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Deploying the NASA Valkyrie Humanoid for EOD Tasks:

An Initial Approach and Evaluation Summary

Steven Jens Jorgensen1,4,5 , Michael Lanighan2 , Sylvain S. Bertrand3 , Joseph S. Altemus1 , Scott Askew1 ,
Lyndon Bridgewater1 , Beau Domingue1 , Charlie Kendrick1 , Jason Lee1 , Mark Paterson1 , Jairo Sanchez1 ,
Andrew Watson1 , Patrick Beeman2 , Stephen Hart2 , Ana Huaman Quispe2 , Robert Griffin3 , Inho Lee3 ,
Stephen McCrory3 , Luis Sentis4 , Jerry Pratt3 , and Joshua S. Mehling1

Abstract— As part of a feasibility study, this paper shows the

NASA Valkyrie humanoid robot performing an end-to-end ex-
plosive ordnance disposal (EOD) task. To demonstrate and eval-
uate robot capabilities, EOD sub-tasks highlight different loco-
motion, manipulation, and perception requirements: traversing
uneven terrain, passing through a narrow passageway, opening
a car door, retrieving a suspected improvised-explosive device
(IED), and securing the IED in a total containment vessel
(TCV). For each sub-task, a description of the technical
approach and hidden challenges that were needed to overcome
are presented. In discussing the results of the approach and its
Fig. 1. A panorama view of the EOD task field for feasibility testing.
limitations, the paper is aimed at motivating continued research
The humanoid begins at the area marked S. The task is to navigate the
and development to enable practical deployment of humanoid uneven terrain with potholes, cross a narrow passage-way, open the car
robots for EOD tasks and beyond. door, obtain the IED, deposit it inside the TCV tray, and push the TCV
button. The button closes the TCV thereby securing the IED. The operator
I. I NTRODUCTION sits behind the curtain without direct visual access to the robot.
Humanoid robots are promising avatars for dangerous
tasks as they are kinematically able to traverse rough terrain,
operate a TCV. Similarly, a medium to large sized robot may
enter narrow passageways and tight spaces, manipulate ob-
be able to traverse the uneven terrain as well as accomplish
jects, and reach high places among many other capabilities.
all of the manipulation tasks, but it may not be small enough
Due to the potential of humanoid robots, the Combating
to fit through a narrow gap.
Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) has an interest
Multiple state-of-art technologies are leveraged to conduct
in seeing how humanoids can be deployed for explosive ord-
a feasibility study and enable a successful feasibility demon-
nance disposal (EOD) tasks. In other words, can a humanoid
stration. Concretely, the presented approach have similarities
robot be used for bomb disposal?
to supervisory control (eg:[5], [6]) that were explored in
While there are many EOD scenarios to consider for a
the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) [7]. However, other
feasibility study [1], this paper presents a combination of
novel tasks specific to EOD are considered, namely crossing
EOD inspired tasks that can only be accomplished with
a narrow gap, retrieving a suspected IED from a vehicle,
a humanoid form factor. This will highlight the merits of
depositing the IED in a TCV tray, pushing the tray inside
deploying a humanoid robot as compared to existing track-
the vessel and pressing the TCV close button. While the
based robots [2], [3], [4]. After scenario discussions with
DRC considered degraded network communications [7], this
CTTSO, an outside urban EOD setting will be considered.
feasibility study did not. As the presented approach have
To this end, the NASA Valkyrie humanoid robot is tasked to
high similarities to those successfully deployed for the DRC,
traverse an uneven terrain with potholes, navigate between
operating in degraded network communications is assumed
parked cars (a narrow gap), open a car door, retrieve a
to be viable.
suspected improvised-explosive device (IED) from within the
Finally, the following restrictions are imposed for a suc-
car and secure it inside a total containment vessel (TCV)
cessful feasibility demonstration: the robot must complete the
(Fig. 1). Note that a small track robot may be able to enter
end-to-end EOD task in one hour, it must be fully operational
through a narrow gap, but it may not be able to traverse an
until the IED is secured inside the TCV, and it must not
uneven terrain nor be large enough to open the car door and
accidentally engage the IED, for instance by dropping it
The authors are with the 1 NASA Johnson Space Center, 2 TRACLabs, during transportation.
