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This manual will

enable nurses to use
Brisk HMIS

[Course title]

Brisk HMIS
Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

1. Starting Brisk and Working on the Environment

a. Opening Brisk
b. Logging to Brisk
c. Requesting Username and Password
d. Brisk Screen Area
e. Working with My Account
f. Asking Support Service
2. Accessing Nurse Module
3. Working with patient
a. Searching patient assigned to triage
b. Searching patient current on visit
c. Searching external patient
d. Searching Inpatient
e. Add and Modify Vital Sign
f. Patient Visit
g. Nursing Administration and Order Hospital Service
h. Viewing Ordered Hospital Service Result
i. Following Patient Bill Status
4. Working with Store
a. Store Request

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Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

1. Starting Brisk and working on the Environment

Opening Brisk
To launch the system double click on brisk quick start up icon on your desktop
labelled Brisk.

Logging to Brisk
On the right corner of the screen a Login window is displayed, enter user name and
password then press Ok to get into the system.

Requesting User Account

If you don’t have a user account to use Brisk please use the following steps to
request your system administrator

1. Click on the link found on bottom right with a name Request User Account
2. When the Request Brisk Account Screen appears. Write your first
3. Write your last name
4. Write the position you work on or describe the work area
5. Choose a user name and write a user name
6. Choose a password and write the password on the space provided
7. Click the Request button on the screen. If the user name already taken an
error message will be thrown. If you are successful in filling all information
a success message will appear

The System administrator will approve the user account if it is verified very
well within 24 hours.

Brisk Screen Area

Brisk Application menu is loaded.

To log out click on logout icon then the system will return to login form.
To Update the system select the down arrow ( )
To Refresh press ( refresh icon)

List of brisk application modules are listed in the brisk menu area

How to Change Password?

1. Click on Brisk and then My Account. There you will find Change Password
2. Type your old password
3. Type your new password
4. Re-Enter your new password
5. Click ok to Change and a success message will appear on your screen after
you have successfully go through the above steps

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Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

Asking Support Service

1. To ask any kind of HMIS or Maintenance service request click on Brisk on

Brisk Menu
2. Click on Maintenance and Innovation Node under Brisk
3. Click on Service Request Under Maintenance and Innovation
4. Select the task type you are requesting
5. The selected task type will appear on the information area with a read
only mode
6. Type the service request description
7. Click on the button to select the department you are requesting from
8. Select the user you want the service to request to.
9. Select the Item the service request applies to
10. Click on the view Item button to confirm the selected item
11. The selected item will be viewed in a read only mode
Click save to send the service request

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Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

2. Accessing Nurse Module

1. Click on the plus sign of the Brisk Node on Brisk Menu

2. Click on HMIS or EMR of the Plus sign on Brisk Menu

3. Double Click on the Nurse Module. The following
screen will appear on your screen
4. List of Brisk Pages( ) Accessible by Nurses based on the
area you work on
5. Click on the circled pin icon to have more working
space on your screen. If the Brisk Menu is not hidden the
icon will look like this . If the Brisk Menu is clicked to
be hidden the pin icon will look like this .

3. Working with patients

A. Searching patient assigned to triage
1. To search for assigned patients to triage from
nurse module on the left click on the Patients
waiting on Brisk Page.
2. Use one of the criteria’s(Patient Name, Manual
Card Number, Computer Generated Card
Number, Mobile Number) to search for specific
patient or type none to search all
3. Click on the Go button to search
4. The page will display the patients available as
shown. The red indicator on the rows shows that
the patient is emergency patient and if the
patient is normal will be displayed as white row
with black text.

5. Here you can see the number of patients found. As the example shows you have 5 records found. You can use the
navigation if the number of patients are more than 21.

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B. Searching patients current on visit

Patient current on visit search page holds patients currently on the hospital and being served.
1. To search for Patient current on visit from nurse
module on the left click on the Patient Current on
Visit of Brisk Page.
2. Use one of the criteria’s(Patient Name, Manual
Card Number, Computer Generated Card
Number, Mobile Number) to search for specific
patient or type none to search all
3. Click on the Go button to search
4. The page will display the patients available as
shown. The red indicator on the rows shows that
the patient is emergency patient and if the patient
is normal will be displayed as white row with black

5. Here you can see the number of patients found. As the example shows you have 7 records found. You can use the navigation
if the number of patients are more than 21.

