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Vedic trainings for

professional success
Science and Spirituality and personal happiness

The Vasati Course

Possible as distance learning, webinar or seminar.
In the moment only Vasati 1 Course is available
in English language.

Vasati - Living According to the Twelve

Laws of Nature

Vasati is the art of proper living and building based

on twelve natural laws. This system was developed
over many years of research by Marcus Schmieke
and his colleagues at the Vedic Academy.
The heart of Vasati is formed by the universal
principles of Vastu, which can be proven to be the
origin of Feng Shui and European geomancy. In or-
der to meet the needs of the modern world, Vasati
integrates not only the latest scientific findings in ge-
The villas of Andrea Palladios are designed according to
ophysics and cosmophysics, but also basic geoman-
the principles of Vasati. Vitruv, the pioneer of ancient
tic knowledge of the earth‘s energy lattices and the Roman architecture, also drew his knowledge from Indian
laws of harmonical architecture. Vastu writings. This underlines the importance of the
As a practical system for planning all types of Vasati principles as the most important roots of European
buildings, Vasati creates a unique living and quality architecture.
of life.
Vasati is not only the ideal planning system for
new buildings. Its correction tools - developed and complex interrelationships of Vastu accessible in a
tested in the Vedic Academy, based on thousands of simple and transparent form. This is the only reason
years of old sources and modern technology - also why it is possible to convey the basic knowledge of
improve the living quality of existing buildings. The the Vasati in such a focused way. The knowledge
Vasati students are systematically trained in the use acquired here is deepened and matured in practical
of these tools to transform any „sick“ room into a application. For this purpose, the students carry out
space of well-being. various projects under the supervision of an expe-
rienced instructor. Existing living situations are ana-
lysed, evaluated and corrected, new buildings are
The Power of Living Space - Improving planned independently. These experiences allow
the Quality of Life through Vasati the students to apply Vasati in practice.

The invaluable benefit of Vasati for a healthy quality

of life has been proven by a long-term study con-
ducted by the Vedic Academy under the direction Vasati - Harmony of Space through
Vasati Distance Learning Course

of Marcus Schmieke. The results of this study indi- Measurement Calculation

cate a link between housing defects and residents‘
illnesses. These correlations are taught in Vasati Vastu is based on the sacred measurement sys-
training, which in many cases effective correction is tem of the Sthapatis, the South Indian master archi-
possible. tects of the Vishvakarma clan. The basic measure-
ment of the Sthapatis is derived from the circumfe-
rence of the earth, the sun and the moon. It reso-
Vasati Consultant & Planner nates with the original rooms of Vastu, the famous
temples of Chidambaram and Sri Rangam. From
the Sthapatis comes a modular planning system as
Vasati reveals and simplifies the laws of nature un- well. It simplifies the dimensional calculations many
derlying traditional Vastu, concentrating on the es- times over and leads to perfect spatial harmony.
sentials. This leads to a logical and clearly structured This planning system forms the basis of the Vasati
planning process. Vasati training thus makes the Planner course (Vasati 2).

