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Effect of hydrogen enrichment in the intake air of

diesel engine fuelled with honge biodiesel blend
and diesel

Surya Kanth a, Sumita Debbarma a, Biplab Das a,b,*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, 788010, India
School of the Built Environment, Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Ulster University, N Ireland, BT37 0QB, UK


 Locally available non-edible honge oil is used to produce biodiesel.

 Performance of hydrogen enriched biodiesel and diesel fuel is presented.
 Enrichment of hydrogen enhance BTE and BSFC of the engine by almost 2e6%.
 Presence of hydrogen reduce the emission of CO, HC, and smoke by 7e35%.
 Higher in-cylinder pressure and advancement of combustion is observed.

article info abstract

Article history: In the current investigation, the enrichment of hydrogen with the honge biodiesel blend
Received 22 February 2020 and diesel is used in a compression ignition engine. The biodiesel is derived from the honge
Received in revised form oil and mixed with diesel fuel by 20% (v/v). Thereafter, hydrogen at different volume flow
2 August 2020 rates (10 and 13 lpm) is introduced into the intake manifold. The outcomes by enrichment
Accepted 18 August 2020 of hydrogen on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics are investigated
Available online 7 September 2020 by examining the brake thermal efficiency, fuel consumption, HC, CO, CO2, NOₓ emissions,
in-cylinder pressure, combustion duration, and rate of heat release. The engine fuelled
Keywords: with honge biodiesel blend is found to enhance the thermal efficiency, combustion char-
Hydrogen acteristics. Compare to diesel, the BTE increased by 2.2% and 6% less fuel consumption for
Honge biodiesel the HB20 þ 13H2 blend. Further, reduction in the emission of exhausts gases like CO and HC
Brake thermal performance by 21% and 24%, respectively, are obtained. This is due to carbon-free structure in
Combustion hydrogen. Moreover, due to high pressure in the cylinder, there is a slight increase in ox-
Emissions ides of nitrogen emission compare to diesel. The combustion characteristics such as rate of
heat release, combustion duration, and maximum 2rate of pressure rise and in-cylinder
pressure are high due to hydrogen.
© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, 788010, India.
E-mail addresses:, (B. Das).
0360-3199/© 2020 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
32522 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3