C. Searching for External Patient

1. To search for external patients from nurse module
on the left click on the External Patients of Brisk
2. Use one of the criteria’s(Patient Name, Computer
Generated Card Number, Mobile Number) to
search for specific patient or type none to search
3. Click on the Go button to search
4. The page will display the patients available as

5. Here you can see the number of patients found. As the example shows you have 1 records found. You can use the navigation
if the number of patients are more than 21.

D. Searching for Inpatient

1. To search for Inpatient from nurse module on the
left click on the Current Inpatient List of Brisk
2. Use one of the criteria’s(Patient Name, Manual
Card Number, Computer Generated Card
Number, Mobile Number, Bed Number) to search
for specific patient or type none to search all
3. Click on the Go button to search
4. The page will display the patients available as

5. Here you can see the number of patients found. As the example shows you have 0 records found. You can use the navigation
if the number of patients are more than 21.

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E. Add and Modify Vital Sign

1. To work with Add and Modify Vital Sign

process double click on the actual patient you
are working on currently that are listed on the
search page result as shown

2. After double clicking on the patient row on the

search result page a Brisk Process Selector
screen will be displayed. The Brisk Process
Selector will display list of processes according
to the Brisk Page that is assigned and according
to the user account privilege.
3. Click on the Add and Modify Vital Sign button
to display the process screen as shown below

1. This will show you in a read only mode basic

information about the patient. Name, card
information, computer reference number,
Phone information, birth date, age and sex.
This will help you to make sure you are
applying the selected process to the patient
you are currently serving.
2. Click on the drop down arrow to find list of
vita sign types such as BP, temperature,
PR….etc. Click on one of the list.
3. Type the resulting value on the space provided
4. Click Save

5. If you properly follow the above steps. The saved vital signs with the value, date and time of taken and the person who
took it will be displayed on this list. Note That: - If you want to add more vital sign go back to step 2 and go all the way
through to step 4.
6. If you have any note that you want to communicate with the doctor for the vital signs taken you can type it on the space
provided here.
7. If you want to format the note you make here with underline, bold anything which is delivered by Brisk here can be
8. When you are done with the vital sign adding or modifying Click OK to confirm
Note That:- If you want to modify the vital sign you already add use the search method provided on Section B above and
follow the steps in this section because since you took the vital sign already the patient is no longer going to be in the Patient
waiting list as described above on Section A

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F. Patient Visit

After searching the patient from all patient list as indicated under b. Searching for patient current on visit Section above this
process can make sure what kind of consultation and doctor this patient is going to be served on and presented to. This process
is very important because the system will automatically generate the bill for the patient and make sure the doctor have access
after the bill is invoiced and received by the receptionist or casher and paid by the patient.

1. To work with patient visit process double click on the

actual patient you are working on currently that are
listed on the search page result as shown above

2. After double clicking on the patient row on the search

result page a Brisk Process Selector screen will be
displayed. The Brisk Process Selector will display list of
processes according to the Brisk Page that is assigned
and according to the user account privilege.
3. Click on the Patient Visit button to display the process
screen as shown below

1. This will show you in a read only mode basic

information about the patient. Name, card
information, computer reference number, Phone
information, birth date, age and sex. This will help
you to make sure you are applying the selected
process to the patient you are currently serving.
2. If the patient is not registered today and has been
registered on the system before and has completed
his/her previous visit

3. Click on this sign of the Hospital Service or Hospital Module to drop and access the list. Click again on this sign of the
consultation hospital service type and this will list down the different category of under Consultation service type. Double
click on the category you want to access.
4. After double clicking as instructed on step 3 above the selected category will be displayed on a read only mode and list of
services under the selected category will be displayed as explained and shown on step 6
5. If you knew the service prior and want to filter it to your need, type some of the name of the service here to narrow down
the service list
6. List of services found under hospital service type (Consultation) and under the sub category of the hospital service type
(Consultation) named here Consultation.
7. To continue with the rest of the process on the patient visit, select the consultation using the check box that are listed on
the screen as described on step 6. Note That: - Only one consultation per visit is allowed if you attempt clicking on the
check box the system will release an error message and is not going to allow you. If the patient need more consultation
you can recommend recycle after completing the current visit and consultation.
8. After clicking on the service check box click on the Add Service button
9. The indicated area by the arrow will allow you to have more space for the service list if you click and drag it down. If you
click it and drag it upward the screen area described below on Step 10 will have more space.
10. The service list or the consultation type the patient is going to be served, that is added by clicking on the Add Service
button as described on step 8 above will be listed here. As you can see on the column naming Service Category, Service
Name and Staff(This is the staff that is going to take care of this consultation because consultation has to be assigned to
some person such as Doctor, Nurse, Mid wife, HO…etc.)
11. Click on the drop down arrow to display the staff list
12. List of staff list that are available on the hospital. Click on one of them because the system will require and it will not save.
13. Click the OK button after you are done with above steps to save a successfully saved message will appear on your screen.
You can see the doctor and the consultation you assigned the patient too as described Section B. Searching patient
current on visit
Note That: - Please concentrate and make sure to select the right choice because after you click OK the system will
automatically generate a bill for the selected service on the Pending Bill Brisk Page. To learn more about Pending Bill go to
Billing section of the reception manual

