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Review Article

Visc Med 2022;38:189–195 Received: October 11, 2021

Accepted: February 8, 2022
DOI: 10.1159/000522512 Published online: March 18, 2022

Today’s Mistakes and Tomorrow’s

Wisdom in Endoscopic Treatment and
Follow-Up of Barrett’s Esophagus
Maximilien Barret a, b  

and Digestive Oncology, Cochin Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France;
de Médecine, Université de Paris, Paris, France

Keywords Introduction
Barrett’s esophagus · Dysplasia · Endoscopic mucosal
resection · Endoscopic submucosal dissection · Endoscopic therapy of early Barrett’s neoplasia aims at
Radiofrequency ablation resecting early adenocarcinoma and preventing the pro-
gression of dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus (BE) toward in-
vasive adenocarcinoma. The indications for endoscopic
Abstract therapy, presented in Table 1, do not include nondysplas-
Background: Endoscopic therapy has replaced esophagec- tic BE, considering the scarcity of the data, and the pos-
tomy for the management of early Barrett’s neoplasia, allow- sible unfavorable risk to benefit ratio [1]. While the indi-
ing for the curative treatment of intramucosal adenocarci- cations of endoscopic therapy for visible lesions, high-
noma, dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus (BE), and the preven- grade dysplasia (HGD), or early (T1) adenocarcinoma is
tion of metachronous recurrences. Summary: Endoscopic consensual, the optimal management of low-grade dys-
therapy relies on the resection of any visible lesion, suspi- plasia (LGD) is still debated. Three randomized trials
cious of harboring cancer, followed by the eradication of the have addressed the question of endoscopic therapy for
residual BE, potentially harboring dysplastic foci. Currently, LGD, concluding to a probable benefit in terms of neo-
endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) using the multiband plastic progression rate (nonstatistically significant in 2/3
mucosectomy technique is the gold standard for the resec- studies) [2]. The spontaneous regression of LGD and the
tion of visible lesions. Endoscopic submucosal dissection morbidity of endoscopic therapy have led to cautious rec-
(ESD) is feasible with comparable complication rates to EMR, ommendations on the management of patients with LGD
but longer procedural times. It is still limited to EMR failures [1]. In clinical practice, the indication for endoscopic
or suspected submucosal adenocarcinoma. Eradication of therapy for confirmed and repeated multifocal LGD is
residual BE mainly relies on radiofrequency ablation, with discussed on a case-to-case basis.
over 90% efficacy in expert centers. Despite initial complete The principle of endoscopic therapy is first to resect
eradication of BE, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia recur any visible abnormality, and then to eradicate intestinal
in time, justifying prolonged endoscopic surveillance. Key metaplasia (IM) in the esophagus [1, 3]. Indeed, the pres-
Messages: The first step of the therapeutic endoscopy for BE ence of a visible abnormality, either slightly depressed
is a careful diagnostic evaluation, searching for visible(s) (Paris 0-IIc), flat (Paris 0-IIb), or elevated (Paris 0-IIa),
lesion(s). EMR is the recommended resection technique for associated or not with modifications of the pit pattern or
visible lesions. ESD has not demonstrated its superiority on vascular pattern, is highly predictive of neoplasia, and re-
EMR in routine practice. Endoscopic follow-up after Barrett’s quires to rule out invasive adenocarcinoma. Logically, en-
eradication therapy is mandatory. © 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel doscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), endoscopic mu- © 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Maximilien Barret, maximilien.barret @
Table 1. Indications of endoscopic therapy for early Barrett’s neoplasia