Hamdan et al. [12] presented the enrichment of hydrogen

Introduction volume flow rate in 4 strokes, single cylinder, naturally
aspired diesel engine. Correlating with diesel fuel, the recor-
The fast depletion of fossil fuels, rise in fuel price, increase in ded values shows 2.5% higher efficiency and 3.2% lower spe-
the demand for petroleum reserves and strict emission norms cific fuel consumption. The emission parameters like opacity
worldwide encourage the researchers to find suitable alter- and oxides of nitrogen increase by 12.6% and 7.4%, respec-
native fuel [1]. In recent decades, biodiesel considers as an tively, at higher load condition. Hosseini et al. [13] studied the
immediate substitute option for an IC engine, which is ob- excess induction of hydrogen exhibits to lower exhaust gases
tained by an acid-base reaction called transesterification by like HC, CO, and CO2 by 69%, 17%, 8%, respectively, expect
means of vegetable oils or animal fats. The biodiesel is oxide of nitrogen emission. Uludamar et al. [14] conducted the
renewable, biodegradable, non-toxic and aromatic, sulfur experiment to identify the noise, engine vibration, and emis-
free. In addition to that biodiesel can emit fewer pollutants sion by inducting hydrogen fuel with the biodiesel blend. The
and considered as alternative fuel which is derived from results enhance the reduction in engine vibration, emission
renewable sources like plants and animal fats etc. The main and noise depend on the type of biodiesel. Zhou et al. [15]
advantage is biodiesel can be blend in petroleum fuel with the described the use of ultra-low sulfur in the CI engine which
maximum extent and it is utilized in conventional CI engine reports increases thermal efficiency and emission parame-
with no much alteration. ters. Comparing with diesel fuel, the oxides of nitrogen and
The biodiesel can be produced by using edible and thermal efficiency superior by 28.4% and 12.5%, respectively.
nonedible oils. The non-edible oils can grow with less However, utilized fuel quantity and outflow gases like CO,
requirement of water, high-temperature condition and sandy CO2, and HC lower by 35.5%, 26.7%, 17.2%, respectively, at
soils. The best sources of nonedible oils for the production of higher load condition. Saravanan et al. [16] analysed the re-
biodiesel were Jatropha, Neem, Honge [2,3]. Honge rarely sults by injecting the fuel in two different methods of port
cultivated in equatorial and temperate Asia having parts of injection and manifold injection. Those results exhibit in-
India, Australia, Malaysia and Japan. The tree tolerating crease in efficiency and nitrogen oxides by 3% and 1.2% for
temperatures 0e50  C with annual rain drop 500 mm up to port injection system in comparison with manifold injection.
nearly 2500 mm and cultivates in a sticky and subtropical The two injection systems emit the carbon dioxide and smoke
climate. The excess of feedstock in local area encourages the with marginal change. The RoHR and ICP of port injection
worldwide production of biodiesel, due to short of edible oil in were higher by 18.17% and 1.43% as compared to the manifold
India promotes the usage of non-edible vegetable oils. Honge injection system. Deb et al. [17] investigated by addition of
seeds consist of 30e40% oil (w/w) and average seeds yield different hydrogen energy content in intake manifold inject-
4e9 ton/ha which is a unique advantage compared to other ing by using an LPG-CNG injector. The results indicate that the
non-edible seeds. Honge biodiesel having high thermal effi- BTE increased by 15.8% and specific energy consumption
ciency, fuel consumption and fewer emission characteristics 18.6% lowered with addition of hydrogen energy content.
in comparisons with non-edible biodiesel concluded by Ash- However, the CO2 emission and smoke were lower by 39.7%
raful et al. [4e6]. and 66.2% and the appropriate fuel-air ratio helps to the
The engine fuelled with vegetable oil cause problem in smooth combustion process. Ko € se et al. [18] studied four cyl-
mixture formation, spray penetration, and atomization due to inders, four-stroke, turbocharger, CI engine in addition to that
the properties such as low volatility, high viscosity which in- the advancement of different hydrogen volume flowrates and
fluence lower the efficiency and rise in smoke [7]. Karabektas diesel as injecting fuel to enhance efficiency and emission
et al. [8] conducted the investigation of preheating of biodiesel effects of the engine. Compare to diesel fuel, the engine
to decrease its kinematic viscosity and specific gravity values emitted less exhaust gases like HC, CO2, expect oxides of
which is nearer to diesel fuel. The authors reported that nitrogen.
higher BTE due to its lower heating value and decrease in CO Rath et al. [19] have carried out an addition of a different
emissions, while NOx emissions were increased. In this percentage of hydrogen with honge biodiesel blends to esti-
context, the conventional engine introducing the dual-fuel mate the overall performance, combustion and pollutant
technique helps to raise the efficiency and minimization in gases. Correlating with diesel fuel, the 20% and 40% blend
exhaust emission. Subsequently, enrichment of gaseous fuel ratio the efficiency found to higher. The exhaust gases like
in intake manifold with diesel as main fuel to ignite the hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxides of
combustion process [9]. The hydrogen is one of the promising nitrogen were lowered by 27%, 14%, 30%, and 12%, respec-
gaseous fuel among them because of their vast flammability tively, in comparisons with diesel at full engine load. Agarwal
limit, low ignition energy small quenching and high flame et al. [20] described diesel fuel dominates the performance
velocity. Those properties will result in smooth combustion such as BTE and SFC values other than biodiesel blends. The
and emit favourable exhaust emissions for vegetable oils. Due hydrocarbon emission and smoke found to be inferior and
to remarkably high burning value (858  C) hydrogen as a pri- carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide were marginally high for
mary fuel is inadequate in conventional unmodified diesel diesel-biodiesel blends. The small concentration of karanja oil
engine. Therefore, a modest percentage of hydrogen inducted blend reduces ignition delay leads to slower combustion en-
in intake manifold to form proper premix because of high hances the higher combustion duration in a cylinder. How-
diffusivity. The diesel fuel act as igniting fuel which enhances ever, addition of higher concentration, karanja oil not suitable
the complete combustion [10,11]. for conventional diesel engine thus diesel fuel replaces 20% (v/
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3 32523

