Survey-Questionnaires Adelaida

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General Information c/number: 09501711393

1. Name of the respondent :Adelai da Zamora

2. Age: 60 3. Sex: female 4. Civil Status: Widowed
5. Educational attainment of the respondent: High School Graduate
6. Secondary occupation:pesion and sss
7. Primary occupation: Farming(turmeric + coconut
8. Status in the Family (head, wife, son, daughter, etc.) Head –( 2 apo and 1 helper 1 anak 34 years old)

Codes to civil status (4):

1 – Single 3 – Widowed 5 – Live-in
2 – Married 4 – Separated/Divorce
Codes for Educational attainment (5):
0 – No grade completed Elementary High School College
1 – Pre-school 2 – Grade 1 8 – Grade 7 or 1st year H.S 14 – First year 20 –
Post graduate
3 – Grade 2 9 – Grade 8 or 2nd year H.S 15 – Second year
4 – Grade 3 10 – Grade 9 or 3rd year H.S 16 – Third year
5 – Grade 4 11 – Grade 10 or 4th year H.S 17 – Fourth year
6 – Grade 5 12 – Grade 11 18 – Vocational
7 – Grade 6 13 – Grade 12 19 – College graduate

Codes for occupation (6 &7):

1 – None/unemployed 5 – Agricultural worker 9 - Health worker 13 – Brgy. officials/ brgy. worker
2 – Farmer 6 – Non-agricultural labor 10 – Office worker 14 – Self-employed/own business
3 – Fisherman 7 – Civil servant 11 – Sales worker 15 – Others (specify) pension
4 – Housewife/housekeeper 8 – Teacher 12 – Not in labor force/retired

Sources of Family Income

Source of income
Unit/ period
Farming 30k monthly

Code for source of family income: Code for

1 – Salary/wage labor/honorarium 8 – Income from the farm (specify crop/produced) 1 – In a
2 – Pension, retirement, & other similar benefits 9 – Income from the sale of fish/aquaculture products 2 – In a
3 – Social benefits (4P’s, Senior Citizen, etc.) 10 – Rental income 3 – In a
4 – Self‐employment (Business, Sari-sari store, etc.) 11 – Savings, interest or other investment income
5 – Remittance from abroad 12 – Revenue from sales of assets
6 – Remittance from local/domestic sources 13 – Lottery/gambling winnings
7 – Off-farm income) 14 – Other income, specify
10 – Rental income (income from land rental, income from rental of building unit (apartment, house, store, etc.) income from vehicle rental
(car, motorcycle, etc.)
12 – Revenue from sales of assets (Income from real estate sales, income from household non-agricultural asset sales, income from
household agricultural/fishing asset sales, etc.)

10 k – monthly expense

12 k- monthly income

Zamora farm

Location; sto. Buccal balibago, Torrijos

5 workers (part time; 2ha; turmeric ginger;

Land Use and Agricultural Production


Parcel Area Topography Tenurial Status Cropping Climate Water Water

cultivated system Resilient source availability
(ha) Agriculture
1 2.0 Sloping Fully owned intercropping Municipal good

Topography Cropping system CRA Practices Water source

1 - Flat/plain 1 - Monocropping 1 - Protected cultivation 1 - Municipal water

2 - Sloping 2 - Multiple cropping 2 - Organic farming 2 - Ground water (well, etc)

3 - Hilly/rolling 3 - Intercropping 3 - Crop rotation 3 - Surface (ponds,

streams, rivers, lake, etc

4 - Mountainous 4 - Alternate cropping 4 - Crop diversification 4 - Rainwater collection/

small water impounding

5 - Other (s), specify __________ 5 - Agroforestry 5 - Alley cropping/ contour farming 5 - Rainfed

Tenurial Status 6 - Cover cropping Water Availability

1 - Fully-owned 5 - Owner-like possession other than CLT/CLOA 7 - Zero tillage 1 - Poor
2 – Tenant 6 - Others (specify) 8 - Use of climate-resilient 2 – Average
3 – Rented varieties (early maturing, 3 - Good
4 - Held under Certificate of Land Transfer (CLT)/ drought-tolerant, etc)
Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) 9 - Mulching

Personal profile

Children- 5 (4 female 1 male)

1.Rochelle- ( Education Grad; 40 years old; call center; laguna; live-in/4 children)

2.Ronalyn- (College grad; 39 years old; laguna; live-in w/ 1 children; unemployed)

3.Mark Anthony- (High school graduate; Muntinlupa; online company; live-in; w/ 1 children)

4.Laarni- (High School Graduate; 36 years old; Single; living w/ mom)

5.Roselyn- ( Education graduate; Public school teacher high school; Marinduque; w/ 1 child ; single mom

Home; at home Adelaida; laarni; 11 years old na alaga.

