Letter of Intent - Jhemmy Siron Patawaran

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Embassy of Canada in the Philippines

Levels 6-8 Tower 2 Rcbc Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue

1200 Makati City Metro Manila

Subject: Letter of Intent to Apply for Visitor Visa

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Jhemmy Siron Patawaran, and I am writing to
express my strong intention to apply for a Canadian Visitor Visa for tourism purposes. I am
thrilled to visit the beautiful city of Victoria, British Columbia, from September 21 to October
7, 2023, to explore its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history.

The primary purpose of my visit is tourism, specifically to experience the unique charm and
allure of Victoria, which is renowned for its picturesque gardens, historic landmarks, and
welcoming atmosphere. As a virtual assistant and a passionate boutique business owner,
my schedule can be demanding, but I believe that taking this trip will provide me with a well-
deserved opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate.

I assure you that I possess the financial means to support my stay in Victoria. My
boutique business and virtual assistant work have been flourishing, enabling me to maintain
a stable and substantial income. Additionally, I receive a reliable monthly remittance from
my Mom, courtesy of my grandmother residing in the United States. This combination of income
sources ensures that I am financially capable of covering all expenses during my visit to

My family is an essential part of my life, and as the only child of my parents, I share a strong
and loving bond with them. Leaving them during my trip to Victoria is indeed a difficult decision.
However, I am committed to my responsibilities towards my family and will return to my
home country promptly after the completion of my visit. My parents depend on me for
emotional support, and I consider their well-being a top priority.

I am also a devoted pet owner, and my beloved pet holds a special place in my heart. Rest
assured, I have made thorough arrangements for its care during my absence, entrusting it to a
responsible caregiver who will provide the same level of care and affection that I do.

During my stay in Victoria, I plan to immerse myself in the local culture, explore the city's
iconic landmarks, such as Inner Harbour and the Royal BC Museum, and participate in
various outdoor activities. I have meticulously planned my itinerary to ensure that I can make
the most of my visit and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly express my sincere commitment to returning to the Philippines

after the completion of my visit to Victoria, British Columbia. My strong ties to my family, my
responsibilities as a business owner, and my unwavering love for my home country all
serve as compelling reasons for my prompt return. I am fully aware of the importance of
complying with the immigration laws and regulations, and I assure you that I will be a
responsible and law-abiding visitor during my stay in Canada.

Once again, I thank you for considering my application. I am genuinely excited about the
opportunity to explore the captivating city of Victoria and create unforgettable memories.
With every intention to abide by the terms of the visa and to respect Canada's laws, I am
confident that my visit will be both enriching and enjoyable.

I kindly request your favorable consideration of my application and look forward to the possibility
of embarking on this remarkable journey to Victoria, British Columbia. Should you require any
further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Yours sincerely,

Jhemmy Siron Patawaran

Visitor Visa Applicant

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