Endoscopic Recommended management Follow-up endoscopy


Nondysplastic BE No Endoscopic follow-up and biopsies following the Every 3 years (BE ≥3 cm), every 5 years (BE
Seattle protocol <3 cm)
Confirmed* LGD On a case-to- Repeat EGD at 3–6 months, then, if LGD is found Every year
case basis again At 1 year and every 3 years
Annual endoscopic FU
Offer endoscopic therapy
Confirmed* HGD, intramucosal Yes Endoscopic resection of all visible abnormality At 3, 6, and 12 months following CE-IM, and
adenocarcinoma Endoscopic therapy of residual BE, aiming at CE-IM annually thereafter
Submucosal adenocarcinoma Yes Discussed on a case-to-case basis (see specific At least yearly if conservative management is
chapter) chosen

CE-IM, complete eradication of intestinal metaplasia; FU, follow-up; BE, Barrett’s esophagus; LGD, low-grade dysplasia; HGD, high-grade dysplasia. *All
diagnoses of dysplasia on BE require confirmation by an expert pathologist.

cosal resection (EMR), and endoscopic mucosal biopsies Multiband Mucosectomy

have decreasing accuracy for the histological diagnosis of Multiband mucosectomy (MBM) involves a modified
BE-associated lesions [4, 5]. In clinical practice, EMR is variceal band ligation device and a polypectomy snare
the most widely accepted resection tool for visible lesions (Duette MBM system, Cook, Ireland and Captivator Sys-
arising in BE. After resection of a dysplastic lesion, the tem, Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA). After a first
residual BE is considered to harbor other dysplastic foci, diagnostic step – without the cap – and delineation of the
with up to 21% metachronous recurrence rate at 5 years lesions, the lesion is sucked in the cap and a band is re-
[6]. The complete eradication of IM (CE-IM) can be leased as during esophageal varices band ligation. This
achieved by means of endoscopic resection, mostly in cas- creates a pseudopolyp, which is resected with a snare.
es of BE tongues. In cases of circumferential BE, owing to This technique allows performing six consecutive EMR
a significant risk of esophageal strictures, thermal abla- without removing the endoscope and replacing the snare
tion of the residual BE is preferred [7]. Once CE-IM is as is the case within endoscopic resection-cap procedure.
achieved, as in 78%–94% of the patients [8, 9], lifelong Besides the aforementioned randomized controlled
endoscopic follow-up is recommended with random bi- trial [10], large MBM resection cohorts involving over
opsies of the neosquamous epithelium and the gastric 200 procedures confirmed the safety of the technique,
cardia. We will present the state of the art in clinical prac- with less than 1% esophageal perforations, 1.5%–2% de-
tice and research in BE endoscopic therapy, and address layed bleeding, and 3%–4% esophageal strictures [11, 12].
commonly made mistakes in the management of Barrett’s As a consequence, MBM has become the preferred endo-
neoplasia. scopic resection technique for early Barrett’s neoplasia.

The Concept of EMR for Early Barrett’s Neoplasia

Endoscopic Treatment of Barrett’s Esophagus Long-term (>5 years) follow-up data show the satisfy-
ing oncological results of EMR for early Barrett’s neopla-
Endoscopic Mucosal Resection sia, with 96%–97% remission rates of neoplasia after the
Endoscopic Resection-Cap EMR of HGD or intramucosal (T1a) carcinomas [6, 13].
Historically, esophageal EMR was performed using Although against the principles of oncologic surgery that
the endoscopic resection-cap technique, involving a spe- advise en bloc excision of any neoplasia, piecemeal endo-
cifically designed oblique distal attachment cap of 12 mm scopic resection, even of intramucosal adenocarcinoma,
with a distal ridge, allowing to place an asymmetrical does not result in a pejorative oncological outcome. This
snare. After submucosal injection and suctioning of the exception to the rule can be explained by the virtual risk
lesion in the cap, the snare is tightened and the lesion re- of lymph node metastasis in this disease, and the contri-
sected. As demonstrated by a randomized controlled trial bution of the ablative therapies such as radiofrequency
[10], this technique is associated with higher costs, longer ablation (RFA) that will follow, allowing to destroy re-
procedural times, and more esophageal perforations, and sidual dysplastic foci.
is currently abandoned for BE.

