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Assalamualaikum and a very good moming to our honorable lecturer and

my fellow friends. My name is Mohamad iskandar bin mohd Jumdanan number

matix 287073. Today on this great day, I would like to present a public speech

about "cyber bullying in Malaysia" also know as online bullying. it is

undeniable that technology an important role as a communication tool between

individual. But also technology bring negetif impact on our social life such as

abuse the internet as a tool for bullying and sexual harassment. Bullying is a

social problem that continues to hound Malaysia's teenager. Nevertheless, as the

number of social media users have increased over the years, Cyberbullying is

more rampant now as it can be carried out anonymously without the bullies

having to face any real consequences due to to the unknown identity. This could

drive victims into depression, anxiety and even to suicide. Back in may 2021, a


20- years old woman was believed to have committed suicide after a tiktok video

of her and a colleague became the subject of ridicule on social media. This show

us that its need to be taken seriously as it does have a lot of dangerous effects


the victim. The so-called keyboard worrior or tentera bawang in Malaysia are

very aggressive on the keyboard to convey argument, objections and opinion be

setting aside rationality and manners, which clearly had bad implication.

one of the source of the problem is dissatisfaction with certain individual.

Usually these cyber bullies are not satisfied with the appearance, luxury and

behaviour of the victim. This causes them to bully victims in cyberspace

through social media. They dare to do so because their identities are dificult to

know coupled with the borderless capabilities of the internet. These cyber

bullies will use vitriol word that are intended to to hurt the victim as well as give

emotional and mental abuse to the victim.

Furthermore, lack of parental monitoring of childrens's internet use is

also a cause of cyber bullying. Parents are so busy with their work to find

worldly possession that they forget to pay attention to their children, especially

in the use of the internet. Therefore, children are free to do things they should

not do on the internet such as cyber bullying. Children are also increasingly

daring to commit cyberbullying because they know that no one is going to scold

hem. This cause their children to constantly commit cyberbullying,

In addition, bullies are less educated and lack of religious knowledge

among themselves. For examples, they insult people with obscene words,

distribute inappropriate pictures, disgraces someone and cursing. Such acts are

very shamefull and strictly forbidden in every religious.

There are many negetif mpact and effect of cyber bullies that we can see

in our society, nation and country nowadays, one of the impact is is degrading the

dignity of a person and family member of the victim to the society. Cyber

bullies will commit acts that can degrade and embrass a person. For example, a


cyber bully will use someone's social media account such as facebook and

twitter to spread inappropriate pictures or video and pornographic contents on

this social media platforms. This can cause the victim to be looked down by his

peers for misbehaving. Beside that, the victim's social media account will be

attacked by other's intemet user with critism and curse that can be ambarassing

for the victim.

On the other hand, cyber bullying can cause the name of of country to be


tarnishend. Malaysia is know well for politeness and its courtesy. However,

Malaysia is ranked 6" out of 28 countries in cyberbullying globally in

2018behind india that was ranked first. Even among asean country, Malaysia

was in the second placed with the most number of cyber bullying cases. The

result of the studies are clearly embarrassing and tarnishing the country's

reputation and cannot be denied.

There are several ways to tackle cyber bullying from spreading among
our society even more. Firstly the victim should report this case of cyber

bullying to the authorities. This is because, authorities can take legal action


against the bullies thus permanently deleting their accounts for misuse offense

on social media. In Malaysia we can repott the internet-related abuse to cyber

999 via online or phone call. Moreover, report of cyberbullying also can be

made to the Malaysian communication and multimedia commission, mercy

Malaysia and befriender.

Last but not least, the Malaysia government should conduct awareness

campaigns on the cyberbullying among our society. This campaign intended to

raise social media user on the awareness and emphasize proper intemet ethics

such as respecting others privacy on social media.

In conclusion, cyber bullying is dangerous, it may lead to some

unfortunate psychological consequences for victim. Children and teens who


were bullied have higher suicide rate. Thefore, it is crucial that younfg people


are protected from the dangerous of online bullying at all cost.

That's all 1 want to share today, thank you for listening,

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