v) in a conventional engine. Thus the progress in the brake cylinder head. To identify the cylinder pressure and crank
thermal efficiency, combustion and emits less pollutant gases angle sensor coupled with the engine indicator which is sit-
unable to reach the demand alone with a biodiesel blend. uated in the control panel in order to trace the readings by
Tuccar et al. [21] conducted experiment by enrichment of means of the computer. On the other hand, set the direction
hydrogen with injecting fuel as a mixture of pomegranate for the flow motion of hydrogen gas. To obtained satisfied
blend (B20). The results exhibit enrichment of hydrogen results adjust the hydrogen volume flow rate. Hydrogen tank
improvement in power output, fuel consumptions and carbon (150 bar gas pressure) contains the pure hydrogen. The engine
monoxide emission. Debbarma et al. [22] described the temperature can be controlled by passing the water by means
replacement of diesel by 20% of Jatropha biodiesel blend by of a pump to a dynamometer and calorimeter. In the closed
the usage of the ANN method. The best blend was selected tube flow rate of liquid or gas can be identified by means of the
based on the increased performance parameters and mini- rotameter. The rotameters are framed in the panel board to
mized the pollutant gases. Chiriac et al. [23] showed the effect the calibre flow rate of water to calorimeter and diesel engine.
of rapeseed methyl esters blend (20%) on conventional tractor The system is consolidating with the diesel engine to
diesel engines with various speed and load variations. In accommodate engine readings with the help of engine soft
reference to diesel fuel, at various speeds the smoke opacity software.
and CO were lower and the combustion characteristics are
slightly higher for 20% blend (B20). Jegadheesan et al. [24] had Method
described induction of hydrogen resulted in the improvement
in BTE by 0.33% and reduction in emission parameters like The honge oil is heated up till reaches to 70  C and then 300 ml
hydrocarbon by 13 ppm, carbon monoxide by 0.02% and car- of methanol and 5 gms. of NaOH are added to honge oil. In the
bon dioxide by 3.8% at 80% engine load. Kumar et al. [25] transesterification process methanol removes the proton
presented the concept of dual-fuel method to enhance the from acid-base reaction which makes strong chemical
power output, combustion, and pollutants at higher loads. In bonding and NaOH catalyst enhance the reaction rate and
the intake manifold enrichment of hydrogen in small pro- yield, respectively. The mixture is stirred repeatedly for about
portion with air helps to improve the cylinder pressure by 1.5 h keeping the temperature fixed in the range 65e70  C. The
2.6%, burning velocity and flammable limits of the engine. The obtained quantity is then shifted to separating funnel to settle
usage of vegetable oil exhibits 8.1% improvement in efficiency. for about 30 min. That results in the top layer biodiesel and
Pertinent literature reveals that number of research works bottom layer as a glycerin. The top layer i.e. biodiesel is
are conducted on the engine running with pure honge bio- separated and pre-washed repeatedly several times with hot
diesel and a combination of diesel-biodiesel blends. Further water at 50  C and dried by heating the oil up to 110  C. A
enrichment of hydrogen in the diesel engine is found to meet mixture of neat biodiesel and diesel is being made at 20:80
the necessary requirements of the emission characteristics volumetric ratios. Fig. 1(a and b) presents the engine setup.
and also tend to improve the performance characteristics The engine is fuelled with different test samples with
[26e29]. However, much attention has not been paid to use hydrogen enrichment. The high-pressure hydrogen cylinder
hydrogen along with honge oil. Honge oil is one of the most provides the enrichment of hydrogen via the intake manifold.
commonly available non-edible oil in the north eastern part of The pressure regulator helps to reduce the pressure
India. The honge oil (C6.33H11.51O0.775) constitutes of carbon 76 150 bare2 bar. The needle valve operates to maintain the
(wt.%), hydrogen 11.6 (wt.%), and oxygen 12.4 (wt.%). Thus, an volume flowrate of hydrogen with a maximum limit of 30 lpm.
attempt is made in the present study to reveal a comprehen- In the cylinder to overcome the backflow of hydrogen gas non-
sive performance, combustion, and emission characteristics return valve is situated at various locations. To prevent the
of diesel engine running on both biodiesel blend (80% diesel direct meet of flame with hydrogen enrichment the flame trap
and 20% honge oil biodiesel) named as ‘HB20’ and diesel, with is arranged and suppresses the fire in the intake manifold. The
and without enrichment of hydrogen. quenching of hydrogen gas in water helps to suppress backfire
by means of the flame arrester. Initially the engine fueled with
diesel is run for about 20 min in order to accomplish the
Materials and methods steady-state condition. The engine fueled with different test
samples properties recorded in Table 2.
Fig. 1(a) represents the experiment conducted using a single The experiments are performed in the engine running at a
cylinder, 4 strokes, water cooled diesel engine run at 1500 rpm constant speed of 1500 rpm by varying the load such as 30%,
constant speed. The technical specification of the experi- 50%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. The output pa-
mental setup details is shown in Table 1 in order to investigate rameters obtained with diesel fuel are used as the baseline for
the performance, combustion and emission characteristics. comparisons with the rest of the test fuel samples. Similarly,
The dynamometer coupled with engine to measure its output. experimental investigations are carried out for the honge
The emissions test was conducted with AVL DI TEST MDS 350 biodiesel blend (HB20) with the same operating condition.
Exhaust Gas Analyser. The measurement of fuel can be seen Then the tests are performed with diesel as pilot fuel and
in the fuel tank. The fuel quantity consumption measurement hydrogen is enriched at a flow rate of 10 lpm and 13 lpm and
controlled by burette type fuel levelling. To measure the named as ‘Dþ10H2’, and ‘Dþ13H2’ operating with the same
combustion pressure piezoelectric type sensor fixed in the engine loading condition. Similarly, tests are conducted with
32524 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3

