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MBA 523 International Marketing

Semester: Spring 2020 (S20N70)

ASSIGNMENT 1: Student Lead Presentation (20%)
The Market Situational Analysis of Canada’s Inniskillin Ice Wine in Market Destination

Founded in 1974 in The Niagara Peninsula area, Ontario, “Inniskillin” has become a very well-known
brand as Canadian ice wine to many wine lovers. Today, the product is sold in over 74 countries around
the world. The company is planning to investigate the current market situation of ice wine markets in
Asia and the possible impacts of market environmental forces in those Asian countries on “Inniskillin Ice
Wine” where the product brand already exists.

Suppose that your marketing team are working for Inniskillin Wines in Canada. Your team will be
assigned one specific country/market in Asia (as market destination) to study and work on in this
assignment. Your team must prepare an insightful analysis of the current market situation of ice wines
in the market destination, and analyze the possible impacts of relevant market environmental forces on
“Inniskillin Ice Wine” in that country.

The purpose of this assignment is to develop an understanding of how the relevant market
environmental forces which are uncontrollable to the company can critically influence “Inniskillin Ice
Wine” in foreign markets. One of the keys to success in international market is to be able to describe,
analyze, and understand the current market situation and the possible impacts of specific uncontrollable
market environmental forces on the product in market destination. These external forces in the foreign
markets must be critical and directly impact on the marketing mix elements of the product in the study.

Marketing Mix Elements:

(Critical) External Market  Product
Environmental Forces in “Inniskillin Ice Wine”  Price
market destination (in market destination)  Promotion
 Distribution

 Form a team of 4-5 students (preferably from different countries) to prepare a group
presentation in class. Submit a list of your team members to the instructor by email no later
than midnight, Monday, January 13, 2020.

 Each team will work on one specific country in Asia as a market destination assigned by the
instructor in class. Your work consists of reviewing the current market situation of ice wine and
analyzing the influences of how relevant market environmental forces in the market destination
can critically impact/influence upon “Inniskillin Ice Wine.” **Note that only crucial market
environmental forces relevant to marketing elements must be included and specified clearly in
your analysis work**

Explain, elaborate, and share the major relevant concerns and provide recommendations if
possible. The analysis must reflect your own critical thinking and thoughts. Do not copy or
fabricate the ideas/thoughts from the original sources/references.

 Use only the Summary Report Template provided to develop a summary report for submission,
in approximately 1,500-2,000 words in length of the report body. Follow the Guidelines and
Instructions on the report template closely. The Summary Report must consist of at least 10 of
academic references or more, and provide a conclusive outcome of your analysis, which clearly
reflect your presentation topic, description and structure, together with a list of referencing
sources adopted in this work. Submit the Summary Report in person to the instructor on
Wednesday, February 5, 2020, from 3:30-4:00 p.m., at R474/B250.
 Prepare a seminar and in-class presentation for 25-minutes per team on the presentation date,
February 7, 2020.
Each team member must attend the presentations and participate in doing and presenting this
work. Students in the same team will receive the same grade for this assignment** based on
the overall team performance in the presentation and the summary report.
**Note that: Grades will be delivered separately to those who do not participate in teamwork
and/or if there is a team conflict or any academic misconduct which may occur**

The evaluation of this assignment (total 60 points, or 20% total assessment) will be based upon:
 Achievement of the overall assignment’s objectives and expectations (10 points)
 Market situational analysis of ice wine market in the market destination (10 points)
 Analysis of critical market environmental forces affecting Inniskillin Ice Wine (10 points)
 Discussion and recommendations to cope with market environmental factors (10 points)
 Academic writing of Summary Report (academic writing, referencing, etc.) (10 points)
 Group presentation and participation (10 points)

Dates of Submission**
List of team members: before midnight, Monday, January 13, 2020
(Submitted by email)

Summary Report Submission Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 3:30 to 4:00 p.m., at R474/B250
(Submitted in person by team)

Timetabling of presentations: To be announced in class

Presentation date: Friday, February 7, 2020, (in class).
**All students are required to attend on the presentation date, Friday, October 4, 2019. Otherwise, there will be no
grade granted for this assignment**
**All assigned work must meet the deadline. There are absolutely no extensions unless approved by the instructor
prior to the due, schedule or given date. Late submission is not acceptable**

Important: Academic Misconduct

 Plagiarizing, fabricating or modifying the original work of another person from previous
 Using unauthorized or inappropriate sources of information.
 Assignments must be free of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Grades will be lower
for assignments containing such errors.
 If plagiarism is found in a group report and can be attributed to individual students, only those
students are penalized. If the plagiarism cannot be attributed to “individuals”, the entire group
will be penalized. It is strongly advised that all the group members read the entire report to
ensure that no plagiarism is present before the submission of the work.
 Ensure you understanding of Academic Integrity and Misconduct. More details on this are set
out in the Student Conduct Policy section of the online calendar.

Important note on team work

An unfortunate potential problem that may arise in your teams is that a member(s) may be unwilling to
successfully cooperate with “the team” or, in other words, make little or no contribution to team
performance and outcomes. In such a case, please notify the instructor immediately. The instructor’s
objective here is to avoid giving course credit to students who do little or nothing in their team work.

(Posted on D2L – Tuesday, January 14, 2020)

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