the 3 Institute of Human Machine and Cognition (IHMC), and 4 The
5 The author is partially supported by a NASA Space Technology TASK E XECUTION
Research Fellowship (NSTRF) Grant # NNX15AQ42H
This work was supported by the Combating Terrorism Technical The NASA Valkyrie Humanoid Robot [8] has 44 degrees
Support Office (CTTSO). of freedom: seven degrees on each arm, six degrees on each
Fig. 2. A visualization of some of the enabling technologies for EOD task execution. (a) shows the planned footsteps for multiple waypoints. (b) shows
the operator console view during the door opening task. A 6 DoF interactive marker is used to control the hinge location of the door and a transparent arm
shows a preview of the manipulation trajectory. On the right, the operator can toggle different visualization modes, observe a top-view of the center-of-mass
and support polygon, and observe a camera view with affordance template overlays. (c) and (d) show the different bounding box approximations used
for crossing the narrow gap and entering the car door. (e) shows the online IK solver previewing the arm configuration for a user-specified end-effector
pose. Finally, (f) and (g) show the TCV bumper and tray affordance templates. The purple marker indicates where the robot should stand to safely raise
an object. In (f), the user roughly aligns the template to the point cloud, while in (g) the automatic pose detection was used to snap the template in place.

leg, three on the torso, three on the neck and six on each operator sends locomotion commands primarily by placing a
set of fingers. The arm, torso, and leg actuators have series- waypoint to indicate a desired goal destination for the robot.
elastic actuators (SEA) that enable high-bandwidth torque Additional waypoints can also be added to aid the planner
control, while the neck is position controlled, and the finger with breaking down complex footstep plans (Fig. 2a). The
tendons are current controlled. In addition to absolute po- terrain data is obtained using the aggregate of the LIDAR
sition encoders, incremental encoders, and spring deflection point cloud data over a specified time window. Then, a
sensors on the actuators, it has a Microstrain 3DM-GX4-15 planar detection algorithm based on [16] is used to segment
inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor on the pelvis and traversable planar regions in the environment. Given the
torso [9], an ATI Mini58 force-torque (F/T) sensor[10] on current stance of the robot and the waypoints, an A* based
the sole of each foot for center-of-pressure (CoP) estimation, planner inspired from [17], [18] is used to find the sequence
and a Multisense SL sensor [11] for LIDAR and stereo data. of footsteps to reach the deisred end goal (Fig. 3a). To
Whole-body Controller for Walking and Manipulation. address collisions when exploring the A* graph, a scalable
The robot uses a momentum-base based whole-body con- 3D bounding box is used to approximate the robot and
troller that is framed as a quadratic program (QP) [12]. A collision checks are queried between the bounding box and
set of task space trajectories and external forces is fed as the segmented planar regions (Figs. 2c, 2d). The output of
constraints to the QP while attempting to track a desired the planner is a sequence of footsteps that are collision free
rate of change of centroidal momentum and minimize joint assuming an appropriate bounding box approximation.
accelerations and contact wrenches. This QP outputs a joint Affordance Templates (AT) and State Machines for
acceleration vector and contact wrenches which are used for High-Level Execution of Goals. An affordance template
inverse dynamics to obtain the desired actuator torques. For (AT) [19], [20] is used to encode manipulation information
walking, task space trajectories are based on the ideas of of a known object using a series of end-effector trajectory
Capture Point (CP) [13] by designing the Divergent Com- waypoints defined in the object frame. Once an AT has been
ponent of Motion (DCM) trajectories [14], [15] with linear- constructed once, it can be reused for similar manipulation
inverted pendulum (LIP) models. This CP-based walking has tasks. To use an AT, the operator registers/aligns a param-
useful stability properties that is used to monitor the safe eterizable representation of the object to the point cloud
execution of trajectories and pause potentially unsafe walking data, enabling the robot to execute manipulation trajectories
trajectories. Additionally, a variety of high-level interfaces∗ , on the object. Additionally, state machines are used to en-
such as task space and joint space spline trajectory gen- code common sequences of operations and decision making
eration, planning toolboxes, and control mode changes are processes. Combining ATs and State Machines enable an
exposed to aid with commanding the robot. operator to only send high-level commands to the robot to
Waypoint Navigation with Environment Awareness. An achieve desired manipulation goals [21].
