Indonesian p2 - p13 - 230817 - 170020

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Dia can be translated into English by he, she or ll.

Indonesian does not

Pelajaran satu Lesson one
distinguish between them. 1
Notici the absence of any Indonesian word lor ls (I.lote 2b) and the position ol
Di lapangan terbang At the airport saya (Note 2a).
c Adik can refer to a younger brothet or srsrer.
5 Saya datang dari London. I comefrom London.
Words in this lesson You will note that saya can also mean 1(Note 2a).
Selamat datang di Jakarta. Welcome (to) Jakarta.
adik youngerbrother/sister kita wc Di does not normally mean to (Note 1). Selamat datang di is best learnt as a set
bagus nice, good. beautiful kopi coffee phrase meaning Welcome to.
i .t barang luggage lapangan field
7 bi ,rrunu barang saudara? Where is vour luggage ? (lit'. At where luggage vour ?)
bayar pay lapangan terbang airpor( I
a Di mana means where when you are referring to something stationary.
belakang back, rear latihan (E) excrcisc
b Note that like saya (Note 2a), saudara: yoar follows the noun.
latihan ucapan ( I)) onrl crctcise
8 Saya dan Ali haus. I and Ali are thirsty.
bisa can. be able mau want Remember the absence of an Indonesian word lor are (Note 2b).
capek tired minum drink, will drink, tlrirrkirrg
9 Itu restoran. There's (t restaurant.
contoh (E&D) exan'rplei s mobil car L Itu means there is or that is. Remember ini (Note 3).
dan and mulai (D) begin
b Just as Indonesian has no word for rlze (Note 1), it also has no word for a or
dari from naik get in, get on
an.HenCe,ltu reStOran Can mean There's a restaurailt Or There's tlle re,tlaurant.
datang come nama name Kita minum di restoran. We'll have a drink in the restaurant.
depan lront pelajaran lesson
Minum can be translated into English by drink ' drinks, tt'ill drink , etc' The verb
di at. in pergi go, will go
in Indonesian does not change in lorm to indicate the difference between past,
di mana where pikir think present and fluture. However, the context makes it clear. In this case, Ali, Budi
di sini over here restoran restaurant
ind yanti will have a drink in the restaurant. In the lesson vocabularies you
dia he, she, it satu one
will find that verbs are given with their basic meaning followed by the meaning
duduk sit. shall sit, do sit saudara your, you that best fits the context where they are used in the lesson, hence minum:
habis after saya my, I drink, will drink.
haus thirsty selamat datang di welcome to
ll Saya mau minum kopi. I want to drink co/Jbe.
lndonesia (D1 Indonesia silakan please When two verbs come together as here with mau: v'unl and minum: drzrk.
,ini this is. here is suka like Indonesian does not link thern with the equivalent ol /o, as we do in English.
itu that is, there is teh tea ; t2 Habis minum kita pergi ke Bandung. A/ter having u drink wa'll go to Bttndung.
-j-am hour terbang flying Minum here is best translated by drinking or huving a /rirk (Note l0).
iawahan (E) answcrs terima kasih tlrank you'
b pergi : go, goes, will go (Note l0)
juga too. also tidur tleep p Ke means /o when movement is involved.
kantor oliicc tiga thrcc l3 Itu mobil Ali. There's Ali's car.
ke to ya ycs Note how you express possession, the object (here mobil) being directly
loliowed by the name of the possessor (Ali).
l4 Yanti, Budi, pbrgi ke mobil! Yanti, Budi, go to the car !
Notes Here pergi is an instruction : go / (Note 10).
t5 Budi, silakan naik mobil. Budi, please get in the car !
I Di lapangan tcrhang /l llrt rtirpttrt Naik is a very useful verb meaning to get in or on to a yehicle ot on to a ltorse
lndonesian has no cquivalcnt ol thc Irnglish wortl //rr'(i.c. rro rlclinitc articlc). etc.