Vedic-Academy Tel.: +49-3391-400 22 18 · Fax: - 99

Darritzer Strasse 6
16818 Kränzlin, Germany
The Founder of Vasati

Marcus Schmieke From 2001 to 2004, together

with a group of architects, he plan-
ned a Vasati housing estate for Gar-
Marcus Schmieke, born 1966 in tenheim, a housing cooperative in
Oldenburg, is a pioneer of Vastu in Hanover with more than 100 resi-
Europe with his numerous books, dential units, which was completed
and the founder of Vasati. After his at the beginning of 2005. During
studies of physics and philosophy in the same period, he also imple-
Hanover and Heidelberg and his in- mented Vasati in the construction
itiation into a Vedic student succes- of more than 100 new residential
sion, he undertook longer journeys buildings, Ayurveda clinics, nur-
to India. There he studied Vastu, sing homes for the elderly, hotels,
Vedic Astrology, Sanskrit and Ve- production buildings, commercial
dic Philosophy and Metaphysics in buildings and in the redesign and
various monasteries. He completed correction of equally as many buil-
his Vastu studies with honors at the dings.
prestigious South Indian Institute Also in 2004, he founded the
Vastuvidyapratisthanam. He lear- European Academy of Vedic Sci-
ned Vedic astrology from various ences, which teaches Vedic sciences
masters of Northern India. worldwide via the Internet and local to two weeks and at the same
In 1994 Marcus Schmieke co- seminars in local languages. time has a deep spiritual back-
founded the journal Tattva Viveka Marcus Schmieke‘s most com- ground.
as a forum for science, philosophy prehensive Vasati book Die Kraft His books Dein kosmischer Bo-
and spiritual culture. This was fol- lebendiger Räume (The Power of dyguard (Your Cosmic Bodyguard),
lowed by various book publications Living Space) has become a Vastu Das Edelsteinorakel (The Gem Ora-
on natural science, life processes standard work in German. In his cle)and Planetenessenzen (Planetary
and consciousness. Important book Die 12 Erfolgsgesetze des Essences) focus on the practical ap-
works from this period are Das richtigen Wohnens (The 12 Laws plication of Vedic astrology in life.
letzte Geheimnis (1995), Das Le- of Success of Proper Living), he Marcus Schmieke is also regar-
bensfeld (1997) and Feinstoffliche formulated, for the first time, an ded as the inventor and founder
Energien in Naturwissenschaft und open system of architecture based of TimeWaver. This is based on an
Medizin (1997). on twelve universal laws of nature. extensive information field analysis
With the founding of the Vedic On this basis he developed the first and opens up various integrative
Academy at Schloss Weißenstein in Vasati training course and the first methods, which are presented at
1996, he created an Institute for the Vastu distance learning course in information events, in courses and
Integration of Science and Spiritua- Europe. His seven books on this at congresses. The insights that
lity that made a name for itself be- subject have been translated into Marcus Schmieke has gained from
yond the borders of Germany. Since more than 15 languages and have his many years of involvement with
Vasati Distance Learning Course

1998, the research and teachings of been published in India, the country the various therapy methods are
the Vedic Academy have concentra- of the origin of Vastu. summarized and communicated in
ted primarily on Vasati, Ayurveda, Marcus Schmieke has also in- the Time Wave System. This system
Sanskrit and Vedic Astrology (Jyo- tensively researched and publis- is now used by thousands of thera-
tish). In these areas, numerous trai- hed about Vedic astrology. With pists and users worldwide.
ning courses and distance learning his textbook on Systemic Vedic After more than 20 books on
courses have been developed. Astrology Vedische Astrologie in 7 scientific and Vedic topics, Marcus
In 2002, the International In- Tagen (Vedic Astrology in 7 days), Schmieke has written Der zweite
stitute for Predictive Astrology he combines the teachings of two Weg (The Second Path) and Follow
(Fairfield, USA) appointed Marcus contemporary masters of Vedic the Inner Path (Den inneren Weg
Schmieke President of the German astrology, Prof. V.K. Choudhry gehen) in recent years, in which he
Department. The Institute empo- and Pandit Sanjay Rath, into a brings together the great themes
wered him to train and certify in practical system that can be com- of his work and relates them to the
Systemic Vedic Astrology. municated and understood in one holistic development of man.

Vedic-Academy Tel.: +49-3391-400 22 18 · Fax: - 99

Darritzer Strasse 6
16818 Kränzlin, Germany
General Course Information

Learning Objectives of Vasati Training tify and correct energy problems in existing buil-

² You will acquire the ability to evaluate every living si- ² Planning and correction of business premises
tuation according to Vasati and to mitigate or correct and offices: Design of commercial premises
defects with simple means. according to Vasati increases work efficiency
and influences business success.
² You will learn to recognize the connection between
the living space and the health of the residents and to ² Vasati consulting as an additional service: Many
eliminate harmful influences of independent professions can
the apartment through negative be ideally complemented by
Vasati influences. Vasati. As an architect, doctor,
naturopath, building biologist,
² You will be able to read a house management consultant, car-
like a horoscope and determine penter, restorer, building con-
the individual effects on its inha- tractor, Feng Shui consultant,
bitants. or designer, you will find a
wide range of applications for
² You will become familiar with a your Vasati training. More and
systematic design process that more people recognize the im-
will enable you to plan, dimen- portance of energetic princip-
sion and adapt a house to the les in living and building. With
individual needs of its occupants Vasati you have the tools to
according to the natural laws of meet these requirements.

