be no pauses this time.
You now have 3 minutes to check your answers.
That is the end of the Listening Test.

8.2 Paper 2. Reading

You will be given 1 hour to do the Reading paper.

There is a leaflet and two passages for you to read and do the tasks.

Reading passage 1
Read the information about becoming a school volunteer in the leaflet below.

Volunteers make a meaningful difference for

Be the
Each day in every school, volunteers
support and encourage staff and students in

difference! helping everyone

be successful.

Mission: Inspire every student to volunteer!

Who is eligible to be a Any school student, Grades 6-12

Student Volunteer?
Why be a Student  Develop communication skills and new talents
Volunteer?  Explore new areas of interest
 Build your self-confidence
 Impact a child’s future
 Lift someone’s spirits
 Help and play in learning centers
 Help with gardening
Want to assist  Read with students
PRIMARY SCHOOL?  Help at book fairs
 Math tutoring
 Set up a volunteer program at school
 Serve as a volunteer coordinator
Want to assist MIDDLE  Help with special presentations
SCHOOL?  Accompany field trips
 Organize clubs
Visit us: School Youth Department
Tel: 201-660-5600

Questions 1-5

Answer the questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and\or a NUMBER.

1. What is the motto of the ‘Volunteer Today’ campaign?


2. What group of students can be accepted to volunteer?


3. Where are volunteers called to build students’ Math skills?


4. Which school expects volunteers to travel with children?


5. What organization is conducting ‘Volunteer Today’ campaign?


[Total: 5]

Reading passage 2

Read the text and choose the right headings A-D for paragraphs 6-9 from the list below.
Use each heading only once and write the corresponding letter in the space given.
There is one heading that you do not need to use.

A First Steps into Space Market

B Developing Space Tourism
C High Expectations for the Future
D Priorities in Space Business
E Achieving Lifetime Ambition

Mr. Bezos, the founder of Amazon Company, predicts that there will be a burst in space
travel on the board of reusable rockets in two years’ time. Space company Blue Origin is
planning to start test flights with the first passenger trips on a new spaceship in 2018. Six
tourists will be flown to the edge of space more than 62 miles above the Earth, high enough
to catch the glimpse of the planet and unfasten their seat belts and experience a few

minutes of weightlessness.

Initially, Mr. Bezos founded Amazon Company in his garage in 1994. At the same time he
had dreamt about space travel and building rockets since he was five. At university, he
was the president of the Students’ Society for the Exploration and Development of Space.
He had never given up the idea, and his passion to space led to setting up Blue Origin
rocket company. Mr. Bezos’ optimism inspires people to build a profitable and healthy
business. His small and collaborative team has genuine enthusiasm for space exploration
and makes an incredibly difficult job equally exhilarating. So far, at least, $500 million have
been sunk into the space business, and Blue Origin plans to turn into a company with
1.200 employed over the next year.

Last year various companies invested $1.8 billion in commercial space startups. Blue
Origin’s new Shepard rocket made a successful landing in November but only
travelled to suborbital distance. Mr. Bezos is not the only billionaire trying to succeed
in the commercial space market. Sir Richard Branson and Virgin Group started building
an orbital space system. The project is supported by Stephen Hawking from Cambridge
University. Having a rocket failed to fly a year and a half ago, they demonstrated a new
passenger rocket last month. Another attempt comes from Elon Musk who has had several
failures with his Space X rockets. However, one of them succeeded in December when it
went far into space and returned. This represented the first time in history that a rocket
landed back on Earth following an orbital mission.

For Mr. Bezos it is not the question of being first, it is the question of safety in space. “Space
is really big and there’s room for lots of winners, who are remarkably dedicated and excited
about shaping our future in space”, he says. “It’s very rare that you see new industries built
by single companies. Typically, industries rise and fall together, and, I think, space is going to
be like that”.

Questions 10-15

Match the people A, B and C with sentences 10-15.

A Jeff Bezos

B Richard Branson

C Elon Musk

10. His company has attempted to exhibit a shuttle for transporting people. _____ [1]

11. He can be proud of his breakthrough in space rocket exploitation. _____ [1]

12. His desire to study universe made him set up his space business. _____ [1]

13. He believes cooperation in space travel development will bring success. _____ [1]

14. Some accidents took place with the rockets of this owner’s company. _____ [1]

15 He is encouraged by one of the most celebrated cosmologists in Britain. _____ [1]

[Total: 6]

Reading passage 3

Read the text about famous British architect Norman Foster.