Here di means /// uncl lapangan lcrhang rttuiuls (r/,'/)(,t'l (lite'r'lrlly licld ll.vingl. t6 Di mana saya duduk? Where shallldo I sit?
2 Nama saya Ali Umar. M.t'tturtrt' i,t ,,lli llttrur. Note how the question is asked. with di mana being placed in lront olsaya
a Note that saya:r?,.1'cornes al'tcr thc woltl il lclils lo irr lrr<lortcsirrn. duduk : 1 sll. The literal meaning would be Where I sit ?
b This sentence contains no Indoncsian wortl rnclrring l,r.'l lrc vclh to he (unt. i,s'. l7 Budi, saudara duduk di depan! Budi, you sit in.front!
are) is not expressed in lntkrncsian uncl thc lilclal trirnslation would be NurrtL' Just as saya means both I and my, (Notes 2a, 5) saudara means.)'(,),/ and .trrur
nty- Ali Untar. (Note 7b).
3 Ini Yanti. Tltis is Yunti. l8 Saya duduk di belakang. I'll sit at the back.
Ini has the sense of this is or ltare i:;. Note thedifference in translation of duduk in this Note and in Note 17'
,l Dia adik saya. She is nty'srsler (li1 : Slta .si.vlcr trr.r\.


Ali, mobil saudara bagus. Ali, your car is nice (lit: car lour nirc).
Ini mobil kantor.
This is the office car.
2 Mengapa saudara tidak mau tidur? Why don't ))ou want to sleep? (litl. Why
you not want sleep ?)
Note here again the position of tidak.
Compare this sentpnce with ltu mobil Ali (Note 13).
21 Jakarta-Bandung tiga jam. From Jakarta to Bandung it take,s threa hoLtr:;
3 Dia mau lihat perjalanan. He wants to see where we are going (lrtl. the
(lit: Jakarta Bandung three hour).
4 Apa nama desa ini? What's the name of this village?
a Note how lew words are needed in Indonesian here.
b Jam means hour and hours.
a Apa: What, What is
b You have already met ini meanin g this is or here is. However, when it comes
22 Saya pikir saudara capek. I think vou ('re) tired.
after a noun it means r/rls. Note the difference, lni desa: This is a village;Desa
Listen to the pronunciation of capek:the letter c in Indonesian is always
ini: This village.
pronounced like rhe ch in chxreh. : tf
23 Saudara bisa tidur di mobil, You can sleep in the cttr.
5 Apa saudara mau berhenti? Do you want to stop?
By placing apa in front ol a statement you turn that statement into a question,
Remember that di means in or at.
e.g. Ali mau berhenti; Ali wants to stop; Apa Ali mau berhenti?'. Does Ali want
to stop?
6 Mengapa kita berhenti? Why are we stopping?
7 Kami biasa beli buah di sini. We usually buy fruit herb.
a You will have noticed that we have used two Indonesian words, kita (Note 6)
Pelajaran dua Lesson two and kami lor the English we. There is a very important difference between them
2 and they are Nor interchangeable. You use kita when you include the person(s)
you are addressing, as in Note 6 where all three ofour characters are stopping.
Perjalanan ke Bandung Journey to Bandung
However, when you exclude the person(s) you are addressing, you must use
kami. Here it is only Ali and Yanti who normally buy lruit and Budi therefore
is excluded. Watch out for the use of kita and kami as you work through the
New words in this lesson course.

ada have, possess; tliere is/are ' mari let's, let us

b Do not confuse biasa'. usually with bisa: can, be able.
8 Apa nama buah ini? l(hat's the name of this Jiuit?
apa what niengapa why
murah cheap
9 Nama buah ini rambutan. The name of this fruit is rambutan.
asing foreign Rambutan is a red, egg shaped, hairy, delicious flruit. Rambutmeans hair.
baik good -1, orang person, people t0 Ini pepaya. This is paw-paw.
beli buy, purchase pepaya paw-paw
Paw-paw is a cheap, wholesome lruit olten eaten with lemon and a sprinkling
berhenti stop, halt'. perjalanail journey
of sugar. There are red and orange paw-paws, the red being tastier. Meat
biasa usually, normally, olten pikir think, thought tenderizer can be made from paw-paw leaves.
huah fruit rambutan rambutan (a hairy flruit)
1l Di London kami juga ada pepaya, tetapi mahal. In London we also have
daerah countrvside segar refreshed, lresh paw-paws, but they're expensive (lit but expensive).