Automatic Object Registration As aligning affordance
∗ templates can be time-consuming for the operator, an object
Fig. 3. A collage of the main EOD locomotion tasks. The top row of subfigures (a) show the operator’s view with the superimposed planar regions and
the planned footstep paths for both the uneven terrain task and the narrow gap task. The footstep planner is able to snap desired footsteps onto the detected
planar regions, avoid unsafe footholds regions such as potholes, and plan paths through a narrow passageway. The middle and bottom rows (b) and (c)
subfigures show a snapshot sequence of uneven terrain traversal and narrow gap crossing respectively.

registration scheme was created to automatically fit known traversing between parked cars, the narrow gap is constructed
object mesh models to the LIDAR point cloud data. The using a pair of jersey barriers that can be anywhere from 44-
registration scheme is similar to the standard iterative closest 51cm apart.
point algorithm [22]. However, the minimization error is Retrieving a suspected IED from a Parked Vehicle.
formulated as a non-least squares optimization problem that After traversing the uneven terrain and narrow gap, the robot
is fed into the Ceres solver† . This has the advantage of using needs to retrieve an unknown but a highly suspected IED
quasi-Newton gradient descent approaches that are better at contained inside a bag from a parked vehicle (Fig. 1).
avoiding local minima. Securing the IED inside the TCV. Once the IED has been
Task-Space Teleoperation and Stored Poses. While full obtained, the robot needs to safely transport it and secure
automation is the end desire for EOD robots, existing planner it inside the TCV. Securing the IED involves depositing it
limitations and EOD technician preferences still necessitates inside the TCV tray, pushing the TCV tray inside the vessel
teleoperation. This functionality is particularly necessary and pushing the TCV close button.
when the locomotion or manipulation planners fail. For
Valkyrie’s hands, a fast online IK solver [23] is used to IV. E XECUTION A PPROACH AND D ISCUSSION
preview potential arm configurations given user-specified Traversing Uneven Terrain and Potholes. After planar
end-effector poses. For Valkyrie’s feet, a sequence of user- regions have been segmented from the LIDAR data, the oper-
specified footstep landing configuration can be previewed ator loads a configuration file to update the footstep planner
and executed. Sliders for the pelvis location and torso with parameters suitable for uneven terrain planning. Then,
orientation are also available to further exploit whole-body a 2D waypoint is placed at the end of the uneven terrain
configurations. Finally, similar to existing EOD robots, the course. The planner can take from anywhere between 10-
user can also load stored poses. 30 seconds to return a footstep plan. The operator previews
the walking result and executes the walking trajectory if the
III. EOD TASK S CENARIO preview looks appropriate (See first two images of Fig. 3a).
Traversing Uneven Terrains and Crossing a Narrow Fig. 3b shows a sequence of snapshots of Valkyrie traversing
Gap. The robot starts in front of an uneven terrain, marked the uneven terrain.
S in Fig. 1. It must traverse the terrain and cross a narrow In testing different types of cinder block configurations,
gap. Stacked and angled cinder blocks are used to simulate the following problems arose. Certain environment con-
sidewalks, inclines and untraversable potholes. To simulate figurations can create LIDAR shadows which prevent a
traversable plane or foothold from being detected. Next, pre-
† Ceres: defined footstep swing trajectories can cause the robot’s toe
Fig. 4. A collage of all the EOD manipulation tasks showing (a) the door opening, (b) the door entry, (c) the bag retrieval, (d) the TCV bag placement,
(e) the TCV tray push, and (f) the TCV button push sequences. Please see Sec. IV for a detailed description of the manipulation sequences.