Answer the questions given below.

Norman Robert Foster often referred to as the “hero of high-tech” is one of the most
distinguished British architects known for his modern buildings made of steel and glass.
He claims that “the way we build is a reflection of the way we live”. The nature of any
city is unique, as every era produces its own character.

Foster is the founder of the British International Company for architecture and
integrated design well-known for its high-tech and eco-friendly approaches. The company
offices are spread around twenty nations with plenty of works including public
infrastructures, civil buildings, urban master plans, offices, product and private
designs. The company has made its internationally recognized position due to its work
successfully carried out over the last four decades. The recipient of numerous awards, the
prestigious “Pritzker Architecture Prize” among them, Foster became “Lord Foster of
Thames Bank” as he was granted a life peerage in 1999 for his outstanding achievements
and recognizable works.

People in Kazakhstan have first-hand knowledge of Lord Foster’s great architectural

mastermind. In Astana there are such famous eco-buildings and attractions as the
Pyramid or Peace and Reconciliation Palace, the Library of the First President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan and Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre designed by the architect.
Tourists can admire Foster’s technically ambitious strategy to create an impressively
engineered roof of the Khan Shatyr – a thing to be looked at and delighted. It is a
150-metre-high transparent tent that maintains a comfortable microclimate all year round.
There one can enjoy the Sky Beach Club, located on the top level, that contains spas,
beach volleyball courts and a wonderful pool with the sand from the Maldives.

The special features of Foster’s architecture are the magnificent simplicity that contains
complexity, essence of lightness, respect to the urban structure and the importance of
infrastructure. His architecture reflects integrity, human values, respect and quality.

In Kazakhstan Lord Foster was given the honorable National Award for Peace and Progress
for the development of architectural art, strengthening peace, friendship and mutual trust.
between different nations.

Questions 16-20
Read the following statements and decide whether you agree or not by writing
YES, NO, NOT GIVEN in the space given.

YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO if the statement does not agree with the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage

16. Norman Foster is famous for his works’ distinctive design. .…………. [1]

17. The style of his buildings differs from each other in every city. .…………. [1]

18. Foster’s company specializes in making general designs. .…………. [1]

19. Foster set up his company approximately 40 years ago. .…………. [1]

20. In 1999 the well-known architect was awarded Nobel Prize. .…………. [1]

[Total: 5]

Questions 21-25

Complete the table using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage.

British International Company: fact file British International Company: awards

• Specific features of its • Foster’s sophisticated (23)

constructions are (21) .……………..………………………………
……………………………………… ………............ in Astana are Khan
…………. …………….. style. Shatyr, Peace and Reconciliation
[1] Palace, the First President’s Library.
• His buildings are located in • The infrastructure of Khan Shatyr
(22) …….………………...…… includes (24)
countries. ……………………………………..….
[1] [1]
• Lord Foster’s architecture displays (25)



Reading Paper Mark scheme

Each question correctly answered scores 1 mark. Correct spelling is compulsory in

all the answers.

Reading passage 1

Task № Answer Mark

1 Be the difference! 1
2 Grades 6-12 1
3 (at) Primary / primary school 1
4 middle / (at) middle school 1
5 School Youth Department/ 1
a school / school

Reading passage 2

Task № Answer Mark

6 C 1
7 E 1
8 B 1
9 D 1
10 B 1
11 C 1
12 A 1
13 A 1
14 C 1
15 B 1

Reading passage 3

Task № Answer Mark

16 Yes / Y 1
17 Not Given / NG 1
18 No / N 1
19 Yes / Y 1
20 No / N 1
21 high-tech, eco-friendly approaches 1
/ magnificent simplicity
22 (around) twenty / 20 1
23 (eco-) buildings and attractions 1
24 Sky Beach Club / spas / beach 1
volleyball courts / pool
25 integrity / human values / respect / 1

8.3 Paper 3 Writing

Choose one out of three suggested topics and write an essay in 180-220 words.

1) Digital media is currently replacing printed newspapers and magazines.

Give your opinion supported by reasons and / or examples.

2) The best way to improve your health is to exercise daily.

Give your opinion supported by reasons and / or examples.