@rC village sekarang now
soro alternoon
a Note here kami is used, I as Budi is excluding Ali and Yanti (Note 7a).
'dua two ,
b ada: have, possess
( empat-, tour sudah already
c Pepaya has the same lorm in both.singular and plural and this applies to all
harus musl. have to suka en.ioy
kami we (excluding pcrson addressed; tetapi but
lihat look, see tidak not: no
d Notice the absence olany Indonesian word for they. Such a word does exist
but is only used to reler to people and never to things.
mahal expensive, costly warung stall 12 Kami pikir di London tidak ada pepaya. We thought there are no paw-paws in
makan eat London (frt: We think in London no have paw-paw).
a Here pikir: think has to be translated into English by the past tense, thoughr
(Ll, N10).
Notes b In this case ada has the sense of there is, there are (Note 11b).
13 Kami biasa makan pepaya, We often eat paw-paw (lit We usually eat
Saya capek, tetapi saya tidak mau tidur. I'rn tired, but I tlon't v'ant to slecp paw-paw).
(lit: I tired, but I not v,unt sleep\. Biasa (Note 7b) has here the sense of often.
a Note the absence of any Indonesian word lbr alt (Lt, N2b). 14 mari kitlbeli. let's buy (some).
b Tidak:rol is placed immediately befbrc the verb to rr.rake it negative, e.g. Saya a Mari kifa means let us . .
tidak mau: I don't want; Ali tidak pergi: Ali isn't going.
b Note tt ut lraor"riun has no need of a word lor some inthis instance. cuci wash mandi bathe, have a bath
15 Mari kita pergi ke warung. Let's go to the stall. di samping next to masak cook ,
a The warung is not only a stall where fruit and other fbod are sold. It is also l dia (E) his, her. its masuk enter, come in
place wherq people meet and al1 kinds ol transactions can take place. lt is wcll enak tasty pakai wear, use
worth visiting a warung. If you do, watch what other pcoplc buy and how mucl.t' gigi tooth, teeth pembantu helper, assistant, employee
they pay. Some of the fruit will be very unf-amiliar lo you and you will havc t<r hitam black perempuan woman, lemale
acquire a taste lor them. You can also buy Ibod nradc fiotn sccrct rccil-rcs. lt is Indonesia Indonesian perlu need (urgently)
best to visit a warung with a local person rvho can advisc you on whal to huy. jangan don't rumah house
how much to pay etc. kakus WC sangat very
b Cibinong, where this scene takes place, is lamous for its lruit and li'cshly kamar room selop slipper/s
-squeezed fruit drinks-pineapple, coconut, avocado etc. kamar duduk sitting room senang contented, happy
16 Ya, kita juga bisa minum di warung. Yes, we can also (ltuvt'tt\ tlrirtli ul lln kamar makan dining room ' sepatu shoe/s
stall. kamar tamu guest room siapa who, whose
a Here kita is used lor we as all three aretincluded (Note 7a). kamar tidur bedroom sikat brush
b Juga: also, too, as well generally comes belore the verb it re l-crs to (hurc bisl). kami our. us tamu guest
17 Baik, sudah jam empat sore. Good, (it's) already.fbur o'clot'k in llrt ttf tcrnoorr. kapan when tiba arrive, arriving, arrival
a Note that there is no Indonesian equivalent of il ls here. kecil little tuan Mr., sir
b jam empat sore: lit: hour .lbur ufternoon ketan (sticky) rice tubruk Turkish style (coffee)
18 Kita makan di desa Cipanas. We'll eat in the village (o/) Cipunu.;. kita our, us tunggu wait. stay
a Here makan is translated as shall eat, the context making it clear thal lLltLlrc kueh cakes untuk for
time is referred to.
