DOA Board March 1 2023 Agenda Packet

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Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, March 1, 2023 – 11:00 a.m.

City Center 5-Star Conference Center, 500 12th Street
Virtual Option via Zoom

1. Call to order, Mike Guerra, Board President

2. Introductions

3. Public comment and announcements

4. Approval of the minutes of the December 7, 2022, meeting Action Item

5. Financial report – Tori Decker Action Item

6. Discussion and approval of Joint Board Recommendation to include a 5% annual
assessment increase, as allowable in the District Management Plan in the Annual Report to the
City Action Item

7. Check Signers Update - add Carmen Benjamin as an authorized signer on all accounts held by
DOA at Community Bank of the Bay and remove Tanicia Jackson and Michelle
Lane Action Item
8. Nomination of Alisa Orris of TMG Partners (representing 1330 Broadway) to the Board of
Directors for a new two-year term Action Item
9. Clean and Safe Updates
10. Marketing and Branding Updates

Adjournment into Executive Session

All staff and public attendees are required to leave the meeting at this time.
All decisions will be a part of public record according to Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act)


Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular
meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of
the agenda are available from the Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with
disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting


388 19th Street ■ Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122 ■ LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 ■ Fax 510.452.4530 ■ ■
11. Discuss the Recommendation from the Joint Organization Committee regarding the
2023 Clean and Safe Vendor Selection

12. Other

13. Next meeting date: May 3, 2023

14. Adjournment

Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 – 11:00 a.m.
Virtual via Zoom

Present: Courtney Belanger, Greg Pasquali, Mike Guerra, Matt Klimerman,

Tanicia Jackson, Carmen Benjamin, Michelle Lane, Adam Chall, Alisa Orris, Mark Morell,
Kurt Hanson, Tamira Twilie

Absent: Jamie Flaherty-Evans, Durell Coleman

Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Victoria Decker, Tamiko Garner, Mauton Akran,
Charles Taylor, Joe Castagnola

General Counsel: Daniel Schacht

Guests: Sarah Fox(Old Oakland), Cortt Dunlap(Awaken Café), Will Goodman(Strada Investment),
Johnny Linares (BBB)

Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors

Call to order The meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m.
Introductions Staff presented recap video.
Public comments and City of Oakland approved grant for $464,000 3
announcements areas are highlighted. Bring people back to work
campaign. This is the first of its kind. Funds
expected to arrive within 30 days. In the
meantime, Staff is planning to use some non-
assessment funds until the City funds become
1. Expanded ambassador program enhanced
ambassador presence – additional team of
6 (holiday shopping presence. 3-month
pilot to start next week.
2. $144K for traffic control areas in Arts &
Entertainment district areas on Broadway.
To help eliminate the shootings downtown.
With these controlled areas
shooting/violence has been reduced.
Expanding to telegraph a
3. $200K grant in safe city network to include
more buildings and more cameras online
Approval of the minutes of The minutes of the October 5, 2022, Board Tanicia Jackson
the October 5, 2022, Meeting were presented for review. moved, and Courtney
meeting Belanger seconded
the motion to
approve the minutes

388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

Phone 510.238.1122  Fax 510.452.4530  
of the October 5,
2022 meeting as
presented. The
motion was
unanimously. Greg
Pasquali abstain
Financial Report: The financial report was presented to the board
Operations Director for review.