3) The earlier a child starts reading the better it is for his / her success at school.
Give your opinion supported by reasons and / or examples.






































Writing Paper Mark scheme

Writing will be assessed according to the following five criteria: Content, Communication,
Organisation, Lexical Resource and Grammatical Range. The maximum for each criterion is 6
marks. The total maximum for the Writing Paper is 30 marks.

Content Communi- Organization Lexical Grammatical Range

cation Resource
6 All content The Text is well- A wide range A wide range of
is relevant register or organised, of vocabulary, simple and complex
to the task style of coherent, a including less gramma-tical forms
and it writing is variety of common lexis are used with full
contains full appropriate cohesive is used control, flexibility and
information to a devices and effectively and deep understanding

for a target particular organizational precisely in all (appro-priate word
reader. kind of patterns are cases. order, Conditionals,
writing. flexibly used. Spelling Passive structures,
Some mistakes Present, Past, Perfect
exceeding of (1-2) are and Future tenses,
the word possible. Modals, cleft
number (180- sentences,
230 words) in Gerund, Participle and
the essay is Infinitive, Complex
possible. objects). Errors (1-2) if
present can be related
to common words and
structures or slips.
5 All content The Text is well- A good range A good range of
is generally register or organised, of vocabulary, simple and complex
relevant to style of though with including less grammatical forms are
the task and writing is little common lexis, used with full control
it contains generally inconsistences, used mostly (appropriate word
nearly full appropriate it is coherent; precisely and order, Conditionals,
information to a enough appropriately. Passive struc-tures,
for target particular cohesive Spelling Present, Past, Perfect
reader. kind of devices are mistakes (3-4) and Future tenses,
writing. used with good are possible. Modals, cleft senten-
organizational ces, Gerund,
patterns. Participle and
Possible Infinitive, Com-plex
number of objects). Errors (3-4) if
words is 170- present can be related
250. to common words and
structures or slips.
4 Not all the The Text is organi- Nearly a good Nearly a good range
content is register or sed, coherent, range of voca- of simple and complex
relevant to style of cohesive bulary, inclu- grammatical forms
the task; it writing is a devices and ding common (from the list above)
can contain bit inap- organizational lexis, is almost are used with partial
some irrele- propriate to patterns are in used effecti- control. There can be
vant infor- a parti-cular rare cases vely and pre- 5-6 errors.
mation for a kind of incorrectly cisely. 5-6
target writing. used (160-300 spelling
reader words) mistakes are
3 Half of the The Text is, on the An average An average range of
content can register or whole, range of simple and complex
be relevant style of organized vocabulary, grammatical forms
to the task writing is though with including with less control,
and it partially inconsistences, common lexis, flexibility and
partially inappropriat partially is used in understanding.
contains e to a coherent, some cases Errors if present can
information particular some basic ineffectively be related to common
for the kind of cohesive and not words and structures
target writing. devices and always or slips.
reader. organizational precisely.
patterns used Spelling
(150-400 mistakes
words). (7-8) are
2 Most of the The Text is not Some range of Only several simple
content is register or well-organised, vocabulary, and complex
irrelevant to style of incoherent, a including grammatical forms are
the task and writing is cohesive common lexis used with some
it gives mostly devices and is used mostly control, flexibility and
very little inappropriat organizational ineffectively deep understanding.
information e to a patterns are and in a very There can be 9-10
for a target particular used mostly few cases errors.
reader. kind of incorrectly. precisely.
writing. (100-500 Spelling
words). mistakes
(7-8) are
1 All content The Text is poorly Poor Poor range of simple
is irrelevant register or organised, not vocabulary, and complex
to the task style of coherent with including grammatical forms
and it does writing is one-two common lexis with no control,
not contain inappropriat cohesive is effectively flexibility and deep
any e to a devices; and precisely. understanding. There
information particular organizational Too many can be too many
for target kind of patterns are spelling errors related to
reader. writing. used incorrect- mistakes. common words and
ly (50 words or structures.
0 There is no The regis- Text is not Very poor Even very simple and
attempt to ter or style organised, vocabulary, common grammatical
write or the of writing is incoherent, no including forms are used totally
content is absolu-tely cohesive common lexis without control,
absolutely inapp- devices and is used totally flexibility and deep
irrelevant. ropriate to organizational ineffectively understanding. There
a particu-lar patterns are and precisely. are too many errors.
kind of not traced.


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