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Class Tutorial Homework 1

Consider the negative feedback system shown below Figure 1.1 with

(1) G1 ( s) = (2) G2 ( s) =
s( s + 2)( s 2 + 6s + 25) s( s + 4s + 8)

K ( s + 1) K
(3) G3 ( s) = (4) G4 ( s) =
s ( s + 3.6) s( s + 6) ( s 2 + 4s + 13)

K K ( s 2 + 1)
(5) G5 ( s) = (6) G6 ( s) =
s( s + 2) ( s + 5 )( s + 10 ) ( s − 1) ( s + 2 )( s + 3)

K ( s + 2) ( s2 + 4) K ( s 2 − 2s + 2 )
(7) G7 ( s) = (8) G8 ( s) =
( s + 5)( s − 3) s( s + 1) ( s + 2 )

Answer the following questions and show all working.

a) Find the open-loop zeros and poles (if any), and plot them on the complex plane.
b) Find the segment (or segments) of the real axis that belong to the root locus of G(s). Mark them
on the complex plane
c) For the root locus, find the asymptotes (if any) and the point (if any) that the asymptotes
intersect the real axis. Mark them on the complex plane
d) Find the points (if any) where the root locus cross the imaginary axis, and the corresponding
value of K.
e) Find the break-way and break-in points (if any)
f) For the root locus, find the angle of departure from the open loop poles (if any), and the angle
of arrival at the open loop zeros (if any).
g) Sketch the complete root-locus on the complex plane.
h) Write a MATLAB code to draw the complete root locus found in (g)

Figure 1.1

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