b Cipanas is famous tor its restaurants. Notes
19 Saya suka perjalanan ini. I'm enjoying this.journt'.r.
20 Orang asing suka datang ke sini. Foreigners like tonting here (lit: to herc). Tiba di rumah Arriving.(at) home
a Orang asing: lit: Foreign people Indonesians are hospitable people and like In Indonesian tiba'. arrive must be lollowed by di ut before the noun ilthe
meeting loreigners. place is mentioned, e.g. Saya tiba di Jakarta I'm arritting in Jakattu.
b Note the difference between ke sini: here, to here (i.e. with movement implicd) 2 Kita sudah tiba di rumah karni. We've already urrivetl home (l'rr: at our honte).
and di sini: here, in here, over here,with no movement involved. a Kita is used for rc as all three ol'our characters have arrived.
2l Saya sudah segar sekarang. I'm reJreshed now (lit: I alreadt' /resh now). h rumah kami . our hom<' Notc that kami means our as well as n'r'. Ali is
a Note that there is no Indonesian word for um here (Ll, N2b). talking to Budi and as it is not Budi's home, he uses kami and not kitalor our.
b Segar:./res\, refre.thed can reler to people or lruit and vegetables. The home is Ali's and Yanti's' Just like saya: m)r and saudara: vour, kami
c Sudah is a cornrnonly used word in Indonesian and you will often find it cannot meaning oar follows the noun.
be translated dircctly inlo English. 3 Oh, rumah ini bagus dan besar. Oh, this house is nite and large.
a Rgmah can be translaled as house or home.
b Remember that ini coming after a noun means liis.
4 Ini bukan rumah kami, Thi,s is not our house.
Here we have a new word lor not'.bukan. This differs lrom tidak you
Pelajaran tiga Lesson three met in Lesson 2. Unlike tidak which is used belore a verb (e.g. Saya tidak
pergi: I'm not going), bukan is used with nouns, as here, and always with ini
and itu, e.g. Itu bukan restoran I That's not a restdurant.
Tiba di rumah Arriving home Ini rumah siapa? Whose house is this? (lit This house who?)
The word siapa: w/ro is used alter a noun with the sense ol w/ro.ic.
6 Ini rumah kantor. This is an office httuse.
New words in this lesson Many employees in Indonesia get a house to go with their job.
7 Mengapa Ali buka sepatu? Why is Ali taking (his) shoes off?
adat custom banyak tnuch buka: /o take off(shoes and clothes)
akan shall, will / bawa bring, takc along b Sepatu means shoe but it is obvious that Ali is taking off both shoes.
atur arrange, take care of, see to, bcsar largc, big 8 Itu adat Indonesia. Ini selop untuk pakai di rumah. Thut's tttt Indonesiun
organise buka take off (clothes) custom. I{ere ure slippers.fbr wearing in the httuse. \a
bak bath tub bukan not: no Indonesia means both Indonesia and Indonesian

b Selop means both slipper and slippers. and use a scoop (gayung) to rinse (siram) yoursellwith water from the bath. It
9 Terima kasihbanyak. Thank you very much. is advisable to wear wooden bathroom slippers.
ihi,is u little poiiter than just ierima kasih (lit'. receitte /oue) which you met in 20 Inam akan atur barang. Inam will take cure o/ the luggage.
Lesson 1. a The word akan'. will has to be used to indicate future time ilthe context
l0 Inam, ini tuan Budi, tamu kita. trnam, this is Mr' Budi' our guest' otherwise does not make it clear that luture time is implied. Inam atur barang
a Inam is the maid's name. It is customary to call domestic employees by their could easily mean Inam is taking care of the luggage and to make it clear that
first names. she has not yet started doing so, akan is used.
b Here kita means oar (Note 2b). You will note that Budi is considered to b0' Atur is a very common word meaning to andnge, take care oJ', see to, organise.