² You will have the necessary knowledge and all the Course Types and Registration
tools you need to apply comprehensive Vasati consul-
ting in the business sector.
Distance learning course: The course duration for all
² With the help of 13 Vasati Yantras you get a system of parts is one year each and is designed as part-time trai-
tools for room correction. ning. Five to ten hours per week are usually sufficient
to complete a course within one year. The distance
² You will receive a simple system developed by Marcus learning courses can be started at any time.
Schmieke to determine your personal living horoscope
without any previous astrological knowledge. Webinar: The course duration is 5 days. Students get
Zoom access and take the course from home via com-
puter. They are still entitled to supervision for three
Occupational Areas as a Vasati Expert
Vasati Distance Learning Course

months, during which time the final paper must be

submitted. Please check the website for current dates.

The Vasati certificate identifies you as a qualified Vasati Seminar: The course lasts 5 days. The course takes place
consultant who can offer the following services both pri- in the seminar room of Kränzlin Castle. Students are
vately and commercially: then entitled to supervision for three months, during
which time the final thesis must be submitted. Please
² Vasati consulting during construction: When check the website for current dates.
constructing a new building, you design the floor
plan according to Vasati and advise the architect The current course fees can be found on the registration
during their planning phase. form of the Vedic Academy.

² Assessment and correction of existing buildings:

Your Vasati knowledge also allows you to iden-

Vedic-Academy Tel.: +49-3391-400 22 18 · Fax: - 99

Darritzer Strasse 6
16818 Kränzlin, Germany
Contents and Structure

Who is the Vasati Training Aimed at? Astrology Software „Prashna ®“

Everyone lives and dwells in rooms. The Vasati trai- For astrological calculations, you will receive an access to
ning is suitable for all persons who are interested the free basic version of our specially developed astro-
in a deeper understanding of our closest neighbour, logy software „Prashna ®“ (only usable with Microsoft
the space around us. There are no admission requi- Windows).

Vasati 1: Vasati Consultant Vasati 2: Vasati Planner

(possible as distance learning, webinar or seminar) (distance learning)
The Vasati consultant learns in theory and practice how to The Vasati planner learns in theory and practice how to
of the course

analyze existing houses and apartments and how to correct plan new houses and apartments according to Vasati.

defects. They are introduced to the sacred geometry of the

South Indian Sthapatis (master architects). The training
presupposes the acquisition of the certificate „Vasati

After successful completion of all tasks and project work, After successful completion of all tasks and project

the „Vasati Consultant“ certificate is issued. work, the „Vasati Planner“ certificate is issued.

1. Vasati Consultant 2. Vasati Planner

• Five elements in Vasati • Cardinal qualities

• Sensitive points on the Vastupurusha Mandala


• Cardinal characteristics
• Vastupurusha Mandala • Different house types
• The planets in Vasati • Metaphysics of space and time
• Interaction of objects and points of the cardinal • System of measurement in the Vasati

points with the nine planets • Six formulas of Vastu

• Windows and doors
• Main entrance and driveway
• Vastupurusha Mandala (VPM) • Shape and location of the property
• Different types of VPM • Selection of the plot
• Furnishing of the house • Different road conditions


• Business situations
• Auxiliary buildings
• Row houses, multi-family houses
• Special cardinal defects
• Two types of space energy • Dynamics of monetary energy
• Energy grid of the Earth • Furnishing of offices
Vasati Distance Learning Course


