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Learning Outcomes
In this lesson, you are expected to have:

a. Defined forces and apply Newton’s First Law of Motion tas a o identify when net
forces act an object of interest;
b. Applied Newton’s Second Law to determine the acceleration of objects due to a
net force as a result of one or more interactions; and
c. Applied Newton’s Third Law to understand how objects under the action of an
external force also exert forces back on those external agents.

Time Frame: 10 hours

Let’s begin
In the previous module, you have learned how to analyse motion in terms of
kinematics. In this module, you will learn about dynamics – the study with how force
produces motion. It will give you an idea of the importance or recognizing a force that is
acting on an object. Here, you will also compute for the effects of force applied on an

Fuel the Thrill

Let’s discuss


It would be very easy for you to give examples of forces. Basically, when you
think of force, you think of a push or a pull. It is a physical quantity that describes the
interaction between two bodies.

Force can be operationally defined based on the observed effects. A force can
be described in terms of what it does. It can set a stationary object in motion. It can also
speed up or slow down (or even stop) a moving objector it can even change the
direction of its motion. Hence, a force can produce a change in velocity (and
consequently, causes an object to accelerate). Force causes change in motion (but not
necessarily correlated with motion).
The net force is the vector sum of all the forces acting on a system. If two equal
forces act on an object in opposite directions, what would happen? Will the object
move? In this case, the net force (Fnet) is equal to zero. These forces are called
balanced forces. They do not produce motion. Instead they keep an object stationary.
An unbalanced force on the other hand, is a non-zero net force. It produces
acceleration, thus it can set an object at rest in motion.

30N 30N 40N 30N

Fnet = 0N Fnet = 10N to the left

(balanced forces) (unbalanced forces)

Have you tried pushing a car or pulling a cart using a rope? Obviously, forces are
involved in these situations. These forces result to a physical contact between the
objects involved. These forces are called contact forces. There are also forces that do
not require physical contact between objects involved. These are called field forces (or
non-contact forces).

Types and Properties of Forces

Let us start by recalling a physical quantity. A physical quantity is anything that

can be measured. It includes, mass, temperature, speed, time, length, force and so on.

When an airplane takes off from a run way into the air, we would want to know
the nature and type of forces responsible for keeping the plane in the air. Which of the
forces influence our lives? What other forces exist? These are some typical questions
we have to answer as we go through this section.

Force is a product of mass and acceleration. The SI unit for the magnitude or
size of the force is called the Newton, abbreviated (N). Thus, one Newton is the force
applied to a mass of one kilogram and an acceleration of one meter per second
squared. In symbols, 1N = 1kgm/s²

A force is a push or pull on an object.

Forces are usually measured using an instrument called a spring balance or a


Some Particular Forces

1. Weight of a Body (W)
It is a force that pulls the body directly toward a nearby astronomical body;
in everyday circumstances that astronomical body is the Earth. The force is
primarily due to an attraction between two bodies called gravitational attraction.
To minimize confusion with the terms mass (m) and weight (W), it is
important to know their differences.

Mass is made up of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and

occupies space. Every matter is made up of very small particles called atoms or
molecules. Mass of an object does not change. It remains the same. The SI unit
used to measure mass is the kilogram (kg).

Weight on the other hand is the force of gravity acting on an object

towards the center of the earth. It is measured in the SI unit called Newton (N).
For example, if you take a stone of mass 1kg to the moon, the same 1kg mass of
the stone will remain on the moon.

However, the same 1kg mass of the stone will weigh less or just one-sixth
as it did on the Earth. It is because the Earth is much larger and has a greater
force of gravity or what we call the gravitational field strength acting on objects.

Therefore, the weight is a force of gravity acting on the mass of an object.

It is given by:
W = mg

Where W is its weight (N), m is the mass (kg) of the object and g is the
acceleration (m/s²) due to gravity or gravitational field strength (N/kg).

The size of the gravitational field strength (g) on the Earth is g = 9.8m/s²
and on the moon is g = 1.6m/s². For simplicity in calculations, the gravitational
field strength on the Earth can be rounded off to 10m/s².

2. Normal Force
It is a force exerted when a body is pressed against a surface which is
perpendicular to the surface.
A book on a table experiences a downward force (W) due to gravity, and
an upward force (N) due to the table pushing on the book. The two forces cancel
each other out exactly; there is no net force, so the book does not accelerate off
the table.

3. Frictional Force or Simply Friction

Friction is a force that resists the movement of one object against another.
This force is directed along the surface, opposite the direction of the intended

If the surface is said to be frictionless, friction is assumed to be negligible.

4. Tension
It is a pulling force that acts in one direction.
When a cord (rope, cable, or other such object) is attached to a body and
pulled, the cord is said to be under tension. Under tension, a material usually
stretches, returning to its original length if the force does not exceed the
material’s elastic limit. Under larger tensions, the material does not return
completely to its original condition, and under even greater forces the material

Hence, a force can move objects, stop them, change their speed or direction. It
can also spin objects or change their size or shape.

