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LPS HOLDS CHART cura [resmOIS ‘GRAVELY DANGER” | DRNGEETS ‘COURT PROCEEDINGS 1 psaeiep [roses |ommns | TEHOUR WICSIST ‘ONE UR Nope eae eag | EVALUATION de TREATMENT ALLMAY APPLY Mayet Ree hewn ding Rise cave high 1 dy ol TEDaY Wics2s0 ‘ONEOR Cree ach ns hl ing nt ys oF ees tls ga SDAY EXTENSION WHEN ALLMAY APPLY PrP wit tabeas coma 2s, pooporeney, de volute ie CONSERVATORSHIP 2 RRIGLRIY eee wi fates cor ig tay one cee tea, APPLIED FOR 2 Ressbrnng maybe eqs atin drag 14 iy boll Hah nee egies ew Ree eu ‘ADDIMONALTEDAY Rr Eo potable cae w owt Rg TORT mcsaco cuTERIA 2 Ori tna 1 cere a 2 avis mast be eto metal ah WHicH cout APPLIES 4 Rate reuect ot afbaeas copa ny tine dng 4 dy paid, 4 New Rise heating maybe rusted myn an Sey oo J SODAY WIC ‘ONLY Epa a Belg mit Beeld Ong fe $c oft Sp RGR carTERIA pie wrk faba opus 24 pocpnenen itr vlna ort inte ‘Wntc & Fata sy rues wt of babes carpus ay tne dung 30dy perce APPLIES 3. Now hese heating may be rss syns dag oe poe | TODAY WIC SOTERA | + RSE tt wih Dati trey ever ds foro aan ER RENEWABLE CHa | 2 Raise Dat nce toes peti wi br coon antennae ‘wince | hewing neose [APPLIES {1 Now Ret eng may be eget sytine deo 180 ay pad | TEMPORARY ONLY 1 Regus spicaton byte eng pian tote PBle Casa ORGS CONSERVATORSIIP (CRITERIA 2 alge reve splat sd eemies wither put or day tape SODAYS TOs MONTHS ‘waicn sense (Con. APPLIES 4 Tule my request wit of bes campus aay tine ding Con ped 4. New Rn Petioe mabe Bed wit Coty Coil eon Ses Deg 954 AEN ONLY 1 Regus cout bag n Dept 5A. Physi may Feveqieel sete ee CCONSERVATORSEP CRITERIA 2 Fat ay ens raring on Cnet iis Ged lass ead TV YEAR RENEWABLE te ene ev ae th APPLIES | RE-APPONTNAENT OF ‘ONLY "Rea conser pening epoca a a a Ting Be CRITERIA ° CONSERVATOR wach APPLIES I NOTE Sch Tad oui a Re hewn exe wien ag Ras Oe Toe Tp Seperio Cout of atm, Loe Angeles County Office the Coal Nasal fae Hearing for 180 day Postcerification - WIC 5300 et. seq. ‘Sexually Violent Predators -- WIC 6600 et. seq Probable Cause Hearings and Annual Reviews only, Trials are held in the Criminal Courts Note: Odd numbered cases are assigned to 0.058. an fo blop” Commitments — in re Hop (1981) 26 Cal.3d 82, 171 Cal ptt 721, 623 Pad 282, - [Roger S." Writs ~ In re Roger S. (1977) 19 Cal.3d 921, 141 Cal.Rptr, 208, 569 Pd 1286. Developmental Disabillty Commitments ~ WIC 6500 et. seq, "Murphy" Conservatorship ~ WIC 5008 ()(1)(8) All Matters involving Minors Appointment of Conservator and all subsequent topics: ‘SEE ABOVE under “Department 954”. “Riese” Medication Capacity Appeals — WIC $334 ~ Riese v. St. Mary’s Hospital (App. Dist. 1987) 200 1303, 271Cal-Rptr. 199, ‘Temporary Conservatorship — WIC 5352.1 ~ Temporary Conservator Powers & Duties - WIC 6353 (260 eo Plsmise,Petiion by Pubic Guaralan — in re Martha P.v. Martha P, (2004, Cal.App. 4" Dist) 2004 Cal App, LEXIS 494, 2004 O08 si ‘Appointment of Conservator ~ WIC 5360 et. seg Reappointment of Conservator ~ WIC 5361, 5362 * Retroactive Reappointment and Ratifcaton of Acts — Wc $363 No Right of Self Ropresentation in Civil Commitment Gases - Conservatorship of “Oe1E. (App. 8 Dist, 2005) 132 CaLApp, 4 429, 83 Cal teirao ors Jury Trials for Conservatorship - wic 8350(4) ~ Guten & Standard of Proof ~ Beyond a Reasonable Doubt paanimous Jury: Conservatorship of Early (1983) 36 Cal ny Bie, 87 Calor. 530, 673 P2d 208; Conservatorship of gulgan T. (1994) 8 Cal 4" 1005, 36 Cal Rptr20 40, 800 bog 988, Powers of Conservator and Disabilties of Conservatee - WIC 5967 > Power 4: Open Residential Power S: Open Acute Care Hospital Power 6: Locked Nursing or Residential Facity Power 7: Locked Acute Care Hospital power 72: Developmentally Disabled Facility Power 8: “Mental Health Treatment Power 8a: Psychiatric Medication Disability 9: Privilege to Drive 2 Plsabilty 10: Treatment for Grave Disability > Disability 14: Enter into Contracts 7 Disabilty 12: Medical Treatment for Specified Conditions - Power 13: Estate Powers Rehearing — Wic 5364 ~ No Right to Jury Trial: Baber v. Superior Court (1960, 4* Dist) 118 Cal.App.3d 965, 170 Cal.Rpir. 353, ~ Furden 8 Standard of Proof: Conservatorship of Everett (1990, 5” Dist) 219 Cal App.3d 1807, 269 Cal Rotr 182 Felli to Contest Rights Denied or Power Granted - WIC 9958.3

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