to stub on the cinder blocks during step-up trajectories and the task, the operator has to also perform the following
the its heel to hit cinder blocks during step-down trajectories. operations. First, the planar region buffer is reset to obtain
If the foot swing trajectories are too fast, tracking errors new planar region estimates and alleviate the accumulated
become apparent causing incorrect foot landing locations and state-estimation errors from the previous task. Next, to
state-estimation errors. For difficult terrains, state-estimation address footstep planner limitations, the operator raises the
errors larger than half of the sole foot width is enough for pelvis (thereby straightening the legs) to decrease the depth
the robot to fall as it will attempt a no longer safe footstep. occupancy of the robot, raise the arms to further minimize
Finally, due to actuator and controller limitations, there is the occupancy volume below the waist level, and load an
a maximum z-height footstep that the robot can take unless appropriate-sized bounding box for the footstep planner.
multicontact locomotion is exploited. Fig. 2c shows how the bounding box approximation crosses
Crossing a Narrow Passageway. Similar to the previous the narrow gap. Without these additional steps, arm and knee
navigation task, a 2D waypoint is dropped across the narrow collisions with the jersey barrier can occur. Note that an
gap to obtain a footstep plan. However, to safely execute

EOD Best run Best run time w/out Operator paused time (s) Min. time from Time average of
Sub-tasks time(s) operator pauses (s) during the best run successful runs(s) successful runs (s)
Uneven Terrain Traversal 99 57 42 (42.42%) 79 132 ± 43
Narrow Gap Crossing 180 94 86 (47.78%) 152 277 ± 204
Car Door Opening 210 120 90 (42.86%) 210 288 ± 64
Car Door Entry 149 83 66 (44.30%) 141 206 ± 82
Bag Retrieval 180 94 86 (47.78%) 124 295 ± 102
Walk to TCV Area 151 67 84 (55.63%) 125 168 ± 29
TCV Bag Drop Off 214 122 92 (42.99%) 214 298 ± 82
TCV Tray Push 261 119 142 (54.41%) 152 384 ± 155
TCV Button Push 165 59 106 (64.24%) 139 213 ± 102
Total Time(s) 1609 815 794 (49.35%) 1336 2262 ± 432
Total Time(mins + s) 26 mins + 49s 13 mins + 35s 13 mins + 14s 22 mins + 16s (37±7) mins + (42±18)s

overly restrictive bounding box will prevent the planner from approximation (Fig 2d) is updated to the footstep planner
finding a footstep plan. Otherwise, Fig. 3a and 3c show a and a stored 2d waypoint navigation goal w.r.t to the hinge
successful footstep plan and a snapshot sequence of a narrow is used to safely enter the car door.
gap crossing. Retrieving the IED contained bag. Once the robot enters
Opening the Car Door. After crossing the narrow gap, the the car, an AT with approach-and-grasp waypoints is aligned
pelvis height is reset to default. The operator aligns an AT to grab the bag handle (Fig. 4c1, 4c2). Notice that a strong
for the door (Fig 2b). After alignment, a stored 2D waypoint assumption is made that the bag is in a location that is
w.r.t the door handle indicates the ideal stance location for within the robot’s reach. If the bag was located on the car’s
opening the car door. The operator navigates the robot to the floorboard or deeper into the car, the existing techniques
stance location and a state machine is executed to open the listed in this paper is not sufficient to complete the task.
car door in two stages. First, the door handle is unlatched Multi-contact approaches need to be developed to enable the
and pulled to the first detent (Fig 3a1, a2). Next, the robot robot to lean in to the car or mount the vehicle to obtain the
navigates to a new stance location and uses its left arm to bag.