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G. Nursing Administration and Order Hospital Service

Whatever kind of services that are allocated and able to be ordered by nurses can be ordered through here, the service is going
to be visible according to the patient type you are serving.

Note That: - When you select if you are not professional please consult one to add the right service because a bill will
automatically be generated after you confirm. The bill will be found on the Pending Bill Brisk Page. To learn more about Pending
Bill go to Billing section of the manual.

1. To work with Nursing Administration or Ordering

Service process double click on the actual patient you
are working on currently that are listed on the search
page result as shown. For Searching please refer
Section A. B. and C. above
2. After double clicking on the patient row on the search
result page a Brisk Process Selector screen will be
displayed. The Brisk Process Selector will display list of
processes according to the Brisk Page that is assigned
and according to the user account privilege.
3. Click on the Nursing Administration button to display
the process screen as shown below
1. This will show you in a read only mode basic
information about the patient. Name, card
information, computer reference number, Phone
information, birth date, age and sex. This will help you
to make sure you are applying the selected process to
the patient you are currently serving.
2. Click on this sign of the Hospital Service or Hospital
Module to drop and access the list. Click again on this
sign of the hospital service type (e.g. Laboratory,
Radiology, Nurse Service…) and this will list down the
different category (e.g. Hematology, Stool, Urine,
Nurse Services…) of under service type (e.g.
Laboratory, Nurse Services…). Double click on the
category you want to access.
3. After double clicking as instructed on step 3 above the selected category will be displayed on a read only mode and list of
services under the selected category will be displayed as explained and shown on step 5
4. If you knew the service prior and want to filter it to your need, type some of the name of the service here to narrow down
the service list
5. List of services found under hospital service type (e.g. Laboratory…) and under the sub category of the hospital service type
(e.g. Laboratory…) named here (e.g. Urine…).
6. To continue with the rest of the process on the hospital service order, select the service using the check box that are listed
on the screen as described on step 5.
7. After clicking on the service check box click on the Add Service button
8. The indicated area by the arrow will allow you to have more space for the service list if you click and drag it down. If you
click it and drag it upward the screen area described below on Step 9 will have more space.
9. The service list(e.g. the services under laboratory…) the patient is going to be served, that is added by clicking on the Add
Service button as described on step 7 above will be listed here. As you can see on the column naming Service Category,
Service Name. When you click on the service is about to be ordered a parameter displayer will appear on the screen on the
right side. If the service has parameter. To work with parameter the next step (Step 10) will describe the detail.
10. If the service has additional parameter the system will give access to the order entry person by displaying the parameters
listed under that service to check using the check box on the left side. When you check this check box that means you are
sending a message to the order handling party, that particular parameter to be given more emphasis. Note That:- All services
doesn’t have parameter, so the parameter section on the screen is not going to be visible
11. Click the Save Order button after you are done with above steps to save. After you are done successfully saved message
will appear on your screen.

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Note That: - Please concentrate and make sure to select the right choice because after you click OK the system will
automatically generate a bill for the selected service on the Pending Bill Brisk Page. To learn more about Pending Bill go to
Billing section of the manual

H. Viewing Ordered Hospital Service Result

To view patients result for orders sent such as laboratory, radiology, pathology…etc. from nurse station at IPD or OPD ward
will be illustrated in the following steps.
i. To view result just arrived
Whenever the result is done for the order at the service areas such as Laboratory, Radiology, and Pathology…..etc. The
following Brisk Page holds the patients, that there result just arrived.
1. To search for New Results from nurse module on
the left click on the New Result of Brisk Page.
2. Use one of the criteria’s(Patient Name, Manual
Card Number, Computer Generated Card
Number, Mobile Number or Bed Number) to
search for specific patient or type none to search
3. Click on the Go button to search
4. The page will display the patient’s results
available as shown. The red indicator on the rows
shows that the patient is emergency patient and
if the patient is normal will be displayed as white
row with black text.

