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Target Vocabulary

1. Culprit
2. Deprived
3. Grimly
4. Miraculous
5. Persuit
Target Vocabulary
1. Culprit: the person who is guilty of doing something
wrong or committing a crime.

I will find the culprit who stole my pen.

2. Deprived: when something is taken away or denied.

I was deprived of sleep and had trouble staying awake.
3. Grimly: actions carried out in a stern or forbiding

The teacher grimly announced that no one had done the
homework correctly

4. Miraculous: something amazing or marvelous.

It is miraculous that I finished my work.
5. Pursuit: the act of chasing after it.
Also mean a ¨hobby or interest¨¨

The policeman was in pursuit of the criminal.
The Great Basketball
page 14-21


Students should respond with a difficult
or unpleasant task, such as cleaning the
No, kids in Filmmakers club care mostly about
movies, while kids in Fantasy sports know a lot
more about basketball. A few of the Fantasy sport
club kids are excellent basketball players.
To show that kids in Filmakers Club know nothing
about basketball
To turn their los into documentary film about the
losing team.
They think the Fantasy Sports kids will feel they
were robbed of their momento of glory
They do not tell the members of Fantasy Sports that
they plan to lose the game.
To show that people who have different interests
can still get along.
To show how people who are
different can get along

Creative and persuasive

To show how people who are

different can get along

Yes, because he explains, through

the narrator, that a ¨Little deception
is often needed in pursuit of a good

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