fully open the door. (Fig 3a3, a4). During the state machine Walking to the TCV area to deposit the IED. After
execution, it prompts the user whether it is safe to continue retrieving the bag, the robot needs to exit the car door
the door opening trajectory or not. It’s possible for the task and walk to the TCV area. Of note, it is still possible to
to fail when grasping the handle, removing the fingers from hit the car door upon exiting. Primarily, this is because
the handle, and accidentally closing the door with a knee the footstep planner does not account for the upper body
collision during the second stage of door opening. When such swinging motions during walking. If the bounding box is
failures occur, the operator needs to intervene and repeat the too large to prevent collisions, then the planner fails to find
AT alignment and execution process. a path to exit the car. When the car door is hit, this is
The door opening task revealed that the stance location of an unmodeled disturbance from the controller’s perspective.
the robot is critical for reachability and collision considera- It was operationally safe that the robot is able to halt the
tions during manipulation. Currently these stance locations walking trajectory autonomously, which enables the user to
were identified a priori. Notice also that the robot is either intervene and plot manual footsteps for recovery and exiting
manipulating or locomoting and never doing both at the the car. Once a successful egress is performed, the operator
same time which does not exploit wholebody movements that navigates by setting a series of waypoints to find a visual
would be needed for spring loaded doors with no detents. of the TCV and aligns a TCV AT to the point cloud data.
It remains future work in terms of how much of the AT As the TCV is a known object, a mesh model is used to
and state machine is reusable for different car doors as automatically snap the AT in place. (Fig. 2f, 2g).
well as how it can be reconfigured and/or augmented to TCV Bag drop off. Next, the operator navigates to a
include other information such forces and impedances. An stance location defined w.r.t the TCV bumper AT to safely
online procedure for updating template parameters during raise the bag (Fig. 4d1). To clear the tray’s height require-
task execution for example [24] can also help create more ments, the pelvis is raised. The operator then navigates to a
robust and generic ATs. stored stance location w.r.t the TCV tray (Fig. 4d2). The bag
Entering the Car Door. Due to state estimation drifts drop off is done with a sequence of stored poses (Fig. 4d3).
during walking, the operator first clears the planar region The arm is raised and the operator retreats from the TCV
buffer and retreats from the door to segment new planar tray to safely bring the arm back down (Fig. 4d4). During
regions. (Fig 3b1). The robot is then repositioned and a the bag drop off sequence, it is possible for the robot to fail to
stored pose for the right arm is loaded to enter the car with retreat from the TCV tray. Since the robot swings its upper
a leading right arm (Fig 3b2, b3). A different bounding box body during locomotion, the raised arm configuration can
the best end-to-end run. The third shows task completion
times of the best run if the timer was only running when
Classification of 33 runs Count Count/Total Runs the robot was moving. The fourth column is the difference
Successful Runs 19 59.38% between the second and third columns showing the amount of
Failed Runs due to falls 10 30.30 %
Failed Runs due to an unrecoverable 4 12.12%
time the robot is not moving due to operator pauses such as
walking configuration waiting for plans, confirming plans, changing control modes,
Fall Types Count Count/Total Runs rotating camera views, and manipulating interactive markers
Cinder Block Toe Stubs 4 12.12% to prepare the robot for motion. It also shows a breakdown
Localization Errors 2 6.06%
Balance Controller Failure 2 6.06%
on the % time spent on operator-related pauses. The fourth
Footstep Planner Implementation Error 1 3.03% column is the minimum completion time of each sub-task
Aborted Walking Trajectory 1 3.03% from successful runs, and the final column is the time average
of successful runs. For an end-to-end run time of 26 mins
and 49s, the robot moved continuously for 13 mins and 35s,
hit the tray causing enough disturbance for the robot to halt providing a lower bound time for task completion. However
the walking trajectory. There are instances when the robot for the remaining 13 mins and 14s, the robot waited for
cannot retreat even with significant operator intervention, an operator command. Even under best case scenarios, 50%
highlighting a weakness with current the walking pattern of the task completion time is spent on operator pauses
generator approach. for the current approach. It’s noteworthy to state that the
TCV tray and button push. To secure the suspected IED manipulation tasks were the most time consuming and only
contained bag, the tray needs to be pushed inside the vessel after identifying the subtleties of each task and making
and the TCV needs to be closed with a button push. The improvements on the AT’s manipulation waypoints and ideal
tray push task is perhaps the most complicated manipulation stance locations did the overall task completion time come
maneuver in this EOD task. First, the operator navigates to down to an average of 37 minutes.