Assessment income YTD actuals of Michelle Lane

$2,299,587.00 Versus budget of $2,237,772.00 moved, and Tanicia
leaving us with an Favorable YTD permanent Jackson seconded
variance of $61,815.00 as the final August the motion to
disbursement came in over budget. approve DOA
financial report. The
Less our budgeted Reserve of $120,000.00 we
motion was
have a YTD total cash available of $2,179,587.00.
Our YTD actual Marketing & Branding expenses unanimously.
total $159,347.00 versus budget of $194,085.00
leaving a Favorable YTD variance of $34,737.00
due in large part to updated marketing collateral
that is still pending finalization and production.
Hoping to spend down by year’s end.
Our YTD actual Administrative expenses total
$311,565.00 versus budget of $350,597.00,
leaving a Favorable YTD variance of $39,031.00
due to a percentage of projected end of year
bonus in monthly allocation for Staff Personnel as
well as Annual Event allocation that will go
Our YTD actual Clean & Safe expenses total
$1,426,534.00 versus budget of $1,512,537.00
leaving a Favorable YTD variance of $86,002.00
due to strategic projects, such as Latham Square
management and CCTV program expansion,
pending implementation (or granting in the case of
CCTV monies) and a percentage of projected end
of year bonuses included in monthly allocation for
staff related line items.
Our total expenses total $1,897,448.00 versus
budget of $2,057,220.00 leaving us with a
favorable YTD variance of $159,772.00, and cash
remaining of $282,139.00. Staff has worked to
identify thoughtful and strategic ways to expend
some of these dollars by years’ end and feel
confident that we will. We plan to carry forward the
entirety of the 2022 budgeted reserve and any
unspent additional assessment revenue to ensure
we have sufficient operating funds in 2023.
The bottom table refers to our contracted services
and shows district profit to date.

We currently have $116,321.43 of available non-
assessment funds.

a. Authorization to We received funds in excess of what was a. Mike Guerra

expend 2022 budgeted in both districts in 2022 - DOA moved, and Michelle
additional $61,815.71 Lane seconded the
assessment revenue motion to approve
on strategic projects Staff is making this request so that staff has the 2022 additional
per ORG Committee flexibility to spend down these dollars on strategic assessment revenue
Recommendations projects if we expand our operating budget in the on strategic projects
associated line items fully. per ORG Committee
Strategic projects include - High up graffiti
abatement that requires truck rentals and special
purchase and placement of new garage
seasonal plant swap out and updates to our

b. Tanicia Jackson
b. Approval of 2023 Staff has been working on preliminary 2023 moved and Mike
Preliminary DOA operating budgets for each district that will give us Guerra the motion to
Operating Budget structure heading into the new year but will allow approve 2023
us time to develop the full operating budget when Preliminary DOA
we know our actual carry forward and have an Operating Budget.
opportunity to meet with the Clean and Safe and The motion was
Marketing and Branding committees next month. approved
What is being presented to you today is the DOA unanimously
budget worksheet, showing YTD actuals versus
anticipated spend, that has been reviewed and
recommended to the board for approval. The final
column – the preliminary 2023 operating budget
will be the focus.
These numbers are based on the operating
budget percentage allocations outlined in our
District Management Plans, with allowable 10%
adjustments between categories to address need.
For DOA we are seeing an increase to
anticipated assessment collection in the amount
of $114,462.00 due to the City Council approved
5% annual increase and additional, accessible
square footage since last year.
As we have not experienced any delays in
disbursement from the county and city for the
past two years and the collection rate has been
closer to the historic 98% collection, we are
building both 2023 preliminary budgets on a 98%
Most line items will remain consistent with 2022
location with minor adjustments either up or down
while some will see more significant adjustments
over last year’s allocations to be in alignment with
2022 expenditures and in anticipation of 2023
needs. Allocations for accounting expenses have
increased considerably to account for the
expense associated with the city required CPA
Review Report due in April 2023. It is a report
less onerous than an audit, but still wildly
expensive. I am awaiting a few quotes, but the
estimate is between $12-14K/district.

The most significant adjustments are seen in the

staffing line items, for both OVM and BBB.

Specific to BBB, we have increased the annual

allocation to factor in an 11% increase to the
starting ambassador wage. This is intended to
address both the CPI increase as well as to
remain competitive in the marketplace as sister
districts, in SF for example, have increased the
starting wage to $25/hour. These numbers are
based on the latest budget proposal provided by
the vendor.

Regarding OVM staffing line items, we have

implemented a modest 2.5% CPI increase, as
well as increases to account for actual cost of
employment - additional benefits for staff and
insurance. We increased the District Media
Coordinator line item over and above that
increase to allow for the hiring of consultants on
an as needed basis.

