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Man: What do you usually do on Saturday?

Woman: I wake up at 8 a.m. Then I take a shower and go to work. I have lunch with my
friends at about 1 p.m.
Man: Hold on! You don’t have breakfast?
Woman: No, I don’t have time. I am always in a hurry.
Man: I need to have breakfast every day. It gives me energy for the rest of the day.
Woman: Oh, but I have a cup coffee and a muffin at the office.
Man: and what do you do after work?
Woman: I sometimes go to a bar and have some beers with my friends. Would you like
to come with us next Saturday?
Man: Sure. It sounds great.


Bill: What are you up to these days, Bob?

Bob: Not much, actually. Ever since I lost my job, I’ve been a little bit depressed.
Bill: Well, at least you can relax.
Bob: Yeah, too much. I’ve been getting up at 10 every day.
Bill: Are you looking for work?
Bob: Yeah, I am. I’m spending about an hour a day looking online.
Bill: And have you had any luck?
Bob: Not really. Two interviews  so far, but no job.
Bill: Well, I’m sure you’ll find something soon.
Bob: I hope so. I’m also gaining weight. I just sit around all day and eat chips.
Bill: That’s not good. Are you still going to the gym?
Bob: Occasionally. But I should go more often. How about you? Are you still training
for your half marathon?
Bill: Yeah… I’m running 4 or 5 days a week. I love it!

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