190 Visc Med 2022;38:189–195 Barret

DOI: 10.1159/000522512
Common Mistakes in EMR Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection
Omitting the Specific Technical Aspects of Esophageal ESD in Barrett’s Esophagus-Related Neoplasia?
EMR. The most important step of the endoscopic proce- ESD has become the standard of care for the resection
dure is the diagnostic evaluation. The routine use of chro- of esophageal squamous cell neoplasia and gastric adeno-
moendoscopy (including virtual chromoendoscopy) carcinoma, considering the virtual local recurrence rate,
during BE endoscopic surveillance is recommended, to but also the optimal histological analysis allowed by an en
improve the detection of neoplastic lesions [14] and to bloc-resected specimen [21]. While an underpowered
detect residual IM during BE eradication therapy [1, 3, randomized controlled trial demonstrated the absence of
14]. Chromoendoscopy (particularly virtual chromoen- clinical benefit of ESD in the routine management of ear-
doscopy) is also used to help delineating the neoplastic ly Barrett’s neoplasia [22], a number of large retrospective
lesions before resection. Although not recommended in studies confirmed the safety of ESD in this indication
the latest guidelines, the use of a distal attachment cap can with 89%–93% en bloc, 73%–79% R0, and 65%–66% cu-
help to examine the folds of the gastric cardia. In addition, rative resection rates, at the cost of 0%–1.5% perforations,
the cap allows to check that the target lesion is actually 1.4–2.1% delayed bleeding, and 2.1%–16% stricture rates
suctionnable in the cap and not fixed to the deeper layers [23–25]. Thus, the safety profile is similar to EMR, with a
of the esophageal wall. During MBM, some specific as- possible benefit in terms of histological analysis of esoph-
pects of the technique, such as avoiding submucosal lift- ageal adenocarcinomas [5], but longer procedural times
ing, cutting below the band, and using pure coagulation (over 60 mn in most publications). Since the benefit of
current are often overlooked. This can result in major ESD over EMR mostly relies on the management of high-
bleeding and small resection specimens with a creation of risk adenocarcinomas (T1b, lymphovascular involve-
mucosal bridges. In the case of mucosal bridges between ment, poorly differentiated lesions), and these lesions are
the resections, they should be resected with submucosal rare, it is unlikely that prospective comparative evidence
lifting and conventional EMR without suction to avoid will be published demonstrating the superiority of ESD
perforation [15]. over EMR in early Barrett’s neoplasia. Currently, ESD is
Performing Circumferential Endoscopic Resections. therefore restricted to EMR failures (bulky, scarred, and
Performing complete circumferential EMR is technically poorly lifting lesions) or lesions >15 mm with a high sus-
feasible and gives the endoscopist the feeling of having picion of submucosal adenocarcinoma.
“solved the problem” by resecting all IM and early neo-
plasia in one to three endoscopic treatment sessions. Common Mistakes in ESD
However, this approach is unadvisable and results in Performing ESD for Unselected Lesions. ESD is a pow-
40%–50% stricture rates [16, 17]. Although some small erful treatment tool designed to resect en bloc early diges-
studies have reported a beneficial effect of local or sys- tive cancers. “Just because you can does not mean you
temic steroid therapy for esophageal stricture prevention, should”: a liberal use of ESD for any dysplastic lesion aris-
these results have not been confirmed by prospective and ing on BE could be considered as an overtreatment. In-
controlled studies [18]. Currently, there is no effective deed, ESD puts the patient at risk of complications result-
stricture prevention technique after extensive esophageal ing from longer anesthesia time and extensive mucosal
mucosal resection [19]. Similarly, single-session EMR resections.
and RFA of the residual BE may result in esophageal per- Performing “Small” ESDs. Conversely, once an ESD is
foration by inadvertent ablation of the exposed submu- planned, the endoscopist should aim for an R0 resection
cosa and muscularis propria [20]. for adenocarcinoma and HGD; therefore, large resection
Performing EMR for all Early Barrett’s Neoplasia. In margins, guided by virtual chromoendoscopy and mag-
2021, the management of early Barrett’s neoplasia is per- nification, are advisable.
formed in expert centers in which ESD is easily accessible
and safe. Considering the poor diagnostic performances Endoscopic Ablation
of endosonography to stage T1 adenocarcinomas and the Argon Plasma Coagulation
uncertainty of the endoscopic prediction for T1a versus Argon plasma coagulation (APC) (Erbe, Tübingen,
T1b lesions, performing ESD of all T1 esophageal adeno- Germany) is a cheap and broadly available technique al-
carcinomas is conceivable. Indeed, en bloc resection al- lowing to ablate flat dysplastic or residual (and potential-
lows an optimal histological analysis and prediction of ly dysplastic) BE after endoscopic resection. In a random-
the risk of lymph node metastasis [5]. In this perspective, ized trial involving 63 patients, Manner et al. [26] showed
the indications for EMR could become restricted to nod- that APC ablation after ER achieved CE-IM in 79% of the
ular BE, LGD or HGD on BE, or residual BE after initial patients, and reduced the neoplastic recurrence rate from
endoscopic resection, as an alternative to ablative thera- 37% to 3% at 2 years follow-up. The technique is how-
pies. ever limited by its heterogeneity of application (depend-

