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Which of the following polymers is a homopolymer

a. DNA
b. Collagen
c. enzymes
d. glycogen
e. RNA

2. A protein molecule contains

a) amino acids
b) glycosidic bonds
c) peptide bonds
d) Both a) and b) are correct
e) Both a) and c) are correct

3. The bond that link monosaccharides together in a polysacharide is known as

a. an ester bond
b. a peptide bond
c. a phosphodiester bond
d. a hydrogen bond
e. a glycosidic bond

4. Which of the following metabolic transformations is an examples of a catabolic reaction

a) glucose  glycogen
b) deoxynucleotides  DNA
c) enzyme  amino acids
d) pyruvate  glucose
e) amino acids  collagen

5. The rough endoplasmic reticulum of a eukaryotic cell

a) serve as a site for the synthesis of complex lipids
b) serve as a site for the synthesis of proteins
c) generate metabolic energy
d) exports secretory proteins
e) carry genetic information

6. Which of the following statement concerning the properties of enzymes is NOT true?
a. All enzymes are proteins
b. Enzymes are highly specific for the reaction they catalyse and for their substrates
c. Enzymes are tightly regulated
d. Some enzymes need co-factors in order to function effectively

7. Which of the following statements regarding holoenzymes is NOT true?

a. Holoenzymes consist of an apoprotein and a cofactor
b. The co factor of a holoenzyme can be either a coenzyme or a metal ion
c. Holoenzymes do not have an active site
d. Most coenzyme found in holoenzymes are derivatives of water soluble vitamins
8. The coenzyme, pyridoxal phosphate, which is derived from vitamin B6 is required for which type of a
biochemical reactions
a) Decarboxylation reactions
b) Redox reactions
c) Transamination reactions
d) Phosphorylations
e) Methylation reactions

9. Which of the following coenzymes is involved in transamination reactions

a) Thymine pyrophosphate (from vitamin B1)

b) Pyridoxal phosphate (from vitamin B6)
c) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (from vitamin B3)
d) Flavin mononucleotide phosphate (from vitamin B2)
e) Coenzyme A (from vitamin B5)

10. All of the following information about the active site of an enzyme are correct EXCEPT. The active site
of an enzyme
a) is lined by hydrophilic amino acid
b) may contain a coenzyme
c) may contain a metal ion
d) contains a substrate binding site
e) binds the substrate via non-covalent interactions

11. All of the following statements about enzymes are true EXCEPT
a) Most but not all enzymes are proteins
b) Enzymes are highly specific for the reactions the catalyze
c) Enzymes may catalyze reversible reactions
d) Enzymes increases the activation energy of a reactions
e) Enzymes enhances the reaction rates of both anabolic and catabolic reactions

12. All of the following strategies are utilized by enzymes to lower the activation energy of a reaction
EXCEPT. An enzyme may
a) straining and distort the substrate bonds
b) donate or accept a proton from a substrate
c) bind more than one substrate in its active site
d) form a covalent bond with the substrate
e) bind two substrates in close proximity to one another and in correct orientation

13. A plot of the activity (rate of reaction) of an allosteric enzyme as a function of pH is

a) hyperbolic
b) a straight line
c) bell shaped
d) sigmoidal
e) parabolic

14. Fig.1 shows the activities of three enzymes A, B and C plotted as function a change in pH of the
reaction mixture. Which of the three enzymes is likely to be a physiological enzyme?

Enzyme activity

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0


a. A
b. B
c. C
d. None of the above

15. Which of the following enzyme regulatory mechanism will alter the activity of the enzyme but not the
total concentration of the enzyme
a. Induction of the gene specific for the enzyme by hormones
b. Proteolytic cleavage of zymogens
c. Allosteric regulation of the enzyme
d. Both a and b are correct.