a stored stance location. Then the pelvis is moved away to Table II classifies some of the results of the feasibility
enable an overhand touch trajectory of the tray using the runs, and Fig. 5 provides a visualization of the same data
TCV tray AT (Fig. 4e1). Stored poses are used to move showing successes and failures typically clumped together.
the pelvis and right arm to push the tray as deep as possible Out of 33 timed runs, 19 were successful, 10 failed due
inside the vessel (Fig. 4e2). The TCV tray AT is realigned by to robot falls, and four failed due to unrecoverable walking
the operator and a final underhand push trajectory using the configurations. Four of the falls were due to stubbing the
AT is deployed completing the tray push task (Fig. 4e3, 4e4). toe on the cinder blocks from predefined swing trajectories
Finally, the arms are tucked and the operator uses the TCV and a lowered CoM height due to incorrect F/T readings.
button AT to navigate to a stored stance location and deploy Two of the falls were due to localization errors. In one, the
the push button trajectory (Fig. 4f). The entire trajectory can robot attempted a no longer safe foothold. And in another,
be performed using a state machine with user prompts in case the stored planar regions have drifted after a few footsteps
the operator needs to intervene. While the entire manuever is causing future waypoint plans using stale planar regions to
complicated, the TCV being a known object makes the task have footstep landing locations in the air. Next, two falls
trivial when using ATs. were due to the balance controller failing from computed
NaN values propagated to the controller by trajectories with
V. F EASIBILITY T EST RUNS AND R ESULTS very small time interval and another due to losing sufficient
After developing minimum viable approaches for each contact friction due to accumulated debris in the foot. There
task, a number of timed runs were conducted to simulate was also a planner implementation failure in which a memory
a real EOD scenario. These runs were helpful in identifying leak caused the footstep plan to contain previously traversed
missing capabilities and direct development efforts. While footsteps. Finally, there was one fall from aborting the
the robot hardware and software configuration varied from walking trajectory after the robot paused from hitting the
run-to-run, each timed-run were best-effort configurations by TCV bumper, which exposed an edge case in the controller
the developers, which could be interpreted as a real world implementation.
deployment of the system. Once the completion times were Failures with an unrecoverable walking configuration oc-
below one hour, the environment was set constant so that use- curred when either there was no sequence of footsteps that
ful metrics such as robot reliability and operator throughput the walking pattern generator can use to safely egress out
can be obtained and claims about the true limitations of the of tight spaces as it needs to swing the upper body (which
approach under best case scenarios can be made. Tables I caused collisions with the environment), or the robot’s walk-
and II show useful quantitative data of all timed-runs once ing controller refuses to perform a contact transition by
an end-to-end completion time of less than one hour was indefinitely pausing the walking trajectory due to large distur-
achieved. bances. While the former only occurred during development,
Table I show useful quantitative data regarding successful the latter occurred four times during timed-runs. Pausing the
task completion times. The first column shows the different walking trajectory is primarily a safety feature to prevent
EOD-tasks. The second shows the task completion times for falls when tolerance values for safe contact transitions are not
Fig. 5. A visualization of the feasibility runs and their result classification. Starred runs indicate that it coincided with a demonstration to an audience.