5. Here you can see the number of patients found. As the example shows you have 0 records found. You can use the
navigation if the number of patients are more than 21. The New Result page holds only until you view the patients
result, after you view the result the result will not visible. It will go to the next search page Viewed Results
ii. To view result already viewed
Whenever the result is viewed in the New Result search page the system will automatically move the results to this search
page to be viewed whenever it is needed.
1. To search for Viewed Results from nurse module
on the left click on the Viewed Result of Brisk
2. Use one of the criteria’s(Patient Name, Manual
Card Number, Computer Generated Card
Number, Mobile Number or Bed Number) to
search for specific patient or type none to search
3. Click on the Go button to search
4. The page will display the patient’s results
available as shown. The red indicator on the rows
shows that the patient is emergency patient and
if the patient is normal will be displayed as white
row with black text.
5. Here you can see the number of patients found. As the example shows you have 7 records found. You can use the
navigation if the number of patients are more than 21.

iii. To view detail result

1. Use the search steps provided in Section H sub section i and ii

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Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

2. After double clicking on the patient row on the search result page a
Brisk Process Selector screen will be displayed. The Brisk Process
Selector will display list of processes according to the Brisk Page that
is assigned and according to the user account privilege.
3. Click on the View Result Detail button to display the process screen
as shown below
4. This will show you in a read only mode basic information about the
patient. Name, card information, computer reference number,
Phone information, birth date, age and sex. This will help you to make
sure you are applying the selected process to the patient you are
currently serving.
5. List of Test in the order and Double click on the test to view the print
out tabular format or document format based on the result type of
the test. View the following tabular format as an example and it is
6. Printable sample laboratory result

iv. To print result

1. Use the search steps provided in Section H sub section i and ii

2. After double clicking on the patient row on the search result page a
Brisk Process Selector screen will be displayed. The Brisk Process
Selector will display list of processes according to the Brisk Page that
is assigned and according to the user account privilege.
3. Click on the View Result Detail button to display the process screen
as shown below
4. This will show you in a read only mode basic information about the
patient. Name, card information, computer reference number,
Phone information, birth date, age and sex. This will help you to make
sure you are applying the selected process to the patient you are
currently serving.
5. Click Print Preview

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Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

6. Printable sample laboratory result

I. Following Patient Bill Status

If you want to follow bill payment status, whether the patient has paid his/her bill or not, use the following procedure.
1. On all search pages described above
Section A, B and C you can find the
Bill Status column at the end in the
status you can see paid and unpaid
text to identify as well as a Color
identifier for Unpaid as Dark Red
label. To view the detail of the bills
that are unpaid double click on the
patient record
2. After double clicking on the patient
row on the search result page a Brisk
Process Selector screen will be
displayed. The Brisk Process Selector
will display list of processes according
to the Brisk Page that is assigned and
according to the user account
3. Click on the View Patient unpaid bills
button to display the process screen
as shown below
4. This will show you in a read only
mode basic information about the
patient. Name, card information,
computer reference number, Phone
information, birth date, age and sex.
This will help you to make sure you
are applying the selected process to
the patient you are currently serving.
5. List of unpaid bill list for the selected
patient. Here you can justify if the
service you ordered for the patient is
paid or not.
6. Click OK to confirm and Cancel not to
serve the patient and send him/her
back to pay the bill.

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4. Working with Store

1. Store requests
The Store request is a place to request pharmacy, provisional and fixed asset

 Double Click On Store Request


On store request window

1. Store request Code will be
automatically generated
2. Select Request Date
3. Select Requesters employee
Name from the list.
4. Select the store you want to
5. Select the item category
6. Double Click the item/s you want
to request
7. Enter quantity for each item you
want to request.

8. Click Prepare Request.

 Print Out will be displayed

View Requests

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Brisk HMIS – Nurses Manual

9. Click Search store Requests

1. View Request page will be

2. Click Search
3. You can see all the store requests
with their status. Right click the
desired request from the list.
4. Click edit the change store
5. Click Cancel to remove the

6. Click to print the request.

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