Assignment of Current Mike Guerra moved

Block by Block Contract to BBB is requesting a reassignment of the existing and Greg Pasquali
New Entity, Block by Block contract from BBB Mydatt to BBB-CA, with no the motion to
– CA other changes. The intent is just to move their approve Assignment
business in California to better align with specific of Current Block by
state and local rules and regulations. Outside of Block Contract to
that, everything stays the same, such as New Entity, Block by
personnel, resources, quality of services, Block – CA subject
equipment, etc. to review by legal
counsel and Board
They have successfully transitioned all of our presidents and the
accounts in the City of San Francisco in August determination that
and are now completing Phase Two of there is no
transitioning the rest of the California accounts. detrimental change
DOA meeting notes: Assign current agreement to the assigned
to the CA entity. contract. The motion
Review evidence that the signee is still the was approved
responsible bidder. Authorize legal counsel and unanimously.
board presidents to review evidence by BBB that
there will be no detriment changes to the

Approval of ORG Review and recommendation to the Joint Courtney Belanger

Committee Boards of Directors to approve the Approval moved and Michelle
Recommendation to of OVM Contract renewal per district bidding Lane the motion to
Approve OVM Contract policies approve OVM
Renewal Per District Contract Renewal
Bidding Policies and Discussion of the creation of an OVM and Per District Bidding
Procedures endorsement letter Staff has already started Policies and
and did this in January ahead of schedule! Procedures

The Oakland Venue Management contract

has just reached the three-year mark which
means that an amendment to the contract
must be approved by the board annually or
the board must go out to bid for the contract.
If the decision is to not go out to RFP, a
member of this committee is asked to write an
endorsement letter of Oakland Venue
Management performance and
recommending that the board approve the
extension of the contract for another year. We
have included a previously issued letter
endorsing OVM in this packet for reference.
Approval of ORG Due to changes in management, although not Mike Guerra moved
Committee unhappy with BBB but the Jt Org felt it is a and Alisa Orris the
Recommendation to good idea to go for RFP in 2023 motion to approve
Approve Issuing an RFP for Issuing an RFP for
Clean and Safe Services in Clean and Safe
January 2023 Services in January
Board elections a. List nominees whose seats are expiring,
a. Review of open Greg Pasquali, Carmen Benjamin and
seats and nominees Adam Chall who are property owner
representatives and Jamie Flaherty-Evans,
a Community-at-Large representative and
Simon Gibson, a business tenant and
Durell Coleman, a resident.
• Of those whose terms are expiring,
who are property owner
representatives and Jamie Flaherty-
Evans, a Community-at-large
representative and Durell Coleman, a
resident have submitted nomination

• Simon Gibson will not be continuing on

as a member of the board of directors
after a year of invaluable participation.
We may be privileged with Simon’s
wife taking a seat on the board.

b. Approval of b. Approval of currently seated property b. Courtney

currently seated owner Greg Pasquali, Carmen Benjamin, Belanger moved, and
property owner Adam Chall, Durell Coleman to the board Mike Guerra
nominees of directors for another two-year term seconded the motion
to approve the
currently seated
property owner Greg
Pasquali, Carmen
Benjamin, Adam

Chall, a to the board
of directors for
another two-year
term, second
discussion. The
motion was

c. Approval of new c. Carmen Benjamin

c. We have been fortunate enough to receive
property owner moved and Michelle
2 new property owner nominations and one
nominees Lane seconded the
community at large nomination this year.
motion to approve
With regard to property owner nominees,
the new property
owners Sarah Fox
• Sarah Fox, of Old Oakland will be and Will Goodman to
valuable additions to the board as the Board of
representatives of an anchor property Directors for a two-
within our boundary. year term. The
• Will Goodman with Strada Investment. motion was
Staff has connected. Strada founding approved
member in the beginning and staff is unanimously.
thrilled to have them back on the

d. approval of d. We have one continuing community-at- d. Tanicia Jackson

business tenant and large representative nominee, Jamie moved, and Courtney
community at large Flaherty-Evans, and one new business Belanger seconded
nominees tenant nominee, Cortt Dunlap, owner of the motion to
Awaken Café. There is no better advocate approve the
for this program nor more dedicated community-at-large,
business owner in Oakland. We are Jamie Flaherty-
beyond lucky to have his engagement and Evans to the Board
participation on the board of Directors for a
one-year term. The
motion was