Inam's guest as well as Ali's and Yanti's. In this case it means that Inam will unpack all Budi's belongings and wash and
11 Siapa perempuan ini? Who is this woman? iron anything that needs it.
Here siapa means w/ro (Note 5). 21 Saya senang dan tidak capek. I'm contented and nol tired.
12 Inam pembantu di rumah kami. Inam is an employee in our hou-sc'. . Note that tidak is used with adjectives as well as verbs to ffrean not. So we can
Pembantu is a useful word meaning helper, assistant, employce. Maids such as say tidak goes with verbs and adjectives and bukan with nouns (Note 4).
Inam will lrequently spend the whole of their working lives in the service ol 22 Silakan minum kopi tubruk dan makan ketan hitam. Have some Turkish
one family. coffee and .some ketan hitam (lit: Please drink (Turkish) coflbe urul eut ketan
l3 Inam masak dan cuci untuk kami. Inam cooks and washes.fbrus' hitam).
You will observe a third meaning lor kami which here means ,r. Hence kami a kopi tubruk This is Turkish style coffee.
and kita can both mean Y)e, us" our, ours' b ketan hitam This is a conlection ol black, sticky rice over which has been
14MariBudi,sayabawasaudaralihatrumah.ComeBudi,I'llshowl-oUround poured santen, which is made from coconut. It is worth trying Indonesian
the house (lit- I take vou see house). cakes which are very tasty.
t5 Rumah ini ada tiga kamar tiduro satu kamar tamu, kamar makan dan kamar Note that when you offer somebody something to eat or drink, you use the
duduk. This hiuse has three bedroorns, one guest room, a dining room und u
verbs makan: eal and minum: drink as appropriate, preceded by silakan. This
sitting room. is the usual way. In Indonesia, it is considered impolite to eat or drink belore-
Note how rooms ol the house are named in Indonesian. You simply add to being invited to do so.
kamar: room the word that describes what the room is lor; kamar tidur', room
sleeping (i.e. bedroom); kamar tamu: room guest (guest room); kamar
,ooi, *ting (i.e. dining room);kam* duduk: room sitting (t"e' sitting toom'

16 ';{tr:l;^kakus dan kamar mandi? where is the r^c ancr the bathroom?
Pelajaran empat Lesson four
bathing (i.e. bathroom). !
l7 Kamar kecit tli samping kamar mandi, di belakang. The toilet
( the litrle Di rumah At home
room) is next to th; haihroom, at the buck (i.e. at the buck ol the housa.)
a Ali uses the rather more polite term kamar kecil for toilet.It is perhaps a
subtle lesson in etiquette to Budi. New words in this lesson
b Note that ncxt lo in Indonesian is di samping: lil' ut nt'tt'
c In a traditional Indonesian house you have a big, covcrcd, opcn-sided porch at air water goreng lried
the front. Looking onto the porch is the main living area with sitting room and apakah question word used like apa ikan fish '
bedrooms. The dining room is at the back of this rnain area. Thcn comes a awas beware isteri wile
l,rng purrug. off whic*h you find the bathroonr, toilet, storehousc and
kitchen ayam chicken/s kalau il
and finally the servants' quarters. ayam jago rooster kambing goat/s, sheep
18 Saya perlu mandi dan sikat gigi. I ncctl lo huve u buth und hru.ylt mt' teeth. bebek duck/s kebun garden
a Perlu: /o needhas a sense ofurgency about it. belum not yet, not. . . belore kelapa coconut
b gigi tooth or teeth biasa used to. accustomed to kemudian then, alterwards
19 i(ipan nu6i rhandi, jangan masuk bak. When .t'ou hu,e u hutl, Budi (lit: When botol bottle laki-laki male, man
Budi has a bath), don't get into (lilt enter) the buth tub. bunga flower/s makanan lood I

a It is quite com;on to iddress someone using their namc rather than saudara: bunga anggerek orchid/s masak boil
you, as Yanti does here to Budi. coba try masih still
b Note thquseful word jangan: rlon 't' dengar hear, heard mata eye
c In In$sia you do not actually get into a bath. You stand on wooden slats gereja church, churches mata sapi fried egg L

a Budi has just taken his first bite of a red paw-paw and likes it'
merah red
sapi cow b B"lu-, nitl .vet makesit clear that we must translate Saya belum rusaby I lrud
sarapan breakfast
mesjid mosque n.ot tasted hafbre.