Some forces require objects coming into contact with each other, so that one
body can experience an effect of a force from the one applying it. For example, the
force that pushes a soccer ball towards the goal requires the contact of the force in your
foot with the ball to get it moving. The friction that tries to slow or stop a box being
pushed along a table requires contact between the box and the surface of the table.

Some forces do not require contact. For example, the force of gravity pulls you
down even when you are not in contact with the object (Earth). A magnet attracts
certain materials without being in contact with them.

With the above discussions, we can classify types of forces into two groups, the
contact forces and non-contact forces.

1. Contact forces are forces that require objects to come into contact with
each other so that one object can experience a force from the other object
applying it, example friction force.
2. Non-contact (field) forces are those forces that do not require objects to
come into contact with each other so that one object can experience a force.
They act from a distance, example, magnetic force.


In the previous module you learned about what causes motion. Here, you will
study the three laws of motion formulated by Isaac Newton. These laws would explain
how objects affected by force behave.

Newton’s First Law of Motion

Inertia, as defined by Galileo, is the tendency of an object to maintain its initial
state of motion. Although Galileo did not fully explain motion, he had made a great
influence to Newton, who established the laws of motion. Newton related the concept of
inertia to mass. Originally, Newton defined mass as a quantity of matter. However, he
later defined it as a measure of inertia. From here, it can be said that a more massive
object has greater inertia, or has more resistance to change in motion than a less
massive one. We can now define inertia as the resistance of an object to change its
state of rest or motion. Newton’s first law of motion, which is also known as the law of
inertia states that;

A body at rest will remain at rest or a body in uniform motion in a straight line will
maintain that motion unless an external force acts on it.

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the
same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
When you ride on a vehicle, what happens when the car suddenly moves
forward? How would you feel? Do you feel that your body moves backward? What if, it
suddenly stops? Your body will continue in motion and so it moves forward until
something stops it. This explains the roles of seatbelt. A passenger of a fast moving
vehicle can meet an accident when the car suddenly stops because the passenger’s
body has the tendency to continue moving forward toward the windshield. Seatbelt
prevents the passenger from moving in the direction of the motion.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Try pushing a cart with you alone. And then, have someone help you do the
same, both of you pushing the cart. In which of the two cases will you be able to move
the cart faster? This shows that the greater force you apply on an object, the faster will it
accelerate on the direction of the force. The relationship of the quantities force, mass
and acceleration is stated in the Newton’s Second Law of Motion (also known as Law of
Acceleration) which is stated as:

The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the resultant force acting

upon it and is inversely proportional to the mass of the body.

In mathematical form, the second law can be stated as:

Fnet = ma
Where: Fnet = is the net force
m = is the mass
a = is the acceleration
From the equation above, it can be said that the net force is dependent on two
elements – mass and acceleration. Consequently, the unit of force can be expressed as
a combination of a unit of mass and the unit of acceleration. In the SI system, the unit of
force is the Newton (N). a Newton (N) is the net force when 1kg mass gives an
acceleration of 1m/s².
Illustrative Example:
A 50kg cart is pushed and produces an acceleration of 2m/s² to the North. What
is the net external force exerted on the cart?
Given: m = 50kg
a = 2m/s² to the North
Find: Fnet

Fnet = ma
= (50kg) (2m/s²)
Fnet = 100 kg.m/s² or 100N to the North

Illustrative Example:
A constant net force of 200N is applied to accelerate a cart from rest to a velocity
of 40m/s in 10s. Find the mass of the cart.
Given: Fnet = 200N
V1 = 0m/s
V2 = 40m/s
Find: m
First, find the acceleration,
𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚−𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚
a= 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆

= (40m/s)-(0m/s)
a = 4m/s²
m = Fnet
= 200N
m = 50kg
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Try to push against a wall. In this case, you are exerting a force against the wall.
But do you also feel that there is also a force that pushes toward you? The wall pushes
back on you a force equal to that which you exert on the wall. If the force exerted by the
wall towards you does not exist, you will collapse with the wall. When you quarrel with
someone and punch him on the face, the amount of force you exert in punching his face
is the same amount of force that his face exert on your hand, which is why you also feel
the pain. Situations like these probably led Newton to formulate the Third Law of Motion
(also known as the Law of Interaction) which states that:

When an objects exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts on the
first a force of the same magnitude but in the opposite direction

This can be simply stated as “For every force (action) there corresponds an
equal and opposite force (interaction).

The third law of motion applies to two different bodies. The forces are equal and
opposite in directions. The third law may seem to contradict the second law. If there are
always an equal and opposite forces, how can there be a non-zero net force? It is
important to note that the forces in each pair in the third law are opposing forces that do
not act on the same object, while that on the second law are acting on a particular

Newton’s third law of motion tells us the four characteristics of forces:

1. Forces always occur in pairs, an action force and a reaction force.
2. Action and reaction forces are equal in magnitude
3. Action and reaction forces act in opposite direction
4. Action and reaction forces act on different bodies

Below are some examples of action and reaction forces.

Untwist the loop

(Copy and answer in a long bondpaper. Submit it via Google classroom.)

1. Write everyday applications which demonstrate the Newton’s Law of Motion. (Do not
use examples cited in this module). Write one situation for each.