Fig. 1 e (a) Schematic diagram of experimental setup. (b) Photographic view of experimental setup.

biodiesel blend as the pilot fuel and enriched with hydrogen

10e13 lpm (HB20 þ 10H2, HB20 þ 13H2). The pressure of the
cylinder can be sensed through the pressure sensor. The pa-
Table 1 e Technical specification of the Kirloskar oil rameters is stored on the computer, attached through a
engine. datalogger and software ‘engine soft’.
Kirloskar oil Technical specification The uncertainties involved with the different measured
engines ltd., India values like BTE, SFC, BP, etc. are listed in Table 3. Following
Model TV SR II, naturally aspirated Debbarma et al. (2020) the overall uncertainty calculated from
Engine Single cylinder, direct injection Eq. (1), and found out to be ±2.55%.
diesel engine
Cylinder Bore 87.5 mm
Stroke 110 mm
compression Ratio 17.5:1 Table 2 e Properties of different test fuels.
Rated power 5.2 KW
Property Diesel HB20 Hydrogen
Speed 1500 rpm, constant
Injection pressure 200bar Density (kg/m ) 840 835 0.0838
Injection advance 24 before TD C Sp. gravity 0.830 0.835 0.091
Dynamometer E defy current Kinematic viscosity 3.5 4.12 e
Cooling system Water cooling mm2/s at 40  c
Fuel flow measurement Burette with digital stopwatch Flash point  c 56 104 Very low
Governor Mechanical governing (Centrifugal Calorific value 43 42.123 120
type) (MJ/kg) Cetane number 45e55 e e
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3 32525

Engine performance characteristics

Table 3 e Measurement and calculated uncertainty
Brake thermal efficiency (BTE)
Measurements Accuracy Uncertainty Measuring
The BTE is an analytical performance characteristic i.e. the
(%) Instruments
ratio of engine power output to heat energy content. Fig. 2
Measured values depicts the variation of BTE with engine load for diesel,
Speed ±1 rpm ±1.42 Magnetic pickup
Dþ10H2, Dþ13H2, HB20, HB20 þ 10H2 and HB20 þ 13H2 test
EGT ±1  C ±0.15 K-type thermocouple
samples. In general, BTE increases with the increase in load up
HC ±30 ppm ±1 AVL DITEST MDS450 to 90% thereafter it tends to decrease. Initial increase in BTE
CO ±0.2 ±0.01 AVL DITEST MDS450 with the increase in load may be due to the improvement of
CO, ±1 ±0.1 AVL DITEST MDS450 combustion with the increase in temperature of the residual
NOx ±10 ppm ±1 AVL DITEST MDS450 gas and engine cylinder, that finally helps to increase the in-
Smoke ±0.2 ±0.1
jection temperature and reduce the ignition delay. This will be
Calculated values
clearer from the results of in-cylinder pressure and rate of
Brake power e ±1.0871
BTE e ±1.138 heat release curve. However, at full load the combustion be-
BSFC e ±0.25 comes too fast resulting in a reduction of BTE. Further,
compared to diesel fuel, it indicates that BTE is lower for the
biodiesel blend (HB20), especially at higher loads. This may be