sekali verY
muka face. front, c Note that merah: red comes after pepaya'
Apakah Budi mau coba nasi gor"nf dur-*uta sapi? Do 1,ou w,unt
selalu alwaYs to
nasi rice
selamat Pagi good morning
pagi morning; in the morning riie antl /riett agg, Budi? (lit: Does Budi u'unt ' ?)
panas hot (temperature)
suami husband Thesearetwoverywellknownlndonesiandishes.Mataisliterallyeyaand
suara sound. voice rietl egg '
pedas hot, sPicY sapi means cot't' ; however the combination of them here neans .f
tanam (to) Plar.rt panas. rit'e is spit'r.arul hot
piara breed, grow
tinggi tall. high
l1 Awas, nasi goreng ini pedas dan Bewtrre, this /ried
pisang banana aBothpedas-andp"n,'"u,
tukang kebun gardl-ncr spiciness ol' thc lbod Do not mix them up'
pohon tree -heavcns
!. Good graciousl .o*.thirrg while pedas relers to the
rasa taste
*rUrff Gootl
h Il you finf, an Indonesian dish rathei too spicy, do nor drink anything with it
boiled rice or souething absorbent
rendah short I arihi. *ukes it worse. Rather take some
like a banana.
12 Saya betum biasa makan Pedas. I'rn nol t'et at'cusiomed to culitlg spic.t' (loodl
Notes things).
saya pikir saudara masih tidur' I
thought v-ot't ttc.te still uslcap'
Note that the verbs rr..., p]tit' iink a;dtidur: sleep have 1., bc translated into normally.
l3 Makanan Indonesia se|alu pedas. lndonesiun'fbod i,s alwuv-'l ,ypic.y,.
the past tense in English'.
mesjid' I hcurd thc sound o'f llte Note makanan : Jood and fi kan" to edt'
Saya dengar suara ayam;ago dan suara 14 Ini Amat, dia suami Inam, dia tukang kebun' This is Anrut ' he i's Inam''t
t oustL'r dnd lhr 'sttuntl 't.l llu ntorqut'' husband, he's the gardener.
ayamiago'. rourto, Ayam means chickan' frii"rg -.t", ,r'i1tr*rn or worker: hence tukang kebun: gardener (lit" w'orkar
you nright hcar at daybreakin
The sounds Budi ref'ers to arcjust what garden\ and tukang sepatu: cobbler (lit'. worker shoes)'
rotrt.' tht cirlI to praycr lrom the
Indonesia-the "ii#ir*irv "nd l5 Saya tanam bunga anggerek. I'm plunting orchills
best tirne ol' dav' being cool and fresh'
;Js"q;.1, i. frouautvirle Note bunga: 7iorn, unA bunga anggerek'. orchid' Bunga can also mean interesl
DiLondontidakadasuaraayam'tetapiadasuara.gereja.InLtlndon,therc,s in the financial sense. i.e. something which has 'flowered''
not (iit: not huve) tn, ii''icketis' but llcy is the sound of churclte't' t6 Ya, saudara Ali lakiJaki, tetapi Yanti perempuan' Yes' "t'otr Ali ure trmun'
Remember the
diti'erence ttt*ttn tidak and bukan (L3' N4 and 2l)' but Yanti is u womun.
noun can be translated into It is polite to zrddress a nlan as saudara fbllowed by his name. saudara can then
b You can see here, o"t" uglin,'ir,rut on tnaon*tlan mean c:hicken or chickens
Enelish by the singula' oi it" plural'
i'e' ayam can be translated as Mr.