16. A nucleotide is
a. nitrogenous base + a pentose sugar
b. nitrogenous base + a phosphate group
c. nitrogenous base + a pentose sugar + a phosphate group
d. nitrogenous base + a pentose sugar + two phosphate groups

17. Which of the following statements about the differences between DNA and RNA is NOT correct?
a. DNA is double stranded whereas RNA is a single strand
b. DNA is found only in the nucleus of a cell whereas RNA is found in both the nucleus and the
c. DNA is a sequence of deoxyribonucleotides whereas RNA is a sequence of ribonucleotides
d. DNA contains the pyrimidine thymine whereas RNA contain the pyrimidine uracil

18. Which of the following nitrogenous bases CANNOT be found in RNA?

a) Adenine
b) uracil
c) cytosine
d) thymine
e) guanine

19. Cytosine is a
(a) purine base
(b) pyrimidine base
(c) purine nucleoside
(d) pyrimidine nucleoside
20. All of the following substances are associated with the packing and organization of DNA in a
eukaryotic cell nucleus EXCEP

a) Chromosomes
b) Chromatin
c) Nucleosome
d) Intron
e) Solenoid

21. Which of the following statements concerning characteristics of histone proteins is true
(a) They are acidic proteins found in the nucleus
(b) They are covalently linked to single stranded DNA
(c) They are basic proteins found in the nucleus
(d) They are large polymeric proteins
(e) They are associated with both eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA

22. A gene is
a. segment of DNA
b. sequence of deoxiribonucleotide
c. only a is correct
d. both a and b are correct

23. A typical eukaryotic protein encoding gene contain all of the following elements EXCEPT
a) nucleosome
b) exon
c) promoter
d) intron
e) enhancer

24. Which of the following statement(s) describe the role of messenger RNA (mRNA) during protein
a. mRNA serve as a site of protein synthesis
b. mRNA carry amino acids to the site of protein synthesis
c. mRNA carry the genetic code from DNA to the site of protein synthesis
d. Both b and c are correct.

25. Which of the following statement(s) describe the role of transfer RNA (tRNA) during protein synthesis

a) mRNA carry the genetic code from the nucleus to ribosomal RNA
b) mRNA carry the genetic code from DNA to the site of protein synthesis
c) mRNA carry amino acids to the site of protein synthesis
d) both b and c are correct.

26. The correct order of events occurring during the operation of the “central dogma of molecular biology
“ is ..
a. Transcription, replication and translation
b. Replication, translation and transcription
c. Replication, transcription and translation
d. Translation, replication and transcription
27. Gene transcription is the synthesis of
a) DNA from DNA
b) RNA from DNA
c) DNA from RNA
d) a protein from DNA
e) a protein from mRNA

28. During DNA replication the enzyme DNA ligase

a) separates the template strands of DNA
b) link the Okazaki fragments together
c) catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds
d) synthesizes RNA primers
e) is associated with the leading DNA strand

29. The antibiotic actinomycine D inhibit RNA synthesis in bacteria by

a) binding to bacterial RNA polymerase
b) binding to and preventing the separation of DNA template strands
c) by inhibiting the enzyme reverse transcriptase
d) Both a) and b) are correct
e) Both a) and c) are correct


1. The life process can be regarded as a chemical process

2. A lipid molecule may contain a phosphodiester bond

3. The citric acid cycle is an example of an amphibolic metabolic pathway

4. Catabolism of biomolecules yield energy

5. Enzymes speed up the rates of chemical reactions by lowering the equilibrium constant of the reaction

6. All physiological enzyme have a pH optimum of 7.4

7. A zymogen is a precursor form of a proteolytic enzyme

8. A protein kinase enzyme add a phosphate group to a substrate

9. In eukaryotic cells DNA is found only in the nucleus

10. In metabolism, nucleotides serve only as building blocks of nucleic acids

11. During DNA replication Okazaki fragments are associated with the lagging DNA strand

12. The enzyme RNA polymerase is involved in both DNA replication and transcription

13. Eukaryotic mRNA primary transcript require some post-trancriptional processing

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