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Outdoor Recreation  Studies have shown that being close

to natural environment is HEALTHY
Is an organized activities done during one’s
 Have positive effects on the general
free time for his/her free own personal
wellness of an individual most
reasons, where an interaction between man
especially if it is done with regularity
and an element is present.
Existence Time- is the time spent for
biological needs like having a meal, sleeping Land
and other personal care.
 Mountaineering
Subsistence Time- refers to the hours spent  Trekking/Hiking
for economic purposes such as going to work  Camping
chores, and for students hours spent in  Picnic
school and school work.
Free Time- is all remaining time after.
 Swimming
Recreation- (recreare) in latin means to be
 Snorkeling
 Diving
Outdoor in a broad sense is a space outside  Surfing
an enclosed area. Includes the natural  Canoeing
environment and resources which comprises
the land, water, wildlife, vegetation, open Air
space and scenery.
 Parasailing
varied reasons of why people engage in  Skydiving
outdoor recreational activities?  Paragliding

 For personal satisfaction and

 For personal pursuit (Photography,
Collecting sea shells, Attaining a
certain fitness level)
Mountaineering- A sport that combine
Outdoor Recreational Activities- The climbing and hiking up mountains. Done on
Philippines is rich in natural resources despite regular terrain, rocky, areas, and ice or snow
being in relatively small country which is slopes. It merges a series of techniques and
surrounded by all kinds of land formations require a highly technical approach.
and natural water resources.
Tools used for mountaineering
Listed as having a fifth longest coastline in
the world ( World Factbook )  Footwear
 Crampons
Benefits of Outdoor Recreation  Rope
 Fun and Pleasure are perhaps the  Belay Device
immediate answers of the majority who  Harness
have experienced outdoor activities.  Ice axe and knife


 Heart Health
1) Essential Equipment
 Personal Growth
2) Backpacking
 Brain Fitness
a) set out items by weight
 Body Fitness b) light items in the bottoms
 Remove Anger c) heaviest item in the middle
d) medium weight items in the tops
e) outer packs
 Weather is primary danger f) adjust straps and belts
 Bad effect on the natural beauty 3) Physical preparations
 Risk of life
 Altitude Problem
Trails Sign – are temporary symbols used by
Health Benefits of Mountaineering the mountaineers to guide themselves on
Physical Health- is one of the outdoor their way back and to guide other.
adventure activities that deals with moderate Group Composition – Designation of task
to strenuous physical activity and can be must be done to give equal distribution of
promoter for staying fit and healthy. It can responsibility of each members.
also aid in reducing the risk of different
chronic diseases. a) Trail master
b) Sweeper
a) Prevent Heart Related Disease c) Contact person
b) Weight Loss d) Team medic
c) Lower Blood Pressure e) Team Leader
d) Prevents Osteoporosis f) Scribe
e) Prevent and controls Diabetes
Signaling - The group must be sure that
Psychological Health- The components you set rules for signaling before moving
element of hill walking physically activity, out for a trek
outdoor activity, pursuing a sporting
challenge can have a positive impact on  2 short whistle ( stop )
psychological well being.  1 long whistle ( proceed )
 6 blast ( emergency )
a) It supports you to focus on the present
state. Pacing
b) It provides sense of happiness,
fulfillment and contentment. Trail Practices – in trail exploring, some
c) It helps you to stay calm and reduce guiding principles must be kept in mind.
Camp Mangement – Mountaineering in the
d) It develops self esteem
Philippines has emerged as one of the
e) It creates perception of self-
popular forms of adventure tourism in the
great outdoors.
f) It helps in improving your activity
1. The basic ethics of low-impact camping

- Be an environment-friendly mountaineer.
- Leave the camp ground exactly the way Quick Easy Steps in Setting Up your Tent .
you found it.
a. Unpacked and prepare your tent
- Avoid cutting down trees for firewood. supplies - it's best to unpack all your things
out at once after finding a good area to set up
- Wash dishes by cleaning the leftovers off camp.
the plates and utensils then dry them with
cloth (or tissue) or sand, when available. Dome tents are generally the biggest, and
usually reserved for larger groups in camping.
- Use ecofriendly shampoos and soap.
Tadpole tents are very durable and can
- Be silent as much as possible. withstand bad weather.
2. Choosing a Campsite - Choosing the A-Frame tents are the most typical and
right campsite is a vital part of the camping common type of tent for personal use. The
experience. Having a good camping ground classic triangular design.
can contribute much to a fun and successful
trip, while a poor campsite might give bad Tunnel tents are different from typical "A-
experience and problems. Frame" tents because they are structured by
two long poles that both run width of the tent.
 Water source must be accessible. This creates a broader interior with more
 Avoid natural hazards, such as headspace.
overhangs or within falling over
distance of a dead tree, places that b. After clearing the ground lay down the
are susceptible to landslides, far from ground sheet - A ground sheet is an added
poisonous plants and away from cushion that should be wide enough to cover
dangerous animals. most of the ground of your tent
 Look for natural windbreaks that will
c. Insert or attach your tent poles through
protect your tent from strong winds.
the frame- Lay the tent frame out to be sure
 Panoramic view in the area might be
that you're sliding the poles through the right
considered to appreciate the natural
slots and frame.
beauty of natural environment.
 Consider natural cushioning in d. Raise the tent - Help the tent up by lifting
selecting the area. parts of it. The poles should hold the frame in
 Use existing impacted campsites. place
 Facilitate proper arrangement of the
e. Hammer in you pegs - Using a hammer
tents to provide camp traffic wherein
or a nearby rock, take the pegs that come
people can move with comfort.
with your tent and knock them into the
 Consider the relative strengths of the
different tents of the group.
 Camping ground should have a gently f. Set up the Flysheet - a flysheet, which is
sloping terrain to provide good water an additional piece, should be set over the
drainage when it rains. tent. It will prepare you for unforeseen rain
3. Tent Pitching
g. Move and arrange your things inside
Camping is a great opportunity to relax and to the tent - Move your things into the tent.
be one with nature. One must understand Once the tent is set up, you can equip the
and learn the art of pitching a tent quickly and interior.

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