Overall uncertainty ¼ square root of [uncertainty of (speed)2 þ (EGT)2 þ (HC)2 þ (CO)2 þ (CO2)2 þ (NOₓ)2 þ (Smoke)2
þ (Brake power)2 þ (BTE)2 þ (BSFC)2] (1)
¼ ð±1:42Þ2 þ ð±0:15Þ2 þ ð±1Þ2 þ ð±0:01Þ2 þ ð±0:1Þ2 þ ð±1Þ2 þ ð±1:087Þ2 þ ð±1:138Þ2 þ ð±0:25Þ2 ¼ ±2:55%

due to the higher viscosity value of biodiesel blend that results

in decreases in fuel vaporization and poor in atomization and
slows down the heat release rate. Further, on one hand pres-
Results and discussion
ence of oxygenated fuel (biodiesel) tends to improve the pre-
mixed combustion by reducing the ignition delay period but
In the present work, honge biodiesel blend (HB20) and diesel
on the other hand lower heating value of the biodiesel fuel
(D) are used as the main fuel. And hydrogen is enriched with
results in reduction of the amount of total heat release.
both the fuel at a volumetric flow rate of 10 lpm and 13 lpm
The enrichment of hydrogen impacts positively on BTE for
and named as Dþ10H2, Dþ13H2, HB20, HB20 þ 10H2 and
all the test samples. At 90% loading condition, BTE is
HB20 þ 13H2, respectively. Compared to diesel fuel, the per-
enhanced by 2.3% and 3.1% for blends Dþ10H2 and Dþ13H2
formance, combustion and emission characteristics are
than the diesel fuel. Similarly, compared to biodiesel blend

Fig. 2 e Variation of BTE with respect to engine load.

32526 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3

(HB20) BTE for hydrogen enriched blends HB20 þ 10H2 and is found to decrease by 5.1% for HB20 at full load condition.
HB20 þ 13H2 are increased by 2.7% and 3.5%, respectively. This Lower calorific value of biodiesel coupled with poor combus-
is due to the higher and rapid heat release rate of the tion due to poor atomization might be responsible for the
hydrogeneair mixture that leads to increased brake thermal same. The enrichment of hydrogen with diesel fuel increases
efficiency [30,31]. Further a close look into the trend indicates EGT for Dþ13H2 by 3.6% as compared to Dþ10H2, at higher
the BTE of the hydrogen enriched biodiesel blends are always loading condition. Similarly, in the case of biodiesel blend,
lower than that of the hydrogen enriched diesel fuel. Lower EGT of HB20 þ 13H2 blend is 4.5% higher than that of the
heating value of biodiesel coupled with rapid rate of com- HB20 þ 10H2. The induction of hydrogen results in maximum
bustion of the fuel blends in presence of hydrogen and EGT which not only adds additional energy during combustion
oxygenated biodiesel is the reason for lower thermal effi- but also burns fuel at a faster rate due to higher self-ignition
ciency especially at higher loads. value of the hydrogen [32]. At higher load the EGT of
HB20 þ 10H2 and HB20 þ 13H2 are found to be 5.4% and 9.7%,
Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) higher compared to diesel. The identified results follow the
The variation of BSFC value against engine load for all the similar trend as that investigated by Hamdan et al. [12].
samples is shown in Fig. 3. In general, the trend is in line with
the trend of the BTE, the higher the efficiency lower will be the Engine combustion characteristics
fuel consumption. At higher load BSFC of the biodiesel blend is
higher than the rest of the test fuel samples. This may be due to The variation of in-cylinder pressure (ICP) and rate of heat
the properties of biodiesel such as high density, viscosity and release (RoHR) at different loading conditions is depicted in
lower heating value. In addition to that the disposition of Fig. 5(aed). The ICP relies upon the burned fuel portion during
plunger in the fuel injection pump leads to excessive dispatch the premixed combustion phase in the direct injection engine.
of fuel because of the higher density value of biodiesel blend The ICP describes the capacity of the fuel to blend with air and
compared to diesel fuel. Further, in comparison with diesel burn. The peak value of ICP is slightly higher for biodiesel
fuel, the enrichment of hydrogen in case of diesel and biodiesel blend at part loads, but at maximum load, ICP value is lower
blend helps to reduce the BSFC value. It has been found that than the diesel fuel. At part load condition, the lower tem-
compared to diesel fuel the BSFC value for blends Dþ10H2 and perature of the wall and residual gas results in the low tem-
Dþ13H2 are decreased by 14.7% and 17.6%, respectively, at 90% perature at injection and exhibits the longer ignition delay.
load. Similarly, the BSFC is decreased by 5.7% and 8.6% for Therefore, the ICP value shows a lower value and also tends to
blends HB20 þ 10H2 and HB20 þ 13H2 in comparison with bio- move away from the top dead center. At higher loads, due to
diesel blends. This is due to the enrichment of hydrogen that higher residual/cylinder temperature, the physical ignition
helps in proper mixing of fuel and air in the intake manifold delay period is shortened for both diesel and biodiesel blends
due to high diffusivity which enhances the combustion [32]. which leads to advances in combustion before top dead cen-
ter. This results in rapid increase of pressure during the pre-
Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) mixed combustion [33,34]. In addition, for the biodiesel
The unwanted heat goes out with the exhaust gases measured blends, presence of additional oxygen of the biodiesel acts as a
in the form of EGT. The variation of EGT with the various reagent to boost the rate of premixed combustion. Thus, at
engine load for all the test samples depicts Fig. 4. In general, higher loads the position of the ICP values deviates roughly by
the value of EGT increases monotonically with the increase in 1e2 degree of crank angle for diesel fuel and biodiesel blend.
load for all test fuel samples. Compared to diesel fuel, the EGT Advances of combustion and lower calorific value of the

