FinElem Assign1 Struc&ProgrammReview

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Faculty of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences

Finite Elements

Assignment No 1 October 04, 2021

Individual work:

For every program developed in this course, you have to use Python programming
language and in the code include: student’s name, date, name of course, description of the
algorithm, list of input/data and output/results variables, and, references. Also you have to
include comments in the source code to identify different steps in the process.

1.- Prepare a flow chart to implement the Bisection and Newton-Raphson methods to find roots
of nonlinear functions. Then implement them using Python programming language and prepare a
plot of the friction coefficient fD for rough surfaces. Consider adequate ranges for Reynolds
number, Re, and roughness ratio,  / D .

1 1 1 
 2.00 log10 ( 2.51  ).
fD Re f D 3.7 D

For the next two problems you have to review the IMO Load Lines Convention, LLC,
consolidated 2018 edition.

2.- Review the Regulation 3 on Definitions of terms used in the Annexes, and prepare AutoCAD
plans explaining the following terms: Length, Superstructure, Bridge, Poop, Forecastle, Full
superstructure, and, Raised quarterdeck

3.- Prepare a flow chart to implement the calculation of the freeboard for a ship of type B, using
regulations 27 and 28 of LLC. For this process you have to first find the interval where the length
is located, and, then interpolate for the freeboard.

4.- Prepare a flow chart to implement numerical integration using trapezoidal rule. Implement the
numerical integration to calculate the area under the Normal probability distribution, and calculate
the probability that the student grade of a Naval Engineering student is above 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5,
8.0, 8.5, 9.0 and 9.5. Consider that the mean value is 7.41124 and the standard deviation is
0.40516. Prepare a plot of the probability vs the grade, and comment on the results.

5.- Deduce an expression for the load (force/length) on the primary structure of a box barge with
main dimensions: L: 80, B: 16, D: 8.2 m, and with the following simplified weight/length
 
distribution in light condition: wlight  55 1  x / L 2 in ton/m; the origin of the reference system
is located at mid-ship section, + towards forward end. Consider the ship in Hogging condition
with a wave height of 1.5 m and wave length equal to the length of the ship. To represent the
weight of cargo, two concentrated forces are applied at +/- 15m, each one with a value of 1000
tons, and, for the aft superstructure and machinery weights, a third concentrated force of 300 tons
is applied at x=-30m.
Apply the program prepared for the previous problem to develop numerical integration with
trapezoidal rule to calculate the shear force and bending moment, considering the sign convention
of IACS. The program has to save results in a text file and produce a graph on the screen.

Due: Monday Oct. 11th. Source codes must be included in the appendix, and the three
projects in compressed format have to be uploaded in the Sidweb to be checked. Please
report number of hours employed to complete each problem.


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