Endoscopic Treatment of Barrett’s Visc Med 2022;38:189–195 191

Esophagus DOI: 10.1159/000522512
ing on the distance to the mucosa, the ablation settings, around the world, considering the outstanding outcomes
the time of application), the long procedural time when of RFA. One type of device is liquid nitrogen through the
ablating circumferential BE segments. As a result, the use scope spray catheter (TruFreeze, Steris Medical, Mentor,
of APC is restricted to the ablation of small residual Bar- OH, USA) that has been mostly studied in the USA, with
rett’s islands or tongues in centers without access to RFA. suboptimal results in terms of CE-IM (66% after a me-
dian of 4 treatment sessions in a recent study involving 62
Hybrid Argon Plasma Coagulation patients) [31]. Of note, the technique requires the place-
A modified APC probe called Hybrid APC allows to ment of a nasogastric decompression tube to prevent
inject saline in the submucosal space via an integrated stomach overinsufflation. A second type of device, also
waterjet channel. The aim of the submucosal lifting is to based on nitrous oxide spraying, but inside a through the
allow high power and more homogeneous ablation in or- scope balloon that both stabilizes the application and pre-
der to improve the outcomes of APC ablation. A 2016 vents oversinsufflation, has been studied in Europe and
retrospective study reported the results of hybrid APC in in the USA since 2016 [32, 33]. Although the first studies
BE, reporting more similar efficacy (78% CE-IM after a are encouraging, with up to 88% CE-IM in one study in-
median 3.5 treatment sessions) than conventional APC, volving 41 patients [32], the device itself is still evolving
but lower stricture rates (2% vs. 9%) [27]. Recently, a large [33], and, the implementation of the Cryoballoon abla-
prospective multicenter study found an 87% rate of CE- tion system (Pentax Medical, Redwood City, CA, USA) in
IM (71% at 2 years) after a mean of 1.2 endoscopic resec- the therapeutic armamentarium of BE is still at an early
tions and 2.7 ablation sessions, with a 4% esophageal stage.
stricture rate [28]. Considering the availability and ease
of use of APC, particularly in the scarred and narrow Common Mistakes on Ablation
esophagus, these data could promote the adoption of hy- Not Performing Ablation. Because of the multifocal na-
brid APC for the ablation of dysplastic or residual BE. ture of dysplasia in BE, metachronous neoplasia occurs in
up to 21% of the patients following endoscopic resection
Radiofrequency Ablation of a neoplastic lesion. Therefore, the first mistake of abla-
RFA allows a reproducible and controlled in-depth abla- tion is to forget to ablate the residual BE. When a patient
tion of BE on the whole surface of a 3 cm, balloon-based is sent to a referral center for the resection of a visible le-
over the wire, electrode, or a 20 × 13 mm focal, endoscope- sion, both the therapeutic endoscopist and the referring
fitting electrode (Barrx 36 Express and Barrx 90, Medtron- gastroenterologist must make sure that the patient will be
ic, Minneapolis, MN, USA). The technique has been exten- scheduled for controls and ablation procedures usually
sively and rigorously studied since the early 2010s, in terms over a whole year following endoscopic resection.