Fig. 3 e Variation of BSFC with respect to engine load.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3 32527

Fig. 4 e Variation of EGT with respect to engine load.

Fig. 5 e (a) Variation of ICP with crank angle at 30% engine load. (b) Variation of ICP with crank angle at 100% engine load. (c)
Variation of RoHR with crank angle at 30% engine load. (d) Variation of RoHR with crank angle at 100% engine load.

biodiesel results in lower value of ICP than that of the diesel enhances the rate of peak pressure due to improvement of the
fuel [35]. Subsequently, the diffusion combustion is followed combustion and advances of the position peak pressure is
for both diesel and biodiesel blends. Presence of hydrogen directly linked with the reduction of the ignition delay. A
32528 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3

comparison of Fig. 5a and b, it can be seen that the increase in combustion duration for the blends HB20 þ 10H2, HB20 þ 13H2
load from 30% to 100% results in an increase of the peak are reduced by 2.4e5.2%, at full load and 4.1e6.2%, at 30% load,
pressure by almost 18%. Further, a close look into Fig. 5(a,b) respectively, in comparison with biodiesel blends. The
indicates that the presence of hydrogen (10e13 lpm) increases reduction in combustion duration is due to the gaseous form
the ICP by around 7e9% for both diesel & biodiesel. of hydrogen helps in better mixing with air and reduces the
At part load condition, the peak value of RoHR shows a ignition delay [38].
similar trend for both diesel and biodiesel samples, however The maximum rate of pressure rise (MRPR) values for
at maximum load diesel fuel exhibits slightly higher value of different test samples is shown in Fig. 7. The curve indicates
RoHR than biodiesel blend (Fig. 5c and d). It is important to that the rate of pressure rise is slightly higher at higher load
mention here that RoHR not only varies with fuel accumulated for all the test samples. The biodiesel blend (HB20) results in a
in the combustion chamber but also on the suitable quantity decrease in the rate of pressure rise by almost 3.3% as
of fuel that ready to burn during the ignition delay. Higher compared to diesel fuel. This may be due to lower calorific
volatility properties of diesel than biodiesel lead to a better value (lower heat releasing capacity) of the biodiesel samples
blend of fuel with air. In addition to that lengthening ignition coupled with improper combustion of fuel samples due to
delay promotes to occupy a higher percentage of fuel in the lower volatility and higher viscosity. At part load condition,
combustion chamber during premixed combustion phase [36]. lean mixture of fuel sample, and lower quantity of fuel leads
A combination of these factors affect the RoHR apart from the to poor combustion phase and thus, result in lower rate of
heating value of the biodiesel. pressure rise. Hydrogen enrichment for different flow rates, at
The enrichment of hydrogen for the dual fuel engine full load the rate of pressure rise for the blends HB20 þ 10H2
operation exhibits higher premixed combustion phase for all and HB20 þ 13H2 are raised by 5.6% and 11.8%, respectively.
test fuel samples. A close comparison of the results indicates
that the presence of hydrogen increases the value of RoHR of Engine emission characteristics
the engine fueled with diesel and biodiesel blends by 6e12%
and 10e14%, respectively. The drastic increase in RoHR for the Hydrocarbon (HC)emission
respective fuel samples may be due to the change in the The HC emission exists in liquid and gaseous phase due to
combustion phase both in premixed and diffusion stages. This unburnt and partially burnt HC which is unable to mix with
may be further attributed to the higher rate of flame propa- oxygen thus resulting in incomplete combustion. Fig. 8 depicts
gation and higher heating value of the hydrogen. This finally variation of HC emission against the load for all test fuel
leads to rapid ignition and the advancement of pressure rise, samples. In general, the rate of HC emission increases with
which finally raises in peak ICP values during the combustion the increase in load. This may be due to the intake of a higher
[37]. quantity of fuel to meet the load requirement, that tends to
The alteration of combustion duration with load for alter the fuel/air equivalence ratio. In presence of oxygenated
different test samples is shown in Fig. 6. The curve indicates biodiesel fuel, the HC emission is found to be lower as
for all the test samples the combustion duration decreases compared to diesel, especially at higher loading conditions.
with the increase in load. The combustion duration of bio- This may be attributed to the advancement and improvement
diesel blend is higher by 9.3% in comparison with diesel fuel at of the premixed combustion which finally results in better
100% load. Because inadequate mixture formation leads combustion. This improvement is in the range of 11e24% than
moderate combustion. Compared to diesel fuel and biodiesel that of the diesel.
blend, the enrichment of hydrogen with both diesel and bio- Enrichment of hydrogen with both diesel and biodiesel
diesel blend assists the reduction in combustion duration. The blend tends to emit less HC as compared to the corresponding