• Direction error and correction • Design of business premises

• Industry, hotels, airports, bakeries

• Yantras and mandalas to correct defects • Rituals in Vastu

• Parallel houses • Design in Vastu
• Diagonal houses • Urban planning

• Zones of rest and movement


• Elements of the design

• Ayurveda and Vasati
• „physical“ Vastu-Purusha mandala
• 108-step program • „metaphysical“ Vastu Purusha mandala
• Defects and correction • Modular planning in the vasati

• Consulting guide • Practical examples


• Interrelationships between defects

Vedic-Academy Tel.: +49-3391-400 22 18 · Fax: - 99

Darritzer Strasse 6
16818 Kränzlin, Germany
Content, Structure and Supervision

Vasati 3: Vasati Astrologer

Your Supervisor:
Uwe Spira
The first part of the Vasati Astrologer course
of the course

corresponds to the Systemic Vedic Astrology 1


During the Vasati course you will be personally and

course. In the second part of the course you will
competently assisted by Uwe Spira, who is also responsible
learn to relate a client‘s horoscope information
for Vasati consulting and planning projects at the Vedic
to the house. This expands your ability to plan or
correct a house for an individual person. Academy.
Uwe Spira was
After successful completion of all tasks and the born on 8 May

project work, the certificate “Vasati Astrologer“ 1957 in Andernach

is awarded. am Rhein. The
spiritual religious
background of his
3. Vasati Astrologer – Contents family led him during
his childhood and
Excerpt: youth on the search
• Signs, houses and planets for a transcendent
• Use of the Prashna software
reality besides the
• Basics of Vedic Astrology and Astronomy
Part 1 - Astrological fundamentals

• Elements of a horoscope material existence of

• Qualities of planets, houses and signs earthly life. In 1979
• Significations of planets, houses and signs he encountered the
• Effect of planets on planets and houses tradition of Bhakti
• Aspects, Attacks and Conjunctions
Yoga and Mantra
• The strength of the planets
• Types of weakening of the planets Meditation, which
• The harmonious subcharts of the 12 houses had a decisive influence on his future path. Initiated in
• Your own horoscope for different areas of life this tradition, he intensively studied the Vedic (Bhakti)
• Charts for wealth, health, children, service life, mar- scriptures. There he found inner development and growth.
riage, relationships, occupation etc.
His conclusion did not lie in a withdrawn life, but in a
• Placement of the karmic axis (Rahu and Ketu)
• The temporal determination of events synthesis of everyday life and spirituality. In 1988 he
• Planetary periods encountered Vedic astrology, which aroused great interest
• The Nakshatras - Vedic lunar astrology and enthusiasm in him. Between the years 2000 and 2002
• The systematic analysis of a horoscope he successfully completed the Vasati studies and the Vedic
• Examples of horoscope interpretations
Astrology studies at the Vedic Academy and since 2004 he
has been practicing the acquired knowledge of both areas
• Vasati and Astrology
independently to the great satisfaction of his clientele.
• The planets in Vasati
Part 2 - Application in Vasati

• Moon houses & moon phases in Vasati

• Reference of the house to the zodiac Uwe about his work: „The confrontation with Vedic
• Determination of personal resonances of the inhabi- philosophy has decisively shaped my life and led me on
tants: What is beneficial for which person
Vasati Distance Learning Course

a journey of inner growth. During my studies under the

• Determination of the right timing
guidance of my long-time friend and companion Marcus
• The karmic correspondence between house and
inhabitant Schmieke I found the synthesis of Vedic wisdom and new
• Determination of the appropriate Vasati corrective physics.
devices while taking astrological aspects into ac- Our life in this material cosmos is subject to the laws
count of space and time. To live a successful life without tension
• Accompanying astrological consultation to the Va-
it is necessary to ask for information and advice about the
sati consultation
• Practical exercises for all aspects individual relationship to the spaces you are in and the
quality of the time you have at your disposal”.

Vedic-Academy Tel.: +49-3391-400 22 18 · Fax: - 99

Darritzer Strasse 6
16818 Kränzlin, Germany

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