anJgereja: church or 'hurchts' t ^,^.t.,n It,lnn't
t.^ Lorulon hrttlt rn
tlon't bath Budi obviously considers that Ali prelbrs liuit 1o flowcrs because he is a
Di London saya tidak *"'ai'p'gi tetapi cuci
muka' In You have a.lready met orang: prrrin; laLi-laki is a ntun (ltt: male per'on) and
the morning bu'i I wash (ntl) lace' orang perempu ui i, o ,ro*oi (iit: /emate pe rson)' An alternative to laki-laki is
a Pagi means ntorning or in lh( mornirtg' telaki. you might be interested to know that the term orang-outang comes
Note thal therc is no lndoncsian wortl
lirr rrt't'uscd here' lt is considered orang hutan:.fungle person and hence, ape'
;;;i;;;;h"tc lacc Budi is talking about (scc L3" N7)' t1 Kamipiara uyr-, b"b.k, ikan dan kambing' We breed chickens' ducks''ftsh
tt'ulcr fbr our
fnam, apakah ada air panas unt'tti'tn't lnanr' i'; lht'rc ltttl und gttrt t.t.
guc,\l'? it is'quite normal for an Indonesian lamily to breed such animals. These are
to lurn a statenrent into a ,tip'.i, olthe lood supply. Kambing can mean s/rrep as well as
irrf,"f, is placctl at thc bcginnirrg ol'a scntcncc apa (L2' N5) and is
but lorm part"" ri is uscd in c*atily th" ta'r1c way as goat.
! This i!; a verv big gurden '
interchangeablc with rt ..,..,..r first
..,^ water rhino'tn
G.", thing l8 Waduh I Ini kebun besar sekali. Gootl heavens
cold bath uerl: sekali. Unlike sangat
It is quite comflon to add souc hot watcr to the Note that here we have another word meaning
it morc comlbrtablc' (Note 9) sekali comes alter the adjective, e'g besar sekali: vcit'Dlg:sangat
it."ri"i"irg to takc tt" tt'itt off it and nrake
whose uucst Budi is (Note 5b)'
c No word for our is n..a"Jo''li is --
t>bvious besar: rery hig.The two words are interchangeable'
httil,'tl tlt,' t'Lttt'r litr Budi
l,tr,,,n ha, ,tlril,t,lt
7 lnam sudah masak air;il;;i. l9 Ini biasa di Indonesia. This is normul in Indonesia'
Marak can be translated as boil or cook' Here biasa means ot usual (Note 12)'
t(('th in the bottla'
Air untuk sikat gigi.di b;tol' Wutar 'fitr cleuning 't'our
20 Pohontinggiitupohonkelapa.Pohonrendahinipohonpisang..I'ltttltulltrtlis
(Notes 5b and 6c)' a coconul tree. This short tree is a banantt tree'
N; ;;;J i"; -r,oir-ii required hcrc I lrrdn'l tu";tcd \liL I not \'(l
9 Sava belum ,nru p.poyJ terah, sangat enak' Note that in Indonesian the noun, here pohon: trec, is lbllowccl by thc
taite) rgy' lruw-tlaw befbre, it's vetv ta\t))'
pos udara airmail sepuluh ten
adjective, tinggi: tall or rendah: short, and then by ittt" that or ini: tiis lt
ratus hundred setasiun (E) station
,.iy i.npottuni to remember this word order' Another example would be: renpana plan sore this alternoon
rumah besar ini: tirs large house (lil lurge this)' ribu thousand surat letter
2l pohon itu besar, dan pohln ini kecil. That tree is lurge und this tree is small. rupidh rupiah (unit of Indonesian
in tercatat registered
Notice very carefullythe difference in word order in this sentence and that currency) terus straight (on)
the two sentences in Note 20. sampai until tiket ticket
pohon ini: this tree; ini pohon: this is a tree'. sekolah school tinggal rest, sthy
pohon ini besar: llrrs tree is big; pohon besar ini: tftis hig trca ' selamat safe, God be with you tuan sir
iris theposition of ini or itu which is important. Wlten they follow the noun selamat tinggal take care tukar change. exchange
and precede the adjective, the'translation in English links thisltlrut
with the
senang like uang money
norn, ..g. mobil ini besar: lfti.r car is big. However, when they follow the
qendiri alone urus arrangc. organise
uO;..tir.l the link is then with the adjective, e.g. mobil besar ini: tlti'; hig cur.