Mike Guerra moved,

and Michelle Lane
seconded the motion
to approve the
business tenant
Cortt Dunlap and to
the Board of
Directors for a one-
year term. The
motion was

e. Approval of e. Approval of nominations solicited from the e. ____moved and

nominations solicited from floor – No nominations from the floor. ____seconded the
the floor motion to approve
the nominations to

the Board of
Directors for a two-
year term. The
motion was
Nominations of offices for
the coming year
a. President a. Motion to approve the nomination of Mike a. Tanicia Jackson
Guerra to the office of President for a one-year moved, and Michelle
term. Lane seconded the
motion to approve
the nomination of
Mike Guerra to the
office of President
for a one- year term.
The motion was

b. Vice President b. Motion to approve the nomination of Jamie b. Michelle Lane

Flaherty-Evans to the office of Vice President for a moved, and Mike
one-year term. Guerra seconded the
motion to approve
the nomination of
Jamie Flaherty-
Evans to the office of
Vice President for
one year. The motion
was approved

c. Secretary c. Motion to approve the nomination of to the c. Tanicia Jackson

Carmen Benjamin office of Secretary for a one- moved, and Mike
year term. Guerra seconded the
motion to approve
the nomination of
Carmen Benjamin to
the office of
Secretary for a one-
year term. The
motion was

d. Treasurer d. Motion to approve the nomination of Courtney d. Michelle Lane

Belanger to the office of Treasurer for a one-year moved, and Tanicia
term. Jackson seconded
the motion to
approve the
nomination of
Courtney Belanger to
the office of
Treasurer for a one-
year term. The
motion was
Clean and Safe Updates • Vincent Williams update from accident on
the Bay Bridge.
• Overall happy with how the team is
performing – capital improvements,
landscaping, etc.
• Crumble of moral, equipment not working
since Kathy no longer with BBB. Currently
100’s of hours under used. The BBB team
is great on the front line.

Marketing and Branding • Sponsoring events and activations

Updates • Boosting self produced content to shine
the light on our businesses In the
downtown. Social media videos being
• Produce other film content with Korise
interviewing artists that we have worked
• Building relationships with organizations
for example Oakland Art Murmur
• Boost social media presence to execute
the strategies development. Proactive in
trying to implement various. Younger
demographics based on the residents.
• Looking forward to projects in 2023.
Other (Review of 2023
Proposed Meeting
Next Meeting Date TBD 2023
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:24 p.m.
Adjournment into Executive Session 11:58 am
Discussion of additional Move to recommend to the Board the following Mike Guerra moved,
personnel compensation additional 2022 compensation as follows: and Michelle Lane
seconded the motion to
approve the
recommendation to
Total annual bonus amount of $34,536 for OVM
award DOA $ as the
CBD staff proposed year-end
compensation for final
Kathy. - $1,250 (pro-rated for time worked in Board approval. The
2022) motion was approved
unanimously. Tanicia
Joe - $5,000 Jackson abstain.

Ambassadors $6,750
Mike Guerra moved,
The Executive Committee will consider additional and Michelle Lane
bonuses beyond the approved budget for OVM seconded the motion to
approve the
staff and ambassadors mid-year 2023.
recommendation to
award the following
year-end compensation

Kathy Bretz $1,250 Joe
Sayparatha $5,000 and
Ambassador allocation
$6,750 The motion was
approved unanimously.
Tanicia Jackson
Adjournment from Executive Session 12:09 pm

Minutes taken by: Tamiko Garner, Administrative & Marketing Coordinator

Downtown Oakland Association
YTD Cash Summary - February 2023

Perm/Temp Variance Comments

Cash Available YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance (For variance amounts of 10% and $10K)
Assessment Income and Prior Year Carry Forward $1,319,368.58 $1,412,207.75 ($92,839.17) Unfavorable TV - January disbursement came in less than
budget as manually billed/city-owned properties were not
billed in advance of first disbursement.
Less Reserve $85,477.75 $85,477.75 $0.00 Reserve reflects 3% of budgeted income.

Total Cash Available $1,233,890.83 $1,326,730.00 ($92,839.17)

Marketing and Branding $13,254.83 $35,140.68 $21,885.85 Favorable TVas a result of strategic projects such as
public space activation, including AMP Oakland 2023,
pending implementation. Includes sponsorship of Bike to
Work Day and Black Joy Parade.
Administrative (ORG) $60,355.53 $67,117.68 $6,762.15 Favorable TV - includes percentage of projected end of
year bonus in monthly allocation in staffing line items.
Clean and Safe $173,976.58 $306,209.14 $132,232.56 Favorable TV, in large part due to January billing not being
submitted by Block by Block as the 2023 contract
amendment is being finalized. Includes percentage of
projected end of year bonus in monthly allocation in
staffing line items.

