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Z’s Pre-K/Kindergarten Class Info/Procedures

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to a brand new year at Mount Ellis Elementary! I am so excited to be

your child’s teacher this year, and I am anticipating lots of learning and fun
together. I believe that the best way for us to have a successful year is to keep
in constant contact, so please feel free to text or email me and expect to hear
from me regularly. I will respond as swiftly as I can between the hours of 6:30
a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

As a teacher, it is my responsibility to create an engaging, safe, and fun

learning environment for my students. I believe I have leaders in my classroom,
so I encourage all my students to try their hardest, to be kind and honest, and
to follow Jesus’ example.

Classroom Rules:
• Keep our classroom clean.
• Raise your hand and wait for your turn to talk.
• Listen respectfully and follow directions the rst time.
• Always do your best work.
• Be honest.
• Help others.
• Be safe.
• Hands off policy—For safety, we each have a space bubble and it is a
school rule that we each stay within our own bubbles.
• Be Kind.
• Be like Jesus.
Please talk about these rules and their meanings with your child before school


• Praise
• Coupons for Classroom Privileges (i.e. sit with the teacher for lunch,
Dance Party, Choose a Prize, Etc…)
• Stickers/Stamps
• Prize Box
• As a class, they will be working together to ll 10-frames to earn class

• Verbal Warnings
• A break from the situation
• Note or Phone Call to Parents
• A visit to the Principal’s Of ce

I believe in logical consequences, which focus on solutions rather than

punishments. Logical consequences must be related to the situation,
respectful, reasonable, and helpful. An example of this is if a student shows me
they cannot use kind words, they may need to take a break from being with
their friends until they show me they are ready to apologize and be kind to

Communication Folder:
Each week on THURSDAY, I will be sending home a Communication Folder.
Please remember to check for it weekly and take out all papers labeled, “Keep
at Home.” I will be sending home a weekly classroom newsletter, assignments
we have been working on at school, permission slips, and any other papers
you may need.
**Your child’s folder must be returned to me the next day**

Classroom Website:
My classroom website is You can also access the
website by going to >Academics>Faculty & Staff>Mrs. Z.
This website contains all the information needed for everything related to the
class, so please become very familiar with the layout. This is also the place that I



will post the assignment sheet we will use in the event of an E-Day or remote


Due to the extended school hours for this year, we will have lunch in our
classroom on Fridays! Please send a snack and lunch EVERY DAY.

We usually start lunch between 11 and 11:15 every day. Please send your child
to school every day with a snack and packed lunch. If students have food that
need to be heated, please make sure it takes no longer than one minute.
Please do not send cup-o-noodles, frozen meals, or microwavable mac and
cheese dinners. These meals cause a long line at the microwave and students
miss out on recess time.

Our school has parent volunteers who sign up to make a hot lunch once per
week. These hot lunches are paid for by the school, not the parent volunteer,
and are included in your child’s tuition. If you would like to volunteer for hot
lunch, please contact Mrs. Johnson at If
you do not want your child to eat a hot lunch for any reason, you do not need
to let anyone know—just send them with their regularly packed lunch. Please
remember to send a snack on hot lunch days!

Rest Time:
From 12:30-1:30 M-Th, the class will be having a quiet rest time. Students who
stay all day must bring a trifold wipeable sleeping mat, pillow, and blanket.
Students who cannot fall asleep may listen to music or a story that I will play
during that time or quietly look at a book. The students are asked to lay down
and remain still on their mats during this time.

School Supplies (see supply list online):

Students must bring the supplies listed on the supply list. Please follow the list
closely and stick to the brands listed. We have community pots for pencils,
markers, crayons, and scissors. No individual supply boxes are necessary. Each
student needs a complete change of clothes (i.e. socks, underwear, pants, shirt

etc.) to be left at school. Sometimes accidents happen or clothes can get wet
or dirty at recess.

Students must bring a backpack to school daily. This is the most secure and
convenient way to transport materials and important papers to and from
school. Please be sure to write your child’s name on all their personal
belongings. Also, make sure your child comes to school rested and ready to
learn. They need a good night’s sleep each school night and a healthy
breakfast each morning!

This year, Mrs. Allen and I are both using a new parent-teacher communication
app called, “Seesaw.” This is our preferred primary means of communication.
Seesaw also allows us to assign work to your child in the event of an absence.
Please make sure to download the app and sign up using the sign-up paper I
have sent home to you.

Consistent attendance is the best way to ensure your child thrives in their

In Pre-K, many families opt to send their children part time. Please make
sure your child comes on the days they are expected, or give me as much
notice as possible (no less than 48 hours unless it is due to illness) if they
need to miss a day or switch days. If you choose to inform me last minute, I
cannot guarantee your child will have a spot for that day.
In Kindergarten, attendance every day is best practice so your child doesn’t
miss out on the important lessons that prepare them for rst grade. Much of
what we do is hands on, discussion-based, and cannot be replicated. In
order to get through our math and phonics curriculum however, we have to
complete one lesson per day in each. This is the work that is important to
send home so they don’t miss out. All other work/projects for short term
absences (1-2 days) can be caught up at school.


If your child is sick, please contact me to pick up their math/phonics lesson

if they are going to be absent for more than one school day. I may assign
the work on seesaw, rather than sending home a paper copy. If your child is
gone only one day, I can catch them up on all subjects at school.
If you and your family choose to take a vacation, please give me a minimum
of one week’s notice in advance of your trip to gather work for your child.

If you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to message me on Seesaw,
stop in before or after school, or send me an email:d

I am looking forward to a great school year together!

Mrs. Z

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