I Apa rencana saudara hari ini? Whut arc .tour pluns tcttlu.t ?
Pelajaran lima !-esson five hari ini: toduy [it: rhi.s du.t')
2 Saya perlu kirim surat, tukar uang dan urus tiket. I need to .tend u letter,
change (some) mone.t'und urrange u ticket.
Kantor pos The Post Off ice a Note thal there is no Indonesian word for sonte used with uangt none.t.
b The ticket Budi is referring to is his airline ticket back to Europe. although he
has only recently arrived in Indonesia. It is advisable to confirm your return
New words in this lesson flight as soon as possible after your arrival, and a few days before departure to
jauh lar reconfirm it.
aerogramme air letter 3 Saya harus kerja, Budi bisa pergi dengan Yanti. I hut,e to (go to) tt'ork, Budi,
Afrika Africa kaki foot, leg
kalau begitu in that case .t'otl cdn go u ith Yttnti.
agak somewhat, rather Here once again you have an example of one person using another's name
ambil take kanan right
when talking directly to hirn instcad ol'using saudara: .r.oa.
Asia Asia kantor pos post office
kapal terbang (D) aeroPlane
4 Tidak bisa, karena saya harus porgi ke sckolah. It'.r irrtpolsihlc (lit: No/
atau or possible), I ltuyc to go ttt.s<'lrool.
hangun (D) wake uP karena because
Yanti is a teacher.
bank bank kerja work /
5 Kami.tidak,ada peta, Budi harus cari sendiri. Wt'lttt,cn'l tot u ntup. Budi
barang goods kilo kilogram his ow,n wu.l.
begitu so, such kira-kira approximatelY, about
Cari sendiri literally means lo .seurclt ulone and consequently has the sense here
belok turn kiri lcli ol finding one's oy'n wut'.
kirim scnd. tnail ; bc sent
bertemu mcct
lantas thcn. ncxt
6 Selamat jalan Budi-sampai bertemu nanti sore. Sa/b (rip Budi until n,c
betul right, corrcct neet luter this uf ternoon.
bisa possiblc lima fivc
lokct u,intlow, position at counter a Selamathasthesenseol.ra/e, Godbet'ith.rouelc. ItisaMoslemexpression.
cari search. look lbr, lind corning lrom Arabic, and in combination with other words is much used to
dekat near meter mctre
wish other people well. You will remember selamat pagi: gootl morning.
delman horse drawn c:'trriltgc nanti later
Although Budi isn't going far, it is still polite to wish him a safe journey.
dengan with, by nomor numbcr
on ounce, 100 granrnlcs
b No word lor n'e is used in this sentence;it is obvious who will be meeting.
di depan opposite, tacing c sore: thi,s uf ternoon You have already had sore with the meaning ir t/rc
di sana there ongkos cost
ufternoon. Remember pagi (L4. N5a).
hanya only pak Mr., sir
paket packet. parccl 7 Pak Polisi, di mana kantor pos? O/ficer, yt'lrcre is the post officc I
harap hope Pak Polisi : lit: Mr. Polit'eman Pak is an abbreviation olbapak: lirthL,r.
hari day pegawai pos post otlice worker/oflicial
perangko stamP
It is used as a mark olrespect to address men by Pak with tlreir nantc or
hari ini
todaY occupation lollowing.
peta map
Inggeris England
\' polisi policernan 8 Apakah jauh atau dekatdari sini? I.s it /hr or neor (lit: naur fiont\ lroc?
ialan trip, journeY, road, walk Remember the use of apakah (L4, N6a).
pos post, mail
.jalan kaki, on foot. r.ralking


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