Fig. 6 e Variation of combustion duration with respect to engine load.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3 32529

Fig. 7 e Variation of MRPR with respect to engine load.

pilot fuel, and the rate of emission tends to decrease with the fuel. The biodiesel constitutes higher viscosity which in-
increase in rate of enrichment. Enrichment of hydrogen leads fluences the complexity in atomization during the air-fuel
to higher combustion temperature that results in the hydro- mixing process. During the combustion process a rich
carbon post-flame oxidation. Results indicate that the blend mixture of biodiesel emits the 0.09% more CO emission. At
HB20 þ 13H2 emit 8.8% lower HC in comparison with part load and intermediate load, the CO emission effect
HB20 þ 10H2 test samples. And compared to diesel fuel, the slightly biodiesel blends due to lean combustion with excess
blends HB20 þ 10H2 and HB20 þ 13H2 emit low HC 17% and air. However, at maximum load CO emission for biodiesel
24%, respectively, at higher loading conditions. At higher load blend 9% lower than diesel fuel [39]. Enrichment of hydrogen
the blend Dþ13H2 emits 7.7% lower HC as compared to emits lower CO as shown in Fig. 9. At higher load, it has been
Dþ10H2 test sample. The obtained results are identical as re- found that compared to diesel fuel the CO for blends Dþ10H2
ported by Saravanan et al. [11]. and Dþ13H2 are decreased by 19.2% and 24.2%, respectively.
Similarly, the emission of CO is decreased by 5.5% and 12.7%
Carbon monoxide (CO) emission for blends HB20 þ 10H2 and HB20 þ 13H2 in comparison with
The percentage of CO emission predicated by the fuel-air biodiesel blends. The enrichment of hydrogen enhances the
equivalence ratio. However, carbon monoxide emission exits combustion appreciably due to higher flame speed and high
during the combustion of fuel due to inadequate air supply diffusivity [38]. In addition to that hydrogen fuel constitutes
and time for post oxidation [42]. At higher loading conditions, carbon free structure. Results also indicate that compared to
it has been found that HB20 emits 9% lower CO than the diesel diesel fuel, B20 þ 10H2 and B20 þ 13H2 samples tend to reduce

Fig. 8 e Variation of HC with respect to engine load.

32530 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3

Fig. 9 e Variation of CO with respect to engine load.

CO pollution by about 14.2% and 21%, respectively, at higher finally results in formation of 180e228% higher NOₓ at full load
load. compared to that at lower load of 30%.
NOx emissions of biodiesel blend are slightly higher than
Oxides of nitrogen (NOₓ) emission that of diesel fuel. The NOₓ emission mainly depends upon the
The variation in oxide of nitrogen emission of diesel, biodiesel percentage of oxygen, combustion duration, and combustion
blend, with and without hydrogen enrichment is depicted in temperature. Oxygen content of the biodiesel leads to
Fig. 10. It can be mentioned here that combustion temperature improved combustion and high combustion temperature
and duration are main factors that affect the NOₓ emissions leads to higher NOₓ emission [40e43]. Further, the rate of in-
[43]. Both diesel and biodiesel blend emit higher NOₓ at higher crease of NOₓ emission with biodiesel fuel at part load is
loading condition. This may be attributed to the higher in- comparatively higher. This may be due to lower retention time
cylinder temperature and pressure due to burning of a of the high temperature gas within the cylinder, as can be seen
higher amount of fuel. Further, at the initial stage of the that increase in laid decreases the duration of the combustion.
experiment at part load, part of the produced heat is absorbed Zheng et al. [41] have reported that lower ignition delay due to
by the cylinder wall maintaining a lower temperature of the higher cetane number results in weaker mixing of air and fuel
cylinder, whereas at higher loads the wall temperature is and that results in poor combustion and finally reduces the
comparatively high making the system more efficient. This NOₓ formation. Biodiesel produces up to 22% higher NOₓ at part