2. Identify the law of motion illustrated by the following:

a. A rocket lifts off from a space shuttle system.
b. A car still moves for some time even after the brakes have been applied.

3. An object with a mass of 9kg experiences a force of 27N. What is the acceleration of
the object?

4. How much force is needed to stop a car with a mass of 5000 kg and moving at
20m/s in 10s?

5. Mike’s car which weighs 1000kg is out of gas. Mike is trying to push the car to a gas
station, and he makes a car go at 0.05 m/s². Find the force exerted on the car.

6. When driving down the road, a firefly strikes the windshield of a bus and makes a
quite obvious mess in front of the face of the driver. The firefly hit the bus and the bus
hits the firefly. Which of the two forces are greater, the force on the firefly or the force
on the bus? Explain.

7. Many people are familiar with the fact that a riffle recoils when fired. This recoil is the
result of action-reaction force pairs. A gunpowder explosion creates hot gases which
expand outward allowing the riffle to push forward on the bullet. Consistent with
Newton’s third law of motion, the bullet pushes backwards upon the riffle. Which has the
greater acceleration: the recoiling riffle or the bullet? Why?

Speak your mind

Activity No. 3
(Copy and answer in a long bondpaper. Submit it via Google classroom.)
Coin on a Card Experiment
Note*: Attached video of the experiment upon submission.
A glass/plastic cup
A playing card
A coin

• Describe a scenario that demonstrates the property of inertia.
Key Questions:
• Before the demonstration is performed, what forces are acting on the cup?
• Before the demonstration is performed, what forces are acting on the card?
• When you flick the card, what forces are acting on the coin?
• Does this trick work with a lighter object (like a cotton ball)? Why or why not?
Experiment and see how light an object can be for the trick to work.


1. Lay the card on top of the glass. Have one edge of the card a little beyond the
rim so you can give that edge a good flick without smacking your fingertip on the
2. Place a coin on top of the card so it’s centered over the glass.
3. Use a finger to flick an edge of the notecard. You want to flick the card directly
from the side. (Don’t flick it downwards or upwards by hitting from above or
below the card.)
4. Watch the coin drop straight into the glass!

• Why does the coin drop in the cup when the card is flicked away?
• What held the coin back when the card was moved?
• What happens to the coin if the card is pulled slowly?
• Could we pull the card away rather than pushing it away?
• Where do we see this event applied in daily life?


Activity No. 4
(Copy and answer in a long bondpaper. Submit it via Google classroom.)


Note*: Attached video of the experiment upon submission.

Materials Needed:
• Balloon
• Drink Straw
• String
• Tape
• Two objects of the same height that you can tie a string to. You may use two
Wondering how to create a balloon rocket? It’s easy! Simply follow these step by step

Step 1 – Position two objects of the same height (you may use chairs) about 10 feet
apart. Then grab your string and securely tie one end to one of the objects.

Step 2 – Next, get your plastic drinking straw. If you are using a “bendy” straws with the
flexible piece on one end, cut off the flexible part so you are left with a straight straw.
Thread the string through the straw and place two pieces of tape near the middle of the
straw. Position the two pieces of tape near the middle of the straw is important
because if you place them near the ends of the straw, the straw will bend when the
balloon deflates and the rocket won’t move as quickly.

Step 3 – Then tie the loose end of the string to your second object (We used a second
chair across the room) and make sure the string is tight. If the string isn’t tight, move the
objects farther apart until it is.

Step 4 – Blow up the balloon and hold the end so the air can’t escape and use the two
pieces of tape to secure the balloon to the straw.

Take a moment to make observations. What do you think will happen when you let go of
the end of the balloon? Write down your hypothesis (prediction) and then continue the
experiment to test it out and to find out if you were correct.

Then move the straw and balloon to one end of the string. And once you are ready….

Step 5 – Let go of the balloon and watch what happens! Do you know what caused the
balloon to rocket across the room? Then inflate the balloon again and repeat again and


• How Does the Science Experiment Work?

Extend your horizon

Further Readings
Gibilisco, S. (2002). Physics Demystified, New York, McGraw Hill
OpenStax College (2012). College Physics.OpenStax College, Rice Univesity.


Chew Charles, Fong Siew Chow and Tiong Boon Ho. (eds). GCE ‘O’ Level Physics
Matters. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2007.

Giancoli C. Douglas . (ed). Physics Principles with Applications. Virginia: Prentice –

Hall International, 1985.

Lofts Greame , O’ Keeffe Dan, Pentland Peter, Philip Ross, Bass Garry,
NardelliDaniella, Robertson Pam, Tacon Jill and Pearce John. (eds). Jacaranda
Physics . Queensland: John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

TeekSeng Foo, Tiek Cheng Yee, HinBeng Lee ChuanGeok Chong and Wong
Jonathan. (eds). SUCCESS Physics. Selangor DarulEhsan: Oxford Fajar, 2010.

Wilkinson John. Essentials of Physics. South Yara: Macmillan Education Australia,


Young D. Hugh, Zemansky W. Mark and Sears W. Francis. (eds). University Physics,
8TH Edittion. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Eddision – Wesley, 1991.

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