of power settings, short and long-term outcomes [8, 9, 29]. Ablating Visible Lesions. Ablation is meant to treat flat
When performed in expert centers, CE-IM is achieved in dysplastic BE. This is the case for residual BE and BE with
94% of the patients, at the cost of 21% adverse events, in- LGD, but very uncommon for BE with HGD, where a vis-
cluding 15% esophageal strictures. Following CE-IM, the ible lesion is almost always detected, requiring initial en-
annual recurrence rate of IM and dysplasia range from 2% doscopic resection. Therefore, the presence of a visible
to 4% and 1% to 2%, respectively [9, 30]. Of note, this rate lesion should lead to cancel the ablation procedure, and
excludes recurrent nondysplastic IM at the gastric cardia, of switch to endoscopic resection. Occasionally, “visible” le-
which the clinical significance is debated. sions, characterized by a regular enlarged pit pattern and
Currently, it is recommended to wash the esophageal Paris 0-IIa appearance, usually at the limit of a recent en-
mucosa prior to the procedure, and then perform two 10 doscopic resection or in patients with portal hyperten-
J/cm2 ablations with a gentle scraping of the mucosal co- sion, turn out to be purely inflammatory or hyperplastic
agulum between the procedures when performing cir- and only require postponing the ablation procedure and
cumferential RFA, and to perform three consecutive 12 J/ intensifying the acid suppression therapy (Fig. 1).
cm2 ablations, including the esophagogastric junction at Performing Unindicated Ablations. Even in expert
least once, when performing focal RFA. Typically, an hands, 6% of the patients do not reach CE-IM after endo-
RFA treatment follows an initial endoscopic resection; it scopic resection and ablation [9]. In less experienced cen-
is performed every 3–4 months, under double-dose pro- ters, this rate reaches 25%–44% [34–36]. First, this under-
ton pump inhibitors, and includes one circumferential lines the paramount importance of expert centers in the
and two focal RFA treatments. management of early Barrett’s neoplasia. The latest ESGE
position statement, suggesting that all cases of dysplasia
Cryoablation should be handled in expert centers should help improv-
Cryoablation of dysplastic or residual BE has been in- ing this point [3]. Second, performing ablation in a pa-
troduced in 2010, but has not gained wide acceptance tient with peptic esophagitis or poor healing from the last

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Fig. 1. Endoscopic aspects encountered during endoscopic therapy narrow-band imaging (d). This lesion is a typical indication for en
for early Barrett’s neoplasia. LGD presenting as a Paris 0-IIb lesion bloc excision by ESD. e, f Examples of “visible,” yet inflammatory
mainly visible at 6 o’clock, reddish in white light (a), and with and non-neoplastic lesions seen arising in BE during endoscopic
modified pit pattern in narrow-band imaging (b). Early (T1) ad- therapy. Aspect of recurrent nondysplastic IM at the gastric cardia
enocarcinoma arising in a BE, presenting as a Paris 0-Is lesion at 6 after initial CE-IM, in white light (g) and narrow-band imaging
o’clock position with slightly eroded surface, in white light (c) and (h).