Total Expenses $247,586.94 $408,467.50 $160,880.56 See comments above and expense detail attached.
Cash Remaining $986,303.89 $918,262.50 $68,041.39

Non-Assessment Funds - Contracted Services Current Current District Profit to Notes

Contract Amount Date
Amount Invoiced

1111 Broadway $99,091.20 $0.00 $0.00 No billing for 2023 to date.

EBALDC $39,266.86 $0.00 $0.00 No billing for 2023 to date.

Total Available Non-Assessment Funds as of 2/28/2023 $524,253.07
*PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
*TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.

10:27 AM Downtown Oakland Association
Cash Basis February 2023 Expenses

DOA YTD Variance Report - February 2023

*PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
*TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.
Curr. Actual Curr.Bud. Curr. Var. % Var. Permanent Variance Comments Temporary Variance Comments
Operating Expenses Variance - 10% and $10,000 - Summary Line Items

Marketing and Economic

Marketing and Branding
Marketing & Communications 1,046.70 7,083.32 6,036.62 85% Unfavorable TV - includes 50% of the purchase of a new computer for staff. Within annual
Digital Media Coordinator 8,637.72 8,890.68 252.96 3%
Public Space Programming 3,570.41 19,166.68 15,596.27 81% Favorable TV, as a result of strategic projects such as public space activation, including AMP
Oakland 2023 , pending implementation. Includes sponsorship of Bike to Work Day and Black
Joy Parade.
Total Marketing and Branding 13,254.83 35,140.68 21,885.85 62% Favorable TV in overall category - please see notes above.
Administrative Expenses
Accounting Expenses 33.25 50.00 16.75 100% Includes costs associated with efiling 1099 NECs
Annual Stakeholder Event 0.00 0.00 0.00 100%

Computer Service & Support 14.99 500.00 485.01 97%

Consulting & Legal Expenses 0.00 250.00 250.00 100%
Fees & Permits 25.00 1,000.00 975.00 98%
Directors & Officers 600.00 600.00 0.00 0%
General Liability 3,153.00 3,153.00 0.00 0% Insurance premiums paid in full in January.
Misc. 244.86 850.00 605.14 71%
Office Furniture & Equipment 2,930.52 1,083.32 -1,847.20 -171% Unfavorable TV - includes 50% of the purchase of a new computer for staff. Within annual
Postage, Shipping & Delivery 141.33 166.68 25.35 15%

Printing & Copying 1,280.48 500.00 -780.48 -156% Unfavorable TV - due to costs associated with annual assessment increase letter mailing.
Within annual budget.
Rent 9,068.61 12,083.32 3,014.71 25%
Staff Personnel 42,037.56 44,548.00 2,510.44 6%

Supplies 305.49 416.68 111.19 27%

Telephone & Telecommunications 389.65 500.00 110.35 22%
Training and Professional Development 130.79 1,416.68 1,285.89 91%
Total Marketing and Administrative 73,610.36 102,258.36 28,648.00 28% Favorable TV in overall category - see notes above.
Clean and Safe Enhancements
Clean and Safe 103,257.53 245,947.82 142,690.29 58% Favorable TV - as a result of January billing not being submitted by Block by Block as the
2023 contract amendment is being finalized.
Misc. 35.80 833.32 797.52 96%
Outreach Coordinator 0.00 3,333.32 3,333.32
Program Director 11,448.56 11,836.00 387.44 3%
Program Coordinator 13,522.08 14,550.82 1,028.74 7%
PROW Maintenance 45,712.61 33,041.18 -12,671.43 -38% Unfavorable TV- as a result of strategic projects, such as the 2023 hanging plant program and
CCTV system upgrades being paid for in full January. Within annual budget.

Total Clean and Safe 173,976.58 306,209.14 132,232.56 43%

TOTAL EXPENSE 247,586.94 408,467.50 160,880.56 39% Favorable TV in overall category - see notes above.


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