met. While this is a useful safety feature in some tasks such not detected leading to a robot fall. Localization errors also
as hitting the car door during egress, it can be a hindrance caused operator frustration. During the TCV tasks, multiple
when the robot pauses its walking trajectory in free space realignments of the TCV bumper and tray ATs were required
due to state estimation errors such as incorrect F/T readings as any locomotion task caused the ATs to drift.
from the foot. The operator is also in a conundrum as it Improving Autonomy with Generic Affordance Tem-
appears safe to continue the trajectory, but the robot claims it plates, Automatic Stance Generation and Environment
is not. When these occurred, overwriting the pause command Segmentation. The current implementation of ATs which
is usually safe, but the runs were aborted to debug the issue. uses spatial waypoints for manipulation is best suited for
While the causes of failures have been addressed since the primitive shapes and known objects such as the TCV and
completion of the feasibility study, the quantitative data illus- hand tools. However, in unstructured environments the ATs
trates the difficulties of deploying robust bipedal locomotion. may need to have additional parameters that are automat-
However, it is also important to note that all the manipulation ically updated as the object is manipulated. For instance,
tasks were successful for all other runs that the robot did not online updating of the object’s impedance and its articulation
fall, which indicates that the manipulation approach for the parameters will be necessary to have generic affordance
tasks considered is very reliable. templates. Combining generic ATs with automatic detection
of possible grasps [27] can also enable higher operator
VI. A DDITIONAL L IMITATIONS D ISCUSSIONS AND throughput. Additionally, the EOD tasks revealed that it is
F UTURE D IRECTIONS necessary to identify candidate stance locations to perform
Improving user interface. A constant problem during any manipulation task. Preferably candidate stances should
robot operation is the high number of operator mouse clicks reason about collisions, manipulatbility, maximum exertable
needed to setup the robot for task execution. For instance, forces, and contact constraints. In general it is hypothesized
the operator can only select one part of the gimbal at a time that more onboard autonomy will improve operator and robot
to manipulate any interactive object in the console such as performance.
an AT, the robot’s end-effectors, or the waypoint markers. Enabling Real-time Waypoint Navigation with Whole-
While utilizing a mouse enables flexibility due to its ability body Awareness: The current A* footstep planner return
to open context menus, switch panels, rotate views, and valid plans under particular assumptions. In addition to
drag markers, its serialized interface limits the throughput slow plan results for complicated environments, some plans
of operator commands. Utilizing VR-related technology, eg: can also be unsafe for the robot to execute. During the
[25], is actively being pursued to increase throughput and narrow gap task, the bounding box fails to capture the
enable dexterous manipulation. intermediate swing trajectories of the robot causing some
Further exploiting Whole body trajectories. Despite of the plans to have knee and heel strikes with the jersey
having a humanoid robot, the approach presented here barriers. When ingressing to and egressing from the car
separates locomotion from manipulation. For instance, the door, the upper body motions can cause collisions with the
walking motion is based on satisfying LIP models, which car door which requires the user to intervene and abort
has the benefit of having stability properties and guarantees. the walking trajectory. In principle, increasing the bounding
However, the current implementation has some weaknesses: box can alleviate collisions, but a highly conservative box
1) During step-up trajectories, higher torques are required may not find footstep plans. However, improving the planner
as the LIP assumption restricts the design of center-of-mass capability by reasoning about wholebody collisions increases
trajectories. 2) The resulting whole-body trajectories from complexity and the required planning time. Thus, identifying
LIP models causes large upper body swing motions that can the proper abstraction to obtain safe and real-time plans
prevent the robot from egressing out of tight spaces. As such, remain ongoing work.
exploiting multi-contact motions [26] is a strong desire to be Addressing Hardware Issues and Increasing Hardware
able to climb ladders, crawl under vehicles, reach to deeper Capability: The biggest culprit of robot falls is primarily
spaces, manipulate heavy objects, etc. due to Valkyrie’s modified (F/T) sensor which is sensitive to
Improving Localization for Better Locomotion and temperature and loading conditions. Concretely, the warming
User Experience: Two of the robot falls were due to up of ankle actuators surrounding the sensor is enough to
localization errors in which the segmented planar regions report 100N force errors (10kg of unmodeled external dis-
have drifted in the positive z direction. The planned footstep turbance). Loading different areas of the sensor also biased
plans were placed in the air unbeknownst to the operator readings. Since a threshold value on the normal force on the
causing a large disturbance when expected foot contacts are sole foot is used to detect contacts, higher F/T readings leads
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