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Goals of Sustainable Campus Kits

Waste Reduction Reduction of Carbon Footprint

Goal: To significantly decrease the consumption of single-use plastic Goal: To contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions associated with
and disposable items on campus. the production, transportation, and disposal of single-use items.

Rationale: By providing reusable alternatives, the initiative aims to Rationale: The use of reusable items reduces the overall demand for
divert a substantial amount of waste from landfills and minimize the disposable products, helping to lower the carbon footprint of the
environmental impact of disposable items. campus community.

Campus Sustainability Education and Awareness

Goal: To contribute to the overall sustainability efforts of the Goal: To raise awareness about the environmental impact of
college campus. single-use items and the benefits of sustainable alternatives.

Rationale: The initiative aligns with the college's sustainability Rationale: By providing educational resources and workshops,
goals, enhancing its reputation as an institution committed to the initiative empowers students with knowledge and insights
reducing its environmental footprint that inform their choices and actions.

Student Engagement Behaviour Change

Goal: To engage students actively in sustainability initiatives and Goal: To encourage students to adopt sustainable habits and make
foster a sense of ownership in creating a greener campus. environmentally conscious choices.

Rationale: The initiative provides students with tangible tools to Rationale: The initiative aims to influence student behaviors and
participate in sustainability efforts and encourages them to be attitudes towards using reusable items instead of disposable ones,
advocates for positive change. fostering long-term habits that contribute to a greener lifestyle.
Pathway to Sustainable Excellence
Conduct a survey to assess the needs and preferences of students Budget Allocation: Secure a budget from the college administration, sustainability
regarding reusable items they would find valuable in their daily lives. funds, or collaborative partnerships with local businesses and organizations.

Vendor Selection: Research and select vendors who can provide high- Sponsorship Opportunities: Reach out to local businesses and brands that align
quality, eco-friendly, and cost-effective reusable items in bulk. with sustainability values to sponsor the kits or provide discounts on kit items.


Based on the survey results and environmental impact Awareness Campaign: Launch a comprehensive awareness campaign
assessment, finalize the items to be included in the reusable through posters, social media, campus announcements, and information
campus kit. Common items may include a water bottle, coffee sessions to inform students about the program's benefits and objectives.
cup, utensils, cloth bag, and metal straw.
Kit Launch Event: Organize a launch event where students can learn more
Customization Options: Offer customization options for about the reusable campus kit program, interact with vendors, and pre-
students to select preferred colors, designs, and sizes for their register for their kits.
reusable items. This personal touch enhances the likelihood of
kit usage.


Workshops and Webinars: Organize workshops and webinars on campus Pre-Registration: Allow students to pre-register for their kits online or
to educate students about the environmental impact of single-use during the launch event to ensure accurate inventory and avoid waste.
plastics, proper kit usage, and maintenance.
Distribution Points: Set up distribution points at high-traffic areas on
Integration in Orientation: Incorporate the distribution of reusable kits as campus, such as the student center, cafeteria, and library, where
part of the college's orientation program for incoming students, students can pick up their kits.
emphasizing the campus's commitment to sustainability.

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