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Learning Poverty among Learners with Disabilities in Southeast Asia

I - Statement of the Problem

1. What are the causes of learning poverty among LWD’S in Southeast Asia?
2. What existing reading intervention programs are being provided by the Philippines, Malaysia,
Vietnam and Cambodia?
3. What challenges and opportunities the learners met before, during and after the
implementation of the reading intervention program?
4. What enhanced reading intervention can be developed to eradicate the learning poverty in
Southeast Asia?

II - Delimitation
Inclusion : Children or LWD’S ranging from 1-10 years old in a regular and inclusive
classroom who are diagnosed with learning poverty.

 Philippines
 Malaysia
 Vietnam
 Cambodia

III - Methodology
Mixed method of Descriptive-Evaluative-Developmental

IV - Data Gathering Tools and Procedures

1. Survey questionnaire
1.1 Demographic Profile

For Learners with Disabilities

Grade Level 
Class Size 
Gen Ed and Special Ed Teacher 
School Head’s Knowledge on SpEd 
Educational Background of Parents 
Educational Background of Teachers 
Learning Resources 
Accommodations and Modifications given to LWD in the inclusive classroom  
Learning materials or resources access 
For Teachers
Teachers Training in Sped 
 School’s Inclusive Education Program/s  

For Parents

1.2 Causes of Learning Poverty

 lack of parental reinforcement
 lack of learning resources at home
 poor study habits
 addiction to gadgets
 absenteeism
 others
2. Interview guide questions
 Triangulation of the proponents, benefactors/beneficiaries and other stakeholders
 Efren Peñaflorida
 Kariton ni Horton
3. Rating Scale of Statistical Mean and Qualitative Description


5 4.50-5.00 Always
4 3.50-4.49 Often
3 2.50-3.49 Sometimes
2 1.50-2.49 Rarely
1 1.00-1.49 Never

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