Script Frenzy Unit Outline

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Script Frenzy Unit Outline

Outcome 1: Communicate effectively in writing, taking into account context, audience and purpose.

Outcome 2: Reading for meaning to explore characters, themes and issues.

Outcome 3: Explore ideas and issues orally, providing a point of view and listing to the point of view
of others.

Assessment Task 1: Written Script (Writing in a range of styles with appropriate structure and skills)

Assessment Task 2: Public Service Announcement (demonstrate ability to work in groups to present
information orally in response to an issue)

Assessment Task 3: Research Task -Presentation on Script/screen writer (Demonstrate ability to

work in groups to research and present information orally)

Assessment Task 4: Script Analysis – Comparing script to screen (respond to and make meaning from
different text types)

Assessment Task 5: Exam

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