Fig. 10 e Variation of NOₓ with respect to engine load.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3 32531

Fig. 11 e Variation of CO2 with respect to engine load.

load while it produces around 5% higher at full load, than that role, resulting in slightly lower NOₓ emission than that of the
of diesel. hydrogen enriched diesel fuel.
The enrichment of hydrogen with diesel and biodiesel fuel
blends emit more NOₓ compared to the corresponding fuel. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission
Results indicate that presence of hydrogen with diesel pro- Fig. 11 depicts the CO2 emission of the various fuel samples.
duces up to 38% higher NOₓ at lower loads, while at full load it The CO2 emissions for diesel and biodiesel blends are found to
is around 16%, compared to diesel. Similarly, in the case of increase with the increase in loading condition. This may be
biodiesel fuel blend, presence of hydrogen produces 43% due to better combustion. Results indicate that the blend HB20
higher NOₓ at part load and up to 11% higher NOₓ at full load, emits 7.3% higher CO2 emissions than the diesel fuel at full
compared to diesel. This may be due to four times greater load. Additional oxygen present in biodiesel blends helps to
calorific value of hydrogen than biodiesel that leads to higher convert CO to CO2. The enrichment of hydrogen with diesel
cylinder temperature and thus the formation of NOₓ emission. and biodiesel blend results in slightly higher CO2 emissions,
Further, at lower loads comparatively a lower amount of fuel better combustion of fuel might be the reason for the same. It
is being supplied, and the dominance of hydrogen is more. is evident from the results that CO2 emission is increased by
Whereas, in the case of biodiesel, at part loads, presence of 5e7% compared to the corresponding base fuel i.e., diesel and
oxygen leads to improve the combustion and results in higher biodiesel. It is important to mention here that on one side
NOₓ emissions [44]. However, at full loads lower heat release better combustion of fuel in presence of hydrogen tends to
rate due to lower calorific value of the pilot fuel plays a critical increase the CO2 emission, on the other side replacement of

Fig. 12 e Variation of smoke opacity with respect to engine load.

32532 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 2 5 2 1 e3 2 5 3 3

part of the air in the intake manifold with hydrogen also helps hydrogen with biodiesel blends exhibits decrease in CO
to reduce CO2 emission. Depending on the dominance of the emission by almost 21% due to better combustion. How-
either factors decide the total CO2 emission. The obtained ever, CO₂ emission is increased by around 7% in presence of
results follow the similar trend as studied by Saravanan et al. hydrogen.
[37].  Biodiesel blend emits lower HC emission and it further
reduces with hydrogen enrichment. Fuel samples
Smoke opacity HB20 þ 10H2 and HB20 þ 13H2 emit 17% and 24% lower HC
compared to diesel.
The variation of soot content in the exhaust gases in the form  Compare to diesel fuel, the blends HB20 þ 10H2 and
of smoke opacity is presented in Fig. 12. In general, the HB20 þ 13H2 emit 13.5% and 17.5% higher NOₓ emissions
magnitude of smoke opacity for diesel and biodiesel blends under same operating condition.
increases with load, and the increase is as high as 100% for
lower load of 30% to full load. This may be attributed to the
higher consumption of fuel at higher load. At part load, the
smoke opacity for the biodiesel blend shows marginally (up to Declaration of competing interest
6%) higher than diesel fuel. This may be attributed to the poor
combustion due to poor atomization due to higher viscosity of The authors declare that they have no known competing
the biodiesel. However, at full load the biodiesel blend emits financial interests or personal relationships that could have
almost 4% lower smoke opacity than diesel fuel. This is appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
because of lower aromatics compounds and low C/H ratio of
biodiesel as compared to diesel fuel. The biodiesel blend
constitutes a lower percentage of carbon than diesel fuel, the
higher percentage of carbon content tends to promote more
soot formation [45].
The authors would like to acknowledge the research grant
Enrichment of hydrogen helps to reduce the carbon to
received from the SERB (EEQ/2019/000386), and DST (DST/
hydrogen ratio in the combustion chamber and thereby help
to reduce the formation of soot. Results indicate that induc-
tion of hydrogen at a flow rate of 10e13 lpm reduces the for-
mation of soot by almost 7e20% for diesel and 3e17% for references
biodiesel, as compared to diesel. Further, the presence of
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