ablation is doomed to fail, and should be avoided: instead, low-up. Most dysplastic recurrences are diagnosed in
increasing acid suppression therapy, postponing the abla- random biopsies of the gastric cardia [9, 38]. In addition,
tive procedure, and in some instances performing antire- dysplastic recurrences are observed up to 4 years after
flux surgery based on 24 h ambulatory pH-impedance CE-IM [39].
measurement is advisable. Finally, although ablation Current endoscopic surveillance protocol following
spares the patient the morbidity of many endoscopic re- CE-IM includes a careful endoscopic examination of the
section procedures, “escape resection” should be used neosquamous epithelium and gastric cardia in direct and
when ablation fails after repeated procedures. Indeed, the retroflexed position, and random quadrantic biopsies of
increased risk of neoplastic progression of the patients the gastric cardia and of the neosquamous epithelium ev-
with poor squamous regeneration after ablation should ery 1–2 cm to search for buried glands. The surveillance
be kept in mind [37]. intervals are 3, 6, 12 months, and annually thereafter in
case of initial HGD or adenocarcinoma; 1 and 3 years, and
every 3 years thereafter in case of initial LGD [1]. Consid-
Endoscopic Follow-Up of Barrett’s Esophagus ering the poor diagnostic yield of performing random bi-
opsies of the neosquamous epithelium (1% buried IM
Follow-Up of Barrett’s Esophagus with no dysplasia and no neoplastic progression observed
The follow-up of BE appears in Table 1 and will be ad- in the Dutch registry), these biopsies could be abandoned
dressed in a specific chapter of the issue. in the future. Furthermore, considering the median 25–
31 months’ time to diagnose recurrent dysplasia, surveil-
Follow-Up after Treatment of Early Barrett’s lance intervals during the first year following CE-IM
Neoplasia might be broadened [9].
The goal of the treatment of early Barrett’s neoplasia is
to prevent the occurrence of a T ≥ 2 adenocarcinoma re- Common Mistakes on Follow-Up
quiring surgery or an advanced adenocarcinoma with fa- Omitting Retroflexion to Examine the Gastric Cardia
tal outcome. Reaching CE-IM was hoped to be a defini- While the interest of random biopsies of the gastric
tive treatment of BE; however, IM and dysplasia do recur cardia is currently debated, a careful inspection of the gas-
in 2%–4% and 1%–2% per year, respectively [9, 30]. Ad- tric cardia, in direct and retroflexed position, is para-
vanced adenocarcinomas are also observed in 0.4%–0.7% mount to detect neoplastic recurrences that typically oc-
of the patients following initial CE-IM after 3–5 years fol- cur at this site [40].

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Esophagus DOI: 10.1159/000522512
Over Interpreting Residual or Recurrent Intestinal tion toolbox has incorporated ESD, which might become,
Metaplasia at the Gastric Cardia as in every other organ of the digestive tract, the treatment
IM of the gastric cardia is found in up to 20% of pa- of choice of early carcinoma. The long-term follow-up
tients undergoing upper digestive endoscopy and does data after CE-IM confirms the durable and excellent re-
not justify surveillance [41]. Following CE-IM for early sults achieved in expert centers, underlining the impor-
Barrett’s neoplasia, IM of the gastric cardia is found in tance of centralized care for the management of BE; while
14%–21% of the patients (Fig. 1), however, reproduced in questioning the clinical and oncological relevance of re-
subsequent endoscopies in only a third of the cases [9, current IM at the gastric cardia, these data still prompt for
38]. This casts doubt on the clinical relevance of this find- prolonged endoscopic surveillance after BE eradication
ing, and should not lead to the diagnosis of recurrent BE therapy.
or justify therapy in the absence of dysplasia.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
The principles of the management of early Barrett’s
neoplasia, consisting in a thorough endoscopic assess- Funding Sources
ment, followed by the resection of all visible abnormali-
ties, and the eradication of the residual BE has not changed There is no funding source for this work.
much for the last decade. However, the endoscopic resec-

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Endoscopic Treatment of Barrett’s Visc Med 2022;38:189–195 195

Esophagus DOI: 10.1159/000522512

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