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Q. No.

1 Ans: - the technical aspects of using B+ trees and Red-Black trees with 10,000 records,
including time and space complexity, and other relevant points.

Using 10,000 Records: For this comparison, let's consider using 10,000 records in both B+ trees and
Red-Black trees.

B+ Tree:

 Time Complexity:
o Insertion: O(log n), where n is the number of records. For 10,000 records, the maximum
number of levels in the B+ tree would be approximately log ₂(10000) ≈ 14.
o Deletion: Same as insertion, O(log n).
o Searching: O(log n), for both exact-match and range queries.
 Space Complexity:
o B+ trees consume more space due to their structure.
o Internal nodes store keys and child pointers.
o Leaf nodes store actual data records and pointers for range queries.
 Range Queries:
o B+ trees are particularly efficient for range queries due to their leaf-level sequential

Red-Black Tree:

 Time Complexity:
o Insertion: O(log n), where n is the number of nodes. For 10,000 records, the number of
nodes in the Red-Black tree would be less than 10,000.
o Deletion: Same as insertion, O(log n).
o Searching: O(log n), for both exact-match and range queries.
 Space Complexity:
o Red-Black trees are more space-efficient compared to B+ trees.
o Internal nodes store keys, child pointers, and color information.
o Leaves store keys and data pointers.

Comparison between B+ tree and Red Black Tree-

 Insertion and Deletion:

o B+ trees tend to have better insertion and deletion performance for large datasets due to
fewer balancing operations.
o Red-Black trees have more balancing operations, making them more suitable for
moderate-sized datasets.
 Searching:
o Both structures offer similar searching performance.
o B+ trees are especially efficient for range queries due to their ordered leaf nodes.
 Space Efficiency:
o Red-Black trees are more space-efficient, which could be advantageous with fewer

Overall Considerations:
 For 10,000 records, both B+ trees and Red-Black trees are efficient and capable of handling the
 The choice depends on factors like insertion and deletion rates, space constraints, range query
requirements, and the nature of your application.

In summary, with 10,000 records, both B+ trees and Red-Black trees can efficiently handle the data. If
range queries and efficient disk access are important, B+ trees might be more suitable. If you need a
general-purpose balanced search tree with space efficiency, Red-Black trees could be a good choice. Your
specific requirements will guide the best choice between the two data structures.

Q. No. 2 Ans:- The program define by step by step-

1. Create TreeNode Class: Define a BTNode class to represent nodes in the binary tree. Each node
has a value, left child node, and right child node.
2. Insertion Function: Write an InsertNode function that takes a root node and a value. If the root
is null, create a new node with the value. If the value is smaller, insert it into the left subtree;
otherwise, insert it into the right subtree. Return the modified root.
3. Deletion Function: Create a DeleteNode function to remove a node with a given value from the
tree. If the node is found, handle three cases: no child, one child, and two children. Adjust the tree
structure accordingly and return the modified root.
4. Minimum Finder: Implement a FindMin function to find the minimum value in a subtree by
traversing left until the leftmost node is reached.
5. Build Original Tree: Build the original binary tree by iteratively inserting values (25, 20, 36, 10,
22, 30, 40, 5, 12, 28, 32, 64) using the InsertNode function.
6. Print Original In-Order: Perform an in-order traversal (InOrderTraversal) on the original tree to
print its values in sorted order.
7. Delete Nodes: Iterate through the nodes to delete (25, 20, 36, 10, 22, 30, 40, 5, 12, 28, 32, 64)
using the DeleteNode function for each value. Update the root after each deletion.
8. Build New Tree: Create a new binary tree by iteratively inserting values (22, 10, 40, 5, 20, 30,
64, 12, 28, 36, 25, 32) using the InsertNode function.
9. Print New In-Order: Perform an in-order traversal on the new tree to print its values in the
specified order.

Q. No. 3 Ans- Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path from a source vertex to all other vertices in a
weighted graph. In this case, we'll use a Red-Black Tree as a priority queue to efficiently extract the
vertex with the smallest distance. The description is given below step by step-

1. Initialize Data Structures:

o Create a Red-Black Tree to act as a priority queue for vertices.
o Create a dictionary to store distances from the source vertex to each vertex in the graph.
Initialize distances with infinity for all vertices except the source vertex, which is set to 0.
o Create a dictionary to store the previous vertex in the shortest path to each vertex.
2. Insert Source Vertex:
o Insert the source vertex into the Red-Black Tree with its distance as the key.
3. Main Loop:
o While the Red-Black Tree is not empty:
 Extract the vertex with the smallest distance from the tree (this will be the root of
the Red-Black Tree).
 For each neighbor of the extracted vertex:
 Calculate the tentative distance from the source to the neighbor through
the extracted vertex.
 If the tentative distance is smaller than the current distance stored in the
distances dictionary:
 Update the distance in the distances dictionary.
 Update the previous vertex in the shortest path dictionary.
 If the neighbor is already in the Red-Black Tree, update its key
(distance) to the new tentative distance. Otherwise, insert the
neighbor into the Red-Black Tree with the new distance.
4. Extract Shortest Paths:
o Traverse the previous vertex dictionary to reconstruct the shortest paths from the source
to all other vertices.

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