Farm Management

1. How do you manage the following cultural practices? (Please check)

Nature of Activity
Cultural Practices
Human Animal Machine
Land Preparation
Preparation of planting
Hauling of Planting
Fertilizer application
Pesticide application
Hauling farm product to
the market
Others (weeding,
clearing, irrigation, etc.)

2. Do you apply fertilizer in your field? _Yes __No

If yes, what kind of fertilizer materials do you use?

________inorganic; _________organic; ______ others (specify) _________________

If inorganic is used, how many bags per hectare do you apply of the following:
_________________ 14-14-14 (complete fertilizer)
_________________45-0-0 (urea)
_________________ 20-0-0 (ammonium sulfate)
_________________ 16-20-0 (ammonium phosphate)
_________________ Others (specify) __________________________

If organic is used, how many bags per hectare do you apply of the following:
_________________ chicken dung
_________________ cow manure
_________________ compost
_________________ swine manure
_________________ mudpress
_________________ vermicast
_________________ others (specify) __________________________

If no, what are your reasons of not applying?

_________________ don’t know how to apply
_________________ not available
_________________ prohibited cost of inputs
_________________ no knowledge about it
_________________ laborious and time consuming
__________ Others (specify)
3. How much is the price per bag of each fertilizer material?

For inorganic fertilizer used;

_________________ 14-14-14 (complete fertilizer)
_________________45-0-0 (urea)
_________________ 20-0-0 (ammonium sulfate)
_________________ 16-20-0 (ammonium phosphate)
_________________ Others (specify) __________________________

For organic fertilizer used;

_________________ chicken dung
_________________ cow manure
_________________ compost
_________________ swine manure
_________________ mudpress
_________________ vermicast
_________________ others (specify) _________________________________

4. How many times do you apply fertilizer? _____________________________________

5. When do you apply fertilizer? _____________________________________________

6. How do you control pests and diseases? Do you use pesticides? _____ Yes _____ No

If yes, please specify (insecticide, herbicide, etc.) _______________________________

7. Have you limed the soil? _____ Yes ____ No

If yes, when was the last time? ______________________________________________

8. Was the land been planted for other crops aside from turmeric? ___Yes __ No

If yes, specify what crop/scoconut

9. When did you start growing turmeric? 8 years ago 2014

10. Soil-related Problems (Please check)

No Problem Tolerable Serious Very Serious

Soil Fertility

Flood ✓

Water Shortage ✓

Pests and Diseases ✓

Weed ✓

Low Yield

Others (Specify)

Pest; uok (coconut) in decline through the years due to the soil condition.
Direction Distance Dominant mode of Dominant type of
transportation road
Farm to nearest road 3km Walk
Farm to residence 2850m walk
Farm to output market 3km Riding animals
Residence to output market
Farm to inputs supply
Residence to inputs supply
Code for mode of transportation Code to type of road
1 – Walk 5 – Motorized vehicle 3-wheeled 1 – Dirt road
2 – Riding animals 6 – Motorized vehicle 4-wheeled or bigger 2 – Gravel/All-weather
3 – Bicycle 7 – Other, (Specify) 3 – Asphalt
4 – Motorized vehicle 2-wheeled 4 – Concrete
5 – Other (specify)


-Weeding(sobrang dami)

-operating expenses

AGREA– 7k/monthly coconut growing

Land Preparation;

Per day Per Pax No of days Total

Clearing 350 2 5 ₱3,500.00

Plowing 500 1 10 ₱10,000.00

Furrowing 350 3 5 ₱5,250.00

Planting 350 3 4 ₱4,200.00

Weeding 350 2 10 ₱7,000.00

Harvest 350 3 10 ₱10,500.00

Bedding/plot 350 4 3 ₱4,200.00

Total ₱44,650.00

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